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Hello, I hope you're doing well.

I was hoping we could talk about the projects we have and the upcoming ones. I am
looking for front and backend developers with impressive skills and abilities to
build tools, software, websites, or even Automated Social media "Bots".

Recently we're looking for the smartest developer out there, who's going to build a
Tinder Bot that includes a "Facial recognition system" (I can provide more details
on that).

We're also looking for someone who's able to develop a Reddit Bot with certain
features that we will talk about it and, finally, but not least, we need Instagram
Scraper Bot.

These projects are private, for educational and teaching purposes only. This is a
long-term business relationship.

I will be very grateful to have you on board

Be well.


Excellent decision! Add me on.

Skype: live:.cid.af0c97f0e7601a36

Talk to you soon, and thanks again.

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