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Impact of Motivation on the Productivity of Craftsmen in Construction

Each country's economic development depends heavily on the construction industry, which contributes
considerably to GDP and employs a sizeable portion of the labor force. As employee efficiency is
frequently used to gauge production, it is crucial that the staff is motivated. Research focuses on aspects
that can aid in attaining productivity improvement or approaches to increase productivity. In the
construction business, productivity reduction has been extensively reported, and the reason for the low
GDP is the time and cost overruns on the majority of completed projects. In this study, the effect of
motivation on Nigerian craftsmen's production is investigated.

Eight categories were identified by Shashank et al. (2014) as contributing to variance in labor
productivity: personnel, environmental, material/equipment, motivation, safety, management, and
quality. They concluded that, among these eight groups, the motivation group had the most influence
on labor variation in boosting productivity, and they suggested that managers prioritize employee
wellbeing through incentive programs. Organizational, economic, physical and socio-psychological, and
motivational elements were divided into four categories by Kazaz et al. (2008). According to their
research, the motivating component comes in second place after the organizational aspect.

The goal of this study is to pinpoint the motivational elements that affect the output of building artisans
in Lagos, Nigeria. likewise ascertain the connection between craftsmen's production and motivation in
Lagos, Nigerian building enterprises.

Motivation is characterized as a person's inner drive, which determines the intensity, direction, and
devotion of their efforts at work. Hogget and Kurako (1991) and Machiavelli (1512) both promoted the
idea that managers should make an effort to guarantee that the workforce is unified by rewarding
friends and followers. Classical ideas like hedonism, instinct, behaviorism, and reinforcement were
founded on a person's innate propensity to start acting in a particular way. Modern motivation theory
was developed as a result of industrialists' concerns about how to boost production, employees'
efficiency, and maximize profit. Modern motivation theory was able to demonstrate the significance of
reward to productivity enhancement and that conduct is a consequence of need or want. Older theory
was discarded since it cannot be empirically proven.

The Taylor study improved employees' compensation and performance, but it did not continue long
since industrialists wanted to treat their workforce like slaves. As a result, unions were created to
oppose the shift. The human relations movement promoted the idea that low morale and subpar
production among employees are caused by treating people like machines and using money as a
motivator. This is why a shift in strategy is necessary. This study received harsh criticism for failing to
specify the type of supervision, failing to take environmental elements into account, refusing to
recognize the conflict of interest between employees and managers, and failing to connect the gap
between employee needs and organizational objectives. Contemporary theories of motivation, which
were divided into content and process theories in response to identified weaknesses in this human
relations approach, were developed.
Maslow, Herzberg, and McClelland have made significant contributions to content theory. Herzberg
highlighted a few elements including a shorter workday, pay raise, bonus, training, communication, job
engagement, and job satisfaction that may inspire employees and boost productivity.

The variables utilized for this study are the most crucial information in this article. These elements
include employment stability, advancement, job happiness, and the recognition of one's efforts.
Productivity is crucial to the economic growth of any country since it serves as a barometer for both the
wealth and welfare of its citizens. Three productivity metrics were found by PWC (2013): labor, capital,
and multifactor productivity. The ratio of total construction output to labor input is known as labor
productivity, whereas capital productivity measures how effectively money is used to produce products
and services.

The effectiveness with which labor is used in construction activity and the efficiency with which labor
completes a given job in a given amount of time are two indicators of labor productivity that Dozzi and
Abou Rizk (1993) discovered. This is crucial because contractors submit quotes based on the amount of
work to be done.

The following techniques are acceptable for gauging the efficiency and output of a work crew:

1. Five-Minute Rating

2. Work sampling

3. Field rating

Research Techniques

• This study used two sets of data that were gathered.

• The first involved asking artisans at big and medium-sized construction enterprises in Lagos, Nigeria,
by questionnaire.

• Students were asked to rank motivating elements on a Likert scale of 1 to 5, with 1 denoting very low,
2 denoting low, 3 denoting medium, 4 denoting high, and 5 denoting extremely high.

• The five-minute field rating approach was used to gauge their production level.

• A total of 272 observations were made, with 17 observations being taken at each of the sixteen sites

• The classification of businesses was done in accordance with Inuwa's (2014) finding that large-sized
construction enterprises have the potential.

The average productive hour and the mean level of motivation among craftspeople were then
associated using the Spearman ranked correlation coefficient at each of the survey sites.

The connection between motivation and production was determined using this.

The most crucial information in this essay is that financial incentives come in second place to worker
safety as a motivation. The fifth most important motivator is authority approval, and productivity and
motivation are related in that one affects the other. According to Locke's study, financial rewards
enhance productivity by 30%, and construction companies in Nigeria should use motivational strategies
that would have an influence on productivity. Because artisans don't take overtime, it is the least
effective motivation.

This study investigates the effect of motivation on the output of construction workers in Lagos, Nigeria.
It has been shown that employee motivation affects production, and financial incentives for artisans in
the sector should be taken into consideration.

Vindula Ranawaka M19970508007

Kethmina Mahesha M19980625001

Lasitha Menuka M19980213004

N.C Lakmal M19970430003

Nandika Gayashan M19970812007

Dulminidu Lakshitha M19990802002

Haritha Abeysekara M19990306003

Malith Daminda M19971104008

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