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Empire of the Ghouls

arkness grows beneath the crossroads of This campaign features overland travel through
Midgard. To the north vampire overlords rule many regions of Midgard – across the northern seas to
over the Blood Kingdom, sending the nobility Wolfheim, through the Southlands to Siwel, through
of the former empire of Krakova into exile. The the mysterious Shadow Roads, and into the very
dwarves of the Ironcrag cantons fortify their underworld itself to the Pure City of Vandekhul.
subterranean outposts while the free city of Zobeck Our heroes face dungeons deep, travel through the
becomes a powder keg of potential violence. Our wilds, interaction with all manner of folk both good
heroes soon travel the lands of Midgard dismantling a and evil, and plenty of sword-swinging combat all to
sinister plot of the dead that threatens the world. save the world of Midgard from the threat of undeath.

Truths of Midgard Character Creation Guidelines

The following knowledge is common among the For this campaign choose character options from the
characters and the people of Zobeck. Player’s Handbook, the Midgard Heroes Handbook, and
Tome of Heroes by Kobold Press. You may use the class
• City at the Heart of the World. The Free City of options and attribute allocation rules from Tasha’s
Zobeck stands at a great crossroads, south of the Guide to Everything but not its subclasses or spells.
vampire- filled Blood Kingdom, east of the dwarvish Should any ability or combination from these sources
cantons, north of the chivalrous Magdar Kingdom, prove disruptive to the game, the DM and player will
and west of the ancient Margreve Forest. It is a city work together to find a solution.
where adventurers, merchants, and scoundrels from Characters begin at 1st level. Calculate attribute
all nations intermingle and a place where wondrous scores using either the standard array or point buy
inventions of steam and brass are forged. systems. Because we’re using material not in D&D
• Within the Last Century. The citizens of Zobeck Beyond, I recommend using paper-based character
overthrew House Stross, rulers of the city for 600 sheets like it’s 1978. The optional feat and multiclass
years, and Zobeck became a free city, governed by a rules are allowed for this campaign.
mayor and 11 consuls.
• Ley Lines and Shadow Roads. Midgard is alive with
magic running in great, invisible rivers. Centuries
“Pause for a Minute”
ago, the elves used these rivers, known as ley lines, During this campaign, at any time, a player or the DM
to create fey roads across their vast empire. After can say “pause for a minute” to stop the current
the elves’ retreat, most of these magical roads fell conversation, break character, and address the
into disrepair. They are now known as the situation. This can be used for anything from “I really
dangerous and unstable shadow roads. don’t like this thing in the game” to “I don’t understand
• Rise of the Blood Kingdom. The vampires who rule why we’re in this dungeon”. Use it freely to clarify the
Morgau and Doresh, known collectively as the Blood direction of the game and address any concerns.
Kingdom, joined forces with the ghouls who live
underground to conquer the Electoral Kingdom of
Krakova, which sits a few hundred miles north of
Content, Lines, and Veils
Zobeck. The surviving members of the royal family This campaign contains the following subject matter:
went into hiding, and the common folk now suffer undead eating folk, unholy rituals, sacrifice, entire
under undead rule in the new province of Krakovar. societies of terrible people, kidnapping, ghouls, gore,
• Rising Tension in Zobeck. The dangers external to blood, murder, more ghouls, physical restraint, rats,
Zobeck create rising tensions in the Free City where insects, even more ghouls.
normally friendly citizens seek scapegoats for the This campaign contains the following material
dangers lurking outside the walls. veiled off screen and only conducted by villains:
torture, slavery, racism, bondage, discipline,
Your Character in Midgard consensual sadomasochism, and drug use.
This campaign will not have any of the following:
Your characters, either native to Zobeck or travelers non-consensual sexual contact or harassment, player-
from distant lands, bond together with the common initiated torture, player-initiated racism, violence
purpose to help the people of Zobeck and the world of towards animals, violence towards children, misogyny,
Midgard overcome the threats surrounding and below transphobia, homophobia.
the land.

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