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The philosophical paradigm closely aligned with my worldview is positivism.

Positivism focuses on applying the scientific method to understand
phenomena(Marsonet,2019). This means a hypothesis is proposed, and experiments are
applied to reject or confirm the same. In addition, reality exists beyond the mind's
imagination, making it possible to study as an independent thing. There are rules and norms
that guide the interactions between humans. This is often applied in understanding reality. A
set of general laws, such as newtons laws of motion, describes how phenomena function in
the world. Objectivity is the driving force toward the generation of new knowledge. Rational
and empirical knowledge should be devoid of bias stemming from the beliefs and values of
the researcher. The positivists contend if something is factual it can be proven and as such the
reality has to be the same for everyone. For example the height of a person is supposed to be
same irrespective of who measured. The use of measurements and observations reveals
reality. Four main characteristics are attributed to positivism. The first is phenomenalism.
Knowledge can only be considered genuine if it can be confirmed by science. The second is
deductivism. Hypothesis are generated from theories which can be tested with provable laws.
The third is objectivity. Science must no be driven with a value driven motive. It should be
free. The fourth is inductivism. Facts are the basis of knowledge and these are used to
formulate laws. Positivism is grounded in foundationalism. This means that true knowledge
cannot be wrong because experiments are performed to prove its reliability and validity.
Secondly knowledge is grounded in rationalism. This indicates that knowledge was initially
gained through the five senses.
As a researcher, my primary focus is to try and understand phenomena. Numerous laws
govern how we live, and as a researcher, my role is to use this existing law to generate new
information. Before you began studying a phenomena you must have preconceived ideas
about the same. To understand the issue you must began by evaluating the existing literature
about the issue. This is followed by writing a hypothesis. After collecting and analyzing the
data you can decide whether to accept or reject the hypothesis.
Research philosophy is a framework that guides the research process based on a
particular view of reality and existing knowledge(Harris et al.,2019). The research
methodology is created based on the research philosophy. For example, suppose the selected
research philosophy is positivism. In that case, the research methodology will involve
designing data collection and analysis tools and making relevant conclusions to confirm or
reject the hypothesis.
The Christian worldview asserts that God is the supreme being and is omniscient and
omnipotent(Moreland & Craig,2017). The Bible is the primary source of knowledge in terms
of morality. In 2 Peter 1:5 God requires moral excellence in all our actions.God has granted
the power to man to subdue the earth. This means that man has God's authority to explore the
earth and understand different phenomena. This is consistent with positivism because the
scientific method is applied to understand phenomena created by God. Moreover God is
perfect and everything he has created is consistent with this attributed and as such any new
information gathered consisted with the God’s word cannot be false.
Harris, D. E., Holyfield, L., Jones, L., Ellis, R., & Neal, J. (2019). Research methods.
In Spiritually and Developmentally Mature Leadership (pp. 57–65). Springer, Cham.

Marsonet, M. (2019). Philosophy and logical positivism. Academicus. International Scientific

Journal, 19.
Moreland, J. P., & Craig, W. L. (2017). Philosophical foundations for a Christian worldview.
InterVarsity Press.

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