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Pan is the most mysterious and pastoral God from Arcadian. Pan God's origins stretch back before those
of the Olympian Divinity whose area or place of kingship did not cleared. He is the pastoral (he was
believed to dwell in the mountains and forests of Greece and was considered the patron off shepherds),
goat footed god of nature, fertility, and spring as well as a figure of delication. Pan mane memes
"everything" or "everywhere". It is the origin of the word panic. Pan is also the Hindu goddesses of
knowledge, and Saraswati as well. "The Great Pan is dead" Christian took this episode to be
simultaneous with the death of the Christ.

A cast out who was founder of the Arab people. Seen as a symbol of "old christianity." Son of Abraham,
who was born by Sarah's handmaiden Hagar. Sarah, Abraham's wife, bore a son named Issac. God said
that he would establish the covenant made with Abraham through Issac, but that Ishmael was still
blessed. On the day celebrating the feast of Issac's weaning, Ishmael was seen mocking Issac. Sarah
wished that Ishmael and Hagar be exiled, and Abraham did so reluctantly, but God kept his promise and
did not allow Ishmael and Hagar to die when they ran out of food and water

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