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Name : Agung Muhaemin

Nim : C2283207032

For the type of music that I like, maybe I prefer random music. but out of all that I
mostly listen to Lo-fi Hip-hop music. This is a type of music that combines Hip-hop and
Jazz which is then modified into simple music, so it's easy to remember and hear. Lo-Fi
music is often accompanied by sound effects such as raindrops, insect noises, and other
natural sounds.
Lo-fi music has actually been around since before 1990, with the term "Low-fi" or
low equality. That is, the sound quality of Lo-fi music is lower than other music in
general. Lo-fi music has various uniqueness compared to other types of music. several
singers who use this music genre such as Powfu, Rex Orange Country, The Weeknd,
PXZVC, I c e c re am, Jordy Chandra, and many more.
Besides that there are several reasons why I like this music because the beat and
low musical notes are combined with Hip-hop which is not too fast, like modern songs
that keep up with the times. and the benefits of listening to this music also make us
calmer with the thump of a low-pitched sound and sometimes also like to be combined
with the sounds of nature. Lo-fi also consists of many versions that you can listen to
according to good conditions when you are sad, happy, upset, night, morning, and so on.

My refernsi
In google search

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