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A Critical Encyclopedia

Brian Regal

An Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC
Copyright 2009 by Brian Regal
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for
the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in
writing from the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Regal, Brian.
Pseudoscience : a critical encyclopedia / Brian Regal.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-313-35507-3 ( hardcopy : alk. paper) · ISBN 978-0-313-35508-0
(ebook) 1. Pseudoscience · Encyclopedias. I. Title.
Q172.5.P77R44 2009
001.9 · dc22 2009023703
13 12 11 10 09 1 2 3 4 5
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This book is printed on acid-free paper
Manufactured in the United States of America

List of Entries vii

Acknowledgments xi
Introduction xiii

The Encyclopedia 1

Bibliography 175
Index 185
About the Author 191

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List of Entries

2012, The Year Bigfoot

Acupuncture Blind Testing
Age of Enlightenment Cardiff Giant
Alchemy Chupacabra
Alien Abduction Cold Spots
Alien Autopsy Creation Science
Alternative Medicine Crop Circles
Ancient Astronaut Theory Cryptozoology
Animal Testing Crystal Healing
Anomalous Big Cats Crystal Skull
Anomalous Fossils Day-Age Theory
Anomalous Primates Debunkers
Aquatic Ape Theory Divination
Aryan Myth Dowsing
Astral Projection Easter Island
Astrology Ectoplasm
Atlantis Empiricism
Atomic Mutants Eugenics
Bacon, Sir Francis EVPs
Bermuda Triangle Face on Mars

viii | List of Entries

Fairy Pictures Monstrous Races

Falsification Moon Hoax of 1835
Flamel, Nicholas Moon Landing Hoax
Flat Earth Necronomicon, The
Fludd, Robert NoahÊs Ark
Forman, Simon Numerology
Fort, Charles Hoy Orang-Pendek
Forteana OVNI
Gap Theory Palmistry
Gay Repair Theory Paradigms
Geomancy Past Life Regression
Ghost Hunters PhilosopherÊs Stone
Ghost Hunting Phrenology
Hermes Trismegistus Piltdown Man
Heuvelmans, Bernard Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The
Hidden History Pseudohistory
Hollow Earth Red Mercury
Homeopathy Roswell Incident
Horse-Ripping Sasquatch See Bigfoot
Human-Alien Hybrids Satanic Abuse and Crime
Hydrick, James Alan Sea Monsters
Intelligent Design Second Sight
Irreducible Complexity Shape Shifting
Jersey Devil Spirit Mediums
Krantz, Grover Sanders Spirit Orbs
Lake Monsters Spoon Bending
Ley Lines Stigmata
Living Dinosaurs Stonehenge
Mackay, Charles Tesla, Nikola
Metaphysics Tunguska Event
Miracles and Miracle Cures Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
Modern Neanderthals Vampires
Mokele-Mbembe Vimana
Monstrous Births Von Däniken, Eric
List of Entries | ix

Voynich Manuscript Wyman, Alice

Water Memory Yeti
Wellcome, Henry Yogic Flight
Werewolves Zombie
Worlds in Collision
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I would like to thank Kevin Downing at ABC-CLIO for bringing this project to me.
Also thanks to Alexandra Bolusi, Jessica Rajs, Scott Heeney, Maria Gatto, Jillian
Martinez, and Timothy Hulme for their research help.

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A pocket full of mumbles, such are promises . . .

· Simon & Garfunkel, „ The Boxer‰ 1968

A book on pseudoscience, especially an encyclopedia, can be a tricky proposition. The

problem rests in the realm of definitions. Just what is pseudoscience? Is it cultural,
social, theological, political, or all of the above? What science is and what it is not is a
crucial question in the 21st century. Making uninformed choices or choices made based
upon faulty beliefs or dubious logic can have dire consequences. Choosing pseudo-
science over science can stifle the economy, confuse lawmakers, cause strife in our
schools, breed hatred, or simply kill us all so we better know what we are talking about
or at least have a way of discussing it.
The study of pseudoscience is a study in exclusivity. Many of the topics covered in
this book are researched, believed in, and promoted by small communities. They often
see themselves in opposition to mainstream science in a consciously held „us versus
them‰ mentality. Taking a confrontational position against an ill-defined opposing force
helps give the community a sense of cohesion and shared purpose, especially if the
practitioners are amateurs or if they are professional scientists whose work is not well
regarded by their colleagues. They see any and every rejection by the mainstream as
proof that the other side is out to get them and trying to squash their revolutionary ideas.
It allows them to claim an intellectual high ground by arguing that it is the amateurs who
are more scientific than the professionals because they are open to new ideas and are not
stultified by hierarchies and preconceived notions, the way they presume professionals
are. They are not completely off the mark, however. Researching anything too far, or in
some cases, even a little bit, beyond the norm can result in being labeled fringe science
or pseudoscience. Such a label is often used derogatorily to insult or make something
seem foolish. Sometimes these pursuits deserve such a label, and sometimes not.
A working definition of pseudoscience (from the Greek for false science) is that it
is any intellectual or technological pursuit that purports to use scientific methodology

xiv | Introduction

or philosophy to study or prove some temporal or physical reality, but which in fact
does not (for example, using a temperature gauge to check for the presence of ghosts).
Using a temperature gauge is an accepted technique to determine how warm or cold a
particular environment is. This is genuine science because years of experience, test-
ing, double checking, and experimentation have shown that mercury rises and lowers
uniformly in a tube depending upon the temperature around it.
Believers argue that ghostly spirits cause temperature changes when they appear. On
the face of it, this sounds like a logical way to look for a ghost, an almost foolproof
approach. If you think a ghost is nearby, test the air with a temperature gauge. If fluc-
tuations in temperature register, you have a good idea that a spirit is present. Practitio-
ners of pseudoscience rarely reject science, they just have their own unique ways of
employing it. Unfortunately, there is no accepted evidence that spirits or ghosts exist·
nor even a uniform definition of what a ghost is · so checking the temperature is an
empty exercise. However, there is as of yet no way of knowing if ghosts change the
temperature of their surroundings, even if they do exist, so while this procedure
seems very scientific and straightforward, using a temperature gauge to find ghosts
falls into the realm of pseudoscience. It should be noted, however, that someday in the
future it may be determined that ghosts do indeed exist and that they do effect the air
temperature around them; this would make the temperature gauge technique a legiti-
mate, and scientific, way of monitoring them. At that time, ghost hunting would no lon-
ger be considered a pseudoscientific exercise.
The world of pseudoscience does not often check itself. When a scientist or histo-
rian has an idea, she brings the idea to her community in the form of a peer review.
This can be a brutally humbling process. Others who specialize in the field are given a
chance to read and critique the scholarÊs ideas. This is a process designed to weed out
poorly constructed or argued ideas, to help scholars improve, and to help the author to
get a better sense of what she is doing and force a confrontation. Ideas that go through
this and survive · and certainly more fail than survive · will eventually be accepted
by the wider scientific community. This is what Thomas Kuhn called the „paradigm
model of science.‰ The community fights over concepts until they are satisfied that they
are logical and worth consideration. Pseudoscience enthusiasts take this standard op-
erating procedure and see it as stifling, retardant to new ideas, even sinister, especially if
their ideas are the ones that get rejected.
So, what is science? A working definition of science is that it is an intellectual exercise
in which knowledge about the workings of the universe is looked for. This is done ac-
cording to rules of inquiry. Empirical evidence must be gathered, quantitative analyses
completed, experiments performed to check a hypothesis, and questions constantly
asked and ways are looked for to show the idea is false. The idea of a scientific method
was first put forward by the British philosopher Francis Bacon (1561–1626). He argued
that techniques ought to be used to determine the laws of nature, rather than the hap-
hazard approach that had previously dominated scholarly work. Unsatisfied with me-
dieval scholasticismÊs reliance on past authorities, Bacon put forward suggestions for
methods for using only empirically and observationally based data · thus rejecting
past authorities · for determining the laws of nature.
Introduction | xv

While the story is far more complicated, and pure Baconian empiricism is rarely
used on its own in modern scientific practice, Bacon is often credited with helping to
inaugurate the modern scientific approach. A much later addition to how science is
approached came when Karl Popper (1902 –1994) added the notion of falsifiability to
the simplistic observational approach. Calling his overall philosophy critical „rational-
ism,‰ Popper argued that scientific theories could only be argued in the abstract and that
simple experimentation cannot always prove or disprove a theory. A theory, unlike the
popular understanding of the concept, is not a simple guess, rather it is a supposition
based upon a great deal of evidence that helps explain things and answer questions
about some broader field. The possibility to prove an idea wrong is what separates sci-
ence from non-science. If one argues that gravity is a force that tends to draw objects
toward the center of a mass, one can test that by letting go of an object. If it falls, you
can say there is evidence for gravity, if it does not, then perhaps gravity is not what
it is thought to be, or maybe the body is not massive enough to generate gravity. A
genuinely scientific idea, Popper claimed, could possibly be proven wrong while a pseu-
doscientific one could not: How does one disprove that space aliens have come to earth
and kidnapped humans for experimentation?
In the 1960s, Thomas Kuhn (1922 –1996) put forward the paradigm concept. He
argued that an intellectual community held basic ideas and theories about how things
worked, called paradigms. These ideas were the foundation of all knowledge of that
field of inquiry, and must be accepted by the community in order for progress to be made.
An example of a paradigm is a sun-centered solar system, or heliocentric cosmology.
That the earth orbits the sun is a basic piece of information that must be accepted in
order to understand how the solar system works. If you donÊt accept it, little about plan-
etary mechanics will make any sense. The same holds for evolution. Nothing about
biological function on earth makes sense unless you accept evolution, therefore evolu-
tion and a heliocentric view of the universe are considered paradigms. The tricky prob-
lem with science and pseudoscience is how to determine just where science ends and
pseudoscience begins. At the ends of the spectrum it is easy, it is in the middle ground
where this is more problematic.
The demarcation between science and pseudoscience is a topic of great import to
scientists, historians, and philosophers of science, and there is a considerable body of
scholarly literature on the topic that readers can easily access. Thomas Gieryn argues
that pseudoscience is an idea used by science in a symbiotic way to show where its
own edges and boundaries are. Where most academics who write on pseudoscience are
concerned with how to determine where the separation is, philosopher of science Paul
Feyerabend (1924 –1994) famously argued that there is no way to tell the difference
between science and pseudoscience. He claimed there were no stable sets of rules for
how science is done, and thus no boundaries could separate it from any other intel-
lectual endeavor. His anarchistic attitude drew many supporters and as many critics. In
Against Method (1975), he said that there was no one „scientific method‰ that all prac-
titioners of science follow, and claimed that most great intellectual advances were
made not due to formal steps but on account of ideas and procedures outside the nor-
mal techniques of scientific inquiry. Being forced to follow rigid rules was, he said,
xvi | Introduction

what kept creative thinking from happening, and creative thinking is what pushes sci-
ence forward. Some practitioners of pseudoscience have used this same logic, though
not as elegantly or logically, to support not following the rules of scientific and in-
tellectual inquiry.
Another philosopher of science, Paul Thagard, who thought one does need rules
and structures, used astrology as an example of what pseudoscience is in a 1978 paper.
He argued that there were criteria one could employ to determine what was or was not
pseudoscience. Astrology was pseudoscience, Thagard said, because those who practice
it do not attempt to develop or advance the theory (modern astrologers have adapted
computer modeling to the construction of charts, but the underlying theory has remained
static since at least the Middle Ages), they are not critical of their own work, show no
concern for attempts to evaluate the theory in relation to other disciplines such as as-
tronomy, and are often selective in what evidence they put forward to the wider com-
munity. He noted that astrologers also tend to gear their work toward resemblances
rather than established facts. In other words, if something looks right, it must be. This
is the old „if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck‰ argument.
Science rejects this because some things do look like ducks yet are not ducks. Robert
Weyant argues that just because something is science done incorrectly, it does not mean
it is pseudoscience, but it doesnÊt mean that it is science, either. There may be various
grades of non-science of which pseudoscience is only one. If an idea or belief has no
way of being tested, he argues, then it cannot be judged one way or another.
Science generally falls under the broader category of naturalism, sometimes called
materialism. While there are a number of definitions of naturalism /materialism in dif-
ferent fields of inquiry, there are two types of scientific naturalism. Methodological
naturalism attempts to explain how the universe works without any reference to meta-
physical or theological explanations. While methodological materialists might acknowl-
edge that supernatural elements could exist in the universe, they avoid using them in
any explanation of phenomena, arguing that science has no tools by which to prove or
disprove the metaphysical, therefore all scientific explanations have no choice but to
rely upon rational and natural evidence. Philosophical materialists not only avoid refer-
ence to the supernatural, they reject the notion that it even exists. They argue there is
nothing besides the material world, and that only material or natural explanations can
be used. The materialist worldview, as one can imagine, is roundly rejected by theo-
logians and some fans of the fantastic. The materialist approach accounts for why so
many individuals in the world of pseudoscience work so hard to bring scientific meth-
odologies to bear upon their problem. This is their saving grace, because if one wants
to prove that a perpetual motion machine is possible, one will have to build it; if a
person wants to prove he can communicate with the dead, this, too, must be reproduc-
ible in experiments over and over again and in the same way each time. The possibil-
ity that these ideas can be proven to be genuine drives much of the research covered
in this book. Lone believers and associated groups of believers, in their attempt to
prove the existence of Bigfoot or to show that space aliens visit our planet or that
people have had past life experiences, are out in the field right now trying new ma-
chines and new techniques. This is how pseudoscience can sometimes evolve into real
Introduction | xvii

This brings us back to Thomas Kuhn and paradigms. Kuhn argued that accepted
ideas were not written in stone; they can be overthrown in a paradigm shift. This only
happens, however, if an idea has an enormous amount of evidence backing it up, if it
answers questions the previous paradigm could not, and if the new idea has the support
of the majority of the community. As a result, paradigm shifts happen infrequently, but
they do happen. So, if a scientist wants to prove ghosts exist, she will need more than
creepy sounds recorded at night and orbs caught in photographs. When enough evi-
dence to support the existence is accepted, and when the existence of ghosts answer
other questions about the universe, then a paradigm shift may take place.
While pseudoscience is usually associated with untrained experimenters and re-
searchers, scientists themselves can sometimes fall into the pseudoscience trap. It has
been argued that some forms of commercial product testing on animals is pseudosci-
entific, as it does not really generate information useful to determining whether or not
those products adversely affect humans. Also, if a scientist accepts or refuses to accept
the possibility of something without properly examining the evidence, that too is pseu-
doscientific. Refusing to acknowledge an idea like global warming because it conflicts
with a political position or adversely affects a corporate employer would also be pseu-
doscience, as it is based on something other than empirical evidence. Science is sup-
posed to be about the cool and rational analysis of evidence. Whenever that is absent,
the exercise can be considered pseudoscience. This leads us to another conundrum.
This book is meant to get the reader thinking about what pseudoscience is and to
question whether the various topics included here are worthy of the name. While it
takes the form of an encyclopedia, this book is meant to be more than just a list of
explanations: It is an extended discussion of what pseudoscience is. While most of the
categories here are pseudoscientific, not all of them are, or at least they should be re-
thought. There is also a question about the term itself. Does the term „pseudoscience‰
help explain anything? Does it force us to reconsider the boundaries between what
is science and what is not? Are the lines drawn just where they should be, or do they
need to be realigned? Is the definition of pseudoscience itself pseudoscientific? These
are the questions this book is designed to prompt the reader to consider. Ironically, the
book also should not be taken as encyclopedic. The topics herein are not addressed as
a definitive compendium of dry names and dates, rather they are discussed with an
eye toward figuring out where they fall within the spectrum of what science is sup-
posed to be.
These questions are important because some of the topics covered in this book exist
in a twilight world where they could be classified as fringe science, the occult, religion,
conspiracy theory, or as something else. This is evidence of the porous condition that
can sometimes exist at the boundaries of ideas. Something thought of as on the fringe
today may be deep inside the mainstream tomorrow. The history of science is full of
examples of ideas or phenomena once thought to be pseudoscience but which are not
thought of as such now. Plate tectonics, the heliocentric model of the universe, quan-
tum mechanics, herbal medicine, even evolution and electricity were once thought dubi-
ous concepts with little or no rational evidence to support them. Conversely, ideas like
racial theory and phrenology, medical practices like lobotomies, bleeding, and electro-
shock therapy, all once thought to be good science, are now considered pseudoscience.
xviii | Introduction

In the mid-20th century, smoking cigarettes was promoted as a healthy practice, as was
eating lots of red meat, two things we now know to be supremely unhealthy.
In addition to listing, explaining, and critiquing these topics, there are a number of
underlying issues here. Along with the conflict of science and pseudoscience, there is
the relationship between reason and belief, between science and religion, professional
scientists versus amateurs, the role of scientific authority and how science and history
are perceived by the public, and why it is so important to keep science, pseudoscience,
and religion apart. Do we actively reject any and all knowledge if it has a whiff of pseu-
doscience about it? Do we, like Paul Feyerabend argued, accept all ideas, no matter
how anarchistic they may seem, with an eye toward believing that all knowledge, even
false knowledge, has something to tell us? These are questions the reader must answer
for him- or herself.
To study pseudoscience, one must ask lots of questions. We cannot take phenomena
at face value. We must try to avoid preconceived notions about what we are looking
for (this may be the hardest part), and we must be able to prove our contentions in the
bright light of day. We must discard metaphysical notions and avoid falling back on
theological beliefs to explain things we cannot otherwise explain, and have to be ready
to be told that what we have done is not good enough yet and that we need to go back
and work harder. We must learn to think like scientists, and think of how this knowl-
edge and its uses affect society.
In 1940, as the Nazi juggernaut was conquering Europe and the Japanese EmpireÊs
military machine was rampaging across Asia, a group of scientists and theologians
met in New York for a conference on science, religion, and the state of the world. They
declared that they were in opposition to the irrational pseudoscientific belief systems
of the Nazis and Japanese. Race theory, conspiracy theory, and the perversion of and
inappropriate mingling of science and religion for twisted political ends was some-
thing that had to be opposed, they argued, or it would lead the world into totalitarian
subjugation or plunge it into oblivion. The reliance on pseudoscience and religious
fanaticism in Germany and Japan had „introduced intellectual confusion in their edu-
cational systems, in their literatures, and in organs of public opinion generally,‰ the
group argued. Reasonably thinking people of all groups had to combine their efforts to
keep it from happening at home. In the early 21st century, the threat has yet to subside;
we still need to keep our guard up. We still need to keep thinking. Having made this
dire connection, it is fair to mention that, while we should always be wary of outlandish
claims or discoveries meant to support political or religious ends, or which just seem
too fanciful to work, we should also be prepared not to always dismiss such claims out
of hand without an examination. Traveling down the dark road of the intellect along
tracks others avoid, in the rain against all advice from others, often leads to running into
a wall, a ditch, or over a cliffÊs edge to destruction. Occasionally, however, driving
down the dark, lonely road can lead to the bright light of new lands.

There is one subject heading in this book that I have fabricated entirely myself. I
will personally send a free, signed copy of this book to the first person to identify the
entry correctly and contact me directly with the answer.
Introduction | xix

Further Reading
Bacon, Francis. 2008. Francis Bacon: The major works. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Davis, Watson. 1940. Science, philosophy, religion find grounds for common front. Science News
Letter (September 21): 180 – 90.
Gieryn, Thomas F. 1983. Boundary-work and the demarcation of science from non-science: strains
and interests in professional ideologies of scientists. American Sociological Review 48:781– 95.
Kuhn, Thomas. 1962. The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Popper, Karl. 2001. All life is problem solving. New York: Routledge.
Thagard, Paul R. 1978. Why Astrology is Pseudoscience, Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science
Association, Volume One: Contributed Papers, 223–34.
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2012, THE YEAR writing, all have proven spurious and ill-
The belief that, according to an ancient
Mayan calendar, the world will end in
the year ad 2012. This interpretation of
a Mayan text has excited worldwide in- ACUPUNCTURE
terest and legions of Web sites and blog
discussions. New World archaeologists, Acupuncture (needle piercing) is a tradi-
anthropologists, and scholars in the field tional Chinese medical treatment that in-
of Mayan cultural studies and history say corporates the use of fine needles driven
that the growing excitement is misplaced into the skin to stimulate any of the 800
because it is based upon faulty but pop- specifically designated points on the body.
ular misreading and misinterpretations. This painless practice is meant to regu-
Mayan civilization broke time into blocks late energy flow, or „chi,‰ within the body.
of 394.5 years. Each time block is called Body function and immunity are said to
a bakÊtun. The latest bakÊtun will end in be increased with this method. Other ele-
2012. Mayan metaphorical language about ments of Chinese medicine, such as herb-
the ending of time has been interpreted in alism, massage, moxabustion, and diet
popular readings as meaning the world are incorporated into acupuncture treat-
will end. This reaction is similar to the near ments. Acupuncture can be used to treat an
hysteria generated over the year 2000, endless variety of illnesses and is said to
when doomsayers claimed the Christian have been used consistently for over 3,000
millennium or end of times would come years.
to pass on that date. There are many exam- The chi, or body energy, is said to af-
ples of predictions of the end of the world fect every level of the bodyÊs functions.
worldwide and across time. As of this The belief is that, with the proper flow of

2 | Age of Enlightenment

chi, the body will be adept at healing and that acupuncture is pseudoscience because
balancing itself. Disease and ill health are there is no way to conduct blind studies of
therefore said to be the products of blocked it and reports of its efficacy are unsub-
or stagnant chi that was unable to travel stantiated and inconsistent.
freely through the meridians of the body.
A well-trained acupuncturist will rec- See also: Alternative Medicine; Blind Testing.
ognize where the weakness or blockage Further Reading
within the meridian lies. The symptoms Hall, Harriet. 2008. „ What about acupuncture? ‰
are used as a clue to where the pattern of Skeptic 14 (3): 8 – 9.
disharmony originates, and needles are Xinnong, Cheng. 2005. Chinese acupuncture
then used to manipulate and correct the and moxibustion. Beijing: Foreign Languages
flow of energy. The invisible meridians Press.
run through every organ in the body, and
each point along a specific meridian can
be affected if there is disharmony at other
points. For example, because the teeth and AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT
the stomach are on the same meridian,
teething babies often suffer from diges- Also known simply as the Enlightenment,
tive disorders. Another practice also based this was a period of intellectual and philo-
on Chinese traditional medicine is acu- sophical growth beginning in 18th-century
pressure. Like acupuncture, acupressure Europe and spreading rapidly around the
is said to stimulate and smooth the flow Western world. As part of a complex
of the bodyÊs chi by using the pressure of movement that defied simple codifica-
the fingertips instead of needles. Massage tion, Enlightenment philosophers sought
is incorporated in this method to encour- to promote the primacy of reason and ra-
age the chiÊs flow through the bodyÊs en- tional thought over the prevailing belief
ergy channels. in the supernatural as an explanation for
Critics charge that acupuncture as it is everything. Some tended to reject past
practiced today does not have an ancient authorities for an emphasis on empiri-
pedigree. Earliest Western reports of the cally gathered data while others did not.
technique date from the 1680s, but do not Some Enlightenment philosophes were
describe the meridians or chi. Further, the antireligion, and several were outspoken
needles described in the earliest reports opponents of organized religion and its
were rather large and inserted into a wom- inherent hypocrisy, and against religion
anÊs womb. AcupunctureÊs first appear- as a concept itself, but not all. This pe-
ance in North America was in 1826, when riod is considered the birth of modern
it was used to revive drowning victims. materialist science. In addition to the re-
The Chinese government banned acu- configuring of the natural sciences, the
puncture in the mid-20th century, but it Enlightenment also stressed the primacy
was brought back under the Communists of individual rights over those of the state
as an example of acceptable, non-Western, and the tenets of democracy over monar-
non-decadent peopleÊs medicine ( MaoÊs chy. Political philosophers of this period
government was also responsible for coin- studied the nature of the relationship be-
ing the term „ Traditional Chinese Med- tween the individual and the state. In this
icine‰). Some Western doctors today argue way, the Enlightenment also saw the be-
Alchemy | 3

ginning of the concept of political science. definite article al, producing al-kimiya.
The framework of modern science and de- It is from this linguistic construction that
mocracy are based upon Enlightenment the modern English words alchemy and
ideals. Those who reorganized the British chemistry derive.
and French governments during the The practice of alchemy combined the
18th century were inspired by Enlighten- studies of metallurgy and chemical pro-
ment principles. The Founding Fathers of cesses through laboratory experimentation
the United States also borrowed heavily with the studies of medicine and disease
from the Enlightenment to forge a new na- and mysticism, religion, and philosophy.
tion. Indeed, the U.S. Constitution is an The most well-known aim of alchemy was
Enlightenment document, not, as some to find a technique through which the al-
claim, a biblically based one. The impact chemist could transmute base metals like
of the Enlightenment on modern science lead into gold. For some alchemists „the
and politics cannot be overestimated. The great work,‰ as they called it, was less
concepts and suppositions of the Enlight- about the prosaic transformation of mate-
enment are roundly disparaged by totali- rials than about a higher transformation
tarians, religious fundamentalists, political of oneÊs soul: to leave baser human foi-
conservatives, antiscience, anti-evolution, bles behind for spiritual enlightenment.
and intelligent design proponents. The vehicle by which either transmuta-
tion would occur was the production of
Further Reading
the PhilosopherÊs Stone. Small portions
Dupre, Louis. 2005. The enlightenment and the of this material added to lead were said to
intellectual foundations of modern culture.
change it into gold. Taken internally, the
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
PhilosopherÊs Stone would act as an elixir
Hill, Jonathan. 2004. Faith in the age of reason:
The enlightenment from Galileo to Kant.
of life. The transformative aspect of al-
Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. chemy was only one part of a larger intel-
lectual enterprise.
The primary hurdle in the study of the
history of alchemy is answering the ques-
ALCHEMY tions of just what was alchemy and what
are its murky origins? It seems to have
A protoscience that involved research into been practiced in numerous forms in dif-
the refining of salts, metals, paints, and ferent cultures and times around the world,
medicines as well as the transformation from the Middle East to China and India.
of common, lesser matter into rarer and One result is that there is no one explan-
more valuable forms. Though it reached ation· or panacea, to use an alchemical
its height of popularity in the late Medi- term · to cover the wide range of diver-
eval and Renaissance periods, the disci- sity of beliefs and objectives that fall un-
pline has been practiced in one form or der the category of alchemy. The common
another from the ancient world to the pres- popular view of alchemy, its practitio-
ent day. The word alchemy has its roots in ners, and place of practice is that of Re-
the Greek chemeia, itself a derivation of naissance Europe. This form was itself a
the word for smelting metals. When such combination of many ideas from many
practices entered the Islamic world in the different intellectual traditions, cultures,
early Middle Ages, it acquired the Arabic and religious contexts, all shoehorned into
4 | Alchemy

The Greek model of the four humors and elements were part of alchemical thinking and part of
medicine for over 1,500 years.

a Christian sensibility, but they were by elements concept. The Greeks visualized
no means a universal picture. the world around a diagram listing air, fire,
The practice of something akin to al- earth, and water as the four basic build-
chemy can be traced back to ancient Baby- ing blocks of the universe. They, in turn,
lon. Alchemy in its modern, recognizable were joined by the conditions of hot, dry,
form appeared first in the early Moslem cold, and wet. The entire universe, they
period. Following the fall of the Roman believed, was made up of combinations of
Empire (an event commonly seen as the these four elements and their correspond-
end of the ancient world), two great West- ing conditions. Islamic and later Chris-
ern cultural engines appeared· Christian- tian intellectuals embraced this notion as
ity and Islam ·which, in turn, joined with a simple and elegant way to view the work-
the preexisting Jewish world. For the ings of the cosmos. The logic behind this
most part, Christians rejected the learn- arrangement suggested that, if all matter
ing of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, was made of these four simple elements,
considering their pagan roots as antithet- it would be relatively easy to change one
ical to good religious practice. Islamic bit of matter into another by simply re-
scholars, however, had few such qualms. arranging the recipe by which they were
In fact, they embraced pagan science and combined. With that, the popular concept
technology as an aid to proper Islamic wor- of alchemy was born.
ship and ritual. The Greek mania for sim- Two of the most famous Islamic alche-
plifying the universe so it could be better mists were Al Jabir ibn Hayyan (722– 815)
understood led to the creation of the four and Al Razi (866 – 925). Jabir, known to
Alchemy | 5

his later Christian admirers as Geber, cre-

ated a number of alchemical apparatus·
such as the distillation flask, alembic, and
test tubes · that became standard equip-
ment in any alchemical laboratory, and
indeed any modern chemical laboratory.
He also helped introduce a more disci-
plined and methodological approach to
experimentation and careful laboratory
record keeping. The Greek and earlier
approach was haphazard and difficult to
follow. Despite his improved working tech-
nique, JabirÊs work was also allegorical
and couched in obscure symbolism. The
Equipment like this furnace and flask, pioneered
modern word „gibberish‰ is thought to by alchemists, is still in use by modern chemists.
come from his name. Following the Cru-
sades, alchemy spread into Christian lands
where it became a mania in Europe. a huge operational barrier. Practitioners
The golden age of alchemy was from devised a wide range of complex equip-
the late Medieval through Renaissance pe- ment to perform their work. They were pri-
riods of European history. Renaissance marily concerned with distillation, where
magi came to believe that the origina- liquids were changed to a vapor through
tor of alchemy was Hermes Trismigis- boiling and then returned to their liquid
tus (thrice great Hermes), a composite of state, and with the heating, melting, and
Greco-Roman deities. As a result, an en- cooling of metals and chemicals. The cen-
tire body of knowledge, not all of which tral apparatus in the alchemical labora-
was alchemical, was developed based tory was the furnace. Because different
upon the writings attributed to this char- metals melted at different temperatures,
acter and called the Hermetica. The first there were often several furnaces in the
alchemical book to reach Europe was a room so that multiple experiments could
translation by Englishman Robert of Ches- run simultaneously.
ter called The Book of the Composition of The most obvious impact of alchemy
Alchemy (1144). Alchemical books took was on the early foundation of chemistry,
on a distinctive appearance early. As many including metalworking, gunpowder pro-
were searching for crude ways to turn lead duction, dye making, ceramics, glass mak-
into gold, the alchemists were careful to ing, and the development of the alcohol
guard their work against prying eyes. industry. Most modern scientific chemi-
As a result, they wrote their books in in- cal processes can find their origins in al-
creasingly allegorical language and sym- chemical research. Alchemy also had a
bolism so that only other initiates could role in the growth of modern medicine and
read them. the pharmaceutical industry. During the
While the basic underlying idea of al- period when disciplines like chemistry
chemy is simple, the practical aspect of re- and medicine were entering their modern
working the recipes for matter in order to forms, most doctors practiced a level of al-
transmute them into other forms proved chemical research, and some still openly
6 | Alchemy

practiced astrology. Possibly the most in- alchemy, in a broad sense, was part of
fluential of these alchemist doctors was mainstream intellectual thought. It is per-
Paracelsus. suasively argued by historians that alche-
Born Philippus Bombastus Von Ho- mical research helped pave the way for
henheim (1493–1541), he took the name later understandings of the universe and
Paracelsus to give himself greater social was a pivotal intellectual part of the Sci-
significance. He was a Swiss physician- entific Revolution, which supposedly did
astrologer who was also heavily influenced away with superstitious belief for a so-
by alchemy. During his youth, he worked ciety based upon reason alone. All of
as a mining engineer studying rocks, min- early chemistry took its working method-
erals, and strata. Alchemical studies, com- ologies and underlying assumptions di-
bined with his practical knowledge of rectly from alchemy. Chemists eventually
geology, led him to pioneer the use of min- dropped the more superstitious and theo-
erals as cures for medical problems rather logical aspects of alchemy, but the core
than relying solely on astrological, reli- structure was retained. It can also be ar-
gious, and herbal remedies. He accepted gued that alchemists did not disappear,
that disease was something brought into they simply found better ways of earning
the body from outside. Paracelsus saw al- a living by turning to rational chemistry.
chemy not as a way to produce silver and Once dismissed by scientists and histori-
gold to make one rich, but as a means of ans alike as nothing more than a mildly
producing medicines to make one healthy. interesting pseudoscience indulged in by
His approach saw sickness in the alchem- persons of dubious integrity, the modern
ical tradition as a disharmony between the reappraisal of alchemy, and its resurrec-
individual·the microcosm·and the uni- tion as a worthwhile topic of historical
verse around them · the macrocosm. He study, came in the late 1970s with the pub-
argued the human body needed a proper lication of Belgian historian of science
balance of minerals in order to maintain a Robert HalleuxÊs Les Textes Alchemi-
proper balance of micro and macrocosm, que. He saw the work of some alchemists
thus good health. His work helped later as organized and experimental and thus
followers to overturn the Galenic medical forming the basis of modern experimen-
philosophy that had dominated the West tal science. This opened up alchemy as a
for centuries. topic serious scholars could and should
Alchemy was such an integral part of investigate. It was this growing body of
Medieval and Renaissance thinking that literature that helped overturn so many of
it inspired Isaac Newton to engage in it, the fantastical and preconceived notions
though secretly. Scholars are unsure just about alchemy.
what NewtonÊs purpose was in taking up A modern historiographic difficulty
alchemy, but it was clearly important to often encountered by those researching
him, as he wrote more on this subject than and writing about alchemy is its relation-
he did on the straightforward scientific ship to chemistry. The popular image of
topics such as gravity and optics for which the alchemist as a wizard-like character
he is best known. The work of Paracel- practicing a dark art in a crowded, glass
sus and Newton show that, far from being apparatus-filled hovel, attempting to
some strange, foreign practice performed change lead into gold is a misleading one
by cranks in the dark corners of society, that does not fit the historic facts. The ori-
Alien Abduction | 7

gins of chemistry have been linked to the Alchemists never succeeded in some of
history of alchemy in popular as well as their more popular if not common goals.
scholarly texts. The traditional view is that There is little more than anecdotal evi-
alchemy was a strange, irrational fringe dence that any alchemist ever produced
pursuit and that chemistry, as a logical pra- a PhilosopherÊs Stone or turned lead into
ctice, evolved out of it almost acciden- gold. Modern alchemists with all the
tally. This view has been repudiated by resources of modern laboratory technol-
the scholarship of Lawrence Principe and ogy·much of which originated with an-
William Newman. Their close reading and cient alchemists ·have yet to perform
analysis of original texts and primary this feat either. As to the other aim of al-
sources shows that there was no differen- chemy, the transmutation of oneÊs inner
tiation between alchemy and chemistry self into something higher and better, that
to the practitioners of the field prior to is a metaphysical outcome science can
about 1700. Principe and Newman sug- neither prove nor disprove. Alchemy is
gest using the term chymistry to label the thus an example of how something that is
interwoven nature of these two historical considered pseudoscience can eventually
pursuits. After the early part of the 16th become science and shows the sometimes
century, however, a division between the transitory nature of intellectual inquiry.
two practices did appear, with alchemy
Further Reading
veering off into the more spiritual and
metaphysical aspect of the endeavor ( in- Moran, Bruce T. 2005. Distilling knowledge: Al-
chemy, chemistry and the scientific revolution.
cluding the transmutation of metals) and
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
chemistry moving toward its modern form
Newman, William R. and Lawrence M. Principe.
as a non-metaphysical science of materials 1998. Alchemy vs. chemistry: The etymologi-
and atomic structure. As such, chymistry cal origins of a historiographic mistake, Early
was the foundation of the modern pharma- Science and Medicine 3 (1): 32 – 65.
ceutical and metallurgical industries and
contributed to modern laboratory tech-
niques of a number of sciences. The trans-
mutation aspect can even be seen as an ALIEN ABDUCTION
early step toward biological evolution
theory. Of all the topics discussed in this book,
While many Medieval and Renaissance the most disturbing may be the idea that
practitioners of alchemy were frauds, scam aliens from other worlds have been com-
artists, and sincere but self-deluded seek- ing to earth, kidnapping humans, and
ers of riches through the transformation of performing horrifying experiments upon
metals, a few were working consciously them for reasons even more repulsive. In
to turn the irrationality of mysticism into North America alone the numbers of peo-
a rational method of understanding the ple reputedly abducted reaches into the
universe. It was this part of the alchemi- millions. They have been taken from re-
cal community that laid the groundwork mote areas and urban settings alike. Men
for the discovery of fundamental ideas report having their semen extracted, while
about atomic theory, thermodynamics, the women report being impregnated to give
periodic table of the elements, and mod- birth to human/alien hybrids. If this is ac-
ern science in a wider context. tually happening, alien abduction poses
8 | Alien Abduction

the greatest threat to the human race in its pect. By the 1960s, particularly after the
entire history. Betty and Barney Hill case, contactees
When the UFO era began in the late became abductees. Gone were the days of
1940s, the discussion about them centered benevolent humanoids in silvery jump-
on what they were and where they come suits giving lucky humans joyrides in their
from. By the mid 1950s, that discussion saucers. Now truly „alien‰ creatures were
included what kind of occupants rode in snatching up helpless humans in order to
them. The first well-known claim of a perform unspeakable cruelties upon them
personal experience with aliens and their for sinister ends.
flying saucer was made by Polish immi- On September 19, 1961 married cou-
grant George Adamski (1891–1965), who ple Betty and Barney Hill were return-
claimed he had been taken aboard such a ing home from a vacation. As they drove
craft. Adamski was an eccentric amateur through the White Mountains of New
philosopher who studied Eastern mysti- Hampshire, in the United States, near the
cism and the occult and alternately referred town of Groveton, they noticed a strange
to himself as „Professor ‰ and „ Doctor.‰ light in the night sky and stopped to look
In 1952, he went into the Mojave Desert at it. When they arrived home they no-
of California with some friends to look for ticed that several hours of time seemed to
UFOs. To their great excitement, a disk ap- have vanished and they had no recollec-
peared and Adamski was invited aboard. tion of what had happened. A troubling
Inside he met the shipÊs captain, Orthon, and ill-defined sense of unease afflicted
who told him he was from Venus. The both of them for some weeks after. Betty
aliens were unusually attractive human- Hill had called the local Pease Air Force
oids who bestowed certain favors upon Base to report the incident and began
the bewildered but grateful earthling. In reading UFO literature, including works
Flying Saucers Have Landed (1953) and by Donald Keyhoe. They visited doctors
Inside the Flying Saucers (1955), Adamski for relief but found none. They eventu-
told of his wondrous adventures with the ally visited Boston psychiatrist Benjamin
aliens. It was an optimistic tale full of ga- Simon in 1963. With Simon, they tried
lactic bonhomie. His books are a mix of hypnotic regression to see if the miss-
fanciful make-believe, light philosophy, ing time could be found. For the next six
and euphoric delusion that, when taken months, while under hypnosis, the Hills
as a body, are rather endearing in their recounted a frightening story of being
naïveté. He eventually gathered a large fol- abducted by aliens who performed dis-
lowing of those eager to become „contact- turbing experiments on them. Barney
ees‰ and became a kind of guru. Adamski (1923 –1969) had a sperm sample taken,
has been alternately praised as a man who while Betty (1919 – 2004) reported hav-
changed the world for the better by his ing been pierced by a long needle in
contacts with aliens and denounced as a what seemed a pregnancy test. Though
misguided charlatan who made belief in Dr. Simon did not believe the Hills had
UFOs ridiculous, scaring off the scien- actually been kidnapped by aliens, he was
tific community that, if sufficiently inter- convinced the Hills believed they had
ested, could have solved the mystery. The been, and that something profoundly trou-
contactee movement, with its air of hope- bling had happened to them. They spent
ful possibility, soon took on a darker as- some time after this in therapy attempting
Alien Abduction | 9

to deal with the trauma. The Hills did not He began quietly investigating in the 1960s
publicize their encounter, but word of it and became so convinced the phenomena
did spread. Research into the case by jour- was genuine he even came to believe he
nalist John Fuller resulted in the book himself had been abducted. The most fa-
The Interrupted Journey (1966), which mous academic to investigate the phe-
brought the case to wide notoriety. nomenon was Harvard psychiatrist John
There are legions of similar abduc- Mack (1929–2004). He concluded that the
tion stories. They tend to contain similar vast majority of abductees were neither
elements of missing time, alien entities, deranged nor hoaxers, but sincere people
frightening experiments, and other de- who believed they had been kidnapped
tails. There is also a long tradition of non- by aliens. Another well known abduc-
alien abduction stories in human culture tion investigator is New York artist Bud
where frightening strangers, demons, pix- Hopkins. He saw a UFO in 1964 and be-
ies, witches, and monsters took innocent gan researching the topic. In 1975, his
victims against their will. In North Amer- research became widely known when he
ica during the 17th and 18th centuries, investigated a series of sightings in New
European settlers (mostly women) were Jersey. Soon he was being contacted, not
abducted by Native Americans; some- by aliens, but by people who claimed to
times they were quickly released, but other have been abducted. He interviewed hun-
times they were held for years, decades, dreds of people and he, too, became con-
or even for the remainder of their lives. vinced the experiences were real.
They would sometimes be integrated into One of the recurring themes in alien
the aboriginal society, with women mar- abduction narratives is that the victims
rying Indian men and bearing children or cannot remember what happened to them;
men marrying and conceiving children they experience „ missing time.‰ Since the
with Indian woman. The popular genre of Hill case, the most common technique for
Indian abduction books became the first recovering knowledge of the missing time
big selling literary genre in America. Even has been through hypnotherapy. John
more popular were the 19th century „Run- Mack and Bud Hopkins made extensive
away Nun‰ books in which helpless and use of the technique, which is also known
innocent Protestant women and girls were as Past Life Regression Therapy. After
held against their will in nunneries by being hypnotized by a questioner, the
Catholic, usually Irish or Italian, priests. subject is helped to remember past expe-
While they were all eventually proven to riences that are difficult or impossible to
be hoaxes, these stories were so troubling remember outside of a nonhypnotic state.
and accepted as genuine that they inspired In the hypnotic state, subjects remember
several riots, including the burning of a details of their experiences. This tech-
Catholic nunnery and orphanage outside nique is highly controversial. Supporters
Boston in 1835. say it is a productive way for trauma sur-
Alien abduction stories had become so vivors to discover the root of their trou-
prevalent by the 1990s that a series of large bles and way overcome them. Detractors
scale investigations were conducted. The argue that the human mind is so complex,
first but least well known academic to in- and what we call memory so ethereal and
vestigate alien abductions was University easily created, altered, confabulated, and
of Wyoming psychologist Leo Sprinkle. misunderstood that one can never be sure
10 | Alien Autopsy

if a recovered memory is genuine. Critics Jacobs, David M. 1993. Secret life: Firsthand,
point out that UFO investigators like Bud documented accounts of UFO abductions.
Hopkins are not trained medical person- New York: Touchstone.
nel, have at best a superficial understand- Mack, John. 1995. Abduction: Human encount-
ers with aliens. New York: Ballantine Books.
ing of the workings of the brain, and that
they can do more harm than good. They
can put memories of alien abduction into
someoneÊs memory even if they had not ALIEN AUTOPSY
been abducted and that, because of the
nature of these recovered memories, they Film footage released to the public in
cannot be seen as accurate descriptions of August 1995 purported to show govern-
events anyway. ment operatives performing an autopsy·
Alien abduction proponents have for- a postmortem examination· on the body
mulated a number of scenarios for why of a being from another world. The film
abductions take place. They generally was promoted by British film producer
revolve around a need for the aliens to Ray Santilli. He claimed the film was shot
conduct genetic research into human re- in 1947, just after the infamous Roswell
production, which itself is somehow con- Incident. According to ufologists, an alien
nected to a desire by the aliens to create a spacecraft crash landed in the New Mex-
human/alien hybrid race. These scenarios ico desert near the town of Roswell and
tend not to have happy endings. There was recovered by the U.S. military. Along
have been a number of cases in which ab- with the craft itself, several crewmem-
ductees claim to have been implanted with bersÊ bodies were recovered, and this was
alien-designed „tracking devices.‰ Such film of the autopsy of one of them. The
implants, it is argued, allow victims to be film was immediately controversial and
abducted multiple times over the course was shown worldwide as a documentary
of their lives. Odd bits of metallic mate- hosted by Jonathan Frakes, the actor who
rials have been removed from abductees portrayed First Officer Will Ryker on Star
and analyzed, but none have proven to be Trek: The Next Generation.
otherworldly or of any recognizable tech- Santilli claimed he had discovered the
nology. Dismissed by mainstream science footage in Cleveland, Ohio in 1993 while
and medicine as seekers of fame, sincere searching for vintage film footage of
but deluded people, or simply mentally 1950s rock-and-roll stars. It was said to
disturbed or distraught, abductees have have been part of a cache of 16mm foot-
formed their own subculture and support age shot by a U.S. Navy cameraman, but
groups where they can exchange infor- which had become separated from other
mation without the fear of ridicule and reels and forgotten. The film was left to
help comfort each other. sit in a box, along with a few other reels,
for years, until Santilli happened along.
See also: Past Life Regression; Unidentified
In the grainy, black and white, silent
Flying Objects (UFOs).
film, a group of individuals wearing pro-
Further Reading tective suits can be seen standing in an
Clark, Jerome. 1998. The UFO book: Encyclo- operating room examining and dissecting
pedia of the extraterrestrial. Canton, MI: Vis- a large headed, goggle-eyed, humanoid.
ible Ink. They make various incisions and remove
Alternative Medicine | 11

organs from the being, which has many munity. A diverse range of therapeutic
obvious wounds. practices fall into this category because
Santilli steadfastly refused to divulge they are considered unconventional, lack
details of the filmÊs origins or acquisition. biomedical explanations and definitive
A number of Hollywood special effects scientific proof, or are simply not taught
experts reportedly claimed it was so well or practiced in traditional Western medi-
done they could not figure out how it was cal schools and hospitals. Treatments tend
made. They also claimed it would have toward the holistic: treating a personÊs
cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to whole body, as well as their environment.
make. In reality, most special effects pro- The focus is typically on attaining spiri-
fessionals had said the film looked fake tual and physical balance and addressing
and obviously so. The Committee for the obvious physical symptoms as well as
Scientific Investigation of Claims of the issues relating to the „inner self.‰ The alter-
Paranormal (CSICOP) was also was quick native medicine approach concentrates
to denounce the film as a hoax. A brace on the root of an issue, rather than merely
of other autopsy films of varying quality its symptoms, as in conventional allo-
followed in the originalÊs wake, as films pathic medicine. The term „allopathic ‰
and television shows, some produced by was coined in 1842 by C.F.S. Hahnemann
amateur filmmakers, showed how easy (1755–1843), a popular „irregular ‰ med-
it was to create such a piece. In a 2006 ical practitioner, to separate homeopathy
interview, Santilli confessed to hoaxing as he practiced it from the work of „regu-
the entire thing, sort of. He claimed that lar‰ or professional doctors. Remedies are
the film was a restoration of the original. often naturalistic or derived from natu-
He said that he had viewed the original, ral sources, are gentler, and are claimed
taken by the Navy photographer, but it was to have fewer detrimental side effects
mysteriously lost before he could buy it. than synthetic medicines. Although main-
Santilli then had a reconstruction made stream doctors sometimes use the term
and the few remaining bits of the original „alternative medicine‰ as a pejorative,
spliced into it. The filmed „interview ‰ of practitioners who are self-professed al-
the Navy photographer was also staged. ternative to orthodox treatments also em-
The interviewer on that bit of footage was brace and use it.
Robert Kiviat, who was later involved in A wide variety of techniques and ap-
the debunking of Patterson Film, which proaches fall under the umbrella of alter-
claimed to show Bigfoot and appeared as native medicine. Included are the healing
part of Greg LongÊs The Making of Big- properties of color therapy, homeopathy
foot (2007). (a complete system of healing that em-
ploys natural substances to stimulate the
See also: Alien Abductions; Unidentified Fly-
bodyÊs natural defenses and aid in recov-
ing Objects ( UFOs).
ery), iridology (a diagnostic method used
to determine disease), and polarity therapy
(an inclusive health system of bodywork,
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE diet, exercise, and counseling). Therapeu-
tic plants and herbs are often implemented
A broad range of healing methods prac- in healing and have been used since an-
ticed outside the mainstream medical com- cient times. Natural plant preparations
12 | Alternative Medicine

like those used in herbal medicine or ments the human touch. Aromatherapy is
flower essence therapy are said to support often accessorized with these techniques.
the bodyÊs natural healing processes. In Many of the alternative medicine ther-
liquid form, these plant essences are said apies used today originated in the East.
to restore balance and good health to the With its supposed reliance on naturopa-
interwoven mind and body. Other natur- thic remedies, Eastern medicine came
opathic alternative medicines focus on a into vogue in the West during the 20th cen-
personÊs posture and mobility. For in- tury. Patients disillusioned with Western
stance, the Alexander Technique is a se- approaches have flocked to anything la-
ries of physiological movements designed beled „ Eastern Medicine.‰ Unlike the
to bring about conscious awareness, ther- WestÊs medical culture, which tends to
apeutic relief, and better „posture and focus on isolated areas of disease and
mobility.‰ Manipulation therapies like symptoms, Eastern medicine sees the in-
chiropractic, osteopathy, cranial osteopa- teraction between body, mind, spirit, and
thy, and Rolfing (once known as structu- relationship with the environment as es-
ral integration) also increase mobility by sential to healing and health. These com-
correcting misalignments in the body. ponents are said to encourage well-being
Psychotherapy and its many subdivisions and prevent disease, as well as diagnose
fall under this category in healing mala- and treat. Some commonly applied treat-
dies of the mind. Once considered bizarre ments include acupuncture, acupressure,
and abstract, the „talking cure‰ of Sigmund TÊai chi chÊuan, herbal medicine from
Freud has now not only become com- China, and Shiatsu (finger pressure mas-
monplace, but it has also altered tradi- sage) from Japan.
tional ways of thinking about the mind There are a number of diagnostic tech-
and launched a revolutionary industry niques utilized in alternative medicine.
dedicated to mental health. Hypnother- Iridology, for instance, considers the eyes
apy, which was also once feared or con- to be a map of the body. Examining the
sidered quackery, has been implemented irises is said to be a way of pinpointing
as a helpful tool in correcting imbalances health weaknesses. Kinesiology is a series
in a personÊs subconscious behavior, too. of muscle tests that evaluate body health,
There are many other treatments that cen- and biofeedback monitors responses to
ter on the mind to balance physical, men- various physical tests through the use of
tal, and emotional levels, and may also machines. Kirlian photography is a tech-
include vitality and spirit. Meditation is nique that is supposed to be able to pho-
thought to have soothing beneficial ef- tograph the quality of a personÊs energy,
fects. In a similar fashion, autogenic train- which is said to appear altered if there is
ing, visualization therapy, and music an imbalance. In reflexology, the sensitiv-
therapy are also designed to relieve stress ity to finger pressure on a personÊs feet is
and heal the body. To promote stress indicative of imbalances as well. A health
relief and relaxation, massage therapy in evaluation using Chinese medicine takes
widely accepted as legitimately benefi- the whole body into account. The tongue
cial to sore muscles. Some practitioners is examined, the pulse is taken, the body
also believe massage improves overall is inspected and palpated, and only then
health and prevents disease, especially can an assessment be made.
when used in combination with other mo- Some alternative medicines are thought
dalities such as reflexology, which imple- to have been in practice for thousands of
Alternative Medicine | 13

years, and the regions from which they to treat negative emotions with the bal-
originate vary greatly. The oldest prac- ancing effect of flowers.
tices still available today are aromather- One concern over alternative medicine
apy, which began in ancient Egypt and is that many forms are commonly used yet
was expanded upon by the Greek Roman fail to show any definitive proof of effi-
cultures, and Chinese Medicine, which cacy. Some are intentional scams meant
includes acupuncture and Eastern herbal- to fool patients. Operating outside of the
ism. Both have been in use since about conventional standards may allow some
3000 bc. Western herbalism, a variation ideas to form and flourish without restric-
of the formulas utilized in the East, was tion, but it also invites an opportunity for
developed by Egyptians, Greeks, and later fraud. Unproven remedies may rely heav-
the Romans; it can be traced as far back ily on the placebo effect and marketing
as 2300 bc. By 1000 bc, Ayurvedic med- to sell products. Those excluded from the
icine had been established in India and physicianÊs elite certification may argue
was expanded upon by Hindu philosophy. that doctors assert an omniscient status
The Greek father of medicine, Hippo- for themselves in order to eliminate com-
crates, was one of the earliest designers petition or for financial gain. In opposi-
of nutritional therapy. Around 370 bc, he tion to this view, some standards must be
created a form of nutritional therapy that in place to keep the public safe from the
he based on earlier herbal healing tradi- distribution of inert or harmful products.
tions. Centuries later, cures continued to Some reasons patrons give for choosing
be cultivated based upon his early teach- alternative medicine over orthodox health-
ings. German doctor Samuel Hahnemann care are distrust of an enigmatic healthcare
(1755 –1843) first conceived of the no- system, capitalist drug companiesÊ impos-
tion of homeopathy late in the 1700s. sibly expensive drugs with hazardous side
In that same time period, Austrian Anton effects, the limited availability of doctors
Mesmer (1734 –1815) introduced the idea in their area, and limited current medical
of hypnotherapy. Naturopath Vincent knowledge about some conditions. How-
Priessnitz (1799–1851), who also resided ever, the realm of unregulated treatment
within the Austrian Empire founded, „the has a sordid history of victims falling
nature cure‰ and popularized the system prey to the wiles of „snake-oil salesmen‰
of hydrotherapy as well. Appalled by the touting „cure-alls‰ at „medicine shows.‰ It
surgical methods used in the Civil War, is the undiscerning charlatans or quacks
Andrew Taylor Still devised the system of who are cause for concern when stepp-
osteopathy in the United States in 1874. ing outside the conventional medical mo-
This was quickly followed with the chi- dalities. While fruitless folk medicines,
ropractic technique, introduced in 1895. faith healers, and diet fads tend to fade
Reflexology emerged at the turn of the once proven ineffective, the unfettered
20th century, based on medical princi- alternative medicine term can unfortu-
ples from the Far East. Australian actor nately be used as a guise for another inef-
turned physiotherapist Frederick Alexan- fective product.
der (1869–1955) developed his Alexander In 1976, the term „complementary
Technique of proper posture, and in the medicine‰ was coined to define the in-
1930s, Dr. Edward Bach of the United tegration of alternative and traditional
Kingdom introduced the Bach Flower medical treatments, as some mainstream
Remedies. This technique was designed doctors came to recognize the efficacy
14 | Ancient Astronaut Theory

of some alternative approaches. Since then, vanced human evolution and civilization.
organizations like the American College More a collection of presuppositions and
for Advancement in Medicine ( FAIM ), presumptions rather than a single coher-
the Untied StatesÊ largest professional ent body of thought, ancient astronaut
organization of complementary-oriented theory (AAT) claims that sentient beings
physicians, have tried to bridge the gap from other worlds came to the earth and
between the holistic and conventional left their mark on both the physical land-
philosophies and techniques. FAIM has scape and the human condition. Variations
also assisted in pushing alternative medi- on the theme include aliens coming to
cine into the mainstream when they helped earth intentionally for some as yet un-
to coordinate New York stateÊs first law known reason, or accidentally through
specifically authorizing the use of com- some mechanical failure of their technol-
plementary and alternative therapies. The ogy and becoming marooned here. Once
American Association for Health Free- here, the aliens intentionally altered pro-
dom (AAHF ) is another group of health tohuman genetic material as part of a test,
professionals that provides an influential mated with early hominids to create Homo
presence for complementary medicine on sapiens, or they mated with and carefully
the national level. The Access to Medical guided the already existing Homo sapi-
Treatment Act (first introduced to the ens population. All evidence for AAT is
U.S. government in the late 1990s) is a speculative and circumstantial at best.
bill sponsored by several members of Evidence for ancient astronauts is based
Congress who hope to transform the prac- upon similarities in widespread human
tice of complementary and alternative culture or the supposed inexplicability of
medicine in the United States. certain societal advancements and archi-
tectural achievements, advances beyond
See also: Acupuncture; Homeopathy. what, according to proponents, such civi-
Further Reading lizations should not have been capable of.
Bivins, Roberta. 2007. Alternative medicine?:
Other rationale for belief in AAT include
A history. Oxford: Oxford University Press. religious or mythological stories of phe-
Mayo Clinic book of alternative medicine: The nomenal gods or visitors and knowledge
new approach to using the best of natural of the Earth which could only be attained
therapies and conventional medicine. 2007. by traveling extreme heights or distances,
New York: Time Inc. Home Entertainment. not a plausible feat for primitive people.
Tovey, Philip. 2004. The mainstreaming of com- The seemingly rapid explosion of civili-
plementary and alternative medicine: Stud- zations is also cited as possible evidence
ies in social context. New York: Routledge. for the theory, as well as the evolutionary
jump from ape to man. Major proponents
of the idea include Charles Hoy Fort and
his Book of the Damned (1919), and Erich
ANCIENT ASTRONAUT von Däniken and his Chariots of the Gods
THEORY (1968). While FortÊs book garnered in-
terest in the subject, it was Von DänikenÊs
This theory proposes that various extra- that captured the popular imagination and
terrestrial visitors came to earth in the helped spawn an enormous wave of in-
distant past and somehow ignited or ad- terest in the subject.
Ancient Astronaut Theory | 15

In addition to the idea that sentient in monument construction, despite vast

beings came to earth, there is the less sen- distance and supposed unfamiliarity, fall
sational idea that alien microbes may have into this category as well.
arrived on earth after drifting through One popular subject for AAT theorists
space. Some theories propose that an- can be found in the lines drawn in the
cient astronauts are responsible for bring- surface of the earth at Nazca, Peru. The
ing all forms of life to earth, beginning Lines of the Nazca, a favorite topic of
with spores. Distributing or planting pri- Von Däniken, were formed at least 2,000
meval spores on the earth in its early years ago by local people scraping the
stages may have been all that was needed surface of the ground to expose lighter
to trigger an eruption of life forms. The earth underneath. Thousands of lines were
purpose of cultivating plant and animal drawn. Many were simply straight lines,
life could have been for scientific experi- while others form shapes of animals and
mentation, to create a habitable residence insects. Others demarcate the summer
for themselves, or possibly as a hedge solstice line as well as points of the com-
against future necessity, when he alien pass, sunrise, and sunset. It is argued that
civilization might need the earth for col- the lines are visible only from the air and
onization purposes. some believe them to have been created
The supposed inability of scientists to for religious purposes, although it is un-
provide the missing link in manÊs evolu- known exactly why they were created.
tion leads into the idea that visitors may There are similar unexplained carvings
have interbred with the early hominids. in the Titus Canyon in Death Valley, and
If they had colonized during this stage in the Mojave Maze in California, in the
manÊs development, it would have been United States. Ancient astronaut enthusi-
before the last ice age, and remnants of asts credit the formation of these lines as
their stay would have been destroyed. evidence of aeronautic assistance.
Therefore, this idea is made plausible, not In Nazca, some lines point toward a
by an artifact, but by the leap in develop- pre-Incan temple in Tiahanaco. It is esti-
ment of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons; mated that 100,000 people were needed
both species exhibited a cranium capac- to build this „Gate of the Sun,‰ yet there
ity one and a half times larger than prime- is no evidence showing that the plateau it
val man, and 200 cubic centimeters larger sits on, 13,000 feet above sea level, was
than todayÊs average. Alfred Russel Wal- ever able to support the crops or live-
lace, a contemporary of Charles Darwin, stock needed to support such manpower.
broached the question of whether or not The precision in the construction of the
something inexplicable triggered this brain temple walls has kept it intact, and it is
growth in humans, later known as the incredibly similar to the fittings of the
„BrainÊs Big Bang.‰ submerged limestone Bimini Wall in the
Other ideas about ancient astronauts Bahamas. There is some speculation as to
are linked to the advancement of civiliza- whether this underwater monument was
tion. Mysterious ancient temples, which perhaps the fabled lost city of Atlantis,
seem unlikely given the time in which which was said to be an advanced civili-
they were built, or structures seen only zation even by todayÊs standards. Another
from the sky, are often attributed to other- curious feature about the Peruvian „Gate
worldly aides. Cross-cultural similarities of the Sun‰ structure is the „Gallery of
16 | Ancient Astronaut Theory

Early people left drawings like these on rock walls and in caves around the world. Modern researchers
claim they are drawings of ancient astronauts who visited the earth.

Mankind,‰ which showcases a variety of jetfighters. While some argue that the air-
dissimilar physiognomic faces. It is un- plane carvings are zoomorphic, a vertical
known how this isolated, primitive cul- stabilizer is featured placing it in a cat-
ture knew the different races of people egory representative of modern aircraft
across the world. as opposed to any known bird or insect.
The appearances of pyramids in Egypt A model airplane was also discovered in
and throughout Mesoamerica are thought a tomb in Saqquara, Egypt in 1898. Clas-
to be connected because of their like- sified as a „ wooden bird model‰ and
ness and grandeur. The Great Pyramid of shelved in a museum basement when
Giza entices pseudoscience enthusiasts found, the models were later identified as
because of its alignment with true north clear flying devices and dated to 200 bc.
on one side and the EarthÊs polar axis Other classical Egyptian wall decorations
on its east face. Other large structures are said to include the outline of an air-
include Stonehenge and the huge Moai plane, a helicopter, and an electric light
megaliths of Easter Island. Even larger are bulb. Egyptologists who have studied the
the three megalithic stones in Baalbek, hieroglyphs extensively say this is non-
Lebanon. They are known as the „ Trili- sense.
thon‰ and are the largest stones to have Vimanas, flying machines, are also
been quarried, at an estimated 500 tons mentioned and mapped out in the Sanskrit
each, a weight seemingly beyond the ca- epics of India. The Vaimanika Sastra is
pabilities of ancient man. an eight-chapter diagramed description
There are many more artifacts and in- of three types of aircraft, including ap-
stances attributed to ancient astronauts. paratuses that could neither catch on fire
Pre-Incan gold carvings discovered in Co- nor break. It mentions 31 essential parts
lombia resemble spacemen and delta wing of these vehicles and 16 materials from
Ancient Astronaut Theory | 17

which they are constructed. The vehicles flashing through it and radiance around
can absorb light and heat; for this rea- it, something that gleamed like metal and
son, they were considered suitable for the the sound of great waters. Blumrich lik-
construction of Vimanas. ened this to the downdraft and tail of jet
Artistic evidence in favor of AAT in- exhaust during the descent of our lunar
cludes Paleolithic cave paintings from Val landing crafts. In verse seven, the de-
Camonica, Italy, dating to10,000 bc, and scription of straight legs with hoofs like
at Vondijina, in Australia. The dome- calves glittering like polished brass par-
shaped heads of the paintingsÊ subjects allels the aerospace structure determined
have been claimed to depict extraterres- to be the most logical shape for an un-
trial visitors wearing what look like space manned landing craft, as devised by
helmets, rather than the mythological per- Blumrich and NASA between 1962 and
sons or gods of archaeological scholar- 1964. EzekielÊs account of four figures,
ship. Another speculation is the Dogu⌂, each with four wings, that descended
which is said to be an ancient astronaut through the clouds, and one of which lifted
who visited the Earth during the Jo⌂ mon him up between the earth and heavens to
period of Ancient Japan and resembles a the gate of Jerusalem and back to Chebar
being in a space suit, goggles, and a space in chapter 8 can be equated to the design
helmet. Medieval and Renaissance art are of helicopters, as Blumrich was able to
used to support this theory as well. It is show in sketches. Similar descriptions
suggested that certain objects in the paint- can be found in several other reports by
ings that cannot be easily explained with Ezekiel. Other biblical figures like Elijah,
relevance may indeed be flying saucers. who departed earth in a chariot of fire,
These objects are used to support AAT and Enoch, who walked with God and
by attempting to show that the creators of was taken up by a whirlwind, have also
humanity return to check up on their cre- been reevaluated as possible encounters
ation throughout time. as well. The explanation for these some-
Various religious creation stories begin what confusing accounts centers on the
with two or more beings coming to earth. fact that there was no vernacular at the
There are Chinese theories about an alien time to describe spacecrafts accurately
race called the Dropa who left behind to our modern understanding, but that the
fascinating discs. The Mayan religious prophet was describing an actual alien
text, the Popol Vuh, clearly states, „Men machine. Blumrich explained his theory
came from the stars, knowing everything, in The Spaceships of Ezekiel (1974) and
and they examined the four corners of the inspired many to examine other biblical
sky and the EarthÊs round surface.‰ accounts for traces of alien visitation.
In an example of how AAT has excited While the idea of ancient alien space
the interest of engineers, Joseph Blum- travelers coming to the earth to jump-
rich of NASA took special note of the start human civilization is a romantic and
Bible story of Ezekiel after seeing Von tantalizing one, it has its dark side. The
DänikenÊs discussion of it. He decided to theory suggests that all the great human
try to recreate the image as described in accomplishments of the ancient world
the Bible. He built a scale model flying were not our own, that ancient people,
machine based on the story. Ezekiel, in often dark-skinned ancient people, were
his first vision, saw a great cloud with fire mentally incapable of achieving complex
18 | Animal Testing

feats of science and engineering. AAT sults generated are of dubious use for hu-
relegates humans to background charac- man research, and that better results can
ters, groveling in the mud like simpletons be generated through non-animal based
who need alien super-beings to come alternatives.
save them and even build their shelters. The use of animals for testing goes
Scholarly studies of these civilizations back to the ancient world. Greek philoso-
shows that ancient humans were more phers, including Aristotle, used animals
than capable of building pyramids and in their work. The Roman physician and
other monumental architecture on their father of modern medicine, Galen (ad
own. They created complex societies and 129 –200), was prohibited by social cus-
accomplished astounding feats without tom from dissecting humans, so he used
the help of anti-gravity device-toting and animals to learn human anatomy by anal-
flying saucer-riding aliens. In short, the ogy. By the 19th century, animal experi-
AAT is a modern recasting of 18th- and mentation reached a level where it began
19th-century European attitudes about to cause concern among ethicists and an-
„colonials‰ and „natives.‰ imal enthusiasts. Animal experimentation
and dissection, called vivisection (to cut
See also: Fort, Charles Hoy; Von Däniken, Eric. up), was done on live animals as well as
Further Reading dead ones. Public knowledge and outrage
Blumrich, Joseph. 1974. The Spaceships of Eze-
over these practices (anti-vivisection) be-
kiel. New York: Bantam. came the first organized resistance to
Fort, Charles. 1919. Book of the Damned. New animal testing. The anti-vivisection move-
York: Boni & Liveright. ment spread across Europe, the United
Von Däniken, Eric. 1970. Chariots of the Gods. Kingdom, and North America. Its effects
New York: G.P. PutnamÊs Sons. are debatable, as the scientific and medi-
cal community had powerful government
backing as well as popular support. It was
easy to argue in favor of animal testing,
ANIMAL TESTING as the medical community could point to
successes like Louis PasteurÊs use of ani-
The use of animals as subjects to generate mals to work out germ theory and a rabies
scientific and medical evidence through vaccination, to name just one example.
experimentation. Wide ranges of animals Animal testing opponents increasingly
are used for experiments, including mam- sought to connect themselves to the sep-
mals (rodents, primates, cats, dogs, and arate, but more popular anti-animal cru-
rabbits mostly) and invertebrates (in- elty movement. The modern animal rights
sects), fish, and occasionally birds. Ad- movement finds its genesis in this com-
vocates of animal testing argue that the bination.
practice is good science that produces By the middle of the 19th century, or-
data crucial for developing medicines and ganizations like the American Society
combating disease and to help learn the for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
effects of commercial and industrial pro- (ASPCA) and similar organizations in
ducts upon humans. Detractors claim it the United Kingdom and Europe helped
is pseudoscience, as the tests cause undue spread the popularity of the anti-cruelty
harm and suffering to the animals, the re- and anti-animal testing movements and
Animal Testing | 19

helped pressure governments to begin pas- putting toxic elements into the eyes of cats
sing related laws. By the 1960s, the Amer- and rabbits. This produces burns, irrita-
ican Laboratory Animal Welfare Act was tion, and other painful results. After years
passed. Throughout the century, govern- of pressure from animal rights groups, a
ments worldwide, under pressure for the number of European countries and the
public, passed an increasing number of United Kingdom began to pass laws ban-
animal welfare laws and experimentation ning cosmetics testing (though not all
regulations. These laws included specif- testing) on animals. Pharmaceutical com-
ics about how animals were to be housed, panies continue to fight such regulations.
fed, generally treated, and how they were Countries like Belgium and New Zealand
to be destroyed, or euthanized, once their have passed laws prohibiting experimen-
jobs were complete (animal rights activ- tation on higher primates such as chim-
ists prefer to say „killed‰). panzees and gorillas. Some anti-animal
Amongst anti-animal testing advocates testing activists argue that even these laws
there are a number of intellectual ap- are ultimately wrongheaded, asserting
proaches to the problem. The pro-animal, that all animals have moral rights, and so
or animal rights, school argues the ethics their species should be irrelevant.
of using animals in painful and often lethal The most well known animalÊs rights
testing. They focus on the idea that ani- organization is People for the Ethical
mals have intrinsic rights (as humans do) Treatment of Animals (PETA). They
and therefore should not be experimented have raised awareness of the issue with
upon any more than a human should be. deftly managed advertising campaigns,
Animals, they argue, have their own right propaganda, and efforts to get legislation
to life regardless of how humans feel. passed. Undercover „whistleblowers‰
They also argue that no matter how hu- and journalistic exposés have shown con-
mane the animalÊs treatment is, the very ditions in some laboratories and corporate
notion that anything useful about human offices where animal testing is done to be
anatomy can be learned from animals places where workers routinely practice
about human health is pseudoscientific animal cruelty. Hitting, isolation, humili-
and, as such, should be abandoned for ation, starvation, and other cruelties have
more useful, non-animal centered ap- been documented well beyond the testing
proaches. Animal testing, they argue pro- itself. As a result, firms have been fined
duces results that are not only useless, but and embarrassed and workers fined and
also could be misleading and thus danger- fired.
ous to humans. They point to alternative Some animal rights advocates, includ-
testing methods, particularly computer ing some PETA members, have aban-
modeling, which not does not harm ani- doned lawful ways of addressing the issue
mals and produces efficacious results. and moved to violence to achieve their
The most public and controversial type ends. The most notorious group is the
of animal testing is that which is related Animal Liberation Front (ALF ), which
to toxicology. This safety testing method seeks to end animal testing by hurting
uses animals to measure or determine the companies and universities that engage
harmful side effects of food additives, in actions they deem unacceptable by af-
shampoos, hair dyes, and cosmetics. Such fecting them financially. As the ALF Web
procedures, like the Draize test, involve site says, „ usually through damage and
20 | Anomalous Big Cats

destruction of property.‰ They have bro- Further Reading

ken into laboratories to rescue animals French, Richard. 1975. Anti vivisection and med-
and damage the facilities, and claim they ical science in Victorian society. Princeton,
take the rescued animals to sanctuaries. NJ: Princeton University Press.
While they also claim they do not want Greek, Jean Swingle and C. Ray Greek. 2006.
to hurt humans in their actions, ALF has What will we do if we donÊt experiment on an-
imals? Medical research for the twenty-first
been linked to a number of incidents in
century. Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing.
which researchers and their families have
Guerrini, Anita. 2003. Experimenting with hu-
been targeted for harassment and intimida- mans and animals: from Galen to Animal
tion, including threats of violence. ALFÊs Rights. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Uni-
motivations may be honorable, their ac- versity Press.
tions, place them in the same league as
radical anti-abortionists who seek to end
that practice by blowing up health clinics
and murdering doctors. ALF has yet to kill ANOMALOUS BIG CATS
a scientist, but it is feared that it is only a
matter of time. In January of 2009, ALF Also called Alien Big Cats, these are large
members proudly proclaimed they had felines that appear in places they do not
sent „ letter bombs‰ to researchers at the normally inhabit. Most commonly associ-
University of California at Davis, a facil- ated with the British Isles, but also seen
ity that does research focused on AIDS in the Americas and occasionally Europe,
and AlzheimerÊs disease. Anomalous Big Cats (ABCs) are out of
Animal testing brings up questions of place tigers, pumas, mountain lions, and
ethics as well as science. Done in labora- similar creatures seen roaming wild areas
tory settings with the trappings of science, where they are not indigenous. Unlike
detractors (including many scientists) say their cousins the phantom dogs, ABCs are
animal testing is pseudoscience because not usually associated with omens or ca-
it simply does not produce results. If this tastrophes, nor are they normally seen as
is the case, then we are confronted with the spectral entities. Illegally released pets or
question of what to do with pseudosci- zoo and circus escapees account for some
ence, especially if it is harmful. Should of these sightings, but the entire number
we legislate it away and possibly impede of sightings cannot be accounted for by
other scientific research that does improve these explanations alone.
the human condition, or should we do as Like North AmericaÊs anomalous pri-
ALF wants and blow it all up? It is gener- mates, the ABCs of the British Isles ex-
ally thought that even the highest cogni- cite interest, appear in rural areas, make
tively functioning mammals, like higher only brief appearances, and appear in only
primates and dolphins, do not think or feel a few blurry and indistinct photos and
the way humans do. Does that matter? films. The few films of ABCs taken in the
What if, like many subjects once thought United States look suspiciously like house
to be pseudoscience, we find that these cats exploring farmersÊ fields. Studies by
animals do indeed think the way we do? local wildlife authorities invariably end
After all the years of animal testing, how inconclusively. When a large cat skull was
would we come to think of ourselves? found in the River Fowey and brought to
Anomalous Fossils | 21

Anomalous Big Cats like the Beast of Bodmin are difficult to track or catch and in photos often look
suspiciously like house cats.

the British Museum of Natural History, cats do inhabit the Americas, and do
an examination showed it to be a skull cut sometimes even wander into human-
from a leopard skin rug. inhabited areas (when this happens, it
Like anomalous primates, ABCs have usually ends badly, with the cat attacking
their star performers. Two of the best a human or the cat being dispatched by
known ABCs are the Beast of Exmoor armed citizens or the police). Cats, even
and the Beast of Bodmin. The Exmoor large ones, can conceivably hide in the
cat, of Devon, England, was first reported British countryside, lurking in the brush
in 1970. It gained an infamous reputation living off mice and squirrels and going
in 1983 when it was accused of single- undetected.
handedly (or single pawed ) slaughtering
a hundred sheep on a single farm over a See also: Cryptozoology.
period of just three months. It is said to Further Reading
resemble a black panther in size and Beer, Trevor. 1986. The beast of Exmoor: Fact
color. A similar creature is the Beast of or legend? UK: Countryside Productions.
Bodmin, reported in Cornwall. All the Campion-Vincent, Veronique. 1992. Appearance
ABCs tend to perform in the same way. of beasts and mystery cats in France,‰ Folk-
Big cats are appropriate for the Brit- lore 103 (2): 160 – 83.
ish Isles. They are just the right scale for
the wild places in which they hide. One
of the reasons Bigfoot-like creatures are
not found in the region is the problem ANOMALOUS FOSSILS
of where to hide an eight-foot-tall, 500-
pound bipedal primate in the Devonshire Fossils and fossil-like objects that turn up
countryside. Anomalous primates have in forms or locations conventional wisdom
plenty of room to hide in North America says they should not. For example, fos-
or the frozen wastes of central Asia. Big sils of animals known to have existed at
22 | Anomalous Fossils

a certain point in geologic time but are that, far from supporting evolution, they
found earlier than that; fossils known to actually support the creation model. They
be found in certain geographic locations also employ the most dubious examples.
that are found elsewhere; mixes of incon- Creationists have searched the world and
gruous fossils or modern artifacts found written records for peculiar fossils, ones
as fossils. Mainstream science acknowl- that would topple and upset accepted no-
edges the existence of most anomalous tions about the course of human evolu-
fossils and has prosaic ways of explain- tion. One of the most often cited of these
ing them. There is another class of anom- anomalous fossils is the „ Meister Print,‰
alous fossils that are rejected by science from Utah. This strange artifact was
but championed by creationists and other found in 1968 by fossil hunter William
anti-evolutionists as proof that evolution Meister. He was prospecting for trilobites
does not work. It is this class of anoma- in 500 million-year-old strata known as
lous fossils that constitute pseudoscience. the Wheeler Formation when he cracked
Each of these examples has turned out to open a slab to find what looked like a
be a misidentification or hoax. human shoe print that had crushed a live
The word „fossil‰ comes from the trilobite under its heel. Anti-evolutionists
Latin fossus for something dug out of the and anomalists seized upon the print as
ground. There are two types of genuine evidence that humans had trod the earth
fossils: the remains of once-living crea- well before the time scientists said they
tures turned to stone or otherwise pre- did. The Meister Print was held as proof
served, and fossils made by the actions of that the fossil record, the geologic time
living things ·footprints, impressions of scale, and the very notion of human evo-
sea shells · or nature · raindrops, waves lution were false. Several studies showed
on a beach, and the like. There are a num- the print was, in reality, an example of
ber of ways the remains of a living thing a common geologic occurrence known
can become a fossil, but the most com- as spalling, in which slabs of rock break
mon is for the remains to be saturated and away from each other in distinctive pat-
replaced by sediment which eventually terns. This particular case of spalling had
turns to stone, eliminating the original or- created a simulacrum vaguely suggestive
ganic material but leaving an exact copy. of a shoe print. After this determination
It takes anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 of prosaic natural causes was put forth in
years for this process to take place. The the 1980s, some creationists refused to
ratio of fossils compared to the original acknowledge the print, while others con-
population of organisms is low; only tiny tinued to recognize it.
fractions of all organisms ever become Similar fossil footprints have turned
fossils. The age of fossils is determined up fairly regularly since the 19th century,
through radiometric dating, which mea- and each time creationists got excited that
sures the atomic decay rate of the sur- this may be the one that would destroy the
rounding stone, or matrix, in which the edifice of evolutionary thinking. There
fossil is lodged. Radiometric dating has have been supposed human skulls found
advanced to a point that it can give highly under lava millions of years old; in the
accurate and reliable results. Americas, coins were found embedded in
Creationists often point to geologic for- stone from ages before coins were first
mations and conventional fossils to argue manufactured; and, one of the most pop-
Anomalous Fossils | 23

ular creationist artifacts, a modern ham- inal work on anomalous artifacts and
mer has been found locked in a mass of events, Phenomena: A Book of Wonders
sedimentary rock. These discoveries were (1979), John Michell and Bob Rickard ar-
gleefully put forward with calls for sci- gued that „some of these evidences have
entists to explain them. When examined, been actually suppressed and deliberately
they all turned out to be misidentifications ignored: some have quietly and mysteri-
of other things, hoaxes, or, like the Meis- ously disappeared from museum stores
ter Print, simply examples of people not and records‰ (75). Yet they gave the devil
understanding what they are looking at. his due by saying that accepting that hu-
A major compendium of such anoma- mans were around hundreds of millions
lous fossils and other evidence of the fal- of years ago based on such scanty evi-
sity of human evolution theory can be dence was „irrational.‰ Since the 1990s,
found in Forbidden Archaeology (1994) Christian creationists have claimed that
by Michael Cremo and Richard Thomp- the Smithsonian Institution in Washing-
son. Besides the sheer mass of material ton, DC has housed a collection of arti-
they collected, what makes this book facts that were obviously intelligently
unique within the genre is that the au- designed, but that the designers were and
thors are not Christian fundamentalists, what purposes the artifacts served were
but rather Hindu followers of Krishna unknown. The Smithsonian disavows hav-
Consciousness. Although they cited much ing any such collection.
the same material as the Christians and An enduring belief within creationist
other antievolutionists, they argued the circles has been that humans coexisted
human race was not very young but in- with the dinosaurs, and if proof could be
stead immensely old·far older than even found that they did the entire human evo-
evolutionists are willing to allow. They lution edifice would crumble. To support
claimed modern humans appeared through the contention, believers point to the „man
divine intervention more than 55 million tracks‰ of Texas. They argue that what
years ago and that ancient Vedic scripture paleontologists call dinosaur tracks are,
told the true story of how humans came in reality, human footprints frozen forever
to be. That their thesis was different from in mud and turned to stone. The tracks
other antievolutionists did not keep them were first discovered in 1917 along the
from falling into the same traps. They banks of the Paluxy River outside the
quoted evolutionists out of context and town of Glen Rose, Texas. That region
accepted vague, century-old accounts of of Texas had been a floodplain 70 mil-
anomalous fossils while dismissing mod- lion years ago, as the Gulf of Mexico ex-
ern scientific ones backed up with metic- tended much farther inland than it does
ulously gathered documentation. This is today. Many of the tracks were clearly
a common technique in antievolution and those of dinosaurs, but a few took on odd
anomalist circles. Cremo and Thompson shapes because of the distortion caused
argue that there is a concerted effort on by the animals slipping and sliding in the
the part of the „evolution establishment ‰ wet mud. It was these tracks that crea-
to suppress any evidence that contrad- tionists argued were human footprints.
icts mainstream thinking, especially main- Roland T. Bird (1899 –1978), the Ameri-
stream human evolutionary thinking. They can Museum of Natural History excava-
share this notion with others. In their sem- tor who did the first extensive work at
24 | Anomalous Primates

Glen Rose in the 1930s, tried to convince

people that the prints were just deformed
dinosaur tracks.
Two recent anomalous fossils that
have become the rage in antievolutionist
and creationist circles are the „Limestone
Cowboy boot,‰ and the „clock in the rock.‰
The former is an obviously modern cow-
boy boot that is encrusted with a stony
matrix in which are encased a number
of bones. Creationists Carl Baugh and
Donald Patton have been the primary
promoters of the cowboy boot, which is
said to have been discovered in 1980 near The „Limestone Cowboy Boot‰ is an artifact
the Texas town of Iraan. The boot was creationists think proves evolution does not
determined to be of a type that could be exist and that the earth is really very young.
accurately dated to 1950. A number of
creationists and Young Earth proponents
have also claimed the boot is „40 Million fossil, but that these are not true examples
Years Old!‰ No tests have been done to of fossils. Having apparently learned not
authenticate the bootÊs fossil status. Tests to make such claims, well known Crea-
have been made, but the results have not tionist entrepreneur and head of the group
been made public as of yet. Photos of the Answers In Genesis (AIG) Ken Ham,
artifact even bring in to doubt if the bones instead of arguing it represented a mod-
inside the boot are human. Baugh has ern artifact in ancient stone, said that the
since stepped away from claims about clock was an example of how it does not
the boot. Patton has a history of promot- take very long to make a fossil. This al-
ing the modernity of „fossil humans‰ lows him to claim that there are no real
that have turned out to be recent burials, fossils of the ages scientists claim, there-
Malachite Man being one well-known fore evolution is false.
example. At the 2005 Creation Mega
Conference in Virginia, Patton famously See also: Creation Science.
stated that one need not know anything Further Reading
about human anatomy in order to know Bird, Roland T. 1985. Bones for Barnum Brown.
human evolution was a sham. Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University
The „clock in the rock ‰ is a slightly Press.
older object that was found near Westport,
Washington in 1975. It is the remains of
the internal parts of a wind-up clock en-
crusted with a hard matrix including sea- ANOMALOUS PRIMATES
shells. Geologists pointed out that there
are certain materials, like beach sand and Collective term for ape-like creatures from
dirt, which can, under the proper condi- around the world that defy explanation.
tions, harden quickly around an object Such creatures as Bigfoot, yeti, almasti,
giving it the superficial appearance of a and orang-pendek are cryptids whose ex-
Aquatic Ape Theory | 25

accepted course of human evolution tak-

ing place on the savannahs, early homi-
nids went through a semi-aquatic phase
where they lived almost exclusively in the
lakes and rivers of central Africa. Evi-
dence of this phase is evident in certain
aspects of modern human morphology, in-
cluding relative hairlessness, bipedalism,
and sub-coetaneous fat layers. Morgan
claimed that humans share these charac-
teristics with dolphins, whales, and other
marine mammals, and that the only way to
account for this would be if our ancestors
had been aquatic. Morgan also argued for
a far more prominent role of female be-
havior in human evolution.
Elaine Morgan came of age in the re-
There are a number of ape-like cryptids around bellious 1960s when women around the
the world that fall into the category of
world were just beginning to take their
anomalous primate.
rightful and previously denied place in
modern society. She saw much of the
pain and suffering in the world being the
istence has yet to be proven conclusively product of selfish, uncaring, and war-like
through scientific evidence. They are re- male behavior. In 1967, she read Des-
ported form all parts of the world except mond MorrisÊs popular book on human
the poles. Their existence comes primar- evolution, The Naked Ape. Fascinated by
ily from eyewitness reports, apocryphal the book, she contacted Morris who put
stories, and disputed physical evidence. her onto the scholarly work of Oxford
Mainstream science tends to reject the University marine biologist Alistair Hardy
existence of these creatures as anything (1896 –1985). Hardy had written several
other than folklore, misidentifications, or articles on his idea of an aquatic phase in
hoaxes. human evolution. Immediately drawn to
the idea, Morgan adopted HardyÊs work,
See also: Bigfoot; Cryptozoology. gave it a feminist spin, and dubbed it the
Aquatic Ape Theory. HardyÊs idea was
not new, however. German scientist Max
Westenhöfer had put forward an idea very
AQUATIC APE THEORY much like AAT in 1942 in The Unique
Road to Man, but as Nazi scientists were
Alternative human evolution theory first being shunned, his work did not receive
put forward by television documentary wide notice.
writer turned evolutionary science theo- In addition to the marine morpho-
rist Elaine Morgan in The Descent of logical aspects of human anatomy, Mor-
Woman (1972). Aquatic Ape Theory gan argued that human evolution was
(AAT ) holds that, rather than the usually largely the product of females and the
26 | Aquatic Ape Theory

way they raised young. She rejected the of MIT, supported the idea first put for-
hunter-killer view of male-driven human ward by Enlightenment philosopher John
evolution popular at the time. She also Locke of a tabula rasa. Pinker argued
disparaged male evolutionary biologists that the human brain was born essentially
and paleoanthropologists for being male blank, and that an individualÊs life experi-
chauvinists in their theorizing. Their work, ences imprinted upon the mind his or her
she claimed, was blinded by a male cen- worldview and attitudes, and that evolu-
tered view of the world. She claimed that tion accounts for other aspects of human
male scientists were living vicariously as behavior. Morgan ridiculed PinkerÊs work
adventurers and Tarzan-like characters as outdated. She had no choice but to take
when they did their work. She also argued this position. Her AAT is based upon the
that the male dominated scientific elite notion that the way females raise hominid
were keeping ideas like hers from being young has been crucial to human devel-
heard. Far from stifling her work, most opment. If the human mind begins as a
scientists, both male and female, simply blank slate, as Locke and Pinker argued,
ignored what they saw as a biased and po- then bad human behavior could be argued
liticized position on human evolution put to be the result of bad parenting by fe-
forward by an amateur with little or no males. If human behavior was somehow
training or knowledge of the field. hardwired into the brain, then all that held
Other publications followed. These in- back the apocalypse was the desperate
clude The Aquatic Ape (1982), The Scars attempts by females to raise compassion-
of Evolution (1990), and most recently ate and nonviolent offspring. This would
The Naked Darwinist (2008). By the late keep females on the exalted pedestal
1990s, MorganÊs work was receiving some Morgan placed them on.
positive review by the mainstream. It was If anything, MorganÊs work may have
pointed out that not all of her ideas were helped some scientists (not all paleoan-
completely off the mark. The major prob- thropologists are male, and many of Mor-
lem of her work is that she offers little or ganÊs critics are female scientists) to con-
no physical evidence to support it. Fossil sider more actively the role of females in
hominid remains have been found near human evolution. Like any other aspect
bodies of water, or fossil bodies of water, of biological transmutation there is not
but none indicate that these hominids one single cause of anything. Human evo-
were doing anything other than drinking lution is the product of millions of years of
or bathing in the water. Nothing sug- a complex interweaving of environmen-
gests they lived habitually in an aquatic tal conditions, changes to genetic struc-
environment. ture, struggle for survival, and both male
Further, Morgan is guilty of some of and female child rearing. The simplistic
the same missteps as her male targets. view that males went out to hunt while
While many male evolutionary scientists females stayed around the fire to cook
did let their egos and Eurocentric world- and raise children has been discarded by
view color their work, she has done the evolutionary science. MorganÊs continued
same, except from a female point of view. critique of „ Tarzanists‰ in evolutionary
A case is point is her 2005 book PinkerÊs biology is less a reasoned scientific dis-
List. A specialist in human intelligence cussion than a distracting pseudoscien-
and its evolutionary origins, Steven Pinker tific politicizing of an important issue.
Aryan Myth | 27

Further Reading they migrated westward, they vanished.

Morgan, Elaine. 1982. The Aquatic Ape. New The latter only existed in the imagina-
York: Stein & Day. tions of Nazis and white supremacists
Morgan, Elaine. 1990. The Scars of Evolution. (the Anglo-Saxons were a distinct people
London: Souvenir Press. and not a figment of the imagination).
Morgan, Elaine. 1995. The Descent of the Child. By the latter part of the 19th century,
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
the romanticism of German philoso-
Morgan, Elaine 1997. The Aquatic Ape Hypoth-
phers like G. W. Hegel was revived into a
esis. London: Souvenir Press.
Morgan, Elaine 2008. The Naked Darwinist.
new romanticism that was metaphysically
n.p.: Eildon Press. based. At the same time, German natu-
ralist Ernst HaeckelÊs conglomeration of
nature worship, the occult, and science
gave supposedly rational support to the no-
ARYAN MYTH tion of recreating the German man into
a new being in tune with nature. Under
Cultural and occult tradition that holds Haeckel, the Monist League sought to
that modern Germanic people are the ra- bring an awareness of the importance
cial descendants of the Aryans, a supposed of biology and the dangers of racial de-
„master race‰ that initially arose in Cen- cline brought on by miscegenation (race
tral Asia in ancient times and then spread mixing).
to Europe. The Aryans are believed to As a result, science and the occult be-
have been biologically, intellectually, gan to merge into a hybrid. GermanyÊs
physically, and culturally superior to all political upheavals and economic crises
other ethnic groups. The stereotypical had intellectuals searching for a unifying
Aryan is a tall, well-built, blond-haired, principle around which the German peo-
blue-eyed individual. Aryan theory be- ple could rally, and the study of human
came popular in late-19th- and early- evolution contributed to that unifying
20th-century western Europe, particularly history. Many German intellectuals be-
in France and especially Germany and came obsessed with their supposed Aryan
Austria (a British variation on the theme origins. This philosophical trend was
focuses on the Anglo-Saxons). It reached partly a result of the German middle class
its peak in the racial ideals of the Nazis, fear of slipping into the obscurity of
but has continued to survive to the pres- lower-class status brought on by economic
ent within the world of modern-day white hardships. Aryan mysticism, the occult,
supremacy. It is a combination of pseu- and ideas about manÊs central-Asian ori-
doscience and pseudoarchaeology, mixed gins all seemed to prop up their social
with a healthy dose of anti-Semitism and status, allowing them to argue their su-
race hatred. periority. German philosophers and kin-
There are two categories of Aryans, dred spirits saw themselves as surrounded
the genuine ancient Indo-Germanic peo- by degenerates who were trying to de-
ple of prehistoric times, and the mythical stroy them and their culture. The people
Aryans. The former did exist as a people, at the focal point of this worry were the
but by the time of the Greco-Roman pe- Jews. Scapegoats are necessary for nations
riod had intermingled so much with the in crisis, and the Jews of Europe made the
local populations they encountered as easiest target. Their supposedly inferior
28 | Aryan Myth

evolutionary origins and biology became ries of flowery, pseudo-Renaissance style

the hook on which many hung their fears novels. The occult world he created was
and hatreds. inspired by German mythology, the music
In this climate, pro-German social phi- of composer Richard Wagner, Madame
losophies flourished. The Volkish move- BlavatskyÊs evolution theory, and occult-
ment, an offshoot of German romanticism ism, and it was full of mist-shrouded cas-
that first appeared in the 1870s, glorified tles, dark and foreboding forests, magical
the mystical oneness of the German peo- powers, and was populated by beautiful,
ple, or Volk, and sought personal fulfill- heroic, and racially superior Aryan über-
ment through exposure to nature. Volkish menchen engaging in epic adventures.
proponents rejected Christianity as not (Critics have chortled that J.R.R. Tolk-
addressing the specific concerns of Ger- ienÊs Lord of the Rings trilogy is a Britan-
mans and argued for a cultural soul di- nic version, where the bravest and smartest
rectly connected to nature in a way unlike characters are all pasty white.)
other races (especially the Jews). Volkish In addition to individuals like Von
theory emphasized a natural spirituality List, groups such as the Germanen Orden
that thrived on race-based imagination, and the Thule Society, all of whom as-
creativity, and a superior biological ori- cribed to the Aryan myth, flourished. The
gin. Under Volkish thought, Aryans were hodgepodge of occult spectacle, the bas-
believed to have been a race of super- tardization of evolution theory, and anti-
men who evolved in central Asia and Semitism that is Aryan mythology were
then spread out to conquer the world, and adopted by many of the key members of
the modern Germans were their direct the early Nazi Party as the basis for their
descendants. After popular mystic Ma- new religion. Under Hitler, Nazi ideology
dame BlavatskyÊs (1831–1891) Secret embraced Aryan biology. HitlerÊs close
Doctrine (1888) was translated into Ger- ally Heinrich Himmler constructed the
man in 1901, it quickly became a blueprint SS, HitlerÊs personal bodyguard, around
for budding German mystics. Occult evo- the pseudohistory of Aryan evolution, as
lution is about advancing, not only physi- mapped out in the works of Von List and
cally, but spiritually as well. Progressive others. Himmler also created a special ar-
levels are attained to lift the initiate above chaeological unit, the Ahnenerbe (Ances-
the pale of everyday existence and allow tral Heritage Society), expressly to search
the lower orders to reach a superior posi- for „scientific ‰ proof of his beliefs. He
tion in the cosmos. Spiritual evolutionary sent expeditions to Tibet, Venezuela, and
struggle was thought to make a better the Antarctic to search for Atlantis and
spirit in the same way it was thought that holy relics to aid the Nazi war machine.
physical evolutionary struggle makes a Himmler was intrigued by the idea of
better organism; Aryans, Volkish thinkers Aryan Myth and worked it into his philo-
believed, were the result of this process. sophy. He made his headquarters for this
The preoccupation with mysticism in fringe thinking at the imposing Wewels-
Germany was epitomized in the life of burg Castle, turning it into a Nazi mon-
Guido Von List (1848–1919). A third-rate, astery. Within its massive, dank walls,
would-be aristocratic, Von List created a Himmler created a fantasy world and
mythical personal history as well as a his- dreamed his noxious dreams of Aryan
tory for the Aryan German nation in a se- heroes, Holy Grail legends, and world
Astrology | 29

conquest. Taking their lead from Ameri- detached from the body and sent on jour-
can eugenicists, the Nazis added another neys, or projected, to astral planes, other
step · known as the Final Solution · to levels of existence traditionally thought
the process of how to deal with „undesir- to be located between heaven and earth.
ables‰ and enemies of the Aryans by put- Classical writers said these planes were
ting what would come to be known as the the abode of angels, spirits, and souls of
Holocaust into operation. the departed. Religious and metaphysi-
Besides the fact that there is no physi- cal adepts claim the ability to project their
cal evidence to support it, one of the iro- spirit doubles through fasting, meditation,
nies of the Aryan myth is that most of its and trance inducement. The idea that a
great promoters · Guido Von List, Ma- place exists between heaven and earth is
dame Blavatsky, Heinrich Himmler, and common to most religions. The Austrian
Adolf Hitler· did not live up to the phys- philosopher and occultist Rudolf Steiner
ical ideal of Aryan stature. They were not (1861–1925) claimed that, by astral pro-
well-built, blond-haired, or blue-eyed. Ac- jection, he could read the Akashic Re-
cording to Aryan eugenic ideals, all of cord. A supposed collection of all human
them would have been eliminated as un- knowledge, the Akashic Record is said to
fit. Aryan mythology and its related ideas exist as either a library or the very mind of
were little more than a superficial attempt God. American prophet Edgar Cayce also
to give scholarly and scientific legitimacy claimed to be able to access the Akashic
to race hatred and intolerance. Record through astral projection. Other
than anecdotal eyewitness accounts, there
See also: Eugenics. is no evidence of the ability to astral proj-
Further Reading
ect, the existence of other planes, or of the
Akashic Record.
Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. 1993. The occult
roots of Nazism. New York: NYU Press. Further Reading
Dhavalikar, MK. 2007. Aryans, Myth and Ar-
Bruce, Robert and Professor C. E. Lindgren.
chaeology. New Delhi: Munshiram.
1999. Astral dynamics: A new approach to
out-of-body experiences. Charlottesville, VA:
Hampton Roads Publishing Company.
Steiner, Rudolf. 1904. Theosophy: An introduc-
ASTRAL PROJECTION tion to the supersensible knowledge of the
world and the destination of man. London:
A technique for creating oneÊs ethereal Rudolf Steiner Press.
double and sending it off on travels across
space and time. Astral projection is simi-
lar to dreams or out-of-body experiences,
but where out-of-body experiences hap- ASTROLOGY
pen accidentally as the result of some
physical traumatic event, astral projection The study of the movements of the heav-
is done deliberately as part of a religious ens as they relate to and interact with the
ritual aiming at exploring other planes of lives of human beings. Unlike astronomy,
existence. The double, or astral body, is the scientific study of the stars, planets,
an entity that helps link the physical body and other celestial phenomena for their
to the soul. Believers say the entity can be own sake regardless of human activity,
30 | Atlantis

astrology is a pseudoscience that covers Thagard, Paul. 1978. Why astrology is pseudo-
only the patterns formed by the stars and science, Proceedings of the philosophy of
planets as seen from the earth (astrology science association, (1): 223 –34.
also does not take into consideration such Woolfolk, J. M. 2008. The only astrology book
youÊll ever need. Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade
phenomena as quasars, nebulae, or other
similar forms). Astrology tends to treat the
heavens in the same fashion as they were
treated during ancient times and Middle
Ages: as lights attached to the surface of a ATLANTIS
crystal globe at the center of which hangs
the earth. It is believed that the patterns of Legendary island nation said to have been
stars and planets at the moment of oneÊs home to an advanced society that ex-
birth are an indicator of the personÊs fu- isted in ancient times, but was destroyed
ture character and life path. Each month in an unknown catastrophe. Few mythical
has a corresponding zodiac sign · Can- places have drawn as much pseudoscien-
cer, Libra, Taurus, and so on·which also tific attention as Atlantis. It has become
dictates the personÊs character. „ Read- the archetype of the Golden Age society
ing‰ the arrangement of the stars, a horo- for speculative writers since it first ap-
scope, or time view allows for divination peared in written accounts. Thomas More
and prophesy. Astrology may be one of used the legend as a model for his Utopia
the oldest organized intellectual endeav- (1516), from which the modern idea and
ors of the human experience and is still name for a perfect world comes. While
widely popular today. entire libraries of books have been writ-
Philosopher of science Paul Thagard ten on Atlantis speculating on its location,
used astrology as a model for determining its culture and meaning, as well as works
the difference between science and pseu- claiming to have found it, the original
doscience. He argued that astrology can- source material all of this is based upon
not be tested or falsified, has assertions is relatively scanty. Countless attempts
rather than evidence, is not peer-reviewed to find Atlantis have been put forward in
for efficacy, does not seem to advance in various places around the world, but no
technique or underlining theory, and has confirmed location has been determined.
not discarded out-of-date thinking for There is no confirmation that Atlantis ex-
new ways. While astrologers now employ ists outside the imagination.
computer modeling to put together charts The point of origin for the huge modern
and plot the movements of stars and con- Atlantis literature is in Timaeus and Cri-
stellations, the underlining theory is still tias ( both of around 360 bc) by the Greek
medieval and unchanged. author Plato. PlatoÊs teacher, Socrates, and
his musings on the nature of the perfect
See also: Alchemy; Divination; Falsification.
state inspired these works. In these writ-
Further Reading ings, presented as a dialogue, Critias says
Kassel, Lauren. 2007. Medicine and magic in he knows a good example of a perfect
Elizabethan London: Simon Forman: As- state and so tells the story of Atlantis,
trologer, alchemist, and physician. Oxford: which is located beyond the „ Pillars of
Oxford University Press. Hercules.‰ As such, Atlantis is an imagi-
Atlantis | 31

nary place created by Plato to be used as a Party Congressman from 1863–1868, and
model for making a point. Plato may have a state Senator from 1986 –1878. He was
gotten the original idea from the work of a supporter of freed blacksÊ rights as well
an earlier author, Solon (638–558 bc), who as womenÊs rights.
in turn may have brought it from Egypt After leaving politics, Donnelly re-
years before. turned to his first love, literature and writ-
PlatoÊs writings fired the imagina- ing. As a utopian, he was fascinated by
tion of many authors right from the start. PlatoÊs description and delved into a pe-
Thomas MoreÊs Utopia was an island na- riod of intense research. The culmination
tion in the Atlantic Ocean. Francis Bacon of this period was Atlantis: the Antedilu-
used the myth for his New Atlantis (1627), vian World. ( The next year he released
a place where reason, science, and en- Ragnarok, in which he hypothesized
lightenment would reign. There have about the earthÊs catastrophic past, which
been both those who argued Atlantis was included the devastatingly close pass of a
a real place and those who argue it is fic- comet.) It became a best seller and was
tion. Isaac Newton speculated on Atlantis influential to scores of later writers of fic-
in The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms tion and nonfiction alike, and remains in-
(1728). Later scholars thought Atlantis fluential to the present day. He connected
was either off the coast of the Americas or later ancient cultures in an attempt to show
in the Americas ·as Bacon did · possibly where the Atlantians escaped to after
linked to Mesoamerican cultures like the their own civilization was destroyed by a
Aztecs. Late-19th-century occultists were cataclysm. Many ideas Donnelly worked
especially transfixed by Atlantis myths into the myth system were not mentioned
and tied them into a number of other „lost by Plato, yet were later taken as givens by
civilization‰ stories, like Mu and Lemu- other authors; these include notions that
ria. All these ideas and speculations were Atlantis as a technologically superior so-
relatively confined within esoteric circles ciety, that the cityÊs people were the ori-
until late in the century. gins of all other races and civilizations,
The book that helped launch the mod- and that they had scientific knowledge
ern publicÊs fascination with the idea was now lost to the modern world. DonnellyÊs
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World (1882) work anticipated that of Immanuel Ve-
by Ignatius Donnelly (1831–1901). Grow- likovsky, Graham Hancock, and other
ing up in Philadelphia, DonnellyÊs family late-20th-century neocatastrophist, lost
hit hard times when his doctor father died civilization, and lost Golden Age writers
from typhus in the 1830s. Intelligent and and believers.
ambitious, Donnelly began studying the The American psychic Edgar Cayce
law then went into politics. After some claimed to have seen Atlantis in some of
hints of financial wrongdoing, Donnelly his many visions and said it would reap-
headed out West. He attempted to form a pear in the 20th century. When a strange
utopian community in what was then the block-like formation off the coast of
Dakota Territory, but it failed, leaving Florida, commonly called the Bimini
him in debt. He went back into politics Road, was discovered in 1968, it was seen
and eventually became the lieutenant gov- by some as support for CayceÊs abilities
ernor of Minnesota in 1860, Republican and proof of the existence of Atlantis.
32 | Atomic Mutants

Geologists pointed out that the Bimini the end of the universe, to explain how
Road formation is a rare but naturally ap- animals evolve, or the nature of life are
pearing geologic formation, not the re- searching for something deeper as well.
mains of a lost civilization. It is not really about Atlantis · it doesnÊt
A number of scholars and archaeolo- matter if Atlantis or Bigfoot exists ·what
gists have suggested places around the matters is the hunt, the motivation to find
Mediterranean that contain evidence of out. This is something both science and
past cultures that might have been the pseudoscience do have in common.
model for PlatoÊs Atlantis: the island of
See also: Hidden History.
Santorini, also known as Thera, being a
well-known example. There have been Further Reading
far more outrageous and scientifically Harrison, W. 1971. Atlantis undiscovered:
dubious candidates. Atlantis has been lo- Bimini, Bahamas. Nature (230): 287– 89.
cated by enthusiasts in the Atlantic as far Joseph, Frank. 2004. The destruction of Atlan-
north as Ireland and as far south as the tis: Compelling evidence of the sudden fall
South Pole. In good pseudoscience fash- of the legendary civilization. Rochester, VT:
Bear & Company.
ion, modern-day Atlantis hunters use the
Spence, Lewis. 1924. The Problem of Atlantis.
trappings of marine biology, geology, con-
London: William Rider and Son.
tinental drift, deep-sea drill cores, and ot- Wilson, Colin. 2006. Atlantis and the kingdom
her high tech approaches to „prove‰ where of the Neanderthals: 100,000 years of lost
it is. If you were to take all the spots history Rochester, VT: Bear & Company.
claimed by Atlantis hunters and plot them
on a map of the world, you would all but
cover the globe. One especially ambitious
book, by Brazilian physicist Arysio Nunes ATOMIC MUTANTS
dos Santos, Atlantis: the Lost Continent
Finally Found (2005), claimed not only A popular topic of science fiction litera-
that had he found Atlantis, but also the ture and film, atomic mutants are living
Garden of Eden and the „true‰ location of things, usually insects, animals, or hu-
Troy, all together in the South China Sea. mans, and less often plant life, that have
Fortean author Colin Wilson suggests that been radically and suddenly altered in
there is a connection between the inhab- their morphology due to exposure to
itants of Atlantis and the Neanderthals, atomic radiation, often a bomb blast. The
saying that it was, in fact, the Neander- heyday of such works was the 1950s and
thals who founded Atlantis. Like the Holy 1960s, though the genre has survived to
Grail, the lost city of Atlantis represents the present. There are two basic types of
something special in the hearts and minds atomic mutants: already-monstrous crea-
of those who pursue it. The search for At- tures that are released from geologic cap-
lantis, like so many of the prizes sought tivity in rock or ice formations by a nuclear
after in pseudoscience, is the search for explosion, or those where a nuclear ex-
the self. It becomes a mirror held up to plosion or radiation cause normal or-
the searcher. Admittedly, the objects of ganisms to mutate into monsters through
genuine science are often the same, the enhanced size or the sudden appearance
researcher looking for a cure for AIDS, a of physical abilities they do not normally
way to fly to the moon, a way to see to possess.
Atomic Mutants | 33

The first film version featuring such means that, if they were grown to mon-
an organism was The Beast From 20,000 strous size, the square cube law would
Fathoms (1953). Based loosely upon take effect. As they get bigger, the bugsÊ
the short story of the same name, by au- ability to move and breathe would be
thor Ray Bradbury (and later changed by greatly reduced and ultimately prove fa-
Bradbury to The Fog Horn), the beast, tal. The largest animals known ever to
called a Rhedosaur, is set free from an have existed, like the brachiosaurs, com-
icy arctic tomb by a nuclear bomb blast. pensated for their huge size by moving
It heads to New York City, where it ram- very slowly and being herbivores. Like-
pages about before being dispatched by wise, the blue whale, the largest extant spe-
the military at the Coney Island amuse- cies, can grow to enormous size because
ment park. The success of the film in- the buoyancy of the ocean supports it.
spired arguably the best of the genre, That radiation does have an effect upon
Them! (1954), in which lingering radia- the genetic structure of living things was
tion from the first nuclear explosion at determined in the early 20th century.
Los Alamos causes common desert ants Natural radiation emitted by the sun and
to grow into monsters who then invade other stars can alter DNA. It is these nat-
Los Angeles where they make pests of ural mutations that build up slowly over
themselves. Them! is a film noir detective time and contribute to the process of evo-
film, but with mutants, where even the lution. Only Them! made a passing ref-
title leaves you guessing what the central erence to the ants having grown larger
evil is until the ants make their appearance over successive generations of prolonged
well into the story. The Beast From 20,000 radiation. Sudden bursts of radiation, ei-
Fathoms (along with the non-atomic mu- ther natural or man-made as a result of
tant King Kong [1933]) also inspired Jap- atom bomb explosions or leakage from
anese filmmakers to produce Godzilla nuclear power plants, do great damage
(1954). to living tissue. Such effects are quickly
An entire menagerie of animals has fatal and would not cause an organism
been mutated by radiation in film. In- to mutate in the science fiction sense of
sects are especially popular. Along with rapid and profound change. Therefore, get-
the ants of Them!, there are the grasshop- ting bitten by a radioactive spider would
pers of The Beginning of the End and the have killed Peter Parker, not turned him
praying mantis of The Giant Mantis (both into Spider-Man.
of 1957), but there have also been crabs,
Further Reading
turtles, and humans. The problem with
atomic mutants is that they do not con- Newman, Kim. 2000. Apocalypse movies: End
of the world cinema. New York: St. Martins
form to the known laws of science. In the
case of bugs, they have exoskeletons. This
This page intentionally left blank

BACON, SIR FRANCIS served as a diplomat and courier while

continuing his studies there. Family finan-
British philosopher often credited with cial difficulties drove him home to be-
helping bring on the scientific revolution come a lawyer instead of philosopher, as
and, in turn, the modern world by articu- he had hoped. While trying to carve out a
lating a technique for studying the natural career for himself, Bacon began to write
world called the scientific method. Born about religious and political topics. In
into a family with close ties the monar- 1613, family connections led to his ap-
chy, Bacon ( 1561–1626 ) entered Trinity pointment as attorney general, and in 1618
College, Cambridge at the age of 12. He he was named Lord Chancellor to King
received a rigorous education that en- James I. A corruption scandal found him
tailed the reading of Greek authors, es- out of work shortly after, and even im-
pecially Aristotle. This caused him some prisoned briefly in the Tower of London.
intellectual confusion, as he greatly ad- While his place in British political his-
mired Aristotle, but not the Aristotelian tory is interesting, Bacon is best remem-
philosophy of his contemporaries. Medi- bered for his philosophical writings. Taken
eval scholasticism focused on studying as a body of work, BaconÊs writings put
an interpreted form of Aristotle and oth- forward a method of how to study the nat-
ers and came to lean heavily on the vir- ural world. A religious man, he believed
tual infallibility of those authors. Bacon that, far from compromising oneÊs faith,
found this troublesome, as Aristotle him- technical, philosophical, and scientific
self taught that it was wrong to blindly ac- knowledge enhanced oneÊs belief in God.
cept past authorities, and encouraged his It was in Meditationes Sacrea (1597 )
students to see the world with oneÊs own that he made his well-known statement,
eyes and intellect. „Knowledge is power.‰
After completing his studies at Cam- BaconÊs most famous work was The
bridge, Bacon traveled to France and New Atlantis (1627 ). A novel rather than

36 | Bermuda Triangle

a scientific treatise, it was meant to be the Further Reading

first in a line of books in which he laid Peltonen, Markku. 2008. The Cambridge com-
out his ideas of a perfect society, or utopia. panion to Bacon. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
The utopian ideal was based upon ratio- versity Press.
nal knowledge gained according to rig-
orous methods of scientific enquiry. In
later works, like Magna Instauratio and
the New Organon, Bacon laid out the pro- BERMUDA TRIANGLE
cess of the scientific method: ideas must
be tested through observation and exper- Region of ocean located in the Atlantic
imentation, then, once confirmed, a fur- and anchored in the Caribbean Sea in
ther level of inquiry is performed, then which ocean-going vessels and aircraft
another and another until a mountain of disappear in large numbers under mys-
trustworthy facts are accumulated. These terious circumstances. Articles about the
facts form generalizations about the nat- region have appeared since at least the
ural world. 1950s in popular menÊs magazines like
While Bacon was not as specific with Fate. By the 1960s, the area was being re-
the details of his method as later readers ferred to as the „ Deadly Triangle.‰ An im-
would have liked, his core idea of using portant early article on the disappearance
rigorous standards and procedures of in- of ships, and especially planes, in the re-
quiry in which the recording of facts and gion was in 1964 in Argosy. Titled „ The
the constant testing of hypotheses is now Deadly Bermuda Triangle,‰ by author
the underlining philosophy of modern sci- Vincent Gaddis (1913 –1997 ), the article
ence and indeed helps define what sci- discussed the contentious story of Flight
ence is. The idea that the only kind of 19 and coined the term Bermuda Trian-
valid knowledge is that which is the re- gle. The 1970s saw a series of publica-
sult of the accumulation of data was not tions on the Bermuda Triangle, also now
completely adopted. Scientists today ac- referred to more provocatively as the
knowledge that simple observation alone „ DevilÊs Triangle,‰ in articles and books.
is not enough; intuitive leaps are required, One of the most popular was The Ber-
based upon facts, to formulate theories muda Triangle: An Incredible Saga of
and hypotheses as well. Later philoso- Unexplained Disappearances (1974 ) by
phers added important ideas about falsi- esoteric subjects author Charles Berlitz
fication, paradigms, and other methods (1914 – 2003). A skilled linguist whose
that Bacon did not discuss. The result is family published a long line of popular
that, while Bacon is held up as a pivotal language instruction books, Berlitz was
figure in the scientific revolution, little interested in unusual subjects and began
modern science is based solely on pure researching losses of ships and aircraft.
Baconian logic, rather it is a far more com- Drawn to the Bermuda Triangle mystery,
plex exercise. Bacon is held alternately as he noticed a pattern of hard to explain in-
a shrewd thinker who helped create the cidents and legends about doings off the
modern world and as an insufferable self- coast of Florida. He saw that the region
promoter who produced no real science had a history of unsolved disappearances
himself, but was, as the German philoso- and high profile cases. He listed many
pher G. W. Hegel called him, a „coiner of of them and focused on ones that could
mottoes.‰ not be explained by natural means. This
Bermuda Triangle | 37

resulted in the conclusion that something Eckert reported Lt. Taylor saying that
mysterious was going on in the region. „ nothing seems right,‰ and other enig-
Researchers scoured record books, matic phrases. Eckert linked the case to
shipÊs logs, police and Coast Guard reports, supernatural phenomena and made a num-
and local legends and found many more ber of claims about the incident that were
„ unexplained ‰ cases. Because some re- found to be untrue. He said the flight took
searchers could not explain some of these place in good weather when in fact the
cases naturally, they resorted to supernatu- flight took place in terrible weather, with
ral explanations. The large number of lost dark and stormy skies and rough seas. He
ships and aircraft in the triangle · which also claimed Taylor was a skilled navi-
has been alternately mapped with most of gator. Though he was a combat veteran,
its southern region in the Caribbean and Taylor was not known as a skilled naviga-
off the coast of Florida and its upper most tor. He had, in fact, ditched in the Pacific
portion being placed as far north as New twice during World War II, reportedly as a
Jersey or even Ireland · led some to put result of his a poor navigation skills.
forward ideas of ghost pirates, magnetic Author Lawrence David Kusche con-
anomalies, „electric fog,‰ astral vortices, tradicted all the claims of the unearthly
sunken cities, and, of course, UFOs and made about the Bermuda Triangle. In The
USOs ( Unidentified Submerged Objects). Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved (1975),
Atlantis is reputed to have been in this re- and again in The Disappearance of Flight
gion, as evidenced by the existence of the 19 (1980), Kusche took issue with how
Bimini Road. these cases were presented. He took spe-
The most famous case of the Bermuda cial umbrage with Charles Berlitz, ac-
Triangle is that of Flight 19. A key publi- cusing him of incompetence and even
cation on the case was by magazine writer fabricating evidence. Kusche carefully
Allan Eckert and appeared in American examined the naval records, interviewed
Legion magazine in 1964. On December 5, eyewitnesses, and, as a pilot himself, flew
1945, a group of five U.S. Navy Avenger the route of Flight 19. He argued that while
torpedo bombers out of a Florida airbase tragic, the loss of the planes could be put
were on a mission in the skies over the down to mechanical and pilot error. He
Atlantic Ocean. Having completed their also asserted that none of the „mysteries‰
training, they were heading home when of the Bermuda Triangle could be sup-
the flightÊs leader Lt. Charles Taylor be- ported with evidence and were only hear-
came disoriented. Air controllers in Fort say, innuendo, and the work of fabulists.
Lauderdale tried to talk the flight back He concluded that the Bermuda Triangle
home, but they had become hopelessly was a manufactured mystery with no ba-
lost. In radio communications with con- sis at all in fact.
trollers, Taylor seemed upset, confused, Others tended to agree. The famous
and increasingly panic-stricken. Eventu- shipping insurance agency LloydÊs of
ally radio contact was lost and the flight London · whose operations can be traced
disappeared. A massive search by ships back to the 1680s · does not charge
and aircraft failed to find a single trace of higher rates for ships traveling through
Flight 19. Adding to the mystery, a large the Triangle. The United States Coast
flying boat that was part of the rescue mis- Guard also does not see anything unusual
sion also disappeared without a trace. In about the number of vessels lost in the
his article, „ Mystery of the Lost Patrol,‰ Triangle. Some researchers and marine
38 | Bigfoot

insurance specialists point out that the tall and weighing 500 pounds or more,
numbers of losses of either ships or air- Bigfoot is a hairy, man-like, bipedal crea-
craft in the region commonly thought to ture of mostly nocturnal and solitary hab-
encompass the Bermuda Triangle are no its. The creature is notoriously hard to find
higher or mysterious than at any other and has appeared in a small number pho-
spot in the worldÊs oceans. tographs, all of which are contentious as
The Triangle still has its supporters. to their authenticity. The most commonly
Anomalous phenomena investigator Gian found evidence for Bigfoot and similar
Quasar took issue with Lawrence Kus- forms are the large footprints they some-
cheÊs debunking. He claims that Kusche times leave behind. Researchers have col-
makes arguments against the Triangle that lected an enormous number of plaster
he does not support, that he gets his in- casts of such prints and use them to argue
formation wrong, uses faulty sources, and for the creatureÊs existence. The most well
generally does just as bad a job in his known image of Bigfoot comes from the
writing as he claimed about Charles Ber- 16 mm film footage commonly called the
litz. Quasar is skeptical of skeptics and Patterson-Gimlin Film, which was shot
charges that they recycle false reports and in October 1967 in the Bluff Creek re-
supposed facts against the subject and do gion of northern California by a pair of
a poor job of researching the topics they cowboy/ranchers, Roger Patterson and
wish to undermine. This helps to illustrate Robert Gimlin, as they explored looking
what can happen when one supports a for the creature.
side in a discussion of a pseudoscientific There are reports from Native Ameri-
topic. Whether supporting or debunking can legends of Bigfoot-like creatures that
something anomalous, one has to base his preceded the arrival of European settlers.
opinions on facts known to be accurate. There are also scattered reports from ex-
plorers and trappers in the 18th and 19th
See also: Debunkers. centuries who encountered creatures that
Further Reading fit the Bigfoot mold. These reports, and
Gaddis, Vincent. 1965. Invisible horizons: True
the idea of Bigfoot, remained little known
mysteries of the sea. New York: Ace. outside of folklorists and local inhabitants
MacGregor, Rob. 2005. The fog: A never before until the middle of the 20th century. In
published theory of the Bermuda Triangle 1958, a construction gang pushing a road
phenomenon. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn through the Six Rivers National Forest in
Publications. northern California, near a stream called
Quasar, Gian. 2005. Into the Bermuda Trian- Bluff Creek, encountered unusually large
gle. Thomaston, ME: International Marine/ footprints in the dirt near their heavy
Ragged Mountain Press. equipment. While they never saw who or
what left the tracks, the workers claimed
the tracks reappeared often. One of the
BIGFOOT gang, Jerry Crew, made a plaster cast of
one of the tracks and brought it to local
Also called „sasquatch,‰ Bigfoot is an Humboldt Times reporter Andrew Gen-
anomalous primate said to inhabit the Pa- zoli. Crew told the reporter about what
cific Northwest of the United States and had happened and that the construction
Canada. Reported to be roughly eight feet workers had taken to calling the myste-
Bigfoot | 39

rious visitor „Bigfoot.‰ Genzoli put the

story on the AP wire service, a move that
resulted in an instant sensation. The name
Bigfoot carried a great pop culture punch.
A number of amateur naturalists already
interested in man-like monster sightings
began to investigate the Bigfoot incident.
Men like Canadian John Green, Swiss-
Canadian Rene Dahinden, Irishman Peter
Byrne, and many others researched the
phenomena, talked to eyewitnesses, and
collected evidence about these creatures.
With the Bigfoot story, the floodgates
opened and many people in the United
States and Canada began to come forward
telling how they, too, had seen the crea- The skull of Gigantopithecus. This fossil
primate from Asia is thought to be the
tures. Along with the amateur naturalists,
progenitor of the Yeti and Sasquatch.
a small coterie of professional scientists
also joined the search for these elusive
animals. These included British prima-
tologist John Napier (1917–1987), whose description of the creature that made sense
Bigfoot: The Yeti and Sasquatch in Myth anatomically. He attempted to use the tech-
and Reality (1973) was the fist major niques and methodologies of physical an-
scholarly work to address the evidence, thropology to explain what the creature
and American paleoanthropologist Gro- looked like and, more importantly, to ex-
ver Krantz (1932 –2002), who became the plain why it could exist. One of the key
scientist most associated with the study of pieces of evidence Krantz relied on were
anomalous primates. the „Cripplefoot‰ tracks found near the
Krantz, from Washington State Univer- towns of Bossburg and Colville in Wash-
sity, spent most of his 30-plus year ca- ington state in November 1969. These
reer working to articulate an acceptable prints intrigued Krantz because of ana-
theoretical paradigm that would link Big- tomical anomalies in the right foot that he
foot to the extinct Asian primate Gigan- felt could not have been created by hoax-
topithecus. Known from fossil teeth and ers. This approach became a common one
jaw parts, Gigantopithecus is the larg- amongst enthusiasts: if the anatomical de-
est primate ever known. The available fos- tails of tracks could not be faked, some of
sil evidence suggests to some, though not the tracks must be genuine, thus the crea-
all, scientists that Gigantopithecus was a tures must exist. In more recent years, an-
large biped that weighed in the 500-pound thropologist Jeffrey Meldrum of Idaho
range and stood about eight feet tall. This State University has taken up KrantzÊs
description is virtually indistinguishable mantle as the most visible professional sci-
from reports of sightings of Bigfoot. Krantz entist to argue for BigfootÊs existence in
put together technical data on Bigfoot North America.
from the sightings and from the Patterson- Many in mainstream biology and zo-
Gimlin Film to produce a biomechanical ology feel that the evidence for such
40 | Bigfoot

Bernard Heuvelmans (1916 – 2001) and

Ivan Sanderson (1911–1973) went to see
the exhibit and became convinced of its
authenticity. They both published papers
on the find which drew the attention of
the Smithsonian Institution, in the form of
John Napier, and later, the FBI. The law
enforcement agency became interested in
the Iceman when it was thought that the
creature had been dispatched with a fire-
arm. The FBIÊs interest was short-lived,
but Hanson became worried and took the
exhibit down for some time. When it re-
appeared, Hanson claimed he had been
exhibiting a fake all along. The creature
The Scottish naturalist Ivan Sanderson is one
of the cofounders of cryptozoology.
and Hanson soon slipped into obscurity.
The most recent Bigfoot hoax was the
„ Bigfoot in a box ‰ sham, put forward by
a pair of Georgia men in August 2008.
creatures is slim and circumstantial at They put up photos of a carcass they
best. They argue that such an animal runs claimed to have found while out hunting.
counter to evolutionary theory and that the They said they had scooped up the re-
attempt to link Bigfoot to Gigantopith- mains and put them into a large box. Much
ecus is dubious, as the most recent fossils anticipation was generated, and the dis-
are 300,000 years old. In addition, no coverers claimed they had sent some of
Gigantopithecus fossils have ever been the remains for DNA analysis, whose re-
found in the Americas. Another problem sults they would announce at a major press
with the field is the proclivity for hoax- conference. Some eagle-eyed Web surf-
ing that goes on within it. Following his ers saw from the photos that the „carcass‰
death, Ray Wallace (1918 – 2001), the fore- was actually an off-the-shelf gorilla cos-
man of Jerry CrewÊs construction gang, tume with some possum entrails strewn
was accused of having faked the famous over it. The fraud quickly fell apart and
Bigfoot tracks. His family stated that he the promised press conference came to
had been faking tracks most of his adult nothing.
life. Other researchers who were famil- As with cryptozoology in general,
iar with Wallace accepted that he was a anomalous primate studies · like the Loch
hoaxer but argued he had not faked the Ness Monster, Chupacabra and others ·
tracks Jerry Crew found. can be settled with the discovery of ac-
The field of anomalous primate studies tual remains that stand up to scientific
is studded with famous frauds, including scrutiny.
the Minnesota Iceman of 1968. Carnival Despite the false starts, hoaxes, and gen-
exhibitor Frank Hanson was showing a eral lack of enthusiasm from professional
body of a hairy man-like creature in a scientists, Bigfoot researchers continue to
block of ice that he claimed was a „missing go into the woods in hopes of finding evi-
link‰ he had acquired from an anonymous dence of their quarry. Since the 1950s,
millionaire. Pioneering cryptozoologists sightings have continued and have come
Cardiff Giant | 41

from all over the country, from Florida to ing blind testing is to conceal the identity
New York, to Oklahoma and Texas. Now of test materials; this also includes the
armed with high tech gear like night vision use of a „control‰ subject that has not been
scopes, heat sensors, and motion triggered specially treated. Using a control gives the
cameras, the Bigfoot hunters still head test a set result with which to compare
out into the woods like bird watchers. If other outcomes. Other ways to achieve a
creatures like Bigfoot are ever found it blind test are to ensure that all testing
will not be by professional scientists, but equipment is uniformly calibrated and
by the amateur enthusiasts. to verify that any defects in the physical
test equipment do not alter the results. Ex-
See also: Anomalous Primates; Cryptozoology. perimental data that passes blind, double-
Further Reading blind, and even triple-blind tests are
Coleman, Loren. 2003. Bigfoot: The true story
considered genuine and highly respected.
of apes in America. New York: Paraview Pseudoscience subjects are rarely sub-
Pocket Books. jected to blind studies, and when they are
Daegling, Dave. 2005. Bigfoot exposed: An an- they regularly fail.
thropologist examines AmericaÊs enduring
legend. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.
Green, John. 2006. Sasquatch: Apes among us.
Blaine, WA: Hancock House. CARDIFF GIANT
Supposed giant man found in New York,
which caused some interest until it was dis-
BLIND TESTING covered to be a hoax. In November 1869,
a farmer named Newell dug up a large,
Science, as a materialistic enterprise for bizarre fossil on his land outside Car-
learning the nature of the universe, needs diff, New York. The story quickly spread
ways of checking its facts and experimen- through the media to the outside world.
tal results for accuracy. Experiments must The fossil was a large figure of a man al-
be reproducible by others and results only most nine feet tall who had turned to
arrived at once or which are not testable stone through some unknown but extraor-
are suspect. The most respected tests are dinary process. The farmer put up a tent
known as „ blind.‰ The term blind comes and began to charge admission to those
from the way the tests are set up so that ex- who came to look at it, though he would
perimenters and test subjects do not know not let observers get too close. Protestant
what they are testing and therefore focus ministers seized on the fossil as scientific
on performing the test in an unbiased way. support for the accuracy of scripture. One
Scientific research is expected to be ob- New York geologist, James Hall, came to
jective, however scientists are human and look and the statements he made about it
no matter how hard they try to be objec- being intriguing were taken out of con-
tive, their personal characters can some- text by newspapers as scientific support
times alter a test; an experimenter or test for the giantÊs genuineness. Eventually,
subject can consciously or unconsciously a young Yale University paleontologist,
favor one result or another. By making the Othniel Charles Marsh (1831–1899), who
test blind, the „experimenter factor ‰ is would go on to a long and distinguished
eliminated. The most common way of do- career, inspected the anomaly and quickly
42 | Chupacabra

saw that it was a block of gypsum carved CHUPACABRA

to look like a human body. MarshÊs as-
sessment that the Cardiff Giant, as it was Cryptid reported to inhabit the island of
known, was a hoax did not deter showman Puerto Rico. El chupacabra has been re-
P. T. Barnum who, unable to buy the hum- ported in the United States, but sighted
bug, simply made one himself and put it mostly in Mexico and other Latin Ameri-
on tour. A few years later, a similar giant can countries. First reported in Puerto Rico
was found in County Antrim, Northern in 1995, the name means „goat sucker,‰
Ireland. Found by a Mr. Dye, the Irish and derives from the creatureÊs apparent
Giant looked like the Cardiff Giant and taste for farm animal blood and its vam-
was exhibited in Dublin and other Irish piric way of obtaining it. The few eye-
cities. It, too, eventually drifted into ob- witnesses who claim to have seen the
scurity. creature describe a strange composite of
dog and reptile with spiky projections
Further Reading along its back, glowing eyes, and claws.
Tribble, Scott. 2008. A colossal hoax: The giant A number of recent incidents where the
from Cardiff that fooled America. Lanham, creature has been reported captured or
MD: Rowman & Littlefield. filmed have, upon close inspection, shown

A Chupacabra in a hurry. This Latin American cryptid was first reported in the 1990s.
Creation Science | 43

only sickly wild dogs, coyotes, or foxes. man senses; even rapid temperature vari-
Skeptics argue that all the behavior re- ations can be caused by the flow of air
ported associated with the chupacabra through a building that, to the unaided
can be explained by the behavior of wild senses, has no flowing air. Paranormal
dogs known to inhabit the areas of the investigators have yet to devise a tech-
sightings. This creature may be more lo- nique for distinguishing between normal
cal cultural product rather than genuine airflow and temperature fluctuations and
cryptid; however, recent sightings have that caused by spirit activity. Second,
been reported from North America and there is no known and scientifically veri-
Russia. fied correlation between spirit activity and
air temperature. This is, in part, because
See also: Cryptozoology.
there is no scientifically confirmed evi-
Further Reading dence or definition of what a spirit entity
Coleman, Loren and Jerome Clark. 1999. Cryp- is, or if they exist.
tozoology A to Z: The encyclopedia of Loch
Monsters, Sasquatch, chupacabras, and other See also: Ghost Hunters; Ghost Hunting.
authentic mysteries of nature. New York:
Further Reading
Nickell, Joe. 2006. Ghost hunters. Skeptical In-
quirer 30 (5).

A phenomenon reported by ghost hunters CREATION SCIENCE
and paranormalists, cold spots are areas
of sudden and unexpected temperature de- The religious belief that the traditional
crease, and often held to be indications creation story of the Bible can be sup-
of recent activity by spirit entities (i.e., ported as literally true by scientifically
ghosts). Spirit investigators employ tem- gathered evidence from disciplines such
perature gauges to search for and isolate as biology, geology, physics, and astron-
these cold spots. The temperature gauge omy. Early works that could be called cre-
is used in conjunction with an electro- ation science appeared in Britain in the
magnetic field ( EMF ) meter, ion counter, 18th century, but the modern more vigor-
and other high-tech gear. EMF meters are ous variant appeared in the United States
used to detect electromagnetism, while in the late 19th century. Creation science
ion counters are used to indicate a rise in practitioners argue that the scientific evi-
ion discharges. These pieces of equipment dence that mainstream scientists use to
are considered essential apparatus in any support evolutionary thinking in fact sup-
self-respecting ghost hunterÊs toolbox. ports a creationist point of view. While
There are a number of operational there are a number of different schools of
problems with cold spots. First, it has been creationist thought, most creation sci-
pointed out that any location or environ- entists believe the earth is no more than
ment, whether inside or outside, will have 10,000 years old, Intelligent Design pro-
natural temperature fluctuations. The air ponents being an exception.
movement that brings on these fluctua- The modern, Western scientific tradi-
tions is often undetectable by unaided hu- tion began during the Enlightenment, but
44 | Creation Science

well into the 19th century there was lit- reading the geology he discussed and dis-
tle conflict between religion and science. missed him as a theologian out of place
Most practitioners of the fledgling bio- trying to explain science. The stinging cri-
logical, and especially geologic, sciences tique by geologists pushed Wright deeper
were interested in reconciling the physi- into the traditional anti-evolutionist camp.
cal evidence of the earth with scripture. Wright then tried to find scientific expla-
There are many and complex reasons for nations for events like NoahÊs flood and
the separation to have begun, but a major the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
step toward the parting of science and re- WrightÊs attempt to support religion with
ligion was the introduction of the theory scientific thinking and geological and ar-
of evolution in the mid-19th century. It chaeological evidence was a step toward
was with the separation of science and re- what would eventually be known as Cre-
ligion that creation science was born. ation Science.
An attempt to bridge the gap between In the early part of the 20th century, a
evolution and religion can be seen in group of loosely affiliated preachers and
the work of George Frederick Wright Christian intellectuals in the United States
(1838 –1921). He studied for the ministry and Great Britain (where similar concerns
at Oberlin College in Ohio during the time had been percolating) joined together and
when the collegeÊs president was the leg- wrote what became the manifesto of a new
endary Charles G. Finney (1792–1875), religious movement. Taking their name
a prime mover in the religious movement from the bookÊs title, Christian fundamen-
known as the Second Great Awakening. talists began to exert pressure where they
Finney stressed the idea that the Bible was could to re-create American society. One
the ultimate authority and that religious of the things they reserved their wrath for
belief was supported by evidence from na- was evolution and science in general. Fol-
ture. Becoming a minister upon his grad- lowing the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925,
uation, Wright began to teach himself some anti-evolutionists stepped away
natural history by reading the works of from a purely scriptural point of view and
Charles Darwin and others, whose booksÊ began building what they thought would
central themes were in direct contradic- be a scientific refutation of evolution.
tion to what he had been taught as a semi- Creation science was the fundamentalist
narian. By the 1880s, however, Wright belief in a literal interpretation of the Gen-
grew more conservative after taking a esis story of a six-day creation week oc-
position at his old school, Oberlin, and curring no more than 10,000 years ago,
changed from defending science from re- which all could be proven by scientific
ligion to defending religion from sci- methods. These thinkers were known as
ence. He grew to fear that science, and Young Earth Creationists ( YEC ), in ref-
evolutionary thinking in particular, were erence to the calculations of Irish cleric
seeking not just to coexist with, but to un- Archbishop James Ussher (1581–1656),
dermine, religious faith. who placed the year of creation at 4004 bc.
In time, Wright lost his liberal view and Not all creationists took the Young Earth
adopted an increasingly literalist stance. position. Some allowed the earth might be
He wrote a number of books on natural billions of years old. Gap Theory allowed
history which received poor reviews from that, after the creation week, a period of
scientists. They accused him of badly mis- indeterminate length passed before the
Creation Science | 45

historical period began. Strict literalists fundamentalism later in life. Following

rejected this notion because it did not fit work in a series of teaching positions,
biblical accounts and contradicted GodÊs Morris decided to turn his technical train-
word. Gap Theory traces back at least to ing to the problem of explaining NoahÊs
Scottish theologian Thomas Chalmers flood. He came to believe that traditional
(1780 –1847) who used it as a way of rec- geology and evolution were the enemies
onciling scripture with the knowledge ge- of religion. His literalist interpretation of
ologists were producing about the nature the Bible became increasingly inflexible
of the earth. Along with Gap Theory was and he refused to concede to anything that
the Day-Age Theory that argued that the did not directly support scripture. To this
days of Genesis were not 24-hour days, end, he joined forces with theologian John
but were of indeterminate length. Again, Whitcomb to produce The Genesis Flood.
strict creationists saw this as a cop-out to Abandoning uniformitarian geology for
try to get around scientific evidence. catastrophism, Morris argued that an enve-
In the 1930s, the first in a series of soci- lope of water vapor surrounded the earth
eties was formed to keep the work going. in Biblical times and that God piercing
Groups like the Religion and Science As- it was what provided the waters for the
sociation and the Deluge Geology Soci- deluge. After going to great lengths to em-
ety came into being and, though small, ploy the language of fluid dynamics to
were hotbeds of creationist activity and explain the flood, he reached an impasse
debate. Squabbling among believers grew that he surmounted through the use of mir-
intense, partly as a result of younger en- acles, but in so doing, Morris stepped into
thusiasts obtaining conventional science the same hole many literalist creation sci-
educations. With their new knowledge and ence proponents did. Wanting to beat the
what they saw in the field, they found it heathen scientists at their own game, Mor-
increasingly difficult to reconcile some of ris could only go so far down that road
the more extreme claims of older follow- before being forced by simple logic to
ers. The new generations were not quite abandon science and untie the Gordian
armchair theorizers like their unlettered Knot with a miracle, thus undermining
forebears; their deeper understanding of their effort.
the natural world gave them a different MorrisÊs thesis was not particularly
insight. Unable to overcome the validity new. He was, to a great extent, repeating
of biology and geology, some creationists the work of George McCready Price from
began giving ground, accepting scientific the early part of the 20th century. Price
tenets as long as they could hold on to the (1870 –1963) was likely the most influ-
ultimately divine origin of humans and ential scientific creationist of the early
their souls. 20th century and helped pave the way for
The man often credited with having later writers like Morris. Price grew up
provided the framework for the revival a millenarian in a Seventh-day Adventist
of the creation science movement of the church in New Brunswick, Canada. One
1960s is Henry Morris (1918 – 2006) and leader of the Adventist church was the
his book The Genesis Flood (1961). A charismatic Ellen White (1827–1915), who
trained engineer with a doctorate in hydro- claimed that God passed information to
dynamics, Morris, like many of the more her followers through her while she was
scientifically trained creationists, came to in a trance. She stressed a literal belief in
46 | Creation Science

Genesis without any of the nuanced in- search (ICR), both of which became in-
terpretations like the Day-Age and Gap fluential centers of Young Earth creation-
theories. ism and the heart of the creation science
In the 1890s, Price briefly attended a movement. They took on the task not so
small New Brunswick school, taking a few much of convincing unbelievers in the
classes in natural history (these were the mainstream scientific community but in
closest he would ever get to formal train- influencing sympathetic members of local
ing in anything approaching science). By schoolboards to begin working creation
the turn of the century, he began to fixate science into their curricula. This was a risky
on the geologic aspects of evolution as the move, as it forced a number of court cases
key to the whole system. He paid partic- like Epperson v. Arkansas (1965) and
ular attention to stratigraphy and the ex- Edwards v. Aguillard (1987), which out-
planation for why younger layers were lawed the teaching of creation science in
occasionally found below older ones. Ge- the public school system.
ologists had long argued that the strata of Another father of modern creation sci-
the earth went in a progression from youn- ence is Duane Gish who toured, lectured,
gest at the top to oldest at the bottom. The and wrote extensively on the cause of cre-
concept of uplift was used to explain why ation science and helped to bring it back
the sequence was not always so simple: ge- to life. He earned a doctorate in biochem-
ologic forces could sometimes lift older istry from the University of California at
layers above younger ones, making them Berkeley in 1953, and worked as a cor-
seem out of sequence. Price found this porate chemist and researcher until 1971,
explanation unacceptable. As to the ini- when he joined Christian Heritage Col-
tial formation of the layers, Price found lege, an institution founded the year be-
Charles LyellÊs steady-state, uniform- fore. The next year, the college changed
action explanation also unacceptable. His its name to the Institute for Creation Re-
Adventist upbringing led him to Georges search. Gish eventually became the insti-
CuvierÊs catastrophism. Price modified tuteÊs associate director and vice president.
CuvierÊs many periods of catastrophic up- His favorite target is the fossil record. Evo-
heaval and reduced them to NoahÊs flood, lution: The Challenge of the Fossil Re-
as Morris would do decades later. It was cord (1985) is representative of GishÊs
the flood, Price believed, that accounted work and one of the most quoted works in
for the geology of the earth and the fos- the genre. Originally published as Evolu-
sils that were remnants of those animals tion: The Fossils Say No!, it was an exam-
that did not get into the ark. He called this ination and undermining of the idea that
system „ flood geology ‰ and published it fossils support the evolution model. He
as The New Geology (1923). followed a common creationist technique
Henry Morris had the good fortune to of taking quotes by evolutionists out of
address these same issues at the moment context to argue that what they said did
when the resurgent creationist movement not make sense and that they themselves
was looking for a secular explanation to did not deem evolution to be proven. For
support their position. Morris rode the example, when influential evolutionist
wave of his success by forming first the George Gaylord Simpson said it was dif-
Creation Science Research Center (CSRC) ficult to find fossils of the Precambrian
and then the Institute for Creation Re- era even though the sediment suggested
Crop Circles | 47

they should be there, Gish argued that this Morris, Henry. 2000. The long war against God.
meant the evolutionists were condemning Green Forest, AR: Master Books.
their own idea. Differences of opinion or Numbers, Ronald. 1992. The creationists. Berke-
unanswered questions became „ proof ‰ ley: University of California Press.
Regal, Brian. 2002. Henry Fairfield Osborn: Race
that evolution was a false doctrine. Gish
and the search for the origins of man. Lon-
used many of the standard arguments of
don: Ashgate Press.
creation science thinking: there were no Regal, Brian. 2004. Human evolution: A guide to
transitional forms in the fossil record; evo- the debates. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
lution was not really science but was just Scott, Eugenie. 2004. Evolution vs. creationism:
as faith-based as any other religion, and An introduction. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
fossils actually proved the creation, not
evolution, model. Gish also argued that
evolutionists believe and still teach the
„molecule-to-man‰ theory. This approach,
which argued evolution was a goal- CROP CIRCLES
oriented process leading to the advanced
form of man, was popular in the 19th cen- Large patterns made in fields of growing
tury but has long since been abandoned crops under mysterious circumstances.
by mainstream paleo-anthropology. Gish The patterns usually appear in wheat fields
lamented that „ it is incredible that the during the period of greatest growth prior
molecules-to-man evolution theory be to harvesting, and range from simple cir-
taught as a fact to the exclusion of all cles to highly complex patterns that mimic
other postulates.‰ computer-generated designs. Some anom-
Creation science tries hard to cloak it- alous phenomena enthusiasts argue that
self in the trappings of science, but it is the circles are made by an extraterrestrial
one of the most clearly pseudoscientific agency and that they portend some great
concepts in this book. It is based on the coming event or attempt by that agency
premise that the universe was divinely cre- to make itself known to mankind. Others
ated, but then tries to shoehorn in genuine argue for various vaguely referenced nat-
scientific material to support that premise. ural earth energies. They have also been
Like many anti-evolution concepts, propo- known to appear in snow and ice forma-
nents of creation science spend most of tions, though only rarely. First noticed
their time arguing against science and evo- in the early 1970s, they have been seen
lution instead of arguing for what they be- around the world, but are concentrated in
lieve. None of its tenets holds up to testing the British Isles.
under the scientific method. Ultimately, it Colin Andrews coined the term „crop
searches for evidence of God, and that circle‰ in the late 1970s. They became part
alone is enough to take it out of the realm of popular culture by the 1980s and hit
of genuine science and place it firmly in their peak of public interest in the 1990s.
the boundaries of metaphysics. When first noticed, they were simple cir-
cular formations formed around a central
See also: Anomalous Fossils; Intelligent Design.
point. The patterns are formed by crunch-
Further Reading ing down the stalks all in the same di-
Conkin, Paul. 1998. When all the gods trembled. rection so that they are flattened, but not
Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield. chopped, to the ground. They eventually
48 | Crop Circles

evolved into more complex arrangements strange noises and hums while standing
with multiple circles sometimes con- in a circle as well as other spiritual expe-
nected by lines, until they began to take riences. Metaphysical connections have
on extraordinary patters of great imagi- also been made between the circles and
nation, complexity, and beauty. One of the Stone Age sites nearby. Further, the circles
more mysterious elements of the phe- are claimed to conform to „Sacred Ge-
nomenon is that, despite them appearing ometry,‰ the medieval idea that religious
in public places, no one is ever seen mak- paintings and architecture should mimic
ing them; they seem to appear out of no- the divine design of nature with spiritu-
where. ally enhanced mathematical constructions
There are scattered accounts of crop meant to transcend time and space.
circle–like formations back to the 17th cen- The phenomenological aspect of crop
tury. A single pamphlet with an illustra- circles took a hit in 1991 when two el-
tion of a „ mowing devil ‰ using a scythe derly British men, Doug Bower and Dave
to cut down wheat stalks in an ovoid pat- Chorley, admitted they had made the crop
tern is often put forward by researchers circles as a prank to spoof UFO believers.
as proof of the ancient nature of the phe- They said that they made the circles using
nomenon. Some UFO reports include a simple contraption of a board and some
mentions of circular marks being left in rope. Later, other hoaxers began to make
grass and dirt near their supposed sight- circles in increasing complexity, though
ings. Cerealogists (crop circle investiga- still using the tried and true method de-
tors) report unusual damage done to the signed by Doug and Dave. Cerealogists
crop stalks, including mass bending at the (derisively referred to as „croppies‰ by
same point without breaking the stalk and critics) continue to argue that not all the
exploded „ nodes ‰ of the stalk that were circles are hoaxed. They point to the num-
caused by radiation or a „ plasma vortex.‰ ber of circles that appeared in the 1970s
Some circle enthusiasts report hearing and 1980s before the wide public interest

Crop circles are rarely simple circles anymore. Now they appear in ever-increasing complexity.
Cryptozoology | 49

began and noted that these could not be (1916 –2001) and Ivan Sanderson (1911–
accounted for by the hokum of a couple 1973). Both trained scientists, they began
of elderly pranksters. The patterns appear, writing about anomalous animals in the
they say, along magnetic earth lines, near 1940s and 1950s. In 1955, Heuvelmans,
Stone Age sites and that the plant stalk a French-born Belgian zoologist, released
nodes are exploded out under strange con- Sur la Piste des Bêtes Ignorées (On the
ditions not caused by being crushed down Track of Unknown Animals). This was
by wooden boards. the first influential work in the field and
inspired legions of followers and intellec-
See also: Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). tual children. He authored many books on
the subject, including the seminal In the
Further Reading
Wake of the Sea Serpents (1965). His friend
Hempstead, Martin. 1991. The summer of Ê91.
and colleague, Scottish zoologist Ivan
Skeptic 5 (6).
Sanderson, produced Abominable Snow-
Nickel, Joe. 1992. „The crop circle phenomenon:
An investigative report.‰ The Skeptical In-
men: Legend Come to Life (1961). It was
quirer (Winter): 136–49. the first major work on what Sanderson
called ABSMs (Abominable Snowmen).
Heuvelmans attributes the term cryptozo-
ology to Sanderson. In his work, Heuvel-
mans argues that the search for cryptids
CRYPTOZOOLOGY (individual organisms that fall into the cat-
egory) must be thorough and scientific, as
Cryptozoology is the search for „hidden‰ the object is to look for not only animals
animals, those once thought to have be- in the field, but also to discover the folk-
come extinct but that still survive, animals loric nature of such creatures. It is up to
that were thought to have been only myth- the cryptozoologist to weed through the
ical but which actually existed or were mountains of legends, artwork, and na-
based on actual animals, and animals that tional and cultural legends to find whether
have yet to be named by science. This such stories and descriptions of strange
field is one which teeters on the edge of animals have any basis in reality. Follow-
legitimacy, as there have been examples ing this tradition, Adrienne Mayor pro-
of animals discovered that fit the criteria duced the groundbreaking work The First
just listed: The most famous examples are Fossil Hunters (2000), which argued that
those of the coelacanth, the okapi, the gi- many Greek legends of monsters, heroes,
ant panda, and the mountain gorilla. The and other exotic life were attempts by an-
first, the coelacanth, is a lobe-finned fish cient writers to make sense of their dis-
thought to have become extinct along with covery of fossil bones. While Heuvelmans
the dinosaurs; the others were thought to was a generalist, most modern cryptozool-
be mythical by Western scientists who ogists specialize in one particular area, as
discounted stories of the creatures from lo- Sanderson did. Like Mayor, Richard Ellis,
cal inhabitants. Unknown, noncryptid spe- and Jeff Meldrum, they study fossils, sea
cies are found by mainstream science on monsters, or Bigfoot, respectively. Current
a regular basis. leading practitioners who take a more gen-
Cryptozoology finds its modern gen- eralist approach include Karl Shuker and
esis in the work of Bernard Heuvelmans Loren Coleman.
50 | Cryptozoology

As an intellectual endeavor, cryptozoo- how they went about researching this

logy has been studied as much as cryp- cryptid or that, but there are few uniform
tozoologists have sought hidden animals. techniques articulated.
For example, literary scholar Peter Dendle To date, the most coherent attempt to
has looked at the hunt for cryptids as fill- codify cryptozoological thinking has been
ing a number of psychological roles · Chad ArmentÊs Cryptozoology: Science
including as a vehicle by which to explore and Speculation (2004). He states that
the problems of deforestation, environ- cryptozoology „is a targeted search meth-
mentalism, and the profound impact of odology for zoological discovery ‰ (9).
human society on animal species world- The cryptozoologist looks for „ethno-
wide. In addition, he sees the fascination knowns,‰ life forms that have had human
with cryptids as a holdover from medieval contact prior to scientific description
times and the wide array of modern books through mythological and legendary ap-
on the subject as the latest incarnation of pearances in written and oral tradition.
illuminated bestiaries. Cryptozoologists Therefore, what separates a cryptid from
focus on the search for large, imposing the average unknown biological species,
beasts that could be labeled monsters. They of which many examples exist, is the folk-
search for the dark, slouching hulks that loric factor. If a biologist discovers a new
lurk in the darker corners of the human species of beetle, plant, or bird · even if
psyche as much as they do the dark cor- that biologist suspected it was there · it
ners of the world. is not a cryptid. If the animal appeared
One of the difficulties faced by crypto- in some cultureÊs folklore prior to scien-
zoologists is explaining just what they do tific discovery, then it is a cryptid. There-
and how they go about it. Where zoolo- fore, Arment continues, the methodology
gists, biologists, botanists, and the like a cryptozoologist follows is to collect
have established methodologies for study- mythical and legendary descriptions of a
ing living things and general paradigms biological entity (he and most cryptozo-
for making sense of what they are doing, ologists are adamant that ghostly, appari-
cryptozoologists as yet do not. Though tional, or otherwise paranormal subjects
many practitioners attempt to be as „sci- are outside the purview of what they do).
entific‰ as they can, there are no ac- They consult oral and written traditions,
cepted, uniform, or successful methods of ancient texts, religious beliefs, and other
pursuing cryptids. Certain technologies, sources for references to the entity. Using
like motion sensitive cameras, night vi- that as a basis, the researcher then com-
sion devices, and audio recorders are pares those descriptions to known taxa to
utilized. Adding that none of the most fa- search for resemblances of behavior, mor-
mous cryptids, the Loch Ness Monster, phology, and geographic location to posit
Sasquatch, Yeti, and Chupacabra, has yet possible matches. If the researcher thinks
to be proven to exist with certainty, it has the organism extant, then a „targeted
been difficult for cryptozoology to make search‰ is made of the possible habitat
a breakthrough into mainstream science. the cryptid might occupy. If the organ-
There have been attempts at codifying the ism is thought to be extinct, the museum
methods of cryptozoology, thus legitimiz- collections where such fossils are found
ing it, and individual amateur naturalists are consulted. While this is the general
and professional scientists have explained theoretical idea of searching for a cryp-
Crystal Skull | 51

tid, once researchers head out into the seeking an image of the future. Healing
field, the idea of uniform methodologies crystals are placed on the body during
has become somewhat more problematic. therapy sessions or worn for long periods
A number of techniques have been em- of time as talismans.
ployed by both amateur naturalists and Crystals are used in science and in-
professional scientists in the field, but they dustry in various roles. Cut and polished
have been applied unevenly. to certain shapes and standards, crystals
become lenses for telescopes and mi-
See also: Anomalous Primates; Bigfoot; Jersey croscopes, they amplify electromagnetic
waves for radio reception, and are used
Further Reading in studying the structure of atoms. The
Arment, Chad. 2004. Cryptozoology: Science structure of DNA was discovered using
and speculation. Lancaster County, PA: crystals. While many alternative healing
Coachwhip. aficionados claim crystals do have thera-
Dendle, Peter. 2006. Cryptozoology in the me- peutic powers, to date there is no proof
dieval and modern worlds. Folklore 117 that they do, other than from anecdotal
(August): 190 –206. eyewitness reports.
Heuvelmans, Bernard. 1958. Sur la Piste des
Bêtes Ignorées. Paris: Plon. English trans. See also: Alternative Medicine; Crystal Skull.
On the track of unknown animals. New York:
Hill and Wang.
Sanderson, Ivan. 1961. Abominable snowmen:
Legend come to life. Philadelphia, PA:
A life-sized, human skull-shaped crystal
carving said to have magical powers and
portend evil doings. There actually are sev-
CRYSTAL HEALING eral „crystal skulls‰ said to conform to this
description. They are located around the
An alternative medical practice in which world in private and public collections and
crystals of various sizes, colors, and spe- are of varying degrees of aesthetic quality.
cies are placed on or about the human The category of anomalous crystal skulls
body with the belief that this will have a are those that are in the life-sized range
beneficial therapeutic effect. It is believed and are not of modern (i.e., late-20th- or
that crystals focus and direct energy to early-21st-century) origins. The iconic
the human body, helping to balance it and crystal skull is known as the Mitchell-
bring it in tune with the vibrations of the Hedges skull. It is rendered in the most
universe. Crystal healing became of inter- anatomically correct detail, and the skull
est to New Age purveyors because of the and jaw are separate pieces. The name
writings of the early 20th-century Amer- comes from the presumed „discoverer ‰
ican psychic and prophet Edgar Cayce of the skull, British adventurer Freder-
(1877–1945). He claimed that the deni- ick Albert Mitchell-Hedges (1882 –1959).
zens of Atlantis used crystals for healing Mitchell-HedgesÊs adopted daughter, Anna
and motive power. Crystal healing ther- Marie, found the skull in 1924 while the
apy should not be confused with the crys- pair were looking for the lost city of At-
tal gazing or scrying of prophets and those lantis in a part of British Honduras that is
52 | Day-Age Theory

brate, sing, and generate spectral images

and hallucinations. Some use the skulls
for alternative medical therapies and psy-
chological experiments. They have also
made connections between the Mitchell-
Hedges skull and the supposed Mayan
prophecy of doom associated with the
year 2012.
In the end, what we have is a collection
of interesting, human skull-shaped crys-
tal carvings. The faithful think the skulls
were produced by lost races using hidden
knowledge. They are said to vibrate with
the music of the spheres and be portals
The Mitchell-Hedges skull is thought by to other dimensions and provide healing
believers to possess magical powers. Recent effects, and supporters attribute mystical
examination has shown modern tool
powers and portentous meaning to them.
marks on its surface.
With no way to accurately date crystal
and given the unconfirmed stories of their
now in Belize, Central America. Though origins, in the end we have nothing more
they did not find Atlantis, the Mitchell- than interesting crystal carvings. In 2008
Hedges did find an unknown Mayan ruin more sophisticated tests showed that the
called Lubaantun. It was at this site that Mitchell-Hedges did have marks of mod-
Anna Marie found the skull under some ern tools making it no older than the late
stonework. This story is likely apocryphal 19th century.
and only appears for the first time in a
See also: Crystal Healing.
vague form in Mitchell-HedgesÊs autobi-
ography Dander My Ally (1954). He may Further Reading
have purchased the skull at an auction Garvin, Richard. 1973. The crystal skull. New
in 1943. York: Doubleday.
Of the other skulls, the one of best ana-
tomical quality is in the collection of the
British Museum. The others vary in size
and are mostly highly stylized renderings. DAY-AGE THEORY
They are all variously attributed to „an-
cient ‰ civilizations of Central America. Popular creation science notion that the
The problem is that crystal is notoriously „days‰ of creation mentioned in the Bible
difficult, if not impossible, to date geo- were of an indeterminate length greater
logically with any accuracy. Also, the or- than 24 hours. This allows for science-
igins of these skulls are questionable at conscious Christians to reconcile the dis-
best. Tests done on the Mitchell-Hedges parity of the Genesis account, which
skull in 1970 by technicians at Hewlett- suggests a young earth, and the extensive
Packard company could find no evidence geological evidence pointing to an old
of tool marks on the crystal. Skull enthu- earth. Using this approach, one can argue
siasts have claimed to hear the skull vi- that each day of the creation story might
Debunkers | 53

have been millions, if not billions, of years like ghosts, faith healing, spiritualism,
long. This would allow adherents to accept claimed inexplicable human mind pow-
both a physical and metaphysical expla- ers, and similar areas. Debunkers generally
nation for the age of the earth without con- argue that what looks like a supernatural
tradiction. Following the Scopes Monkey power or phenomena are, in reality, natu-
Trial of 1925, after which Christian fun- rally occurring phenomena, tricks, mis-
damentalism was thought to have been identifications, and scams. The character
defeated, some anti-evolutionists moved of the debunker often takes the form of for-
away from a purely scriptural point of mer magicians, psychologists, and athe-
view and began building what they ists; debunkers are sometimes all three,
thought would be a scientific refutation but not always. Magicians tend to look for
of human evolution. Creationism is the the scam angle, looking for how the trick
belief that the earth and all life on it are is done, academic psychologists look to
the result of divine intervention. Creation the psychological connections, and athe-
science was a fundamentalist attempt to ists argue that the paranormal cannot ex-
generate empirical evidence supporting a ist because the spirit world is an illusion.
literal interpretation of the Genesis story They all attempt to employ rational think-
of a six-day creation week occurring no ing and modern scientific technology and
more than 10,000 years ago that could methodology to their efforts. They are of-
be proven by scientific methods. Not all ten successful.
creationists took the Young Earth posi- The term „debunk‰ can be traced to
tion. Some allowed that the earth might early-19th-century America. Congressman
be billions of years old and used the Day- Felix Walker (1753 –1828), who had fought
Age Theory as a way to support that idea. in the American Revolution, was giving a
Strict literalists tend to reject the Day- long-winded speech in 1820 concerning
Age Theory because it does not fit bibli- one of the districts he represented in his
cal accounts and thus contradicts GodÊs home state of North Carolina, despite the
revealed word. A related idea is the Gap fact that the issue at hand had little to do
Theory. with his constituents. So tedious was his
oration that fellow congressmen asked
See also: Creation Science; Gap Theory. him to stop. He refused, saying he needed
Further Reading to assiduously represent the interests of
Numbers, Ronald. 1992. The creationists. Berke-
the county of Buncombe. Wags in Con-
ley: University of California Press. gress began referring to any long-winded
Regal, Brian. 2005. Human evolution: A guide to speech as „ Bunkum‰ (in a misspelling).
the debates. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Eventually the word was shortened to
bunk, and came to mean any empty polit-
ical blather and then any idea thought to
be nonsense. The word „debunk‰ first ap-
DEBUNKERS peared in the written record in 1923 and
meant to remove the preposterousness
Those skeptics who attempt to show the and obvious fakery of any event, idea, or
pseudoscientific and hoaxed nature of belief system.
paranormal activities and beliefs. Debunk- Investigations of paranormal activity
ers tend to focus on spirit-related topics have a long history. They became prevalent
54 | Debunkers

during the 19th-century Spiritualist move- paranormal ability go back to the earliest
ment and later Occult revival. These in- days of conjuring and were nothing new to
dividuals are better termed investigators the 20th century. A young Israeli named
rather than debunkers because many of Uri Geller who claimed to be able to bend
them believed psychic ability to be genu- metal using the power of his mind espe-
ine and were searching for scientific proof cially bothered Randi. Randi called Gel-
of it. They also tended to be formal, se- ler a fraud and a series of legal suits for
rious, and scholarly. A genuine debunker defamation ensued. Randi became a fix-
may be thought of as one who does not ture on television explaining how various
believe in paranormal activity and at- paranormal charlatans and hucksters went
tempts to prove its falsity. One of the about their business. He has spoken out
first headline-grabbing investigators and about faith healers like the Brazilian John
genuine debunkers was the world-famous of God, Filipino psychic surgeons, and
magician and escape artist Harry Houdini American televangelists. In 1980, Randi
(1874 –1926). Following the death of his was responsible for exposing the martial
beloved mother in the 1920s, Houdini be- arts mystic with supposed telekinetic pow-
came obsessed with contacting her in the ers, James Hydrick, on television. Also
afterlife. He consulted a number of spirit in the 1980s, his investigation of Peter
mediums and engaged in séances. To his Popoff, a popular and wealthy Christian
great disappointment, he discovered the fundamentalist, faith healer, and television
mediums were frauds and charlatans and personality, showed that Popoff was wear-
set about on a public campaign to expose ing a hidden microphone that allowed his
them. He was able to show how theatri- wife to feed him information about the
cal effects, stage lighting, and hidden as- names and medical conditions of church
sistants, just as he had used in his own service attendees whom he „cured‰ live
stage act, could be employed to fool an in front of huge audiences. Randi showed
audience into thinking a genuine contact that Popoff was a charlatan, bilking hap-
had been made with the departed. He set less sufferers, most of whom were des-
the model for the magician/stage per- perately poor and could not afford it, out
former model of paranormal investiga- of huge sums of money. The Popoff min-
tor that would later include James Randi, istries soon failed in bankruptcy. By the
Joe Nickell, Penn and Teller, and others. early 21st century, however, Popoff had
The late-20th-century equivalent to begun a return. He is now airing infomer-
Houdini as debunker is James Randi cials around the globe selling „Miracle
(though Randi prefers to be called an in- Water.‰ It is common for such „Holy Men‰
vestigator of the paranormal rather than a to be exposed as frauds and thieves but to
debunker). Also known as „ The Amazing then be forgiven by their followers who
Randi,‰ he began his public life as a pro- apparently know no end of gullibility.
fessional stage magician (he has no for- Joe Nickell is another debunker. He
mal training as a scientist or engineer). In calls himself „ the worldÊs only full-time
the early 1970s, he became outraged by professional paranormal investigator.‰
how some unscrupulous magicians were Writing for the magazine The Skeptical
using their talents not to just entertain an Inquirer, Nickell has investigated ghosts,
audience, but to suggest that they had su- monsters, the Shroud of Turin, and other
pernatural powers. Such suggestions of similar phenomena, and has found them
Divination | 55

all lacking. Also a former stage performer, and other confusions of our time. New
he holds a doctorate in literary studies York: Holt.
focusing on folklore. Michael ShermerÊs
work is in a similar vein. An historian of
science, founder of the Skeptics Society DIVINATION
and editor of Skeptic magazine, Shermer
has made a career out of exposing pseu- The art of fortune-telling through the use
doscience and paranormal fraud. In addi- of various occult techniques and artifacts,
tion to the usual debunker topics, he has divination is similar to prophecy in that it
also investigated Holocaust deniers. In crosses all cultural and ethnic borders and
Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust goes back to the ancient world and be-
Never Happened and Why Do They Say yond. The process has a questioner ask a
It? (2002), Shermer rightly argues that diviner about the future. These are often
the best way to deal with Holocaust de- personal questions about how to proceed
nial is not to suppress it, but to bring it with a transaction, what sort of decisions
out into the light of day, deconstruct its should be made, and what the future holds
underlining assumptions, and show its in- for them, but they can also be about other
herent absurdity and mean-spiritedness. individuals or the future in general. The
Science, at its core, is a skeptical en- diviner then will scatter objects like peb-
deavor. Scientists and historians are al- bles or sand (geomancy), shuffle and then
ways on the lookout for dubious claims, turn over cards in a prescribed method
assertions that have no supporting evi- ( Tarot), or allow another agent, like the
dence, or ideas and behaviors that resist wind, ripples on water, or even animals to
examination. There is a saying, popular in move the objects around. Almost anything
skeptical circles, that extraordinary claims that creates a pattern can be used for divi-
require extraordinary evidence. The more nation, including cloud formations and
outlandish a supposition, the greater the even the flight of birds. It is the pattern
need to prove it accurate. The pseudosci- that is looked for. The diviner then „reads‰
ence investigator should always demand the objects through their patterns to guide
to see the proof of something. This is the him in formulating an answer. The diviner
underlining concept of debunking. can respond with simple yes or no an-
swers, more complex or straightforward
See also: Ghost Hunters. ones, or ones couched in metaphor or rid-
dle. Divination can also be done by read-
Further Reading ing large-scale events and patterns in
Kalush, William, and Larry Sloman. 2007. The human behavior. A popular form of divi-
secret life of Houdini: The making of Ameri- nation is scrying, in which a diviner uses
caÊs first superhero. New York: Atria.
on object like a crystal ball, cup of water,
Nickell. Joe. 2007. Adventures in paranormal
or mirror to generate spiritual visions of
investigation. Lexington: University Press of
events. While any object can be used for
Randi, James. 1982. Flim-flam! Psychics, ESP, scrying, reflective surfaces are best and
unicorns, and other delusions. New York: crystals preferred. The scrying object,
Prometheus Books. sometimes called a shewstone, is used as
Shermer, Michael. 1997. Why people believe a point for the diviner to focus her con-
weird things: Pseudoscience, superstition, centration on. In this way she enters into
56 | Dowsing

a kind of trance state in which she can see rod, dips down to indicate a hit. Late-20th-
visions in the crystal. and early-21st-century dowsers discarded
The most famous ancient form of divi- the Y-shaped branch in favor of spe-
nation device is the Chinese I Ching (Book cially made separate metal rods, one held
of Changes). Thought to have originated in each hand. Instead of the rods dip-
with a quasi-legendary Chinese mystic ping down upon locating the target, they
named Fu Xi (a kind of Chinese Hermes cross. Dowsing, in some form, goes back
Trismegistus) in the early 2700s bc, the to antiquity, but dowsing as it is practiced
I Ching is a combination work of fortune- today finds its origins in Germany in the
telling and deeper cultural philosophy. A 1400s, when it was used as a technique
set of 64 groups of lines were eventually for finding mineral ore deposits. Both
codified, arranged, and can be read, and Catholic Church officials and leaders of
each set of lines has specific meaning and the Protestant reformation denounced it
portents. A famous and influential early as witchcraft and devil worship. A pendu-
modern diviner was the English mathe- lum can also serve as a kind of low-tech
matician, astronomer and occultist John metal and energy detector. The dowser
Dee (1527–1608). Dee initially used holds a pendulum over an object, picture,
scrying to divine his dreams via a small map, or writing and, in a form of divina-
crystal ball set in an elaborate mounting tion, taps into the earthÊs energies to lo-
on a special table. He later employed a cate a point on the object. Today, ghost
shewstone and a small Aztec ritual ob- hunters and other paranormal investiga-
ject he obtained and called a speculum. tors use dowsing to locate spirits. There
Another great scryer and diviner was Nos- have been one or two attempts to study
tradamus (1503 –1566), who may have dowsing scientifically, but the results are
used a pan of water for his scrying. inconclusive. As with so much of the para-
normal, there is little evidence of the suc-
See also: Geomancy; Numerology; Second Sight. cess of dowsing that is not anecdotal.
Further Reading
Loewe, Michael, and Carmen Blacke, eds. 1981.
Oracles and divination. New York: Shamb-
hala / Random House.
Place, Robert. 2005. The Tarot: History, symbol-
ism, and divination. New York: Tarcher.

A technique for finding underground wa-
ter sources, mineral deposits, or other ob-
jects through occult means, dowsing is an
ancient process where the dowser care-
fully holds a Y-shaped branch or stick
and feels for vibrations emanating from Dowsing in this way with a Y-shaped branch
the ground. When the dowser is over the is a traditional folk method of finding hidden
sought-after target, the branch, or dowsing water sources.
Easter Island | 57

See also: Divination. terrestrial assistance was used or that the

Easter Islanders had access to forgotten
Further Reading
knowledge. Known to the native people
Lonegren, Sig. 2007. Spiritual dowsing: Tools
as Rapa Nui, Easter Island received its
for exploring the intangible realms. Glaston-
popular name in 1722 when Dutch ex-
bury, UK: Gothic Image Publications.
Webster, Richard. 2003. Dowsing for beginners:
plorer Jacob Rogeveen landed there on
How to find water, wealth and lost objects. Easter Sunday. The first inhabitants may
Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, have arrived on the island as early as the
2003. 3rd century ad. There are pictographs of
fish and bird-human hybrids there, how-
ever, the island is best known for the pleth-
ora of large human heads, called Moai,
EASTER ISLAND carved out of volcanic rock that dot the
island. Stylized rather than realistic, the
Remote Pacific Ocean island on which Moai are indeed some of the most interest-
large carved volcanic stone heads are ing and enigmatic of all the carved stone
found. Anomalists have argued these heads monuments on earth. There are 394 surviv-
could not have been constructed or carved ing Moai, out of a total population thought
by the culture known to have inhabited to have been over 880. The large size of
the island, and so argue that some extra- the Moai, many of which stand upon large

The Moai on Easter Island stare enigmatically off into space.

58 | Ectoplasm

stone pedestals and altar-like structures, regularly produced ectoplasm as part of

how they were carved and transported to their performance. Ectoplasm in the form
their final positions, the small human pop- of a usually milky, paste-like substance
ulation (even at the height of Rapanui has been reported to take the shape of
culture), the lightly forested condition of objects like trumpets and human body
the island, and its extreme isolation have parts, such as limbs and faces. Just what
added to the mystique of the place. The ectoplasm is made of is difficult to say.
island has inspired some paranormalists French physiologist Charles Richet
to suggest alternative explanations for (1850 –1935) in his investigation of the
how the statues were erected. The Rapanui phenomena coined the term ectoplasm in
themselves refer to using a spiritual power 1913. He called it the „exteriorized sub-
called Mana to explain how they moved stance‰ emitted by the medium during a
the multi-ton statues. This has led some to trance. Richet was awarded a Nobel Prize
say the Rapanui had special knowledge for medicine for his work on anaphylaxis,
of antigravity and other „earth forces.‰ but was also interested in the paranormal.
UFO author Eric Vön Daniken suggested Ectoplasm has appeared much less often
in Chariots of the Gods that space aliens in the early 21st century. It does not help
either erected the statues or assisted the the case of paranormal believers that most,
Rapanui to do it. Extensive archaeologi- if not all, mediums who produced ecto-
cal investigations of the island have shown plasm were shown to be frauds and the
a good bit of detail about the history of few times samples were collected for anal-
the Rapanui people: There was a series of ysis they proved to be of mundane ma-
civil wars, massacres, and over forestation. terials.
This has helped quiet some of the pseu-
doscientific speculation. The reality of See also: Ghost Hunting.
Easter IslandÊs history shows that it can
be seen as a cautionary tale about the ef-
fects of human agency on the environment EMPIRICISM
and the perils of ecological disaster. The
island is now protected as a World Heri- Any knowledge gained through firsthand,
tage Site and is a possession of Chile. direct observation of phenomena. Empiri-
cism is fact-based knowledge rather than
See also: Pseudohistory; Von Däniken, Eric. something learned from secondary sources.
Further Reading A form of epistemology (the study of the
Lee, Georgia. 1992. The rock art of Easter Is- nature of knowledge), empirical data is at
land: Symbols of power, prayers to the gods. the heart of the scientific method. Care-
Los Angeles: The Institute of Archaeology fully collected and collated data which sup-
Publications. ports a hypothesis, premise, or theory can
thus be double-checked by outside parties
for accuracy and efficacy. To know some-
ECTOPLASM thing empirically is considered one of the
most reliable ways to know. In science,
Diaphanous material said to be produced empirical data is gathered through experi-
by spirit mediums during trances. During mentation, observation, and other direct
the 19th-century séance craze, mediums experiential methods.
Eugenics | 59

Further Reading
Richardon, Alan, and Thomas Uebel, eds. 2007.
The Cambridge companion to logical empir-
icism. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Robinson, Dave. 2004. Introducing empiricism.
Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Totem Books.

The idea that a carefully controlled pro-
gram of human breeding can improve
society. First appearing in the 19th cen-
tury in the writings of British social
theorist and statistician Francis Galton
(1822 –1911), eugenics became popular
in the United States, South America, and
Scandinavia before spreading quickly Madison Grant was the most notorious
around the world and reaching its peak in American eugenicist. He inspired many
the extermination program of the Nazis others, including Adolf Hitler.
in the 1930s and 1940s. Eugenic belief
presupposes that there are superior and
inferior ethnic groups; it also holds that and religious groups regularly decided
both the physical and metaphysical char- who could or could not marry. Eugenics
acteristics of an individual or „race‰ are was the 19th-century version of this idea,
determined by the quality and character but it connected the authority of science
of their ancestry. Whatever characteristics to it. Discoveries about the nature of he-
a person or group is born with are pre- redity and the reality of evolution (Gal-
determined and permanent: no amount of ton was Charles DarwinÊs cousin) helped
social amelioration can change a personÊs give a supposed authority to previously
circumstances. Following this logic, eu- held beliefs. Galton was a pioneer in the
genicists argued that to „clean up‰ a so- application of statistical methods to the
ciety, it had to be rid of its tainted blood. social sciences. He determined that suc-
This was to be done by first restricting cessful middle and upper-middle-class
outside immigration, segregating popula- people were being outbred by a rising
tions, sterilizing the unwanted, and ulti- tide of lower-class „degenerates‰ and that
mately eliminating them. Once thought of something had to be done or the British
as „good‰ science, the tenets of eugenics Empire would be overrun and ruined. His
have since been shown to be baseless and original ideas incorporated soft or „posi-
without merit from either a scientific or tive eugenics.‰ This was the idea of the
humanistic point of view. state providing financial rewards to en-
Eugenics has its roots in a very com- courage the „right sorts‰ to procreate more
mon concept; the idea of arranged mar- and the „Âlower orders‰ or „social resid-
riages goes back to antiquity. Royal houses uum‰ to breed less. Eugenicists believed
60 | Eugenics

that personal traits like courage, poverty, be used to cover almost any social ill
illiteracy, business success, alcoholism, the eugenicists wanted it to, from severe
honesty, and criminality were inherited mental impairment to simple illiteracy
traits. or poverty. In addition, miscegenation,
The idea of racial inequality goes or race mixing, was raised to the level of
back as far as human civilization itself, biological warfare. Because eugenicists
but was codified into its modern form in believed blacks to be of a different and
the work of Frenchman Joseph-Arthur de inferior evolutionary origin, they wanted
Gobineau who, in the 1860s, wrote The the races kept apart. Any such mixing,
Inequality of the Races. Gobineau argued they argued, would throw off the delicate
that human society was a struggle be- balance of human evolution.
tween superior and inferior races; he was Impetus was given the eugenics move-
both antidemocratic and anti-Semitic. ment by the rediscovery in 1900 of mid-
Gobineau and other like-minded indi- 19th-century Hungarian monk Gregor
viduals saw racial inequality as a staple MendelÊs (1822–1884) laws of heredity.
of the human experience. To them, Cau- He had done extensive work on botanical
casians were biologically, intellectually, heredity and learned how to manipulate
and culturally superior to other ethnic the color of pea plants. This suggested
groups. Within the wide range of what that physical traits were the result of „unit
were believed to be Caucasian types · characters‰·single hereditary units that
Nordics, Mediterraneans, and Alpines · were responsible for individual charac-
the greatest were the Nordics who could teristics like color and height. MendelÊs
trace their lineage back to the mythical work was published in an obscure local
Aryans. They were the best form of hu- journal and did not become known to the
man evolution, the cream of the evolu- wider scientific community until the end
tionary crop. of the century. Many researchers inter-
Eugenics took its first practical form ested in heredity took MendelÊs law to
in the United States in the late 19th and mean that if a particular trait was un-
early 20th centuries. Nativists · those wanted, it could be eliminated from the
born in the United States of Nordic, population. Confusing social with bio-
Anglo-Saxon ancestry · were deathly logical traits became a cornerstone of eu-
afraid of the large number of new immi- genic thought; to clean up a population
grants. The eugenicists felt the same way biologically, they argued, one must iden-
but brought to the discussion what they tify unwanted traits and then eliminate
saw as a practical remedy. Beginning in those individuals who carried them, or
the 1890s, the nativists and eugenicists keep them from procreating or mixing
claimed they would apply „scientific‰ their blood with those who did not have
techniques to cleansing via sterilization. the traits.
The eugenicists added to the basic nativ- Along with MendelÊs work, eugeni-
ist fear of foreign culture a fear of foreign cists also adopted the germ-plasm theory
biology in the form of what they called of German cytologist (one who studies
„feeblemindedness.‰ Feeblemindedness cells) August Weismann (1834–1914). In
was a catch-all expression meant to de- the 1880s, Weismann discovered that the
scribe mental disabilities. Its meaning human body contained two types of cells:
was soon made so elastic that it could somatic and reproductive. He showed
Eugenics | 61

that only hereditary material contained for dealing with this evolutionary threat.
in reproductive cells was used to create The first was to restrict new immigrants
the next generation. Eugenicists fixed on from coming into the country. Second,
this as proof that it was blood that car- any undesirables already in the country
ried superior and inferior traits, making should be segregated into special areas so
the mixing of bloodlines harmful. They that they could not mix with the Anglo-
saw this information as evidence that bi- Saxon population. Finally, all undesirables
ology alone (nature), not environment should be sterilized, by force if necessary,
and upbringing (nurture), was respon- to ensure they would die without issue.
sible for transmitting traits through the Sterilization was a favored remedy of eu-
bloodstream. genicists for fixing all the countryÊs ills.
Possibly the most notorious purveyor of The pivotal moment in the steriliza-
eugenics in the United States was Madi- tion debate in the United States was the
son Grant (1865–1937). A wealthy New Buck v. Bell case. Seventeen-year-old Car-
York lawyer, Grant argued in The Passing rie Buck was an institutionalized woman
of the Great Race (1916) and The Con- from Virginia. Deemed „feebleminded‰
quest of a Continent (1933) that the coun- because she and her mother, Emma, be-
try was being swallowed up by hoards of came pregnant out of wedlock, Carrie was
degenerates whose inferior origins were placed in the Virginia Colony for Epilep-
destroying the fabric of society. Grant tics and the Feebleminded in 1927. The
used as an underlying framework the state of Virginia decided to sterilize her
central-Asia hypothesis of human origins and her child, Vivian, so they would not
put forth by his friend Henry Fairfield reproduce again. A legal action ensued
Osborn who claimed Aryans evolved in that went to the Supreme Court. The state
central Asia under separate and different argued that it had the right to sterilize
origins than the other races before they any citizen posing a threat to the stateÊs
swept across Europe, becoming Nordics economy through reproduction.
and Anglo-Saxons, to create great civili- The Eugenics Record Office ( ERO),
zations that found its highest expression a biological laboratory on Long Island,
in North America. New York, came to the stateÊs defense.
Grant and other prominent American The ERO was started with money from
eugenicists lobbied the U.S. government the influential Harriman family and led
to enact stricter immigration reforms to by biologist Charles Davenport (1866 –
stem the tide of unwanted masses they 1944). It was a center of eugenic research
feared were entering the country, polluting focusing on how to control and modify
Anglo-Saxon blood, and ruining Anglo- the American breeding public ( Daven-
Saxon society. The result was the Johnson/ port was a friend and ally of Madison
Reed Act of 1924 that restricted the num- Grant). The ERO collected data on thou-
bers of Asians, Irish, Slavs, southern Ital- sands of Americans in an attempt to chart
ians, and other groups that Grant and his the countryÊs hereditary disposition. These
cronies both in and out of the government data would then be used to construct a
deemed undesirable. This was the first plan to control breeding; this meant find-
permanent immigration law in the United ing ways to keep „degenerates‰ from pro-
States and remained in force until 1952. creating and to promulgate the births of
Grant also put forward a three-tiered plan the „right sorts.‰
62 | EVPs

To aid the state of Virginia, Daven- Further Reading

port sent Dr. Arthur Eastabrook to testify. Kevles, Daniel. 1998. In the name of eugenics.
After a brief exam of CarrieÊs daughter, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Vivian, he declared her „backward‰ (she
was, in fact, a straight-A student). The
head of the colony, Dr. Albert Priddy,
testified that the entire Buck family was
a tangled bush of degenerates badly in EVPs
need of some pruning. The defense ar-
gued that the state had no right to steril- Supposed sounds of ghostly entities re-
ize anyone against their will. In the end, corded at the site of a haunting. Electronic
the Supreme Court sided with Virginia Voice Patterns (EVPs) are those sounds
and allowed the procedure to take place. not heard by human ears at the moment
In his majority statement, Chief Justice the recordings are made, rather, they are
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. said the state only heard later when the recording de-
had the right to perform such operations vice is played back. EVPs are often indis-
to protect itself. He argued that if too tinct, though they occasionally are clear
many mentally handicapped or degener- and sound like human voices speaking in-
ate people were allowed to breed, they telligible sounds. Ghost hunters bring au-
would adversely impact the entire nation. dio recording devices to the sites they
The Buck v. Bell case was a watershed for investigate in hopes of capturing EVPs.
sterilization in the United States. Almost One popular technique for eliciting EVPs
immediately, states across the Union be- is for investigators to ask questions of the
gan passing sterilization laws that re- entities they seek. Later, the recording
sulted in the forced sterilizations of tens devices are played back and EVPs are
of thousands of Americans. Eugenic ster- searched for. They often come in the form
ilization programs also began to appear of short phrases and one- or two-word
around the world, in Latin America, Eu- utterances. EVPs are different than spiri-
rope, and Asia. tualist communications, as they are far
With their rise to power in the 1930s, more random and haphazard than for-
the Nazis of Germany were also eugeni- mal séances. The problem with EVPs is
cists and wanted to rid their country of that little research has been done into their
all undesirables. They patterned their race nature. No protocols have been worked
and sterilization laws on those of the out for how to procure them or what to do
United States. The Nazis, with the help of with them once they are found. A case
the German medical and scientific com- can be made for the idea that many EVPs
munity, began by euthanizing („mercy‰ are artifacts of the recording process it-
killing) mentally handicapped and phy- self with which the operators are unfa-
sically deformed individuals in their hos- miliar. The majority of EVPs have alter-
pital system. This program was later used native, nonspiritual sources; anomalous
as a model for the Nazis major eugenics ones have no clear proof they are of spiri-
program, the extermination of all Euro- tual origin.
pean Jews, and came to be called the
Holocaust. See also: Ghost Hunters.
F –K

FACE ON MARS lic in 1977 and were immediately contro-

Surface details in the Cydonia region of The most persistent supporter of the
the planet Mars, which some interpret as notion that the Cydonia features are not
the remains of designed structures meant simulacra, but designed structures, is sci-
to represent humanoid faces, pyramids, ence writer and former television space
and other similar artifacts thus implying consultant Richard Hoagland. He is also
that some nonhuman intelligent agent a proponent of his own esoteric concept
constructed them. If this interpretation is of multiple planes of existence called hy-
correct, it would prove the existence of perdimensional physics. Hoagland argues
sentient beings outside of the earth. Scien- that the features seen on Mars are the re-
tists at the United StatesÊ National Aero- mains of a once-mighty civilization that
nautics and Space Administration ( NASA) constructed the mounds and pyramids so
claim the image is a simulacrum of a face that humans would eventually see them
caused by sunlight striking naturally and know that their civilization existed.
formed geologic features in just the right He also suggests that, as their world was
way. The photos were originally taken by dying, the Martians moved to the earth
the Viking spacecraft as it orbited Mars in and performed genetic engineering upon
July 1976. Eighteen pictures were taken humans. Like the faked moon landing pro-
of the Cydonia region. Analysis of the pic- ponents, Hoagland argues that the reason
tures revealed that one photo showed a the pictures of the face were released to
raised feature that looked uncannily like the public · when logically, if NASA was
a stylized human face and several nearby covering up, they would have made their
that resembled Egyptian-style pyramids. own lives easier by just keeping the pho-
Two more photos of the same region tos secret · were through the effort of un-
showed the same feature with the face. known, but courageous whistle-blowers,
The pictures were released to the pub- who, while working on the inside, managed

64 | Face on Mars

ing in a crater. Like the Martian photos,

the lunar pictures are of poor resolution
and the objects in them are seen at a dis-
tance. As for the men who actually walked
on the moon and who could verify Hoag-
landÊs assertions, but do not, he puts their
stories down to brainwashing by the gov-
ernment so they would not remember.
He has made reference to Masonic con-
spiracies and, along with the fake moon-
landing movement, suggested the U.S.
government intentionally killed the crew
of Apollo 1.
By the 1990s, other spacecraft, includ-
ing the Global Surveyor, Reconnaissance
Orbiter, and European Space Agency Ês
Mars Express, had returned to Mars and
photographed it with improved camera
equipment. Prompted by HoaglandÊs and
This raised structure on the surface of Mars is other Mars face aficionados, NASA had
interpreted by some as evidence of intelligent
the ships make a special pass back over
extraterrestrial life. NASA scientists say it is a
trick of the light playing upon a natural rock the Cydonia region to rephotograph the
formation. face and pyramid features. In 1998, those
photos were released and showed even
more that the features of the face and the
pyramids were simply geologic forma-
to slip the most important pictures ever tions. The face supporters now claimed
taken past government censors. Others that NASA was still covering up the truth
have picked up on HoaglandÊs work and and that the photos had been retouched.
claimed that the structures are said to The face supporters, of course, were able
conform to sacred geometry and are re- to get the original photos without manip-
lated to, variously, the ancient Sumerians, ulation and showed how clear the face
Egyptians, Hopi Indians, and Aztecs. and pyramids were. Face proponents now
Hoagland also contends that photo- claimed that new structures could be seen,
graphs taken on the moon by Apollo including a „glass tunnel ‰ and even a Mar-
astronauts show the remains of a lunar tian „ flying saucer ‰ parked on the edge
civilization. He has examined the photos of a mountain ridge.
in close detail and claims that, unlike the Planetary scientists and astronomers
built-up earthen structures of Mars, the alike contend that the moon has never
lunar photos show towers, spires, support been able to support any life and that
cables, and other architectural and fabri- while Mars may have had some liquid
cated structures of glass and steel · or at water and some of the primary building
least some lunar civilization equivalent. blocks of life as humans know it, it never
He interprets one photo as showing the had and any life forms and certainly no
broken and discarded head of a robot ly- sentient beings who built vast networks of
Fairy Pictures | 65

structures. Hoagland and his supporters cate female entities, but it can also be
wave all this off as cover-ups, blinkered used to describe less attractive ones, like
thinking, and intentional wrongdoing. goblins. Elsie borrowed her father Ês cam-
NASA scientists who try to explain what era in July 1917 to take pictures in the
the „ face,‰ „ pyramids,‰ and other sup- woods around their home in Cottingly,
posed structures on Mars and the Moon England. When he developed the film he
are fight an uphill battle. The more they saw fairies in one picture. He thought the
show what these features are, the more girls were playing a prank, though his wife
they are accused of lying about it. thought the picture genuine. Another pic-
Taken together, the Martian face, flat ture was produced in September of that
earth, hollow earth, and moon hoax advo- year. The first picture showed Francis with
cates, while seemingly at odds with each a group of cavorting fairies; the second
other, do have a common thread to their was of Elsie and a single fairy. In 1919,
work. They all argue that there is a nefari- Mrs. Wright, who had an interest in the
ous government cover-up meant to keep occult, attended a Theosophical Society
the „ truth ‰ about this hidden history from meeting and told fellow attendees about
being known. This is also a common thread the pictures. Author Arthur Conon Doyle
to pseudoscience in general. The reason (1859 –1930) was an ardent Spiritualist
their work is not taken seriously by sci- and was at the time working on an arti-
ence, they claim, is because an ill-defined cle about fairies. The creator of Sherlock
force is holding them down, stifling de- Holmes, Doyle was famous and his work
scent, and generally behaving badly. If widely read. He included the two pictures
only the force were lifted, they say, these in his article and they caused a sensation.
seekers of the truth would be held up as Camps immediately appeared of those
heroes and pioneering geniuses. who supported the pictures and those who
denounced them as obvious fakes. In 1920,
See also: Flat Earth; Hidden History; Hollow interested parties gave the girls a camera
Earth; Moon Landing Hoax.
and film in the hopes that more pictures
Further Reading would be forthcoming; they were: Three
Hoagland, Richard. 2002. The monuments of more pictures were taken, for a total of
Mars: A city on the edge of forever. Mumbai, five. Doyle felt vindicated and wrote, The
India: Frog Books. Coming of the Fairies (1922). By this time,
Hoagland, Richard, and M. Bara. 2007. Dark the girls had grown tired of the game and
mission: The secret history of NASA. Port stopped taking pictures. They slipped into
Townsend, WA: Feral House. quiet obscure lives until the 1980s. Be-
ginning in 1981, the now-grown women
gave a series of interviews in which they
FAIRY PICTURES admitted they had faked the photos by
copying images from a popular picture
Photographs of alleged fairies taken by book, Princess MaryÊs Gift Book (1914),
British cousins Elsie Wright and Francis cutting them out, coloring them and at-
Griffiths between 1917 and 1920. Fairies taching them to long hat pins to fix in
are mythical, spirit beings, whose exact place. They said they became scared when
nature is disputed even by believers. The the media hysteria began and were afraid
word normally conjures up images of deli- to admit that it was all a bit of little girl
66 | Falsification

means there is the possibility that it could

be proven false. If there is no chance to
prove an idea false, it is not falsifiable.
Popper also claimed that if an idea cannot
be falsified but still can be used to answer
a wide range of questions about a field of
inquiry consistently and uniformly, it can
be judged to be science. It is the idea of
falsification that demarcates science from
pseudoscience. For example, a photo of a
UFO cannot prove UFOs exist. The photo
The famous fairy pictures, which convinced so itself can be tested, but the results only per-
many adults of their reality, were paper cut-
outs made by a pair of mischievous girls.
tain to the physical photo itself. Whether
or not the photo was a hoax does not prove
or disprove the reality of UFOs. As a re-
fun that got out of hand. Enigmatically, sult, the belief that UFOs exist, that they
though, at times they said all the pictures come from other worlds, or that they have
were fake, and occasionally said all were been visiting the earth is not a scientific
fake except the fifth photo. They have theory, because, as of yet, it cannot be
also claimed that while they did not pho- proven to be false.
tograph fairies, they did see them. See also: Paradigms.
Further Reading Further Reading
Gardner, Edward L. 1974. Fairies: The Cottingly Losee, John. 2005. Theories on the scrap heap:
photographs and their sequel. Quezon City, Scientists and philosophers on the falsifica-
Philippines: Theosophical Publishing House. tion, rejection, and replacement of theories.
Randi, James. 1982. Flim-Flam! New York: Pro- Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh
metheus Books. Press.
Popper, Karl. 1959. The logic of scientific discov-
ery. New York: Basic Books.
FALSIFICATION Popper, Karl. 1963. Conjectures and refutations.
London: Routledge.
An important element in the definition
of science, falsification is an idea put for-
ward by Austrian economist Karl Popper FLAMEL, NICHOLAS
(1902 –1994 ). Popper rejected empiricism
as the only criteria for science and argued French alchemist reported to be one of
that scientific theories are, by nature, ab- the few people · along with his wife Pere-
stract things that need more than simple nelle · to have successfully created the
facts. He argued that even an infinite PhilosopherÊs Stone and, as a result, large
number of positive tests and experiments amounts of gold. Flamel (1330 –1417 ) is
cannot confirm a theory, but only one neg- also reputed to have lived, by use of the
ative example is needed to show it to be Philosopher Ês Stone, several centuries,
false. However, falsification does not having been seen in India and Paris as late
mean the idea is a false one, rather it only as 1700.
Flat Earth | 67

Flamel was a professional scribe who thropist, that he discovered the Philos-
made his living copying books and offi- opherÊs Stone and lived until 1700 are ro-
cial documents. In middle age he had a mantic legends with at best circumstantial
dream in which he found a fabulous book evidence supporting them. He did achieve
on alchemy. He then found such a vol- a kind of immortality, however. His mem-
ume in a book-seller Ês stall. Amazed and ory found resurgence outside of the his-
intrigued by the coincidence, he and his torical community when he was used by
wife spent years trying to understand the novelist J. K. Rowling as a central, but un-
strange text without success. Frustrated, seen character in both the text and film
he went on a pilgrimage to Spain and en- version of Harry Potter and the Philoso-
countered a Jewish scholar who told him pher Ês Stone (1997 ).
the book was an ancient text on the Jew-
ish mystical tradition known as Kabbalah. See also: Alchemy; Philosopher Ês Stone.
Flamel eventually returned home with an
understanding of how to employ the bookÊs
directions. Early in 1382, he cracked the FLAT EARTH
code, produced a PhilosopherÊs Stone, and
then copious amounts of gold which was The idea that the earth is a flat plane rather
soon being handed out to various worthy than a sphere. Belief that the earth is flat
charities. goes back to humansÊ earliest attempts to
Contemporaries of the Flamels felt so determine its size and dimensions. There
strongly that they had indeed discovered is a common misconception that, until
how to produce gold that, following their the Age of Discovery, and particularly the
deaths, their house was ransacked and voyages of Christopher Columbus, people
their graves violated in search of their believed the world was flat. This became
secrets. While Nicholas Flamel certainly common in North America after the pub-
lived, pursued alchemy, and was a philan- lication of Washington IrvingÊs novel The
Life and Voyages of Christopher Colum-
bus (1828). The idea was repeated in a
number of American history school text-
books as fact, despite its fictional origins.
The 19th-century historical contrivance
of a European „ Dark Age ‰ also contribu-
ted to this inaccuracy. By the time of the
ancient Greeks, however, it had been de-
termined that the earth was round. Pythag-
oras and Plato both taught the earth was a
sphere, as did Aristotle. In 240 bc, Era-
tosthenes determined the earthÊs circum-
ference using measurements of the cast
shadows of wooden stakes along with trig-
onometric calculations. His final answer
Nicholas Flamel is one of the few people was very close to modern scientific mea-
purported to have created a PhilosopherÊs surements. Indian and Islamic scholars
Stone. had also determined the spherical nature
68 | Flat Earth

of the earth. By the 20th century, tech- lar, who called themselves the Christian
niques of geodesy (measuring the earth Catholic Apostolic Church of Zion, Illi-
and studying its magnetic fields) and ae- nois. The Apostolic Church saw Zetetic
rial and space photography had conclu- Astronomy as „ scientific ‰ proof of their
sively confirmed that the planet was round Biblically based belief that the earth was
and what its size and weight was. Despite flat. Originally begun as a utopian com-
this evidence, however, a small number of munity by faith healer John Alexander
people still believe the earth was flat. Dowie, Zion was taken over by Wilbur
A major proponent of modern flat Glenn Voliva (1870 –1942), a Flat Earther
earth theory was English inventor Samuel and aspiring megalomaniac. He made flat
Rowbotham (1816 –1884 ). Known by his earth belief the central tenet of the com-
pseudonym of „ Parallax,‰ Rowbotham munity. In addition to a round earth, the
developed a method for determining a flat other things Voliva didnÊt care for were sci-
earth he called Zetetic Astronomy. He ence, evolution, tobacco, doctors, liquor,
developed a model of the flat earth that unions, or fun. He used biblical proofs
had the North Pole at the center of a large, to support the flat earth idea as well all
flat disk. The South Pole was the perim- the standard pseudoscientific, antiround-
eter of the disk, and the equator a circle earth arguments.
midway between the center and edge. The In 1922, Voliva built a radio station and
sun, moon, and stars rotated above this began some of the first religious broad-
plane forming a kind of dome over the top casting. He railed against evolution, bib-
of the disk. lical criticism, a round earth, and modern
Rowbotham drew thousands of fol- astronomy in general. In 1931, he man-
lowers who after his death created the aged to position himself as the focus of
Zetetic Society. One of his most ardent an article on flat earth belief in the maga-
followers was fellow Englishman William zine Modern Mechanix and Invention.
Carpenter (1830 –1896 ) who moved to He offered $5,000 to anyone who could
Baltimore to engage in his primary pro- prove the earth round. As with all such
fession of printer. Carpenter produced One challenges · prove evolution, prove an
Hundred Proofs the Earth Not a Globe old earth, and so on ·Voliva had no in-
(1885) to further the idea. He printed tens tention of ever paying the reward. He
of thousands of copies, with constant new had answers for any conceivable example
editions, most of which he distributed free and simply wanted to bait scientists and
to libraries, religious groups, and schol- flat earth detractors into arguments from
ars. Like other Flat Earthers, Carpenter which they could never get disentangled.
pointed to rivers not dropping in their The article did include a series of charm-
levels, large bodies of water not showing ing illustrations of boats near the frozen
convexity, and arguments that, when a ship edge of the disk and the sun and moon
looks like it is disappearing over the hori- orbiting „ above around ‰ the earth. The
zon, it is an optical illusion and the result Zion community eventually broke up due
of complex perspective. RowbothamÊs to VolivaÊs heavy-handedness and dicta-
musings on a flat earth were of interest to torial ways. Furthermore, the state of Il-
Christian fundamentalists in North Amer- linois had questions about his financial
ica and by one religious sect in particu- dealings.
Fludd, Robert | 69

The primary promoter of flat earth Further Reading

theory in the later 20th century was the Garwood, Christine. 2007. Flat earth: The history
Flat Earth Society. Founded in 1956 by of an infamous idea. London: Pan Books.
yet another British Flat Earther named Miller, Jay Earle. 1931. $5,000 for proving the
Samuel Shenton (d. 1971), it was inher- earth a globe. Modern Mechanix and Inven-
ited by American Charles K. Johnson tion (October): 70 –78.
Russell, Jeffrey. 1997. Inventing the flat earth:
(1924 – 2001) when Shenton passed away.
Columbus and modern historians. Westport,
Johnson also promoted the idea that the
CT: Praeger.
Apollo moon landings had been hoaxes Schadewald, Bob. 1980. The Flat-out truth: Earth
and made claims about the hoaxed nature orbits? Moon landings? A fraud! says this
of the space shuttle program. He said prophet. Science Digest ( July).
that God had destroyed the shuttle Chal-
lenger, and argued in his society Ês news-
letter that the moon was internally lit, not
illuminated by the rays of the sun. The FLUDD, ROBERT
space program was a none-too-artful at-
tempt to lead people away from Jesus by Elizabethan English philosopher, doctor,
getting them to believe the earth round, and astrologer who wrote a number of
in contradiction to scripture. A Christian books on the relationship between man
fundamentalist, Johnson was contemptu- and the universe. Fludd was one of the last
ous of fellow creation science proponents philosophers, prior to the scientific revo-
despite being as much a creationist and lution, to try to link all of creation · both
geocentrist as they were. Flat earth propo- the macrocosm and microcosm · into a
nents also tend to be neogeocentrists: Not unified whole of knowledge leading to
only do they believe the earth is flat, they God. His best known work is Utriusque
also believe it is at the center of the uni- Cosmi, Maioris scilicet et Minoris, meta-
verse. JohnsonÊs publications were vitu- physica, physica, atque technica Historia
perative and angry, railing against science ( 1617 –1621), commonly called the His-
and skeptics. In one newsletter, Johnson tory of Two Worlds. As an astrologer and
ranted almost incoherently ( like many physician, Fludd worked to connect dif-
conspiracy theorists, he loved using all ferent parts of the human body to the as-
capital letters for emphasis), equating trological signs of the zodiac following
science to grease and claiming that late sympathetic magic. He constructed a mo-
American president Ronald Reagan was a del of the universe combing the Ptolemaic
secret Flat Earther because he looked up- geocentric scheme with Galenic medical
ward to heaven during a speech. The Flat concepts of the four humors. He worked
Earth Society descended from the Brit- out a rational, and illustrated, explanation
ish Zetetic Society, but Johnson claimed of the creation of the cosmos and asked
Moses originally founded it. Like the Zion questions about what existed prior to the
community, the Flat Earth Society went creation. He rejected Copernican Helio-
into decline after its leaderÊs demise and all centrism, arguing that if the earth orbited
but disappeared. There are online groups the sun, its surface would be swept clear
calling themselves the Flat Earth Soci- by the winds generated by its movement,
ety, but these are largely satirical. thus rendering the surface uninhabitable.
70 | Forman, Simon

for his voluminous manuscript writings

and notes, almost none of which were
published in his lifetime. He described
his astrological medical work, musings
on everyday life, his interest in the
theater · including early mentions of
Shakespeare · and other thoughts. Medi-
cal astrology used astrological charts and
was rooted in the belief that heavenly bod-
ies affect human health. Forman would
cast a personÊs chart and horoscope and
then provide remedies that often included
Robert Fludd, an influential alchemist, the wearing of specially prepared talis-
produced a comprehensive and intellectual mans. Forman is considered one of the
story of the creation of the universe.
earliest known examples in the modern
era of life writing, or autobiography.

He also argued that cosmic power origi- See also: Astrology.

nated at the outer edges of the universe,
Further Reading
rather than at the center. He pondered the
structure of the human brain and bodily Kassell, Lauren. 2007. Medicine and magic
in Elizabethan London: Simon Forman: As-
anatomy as well as music theory and me-
trologer, alchemist, and physician. Oxford:
teorology. While ingenious and erudite,
Oxford University Press.
most of Fludd Ês impressive scholarly out- Traister, Barbara Howard. 2001. The notorious
put was undermined by the discoveries astrological physician of London: Works and
and theories of the scientific revolution. days of Simon Forman. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press.
See also: Alchemy; Astrology; Metaphysics.

Further Reading
Godwin, Joscelyn. 1979. Robert Fludd: Hermetic
philosopher and surveyor of two worlds. Lon-
don: Thames and Hudson.

An Elizabethan medical astrologer and so-
cial gadfly, Simon Forman (1552 –1611)
was also accused of being an alchemist
and occultist. With no medical training,
Forman set himself up as a physician in
and around London, established a thriv-
Simon Forman was a flamboyant medical
ing practice, battled with the medical astrologer in Elizabethan London. He battled
establishment, and generally lived an ex- the medical establishment, who thought him a
traordinary life. He is best remembered charlatan.
Gap Theory | 71

FORT, CHARLES HOY Michell, John and Robert Rickard. 1979. Phe-
nomena: A book of wonders. London: Thames
and Hudson.
American author who pioneered the study
Steinmeyer, Jim. 2008. Charles Fort: The man
of anomalous or „ damned ‰ knowledge
who invented the supernatural. New York:
that did not fit standard patterns of sci- Tarcher.
entific or theological belief. Fort (1874 –
1932) obsessively collected newspaper
accounts from libraries in New York and FORTEANA
London of odd occurrences. These in-
cluded reports of falls of frogs, strange Named for anomalist writer Charles Hoy
disappearances, unusual celestial phenom- Fort (1874 –1932), Forteana constitutes a
ena, and other such material. Fort argued category of strange phenomena character-
that such data was regularly rejected, or ized by its seemingly inexplicable nature,
damned, by mainstream science because numbers, locations, or frequency. Classic
it did not fit preconceived notions or ac- Fortean occurrences are falls of frogs
cepted explanations. He developed a the- or other objects from the heavens, unex-
ory that this unusual evidence suggested pected coincidences, anomalous animals
there were forces at work in the universe or fossils, and generally any phenomena
that scientific orthodoxy would not or that seems to defy or contradict accepted
could not accept. He argued that, if there historical or scientific wisdom or the laws
was evidence of something happening, of nature.
regardless of how strange or outside the
norm it was, it had to be considered as pos- See also: Anomalous Fossils; Fort, Charles Hoy.
sibly genuine. The reason the mainstream
Further Reading
rejected this data was that they were wed-
Fort, Charles and Damon Knight. 1975. The com-
ded, he said, to their political positions
plete books of Charles Fort: The book of the
rather than a belief in an objective study
damned / Lo! / Wild talents / New lands. New
of nature. His proto-postmodern work York: Dover Publications.
was not well known during his lifetime, Michell, John and Robert Rickard. 1979. Phe-
but found renewed interest in the later nomena: A book of wonders. London: Thames
20th century by readers ready to embrace and Hudson.
a worldview at odds with dominant para- Steinmeyer, Jim. 2008. Charles Fort: The man
digms. FortÊs work has been so associated who invented the supernatural. New York:
with odd phenomena that strange coinci- Tarcher.
dences, odd number relationships, spon-
taneous combustion · and many of the
topics covered in this encyclopedia · are GAP THEORY
thought of collectively as Forteana.
Popular creation science notion that be-
See also: Forteana. tween the biblical creation and the be-
Further Reading ginning of human history there was an
Fort, Charles, and Damon Knight. 1975. The com- indeterminate period of time, or gap, sep-
plete books of Charles Fort: The book of the arating them. This allows for science-
damned / Lo! / Wild talents / New lands. New conscious Christians to reconcile the
York: Dover Publications. disparity of the Genesis account, which
72 | Gay Repair Therapy

suggests a young earth, and the extensive can be cured. They also paradoxically be-
geological evidence pointing to an old lieve homosexuality is a lifestyle choice.
earth. Gap theory traces back to Scottish Proponents run psychotherapy-style en-
theologian Thomas Chalmers (1780 –1847 ) counter groups and one-on-one sessions
who used it as a way of reconciling scrip- and believe that, with proper counseling,
ture with the knowledge geologists were religious instruction, and an acceptance
then just beginning to produce about of Jesus as oneÊs personal savior, the suf-
the nature and age of the earth. Follow- ferer will give up interest in same-sex
ing the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925, encounters and become heterosexual.
in which Christian fundamentalism was There is also a growing series of camps
thought to have been defeated, some anti- designed for the treatment of teenage
evolutionists moved away from a purely homosexuals. The majority of Western
scriptural point of view and began build- medical personnel see gay repair therapy
ing what they thought would be a scientific as not only useless · as homosexuality is
refuation of human evolution. Creation- not considered a disease in need of cur-
ism is the belief that the earth and all life ing · but possibly dangerous physically,
on it are the result of divine intervention. emotionally, and spiritually.
Creation science was a fundamentalist A central issue in discussions over
attempt to generate empirical evidence homosexuality is whether it is a natural
supporting a literal interpretation of the biological condition ( homosexuals are
Genesis story of a six-day creation week born) or if it is simply a lifestyle choice
occurring no more than 10,000 years ago, ( homosexuals are made). This is the na-
which could be proven by scientific meth- ture versus nurture argument. Progay ac-
ods. Not all creationists took the young tivists insist homosexuality is a normal
earth position. Some allowed that the biological condition into which people are
earth might be billions of years old and born. The mainstream medical and sci-
used gap theory as a way to support that entific communities also take this posi-
idea. Strict literalists tend to reject the tion. Those who oppose homosexuality
gap theory because it does not fit bibli- are mostly from religious backgrounds
cal accounts and thus contradicts God Ês and do so from a theological standpoint,
revealed word. A related idea is day-age arguing that the Bible prohibits such be-
theory. havior. Religiously based antigay advo-
cates also resort to homosexuality as a
See also: Creation Science; Day-Age Theory. disease approach.
Further Reading In a recent vote concerning gay mar-
Numbers, Ronald. 1992. The creationists. Berke-
riage rights in Spain, a professor of psy-
ley: University of California Press. chology, Aquilino Polaino, supporting the
Regal, Brian. 2005. Human evolution: A guide to conservative antigay position, claimed
the debates. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. that homosexuality was an abnormal pa-
thology caused by bad parenting. Inter-
estingly, the conservative „ family values ‰
GAY REPAIR THERAPY party the professor was intending to sup-
port rejected the professor Ês position as
Program engaged in by Christian activists archaic. This is worth noting, as in North
who believe both male and female homo- America the forces of religious and po-
sexuality are psychological illnesses that litical conservatism and „ family values ‰
Gay Repair Therapy | 73

do believe homosexuality is a disease. A major „ healing ministry ‰ that is a

( Antigay factions cannot seem to agree straightforward religious organization is
if homosexuality is a lifestyle choice or a Exodus International. Exodus Interna-
disease, but they do all agree it is wrong tional is an offshoot of self-appointed
and abnormal.) The idea that being gay is moralist Kevin DobsonÊs Focus on the
a psychological abnormality goes back Family organization, was run in the 1990s
to antiquity. In the 20th century, homo- by ex-gay (a term coined in 1980) advo-
sexuals were routinely sent to hospitals cate John Paulk. An engaging speaker,
and sanitariums to be „ cured,‰ based on Paulk toured the country at the behest
the reasoning that they deviated from nor- of Focus on the Family telling about his
mal, therefore they were deviants. The personal conversion experience and how
American Psychiatric Association ( APA) gays can be „ cured ‰ and made „ normal ‰
supported this position and considered again at „ Love Won Out ‰ gay repair con-
homosexuality a pathology until 1973, ferences and seminars. He published an
when it reversed itself and removed ho- autobiography Not Afraid to Change
mosexuality from its list of psychologi- ( 2000). Shortly after the book Ês publi-
cal disorders. More recently, the APA has cation, however, Paulk was caught in a
stated that gay reparative therapy does Washington, DC, gay bar and admitted he
not work and is dangerous. was never „ cured ‰ and was still gay. He
Those religious advocates who believe claimed his work as an ex-gay spokesman
homosexuality is a disease also argue that was a sham of which he was ashamed.
there are techniques for „ curing ‰ it. The If being gay is a natural state of affairs,
main approach to curing homosexuality like being blond or tall, it is beyond the
is to get the „ sufferer ‰ to get back to ability of science to cure it, as it is not
„ normal ‰ behavior and a closer relation- a disease. Gay repair therapy is an espe-
ship with God and Jesus. Therapy takes a cially nefarious pseudoscience because
psychological approach as well as absti- it makes a normal person feel broken or
nence and discussions of why being gay damaged when he or she is not. This can
is „ wrong ‰ and against nature and God. cause great emotional and physical harm.
There are a number of Christian organiza- Increasingly, ministries are operating ex-
tions that specialize in gay repair therapy. gay camps specially designed for teenag-
The National Association for Research ers sent there by their parents. A number
and Therapy of Homosexuality ( NARTH ) of reports coming from these camps have
takes on a clinical persona stressing that led critics to argue they amount to or-
what they do is good science and medicine ganized child abuse. The mainstream
and that theirs is not a subjective, anti- medical and psychiatric community is in
gay organization, but an objective medi- growing agreement of their opposition to
cal one. Their carefully worded Web site gay repair therapy. Any attempt to „cure‰
says they „ uphold the rights of individ- a gay or lesbian person has as much
uals with unwanted homosexual attrac- chance of success as trying to „cure‰ a dog
tions . . . and the right of professionals to into being a cat.
offer that care.‰ This way, the emphasis
is on individuals wanting to be cured and Further Reading
is a case of individually freed patients re- Besen, Wayne. 2003. Anything but straight: Un-
questing treatment from professionals masking the scandals and lies behind the
who give it. ex-gay myth. London: Routledge.
74 | Geomancy

Paulk, John. 2000. Not afraid to change: The re- debunk the allegations. In doing this, they
markable story of how one man overcame claim, they can either show whether there
homosexuality. Spokane, WA: Hartline. is a genuine haunting or if the effects re-
ported have a prosaic explanation. Their
approach involves a number of method-
ologies they claim are scientific: the use
GEOMANCY of infrared night vision devices, audio
and video recorders, and other electronic
The „ science of sand,‰ geomancy is an
gear. During the course of any given in-
occult technique in which marks on the
vestigation, normally one long night, they
ground, piles of dirt, and lines scribed in
attempt to communicate with spirits al-
sand can be used for divination or fortune-
leged to be occupying the location. Some-
telling. Geomancy was practiced as part
times they simply ask questions, other
of alchemy and astrology, but not by all
times they try to provoke a response by
practitioners. The word first appeared in
angrily demanding the spirits perform,
English in the early 1300s. Geomancy
the latter often involving liberal use of
works by reading the patterns in sand,
expletives that must be bleeped out for
dirt, or soil and interpreting them. It is
broadcast. The next day, team members
similar to reading tossed bones, stones,
laboriously go through all their electronic
cards, or other such objects as a form of
recordings for evidence of ghostly man-
ifestations and present their findings to
Further Reading the owners of the location in a dramatic
O Ê Brien, Paul D. 2007. Divination: Sacred tools scene known as a „ reveal.‰
for reading the mind of God. Portland, OR: Despite the apparent sincerity of the
Visionary Networks Press. TAPS team and attempts to run their in-
vestigations scientifically, none of the
group Ês members has any scientific or
technical training. None have studied en-
GHOST HUNTERS gineering, psychology, or the history of
science. One positive aspect of the TAPS
American reality television program on membersÊ backgrounds is that team lead-
the cable SyFy Channel (formerly known ers and TAPS founders, Jason Hawes
as the Sci Fi Channel) about a group of and Grant Wilson are plumbers by trade.
young amateur paranormalists from War- Their expertise in that field allows them
wick, Rhode Island. The group, called to quickly determine if a haunting effect
TAPS ( The Atlantic Paranormal Society) is in reality a plumbing-caused effect (air
travels to different locations around the thumping in water lines, drips, or slowly
United States (and in a later incarnation, draining sewers), which it often is.
to Europe) investigating alleged haunt- In their attempt to explain why they
ings. They go to a wide range of loca- use certain techniques, TAPS members
tions, from the well-known like the Lizzy often resort to statements such as „ it is
Borden House and Winchester Mystery believed that . . .‰ or „ there is a theory
House, to local legends to private homes. that . . .‰ and „ some paranormal research-
The underlying narrative is that the TAPS ers argue that . . .‰ without ever referenc-
team goes into an investigation trying to ing their sources or how they have come
Ghost Hunting | 75

to their conclusions. For example, a fa- even produced genuine results. That
vorite technique of the TAPS team is to would, however, defeat the purpose of
continually check the temperature of the TAPS. They are an amateur organization;
air in the target location. They explain professionals would have taken all the
that „ it is believed that ‰ a ghostly spirit fun out of it.
or similar entity Ês presence will cause the Despite its scientific and logical short-
ambient temperature to drop. Suddenly coming, Ghost Hunters is an entertain-
rising or dropping temperatures are al- ing program. The TAPS team members
ways a cause for great excitement among exude a kind of goofy sincerity and charm
the team. Unfortunately, there is no at- that is appealing. Besides the ghost hunt-
tempt to discern why a spirit, if present, ing, the team engages in good reality tele-
would cause a localized temperature drop. vision internal squabbles, arguments, and
From a pseudoscience point of view, this other interpersonal shenanigans. In an age
attempt at scientific rationality is where where the larger run of people reject the
the TAPS team often gets into trouble. work and knowledge of experts, a bunch
While they take on the appearance of sci- a lovable, untrained, clueless enthusiasts
entific objectivity, their methods have no running around hunting for ghosts holds
basis in reality; there are no data to sup- greater authority than genuine scientists
port the use of any of the techniques they who investigate the natural world. The
employ. The team does not seem to keep TAPS team are like latter-day Little Ras-
track of their activities, such as charting cals who converted their barn clubhouse
times when temperature shifts coincided into a ghost-hunting society. TAPS is the
with apparitions or whether the voices club every kid wanted to form or join.
they often record · through a technique The number of TAPS-like groups has
they call „ EVP work ‰· are disembodied grown exponentially since the show first
voices or simply artifacts of the record- aired in 2004, and the show Ês success
ing process. They often fail to show they helped spawn other like-minded imitators:
even understand the rudiments of the the British based Ghostly Encounters, Dead
equipment they employ. Famous, which only looks for the ghosts
Ultimately, all of these critiques could of celebrities, and Paranormal State, a
be made less glaring if TAPS ever found more pompous and self-consciously seri-
genuine evidence of a ghostly haunting. ous copy of Ghost Hunters.
The voices they record could just as eas-
ily be put down to earthly causes, while See also: Ghost Hunting.
the bumping and thumping sounds they
often get excited about are clearly cases
of squirrels in the attic. Their most famous
piece of video footage was clearly some- GHOST HUNTING
one under a sheet who had sneaked into
the target site in order to confound the The act of searching for evidence of
TAPS team. Many times during these in- ghosts, poltergeists, and other spirit enti-
vestigations, someone on the team with ties. Some prefer the term investigator
professional science or engineering train- rather than hunter. There are two types of
ing could have helped alleviate confu- ghost hunters, those looking for evidence
sion, streamlined the work, and maybe to support the existence of spirits and
76 | Ghost Hunting

those seeking to debunk the idea; on oc- with only minimal scientific training. Or-
casion it is a combination: True believers ganizations like the Committee for the
wish to eliminate false reports and hoaxes Scientific Investigation of Claims of the
so that only genuine examples are known, Paranormal (CSICOP ) are made up of
while debunkers attempt to show there is trained personnel, but are normally skep-
nothing there at all. Investigators use an tical debunkers rather than believers. The
array of technical devices like tempera- model of the modern amateur ghost hunter
ture gauges, ion meters, electromagnetic and aspiring scientific investigator was
sensitivity meters, infrared cameras, mo- the Englishman Harry Price (1881–1948).
tion detectors, and recording devices of Price began his career as a magician and
all types. spiritualist, and later took to studying
Eighteenth-century ghost hunters dealt how magic was performed, before mov-
mostly with literary sources. It was in the ing onto investigating claims of para-
19th century that active pursuit of spirit normal activity. He was instrumental
entities began. Investigators used photog- in exposing a popular, but oafish spirit-
raphy to capture ghosts Ê images in spirit photographer William „ Billy ‰ Hope in
photography. They also studied acciden- 1922. Price managed this by having the
tal captures of ghosts on film and tried to arrogant Hope perform his work under a
account for them. One of the earliest sci- series of controlled tests Price had worked
entific group efforts to investigate ghosts out. He performed this study after joining
was the French-based Institute Métaphy- the British Society of Psychical Research,
sique International of 1919. Begun by an organization inspired by the French
academics including Charles Richet, the Institute Métaphysique. Price was more
man who coined the term „ ectoplasm ‰ investigator than debunker, as he did be-
and Gustave Geley (1865 –1924), the au- lieve psychic powers existed and wanted
thor of LÊetre Subconscient (1899), who to prove it. He had no science training,
argued for soul energy and believed but enjoyed taking on the persona of the
psychic ability genuine, the Institute Mé- serious research scientist. He employed
taphysique investigated a range of para- the now-standard ghost-hunting technique
normal activities including the „ Kluski of checking ambient air temperature in
Hands.‰ Polish-medium Franek Kluski a haunted place, but unlike most later in-
(1874 –1944) claimed he could summon vestigators kept careful records of his in-
spirits whom he could convince to leave vestigations and documented séances. He
traces of themselves, then he would pro- eventually became the head of the Na-
duce ectoplasm. A test was set up with tional Laboratory of Psychical Research
bowls of liquid wax. Kluski was to ask in 1925. Unlike his contemporaries, Price
the spirits to plunge their hands and feet was willing to embrace the media and used
into the warm wax. A void was created it to his advantage to further the cause of
and then plaster poured in making a cast. psychic research and awareness.
This test produced a collection of plaster PriceÊs most famous project was his
hands and feet supposedly made by actual investigation of the infamous Borley
ghosts. Artifacts such as these are termed Rectory of Essex, England. A reputedly
permanent paranormal objects ( PPOs). haunted parsonÊs house said to be the site
Various current proghost societies are of considerable paranormal activity, Bor-
made up mostly of amateur investigators ley had earned the reputation of „ most
Ghost Hunting | 77

haunted house in England.‰ In 1930, a normal activities like hauntings, these

new rector named Lionel Foyster and his researchers tend to be less dramatic and
wife Marianne arrived. This signaled the more scholarly. They are interested in
start of intense spirit activity. Poltergeists how the human body, and especially the
(violent spirits) began throwing things mind, might produce such effects and
around, including bricks and dishes. It how biological function might be misin-
was said a monk and a nun had died in terpreted as paranormal. Such institutes
the rectory trying to elope and it was their can be found at The Rhine Research Cen-
restless spirits who were performing the ter at Duke University, and the Koestler
haunting. Mr. Foyster reported finding Parapsychology Unit ( KPU ) at the Uni-
writing on the wall from the nun. After versity of Edinburgh, Scotland.
the Foysters moved out in 1935, Price The central conundrum of ghost hunt-
took over and began investigating. He so- ing is that there is no one accepted defini-
licited almost 40 volunteers to set up sur- tion of what a ghost is. There are many
veillance and crafted a handbook for them long-standing traditions that ghosts are
as a guide for how to conduct a paranor- spirit entities or the astral form of a de-
mal investigation. The investigation pro- ceased person, but these definitions are
duced evidence of what Price felt was vague at best and do not address the un-
the ghost of a murdered woman on the derlying issue of life after death, the pres-
grounds. Price produced two books The ence of a soul, or a life form separate from
Most Haunted House in England (1940) the body. There is nothing more than an-
and The End of Borley Rectory (1946 ). ecdotal evidence that the soul · whatever
Later, there were allegations of fraud on it is · continues to exist after physical
PriceÊs part related to a series of photos death. If it does, we have no coherent hy-
taken while the rectory was being demol- pothesis about why it would „ haunt ‰ an
ished in which bricks seem to fly. Price area. What is the process of ghost cre-
has been alternately been called the „ fa- ation? Does it happen at the moment of
ther of modern ghost hunting ‰ and a con death, or is it a longer process? Until
man. He has certainly had many follow- points such as these are addressed, ghost
ers in the United Kingdom and the United hunting will remain an unorganized ex-
States. ercise in futility.
Late-20th-century ghost hunters in-
clude the Committee for Skeptical In- See also: Ectoplasm; Ghost Hunters.
quiry (CSI ) and CSICOP. Both work to
debunk paranormal claims and look for Further Reading
frauds and scams behind such claims. Geley, Gustave. 2003. Clairvoyance and mate-
CSICOP has been accused of being merely rialization: A record of experiments. White-
fish, MT: Kessinger Publishing.
an antiparanormal propaganda machine.
Hansen, George P. 1992. CSICOP and the skep-
A number of universities around the world
tics: An overview. The Journal of the Ameri-
have parapsychology research laborato- can Society for Psychical Research 86 (1):
ries and a number now offer advanced 19 – 63.
degrees in the field. They test claims of Morris, Richard. 2007. Harry Price investigates.
paranormal activities made by individu- Fortean Times 229:28 – 34.
als and groups in controlled laboratory Price, Harry. 1942. Search for truth: My life for
conditions. Rather than go to sites of para- psychical research. London: Collins.
78 | Hermes Trismegistus

HERMES TRISMEGISTUS ical musings, while the second discussed

practical recipes, potions, and procedures.
Name given to the legendary father of al- The Corpus Hermeticum first came to
chemy and Western occult mysticism, it is wide European notice after it was trans-
a combination of the Greek god Hermes lated into Latin by the Italian philosopher
and the Egyptian Toth. The name is often and astrologer Marsilio Ficino (1433 –
translated as „ thrice great Hermes,‰ re- 1499). A scholar of wide-ranging interests,
ferring to the fact that there are several Ficino also made the first Latin transla-
Greco-Roman deities named Hermes or tion of Plato and accepted the largely
Mercury. The mythical figure is some- Greek origin of the Hermetic text. He
times cast as the child of gods or, as in the wrote on the nature and immortality of
Kabbalist tradition, as a contemporary of the soul and, as a Neo-Platonist, believed
Moses. In this case, Hermes is seen as an all living things, including the earth and
especially gifted magus handing down heavens, had souls that were intertwined
wisdom and knowledge to adepts. Renais- and connected. His translation was widely
sance physicians and alchemists thought reproduced and influential. Enthusiasts
Hermes an all-knowing ancient Egyp- came to believe the book was written by
tian who was the author of the heavily in- Hermes in ancient times and thus repre-
fluential Corpus Hermeticum. Historians sented a long-lost mystical tradition, but
today argue Hermes was not a single indi- in 1614, French philologist Isaac Ca-
vidual and that the Corpus was not writ- saubon (1559 –1614) showed the Corpus
ten in the mists of the ancient past, but could not be as ancient as was popularly
more likely during the second and third believed. A careful study of the grammar
centuries ad. The Corpus Hermeticum used suggested to him that at least some
combined extant Greek, Persian, Jewish, of the texts · the more philosophically
and Christian mysticism. It was initially minded ones · were a bit too modern. He
separate from operational alchemy and suggested they were written in the early
astrology, but eventually combined with centuries of the modern era, and prob-
them to add a metaphysical dimension ably by Greek-speaking authors living
to the more practical aspects of chemistry in the Roman Empire. ( There are anti-
and stargazing. The ideas and teachings Roman sentiments sprinkled throughout
of Hermes Trismegistus are known col- the texts.) Other, later texts were written
lectively as Hermetica and the study and in north African and Middle Eastern lan-
practice of those ideas as Hermeticism. guages, including Coptic and Arabic.
Renaissance alchemists were espe- While no direct references are made to
cially enamored of Hermes and looked Jewish or Christian sources in the Corpus,
to him as the model alchemist and his there are sections that are clearly influ-
writings as a primary authority. These enced by such works. The first chapter or
works included texts on alchemy, astrol- book of the Corpus Hermeticum is known
ogy, magic, and medicine as well as phil- as the Pymander ( it is spelt differently in
osophical discussions of the creation of a number of versions). The character of
the universe and the nature of man. They Pymander is known as „ the Sheppard of
were codified into a collection of 42 pri- men,‰ and may very well be God. Most
mary texts. Francis Bacon separated them of the Corpus Hermeticum is written in
into two categories: theoretical and practi- the form of a dialogue between a master
cal alchemy; the first included philosoph- and an aspiring adept. The text lays out
Heuvelmans, Bernard | 79

the origin of the material world as cre- ural and mystical that so embodied the
ated by a nonmaterial and unknowable Enlightenment.
god. It also discusses manÊs place in the Some modern-day occultists continue
universe. The text argues that manÊs fall to insist that there was a genuine person
began with the divinely created material named Hermes Trismegistus. They insist
universe. Men must somehow escape the that his texts are of Egyptian origin and
material world in order to get back in are kept in a hidden library accessible only
touch with the realm of the spirit. More to a few exceptional adepts. His memory
importantly, it discusses the paradox of has been linked to Atlantis, lost civiliza-
an all-powerful god who creates a mate- tions, hidden history, and a host of eso-
rial universe it does not like and which it teric pursuits. In the late 19th and early
then tries to eliminate. 20th centuries, an occult revival flowered
The most popular and influential book that was heavily invested in Hermeti-
of the Corpus Hermeticum is the Emer- cism. A number of occult groups, largely
ald Tablet. This text is said to be a secret of British origin, appeared. The Rosicru-
recipe for a primordial substance Renais- cians, the Golden Dawn, the Theosophi-
sance enthusiasts believed was key to cal Society, and others took the Corpus
making the Philosopher Ês Stone. It con- Hermeticum at face value, including taking
tains the idea that would be made popular on the trappings of Egyptian-influenced
with the phrase, „As above, so below.‰ Or- art, music, and costume. Self-styled ad-
ganized Christianity took an indulgent epts and magi like William Robert Wood-
view of the Corpus because parts of it, man, S. L. MacGregor Mathers, Madame
like the Pymander, could be seen as pre- Blavatsky, and, most notoriously, Aliester
saging the Bible. If accepted as a book Crowley, brought Hermetic ideas to a wider
written in the time of Moses, the Corpus audience and began a craze for esoteri-
was not inconsistent with Christian ide- cism that has yet to abate.
als. Even the Emerald Tablet could be ar-
gued as an allegory about finding God See also: Alchemy; Astrology.
in oneÊs heart. The rage for alchemy the Further Reading
Corpus engendered thus brought on little Segal, Robert A. 1986. The poimandres as myth:
scrutiny for a time from Church authori- Scholarly theory and gnostic meaning. New
ties. The mistaken belief that the Corpus York: Walter de Gruyter.
dated back to pre-Greco-Roman times, Thorndike, Lynn. 1947. A history of magic and
even to Moses himself, contributed to the experimental science. New York: Columbia
acceptance of the work. What enthusiasts University Press.
were doing, however, was imbibing ideas Yates, Francis. 1964. Giordano Bruno and the
from the very age they sought to repute. hermetic tradition. Chicago: University of
The Renaissance magi thought they had Chicago Press.
turned away from the rationalism of the
classical age, Aristotle, and Plato, to em-
brace a Christian friendly mysticism, but HEUVELMANS, BERNARD
they had unwittingly taken on the clas-
sical concept of reason. It can be argued Bernard Heuvelmans (1916 –2001), along
that this misunderstanding helped lead with Ivan Sanderson, is considered the fa-
to the very kind of embrace of rational- ther of cryptozoology, the search for hid-
ism and general rejection of the supernat- den animals. Born in France but raised in
80 | Hidden History

The book established Heuvelmans as an

authority on what came to be called cryp-
tozoology and was the standard text by
which all others were judged.

See also: Cryptozoology.

Further Reading
Heuvelmans, Bernard. 1955. Sur la piste des bêtes
ignorées. Paris: Librarie Plon.
Sanderson, Ivan. 1948. There could be dinosaurs.
Saturday Evening Post.

The French-born zoologist Bernard
Heuvelmans is the cofounder of cryptozoology. The idea that there is a vast unknown
storehouse of knowledge that has been
forgotten or suppressed. This knowledge
Belgium, Heuvelmans earned a doctor- is usually said to be of a glorious past, a so-
ate in zoology in 1939 from the Université cial height that humankind achieved but
Libre de Bruxelles. Though his doctoral for various reasons has lost. Hidden his-
thesis was on aardvark teeth, the mytho- tory is allied with romantic notions of the
logical aspects of zoological history fas- past as a fantasy more attractive than the
cinated him. He began collecting reports reality of the present; it is the concept of
and other materials about such animals the golden age. Golden age theories al-
as griffins, mermaids, and others that had most always include not only a physical
achieved legendary status as something decline, but also a loss of precious knowl-
other than what they were. Unable to find edge that only the purity of a return to past
work as a zoologist in war-torn Europe, conditions would allow. Talk of lost wis-
Heuvelmans worked variously as a jazz dom and hidden histories is juxtaposed
musician, a stand-up comedian, and a with contempt for the modern industrial
writer. In 1948, he read the Saturday world with its loss of spirituality and
Evening Post article by Ivan Sanderson prevalence of corrupt Western decadence.
„ There Could Be Dinosaurs,‰ in which Hidden knowledge remains hidden, not
the author suggested local legends sup- only because of its great age but also be-
ported the idea that extinct animals had cause of modern forces that work actively
survived to modern times. Heuvelmans to keep it hidden. These nefarious forces
then began to consider publishing his own want to keep this information out of the
work and going back to the career of his hands of those who would bring it to the
training. The result of this early period masses or use it for their own purposes.
of wider research and inspiration was Sur It is also hidden because its acknowledg-
la Piste des Bêtes Ignorées (1955) (re- ment would undermine accepted modes
leased in an English translation in 1958 of thought. Less sinister is lost wisdom
as On the Track of Unknown Animals). that was known to the ancients, but over
Hollow Earth | 81

the eons has simply been forgotten. The which he argues that a lost, great civili-
knowledge is made visible today in an- zation thrived prior to the beginning of
cient buildings like the pyramids, art- the current written record and that it is
works on cave walls and temple ruins, the basis of all later civilizations. As with
and in bits and pieces of knowledge re- all hidden history aficionados, Hancock
tained to the present by still primitive holds to the line that experts and other
tribal peoples who possess knowledge of academics ( he has no training in science
heavenly bodies or medical cures only re- or archaeology) are engaging in a major
cently „discovered ‰ by modern science. cover-up of humanityÊs golden past. He
Part of the hidden knowledge concept sees himself as part of a noble coterie of
is the collecting of empirical evidence amateur investigators who are all that
that supports the „ lost ‰ wisdom and con- stands between humankind and the forces
tradicts mainstream thinking. It is com- of darkness. He takes a catastrophist view
monly held that the mainstream is aware of human history, arguing that the human
of the existence of contradictory data but experience has been altered, destroyed,
ignores it or keeps it suppressed. Possi- and begun by various violent and sudden
bly the greatest collector of such data geologic changes in the form of earth-
was Charles Fort ( 1874 –1932). A sort of quakes, floods, and pole shifts. The most
thinking manÊs Robert Ripley, Fort spent recent such pole shift occurred around
most of his life gathering and pondering 10,450 bc and was responsible for the de-
what he called „damned ‰ knowledge. He struction of most of the golden civiliza-
looked for evidence of experiences that tion and the scattering of the survivors,
did not fit contemporary scientific and who became the gods of ancient mythol-
intellectual paradigms and as such had ogy and religion.
been discarded, or damned, by science. He
ransacked the worldÊs newspapers at the See also: Atlantis; Fort, Charles Hoy;
New York Public Library and the British
Museum for accounts of strange phenom-
ena, artifact discoveries, and other anom-
alous flotsam and jetsam of the human HOLLOW EARTH
experience. Taken in the aggregate, Fort
believed such reports constituted an al- The belief that the earth is a hollow sphere
ternative body of data not easily waved with life of some sort living inside it. A pop-
off by mainstream thinking. For him, ular contrivance in literature, ideas about
modes of analysis and theoretical frame- the earth being hollow were either aided
works came and went, but facts always re- by or aided from early religious concepts
mained to challenge explanation. Classic of an underworld. Christian theology, for
lost wisdom stories are evident in myths example, indirectly accepts a hollow earth
of the lost city of Atlantis. with notions of Hell. This is the abode
The most successful modern purveyor where the devil and his minions dwell
of the hidden history concept is British along with the souls of the dead who did
journalist turned anomalous history in- not live in a manner suitable to gain them
vestigator Graham Hancock. His works entrance to heaven. Not quite the same,
include The Sign and the Seal (1992) the Greek concept of Hades is an under-
and Fingerprint of the Gods (1995), in world. Prescientific revolution concepts
82 | Hollow Earth

of a hollow earth are legendary, mythical, said that he was preparing an expedition
and religion-oriented rather than fact- to explore the opening in the North Pole.
based. There have, however, been several Like Jason of Greek mythology, Symmes
serious postscientific revolution argu- called for a group of „champions‰ to ac-
ments made for a hollow earth. company him. He also began to query
The most influential nonfiction theory state and federal legislators about spon-
of a hollow earth was put forward by war soring the expedition. Like so many pro-
hero John Cleve Symmes II (1780 –1829). moters of fringe science ideas, Symmes
The Symmes family had a long history felt put upon by skeptics, so in February
in early American politics · John Cleve 1819 in a fit of irritation, he issued a chal-
Symmes I was a Continental Congress lenge to „any opposers of my doctrine, to
delegate and helped open the Ohio terri- shew [sic] as sound reasons why my the-
tory to settlement. John Cleves Symmes ory is not correct, as I can shew why it
often referred to himself as „Junior,‰ is.‰ He did not offer a reward. Symmes
though he was the nephew, not son, of the gained converts, but little financial aid.
Ohio pioneer. As a young man, Symmes There is some doubt as to whether he
joined the army and rose through the gained any support at all in Congress, as
ranks to captain and fought with dis- legend claims. In 1824, an Ohio news-
tinction in the War of 1812 along the Ca- paper ran a series of letters debating the
nadian border. After his service, he moved idea. Symmes and his family had such a
to Kentucky and began to construct his good standing in the community that he
hollow earth theory. He got it into his was not ridiculed locally, though that was
head that a sphere filled with „ loose mat- not the case nationally, where the open-
ter ‰ would react a certain way. He said ing in the earthÊs surface was derogato-
gravity and centrifugal force would force rily referred to as the „ Symmes Hole.‰
the interior fill of a sphere to form into a One of SymmesÊs most energetic aco-
series of concentric shells inside an outer lytes was James McBride (1788 –1859),
shell. If this was the case, he reasoned, the an amateur archaeologist and antiquarian
earth should conform to the same phe- who also investigated the Indian mounds
nomenon. He also argued that it would of the Ohio Valley. McBride published
be ridiculous for God to have created a The Theory of Concentric Spheres (1826)
solid earth, thus wasting all that interior explaining SymmesÊs idea in detail.
space. Based upon this reasoning, he put Symmes himself published only a hand-
forward the notion that the earth was hol- ful of short newspaper items expounding
low, that the interior contained possibly his theory. The one possible exception
four to six concentric spheres, and that may be Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery
each sphere, including the outermost one, (1820), in which Symmes used the pseu-
had circular openings at their poles to donym Captain Adam Seaborn. Detractors
allow in light and air. He first brought claimed Symmes had written the novel.
his idea to public attention when he ran Editor J. O. Bailey, who wrote the intro-
a short newspaper item in NileÊs Weekly duction to the 1965 reprint of the book,
Register in June 1818 ( he also claimed to felt sure Symmes had written it. However,
have sent out copies to every institution there is debate about whether Symmes did
of higher learning in America). He de- indeed write this book. ( It is also a matter
clared his belief in a hollow earth and of question as to whether James McBride
Hollow Earth | 83

wrote the Theory of Concentric Spheres.)

Professor William Marion Miller thought
it unlikely that a man of SymmesÊs char-
acter and sense of honor · he was a du-
elist · would have ridiculed himself and
his work just to propagate it. William
Stanton, literary critic and author of The
Great United States Exploring Expedi-
tion (1975) believed with certainty that
Symmes did not write Symzonia. He took
his position by comparing the grammar
and stylistic content of the text to that of
SymmesÊs known writings and found This is the Symmes model of the hollow earth.
them incompatible. It has been argued that The large openings at the poles were derisively
called „Symmes Holes.‰
Seaborn may have been the pseudonym
of author Nathaniel Ames (1764 –1835),
who wrote books on sea voyages and
was himself a sailor who had traveled tor Cyrus Teed (1839–1908). He argued
and read widely. Passages in AmesÊs A not only that the earth was hollow, but
MarinerÊs Sketches (1830) are reminis- that human civilization and the earthÊs
cent of Symzonia and the style of writ- „surface,‰ as it was commonly thought
ing is the same as Ames. The book did of, was on the inside of the globe look-
include an illustration of the hollow earth ing in, rather than on the outside looking
that conforms to SymmesÊs description, out. Teed developed a complex view of
so regardless of who wrote Symzonia, it life and a quirky, religious cosmology
is based upon SymmesÊs work. When bordering on the delusional. He attempted
Symmes passed away, his son, Americus to combine alchemy, electromagnetic
Symmes, put up a memorial stone on his theory, reincarnation, and ideas about the
father Ês grave that is topped with a stone nature of God. After accidentally electro-
sculpture of a hollow earth. Americus put cuting himself, Teed claimed a beautiful
out his own version of his father Ês work female angel came to him and informed
and tried to keep it going. Desperate to him that he had been chosen to be a
save the reputation of his beloved father, prophet; in fact, he believed he was the
Americus claimed that a number of the second coming of Christ. He adopted the
arctic expeditions that had gained fame more theologically appropriate name of
at the time had, in fact, unwittingly trav- Koresh and began to attract followers,
eled into the interior, which was news to calling his new religion Koreshanity. The
those expeditions. Symzonia and SymmesÊs central tenet of Koreshanity was that the
work did influence later writers, most no- earth was hollow, the outside universe
tably Edgar Allan Poe in The Narrative of nonexistent, and the sun, being at the cen-
Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838) ter of the interior sphere, was an electri-
and Jules Verne, with A Journey to the cally powered device. The globe, he said,
Center of the Earth (1864). was 8,000 miles across and 25,000 miles
A variation of the Symmes idea was in circumference. He laid all this out in
the notion put forth by failed medical doc- his book The Cellular Cosmology: The
84 | Homeopathy

Earth a Concave Sphere (1905). TeedÊs ideas for a eugenics-based way to create
ideas spread and he gained followers in a a master race. More recent theorists have
number of American cities including Chi- also argued the earthÊs interior was the
cago, Portland, and Denver. They even- abode of UFOs and of escaped Nazis, and
tually established a utopian community of escaped Nazis riding UFOs.
in Florida, called Estero, which included
a bakery, cement plant, and power gen- See also: Eugenics; Flat Earth; Hidden History.
erator ·Teed was especially interested Further Reading
in the transmission of electricity. Ever a Lang, Hans-Joachim and Benjamin Lease. 1975.
gregarious communist, TeedÊs electrical The authorship of Symzonia: The case for
equipment supplied power to the local Nathaniel Ames. New England Quarterly 48
community. In 1904, Teed got into an al- (2): 241–52.
tercation with a local sheriff who beat him Standish, David. 2006. Hollow earth. Cambridge,
badly. He never really recovered from his MA: Da Capo Press.
injuries and died in 1908. His followers Symmes, Americus, ed. 1878. The SymmesÊ the-
expected his imminent resurrection, but ory of concentric spheres: Demonstrating
after some time, officials forced them to that the earth is hollow, habitable within,
and widely open about the poles. Louisville,
bury him. Following TeedÊs death, Estero
KY: Bradley and Gilbert.
began to die as well. The final few Kore-
Symmes, John Cleve. 1819. Arctic memoir. Na-
shanity followers gave the town to local
tional Intelligencer (February).
authorities in 1961, and it was eventually
opened as a museum and state park.
One of the most recent expounders of
hollow earth theory was Raymond Ber- HOMEOPATHY
nard. In 1969, he released The Hollow
Earth. In it, he borrowed from almost Homeopathy is an alternative medicine
every previous theorist, though mostly that employs the law of similars („like
through unaccredited means. He took the cures‰) in its remedies. Instead of con-
opening at the poles concept of Symmes, fronting an illness using symptom
the interior sun of Teed, and also threw in suppressing drugs, homeopathy treats ail-
UFOs. Bernard then added a racist edge, ments by introducing the same allergen
saying that the „races‰ of the interior had which is causing the problem. The theory
contributed to the ancestry of the Chinese, behind this practice states that a small
Egyptian, and Eskimo peoples, whom he dose of a particular substance will cure the
called the „brown races.‰ He used every- same symptoms that it produces in large
thing but the kitchen sink to construct his doses. If there is a substance that produces
hollow earth – centered world: conspiracy symptoms of disease in a healthy person,
theory, hidden history, evil governments, the same substance in minute amounts
doltish masses, and even Wilhelm Reich can cure those symptoms in a sick person.
and Orgone. A German esotericist, Ber- It is claimed that these remedies, com-
nardÊs real name was Walter Siegmeister. posed of highly diluted plant, animal, and
He was a Rosicrucian and alternative mineral substances, stimulate the bodyÊs
medicine advocate who changed his name defenses so that it may heal and protect
because of a run in with the U.S. Food itself. This method is used to treat many
and Drug Administration. He also had conditions and it has been in continuous
Homeopathy | 85

use in Europe for over 200 years. It was in emergencies to help with shock or to en-
the vein of the Hippocratic „law of simi- courage the healing of injuries, and is
lars‰ teachings that German physician also commonly called upon to treat emo-
Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843) first de- tional conditions like panic, anxiety, and
veloped the technique. He conducted his fear. A typical treatment requires a con-
initial experiment on himself and was sultation and a return visit once or twice
able to show that Peruvian bark, which a month to assess and adjust the prescrip-
contains quinine, could not only be used tion. Chronic conditions require extended
to treat malaria, but also caused malaria- treatment, while acute disorders may re-
like symptoms in a healthy person. spond after just one visit.
Homeopathy is considered a holistic The American Institute of Homeopathy,
form of medicine that helps the body the United StatesÊ oldest medical society,
heal itself. It can be used as a treatment played a significant role in the country
for chronic and acute ailments, and to at the turn of 20th century, when 15 per-
prevent illness. Instead of suppressing cent of practicing physicians were homeo-
symptoms of disease like conventional paths. At that time, the nation housed 22
allopathic medicine, it introduces minute homeopathic medical schools, including
quantities of allergens. Adherents believe ones at Boston University and New York
this method encourages the bodyÊs im- Medical College, 100 practicing hospitals,
mune response to heal itself. There are and over 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies.
between 2,000 and 2,500 homeopathic However, the paramount advancement of
remedies. Each preparation contains min- conventional pharmaceuticals eventually
ute amounts of an individual substance eclipsed homeopathic medicine. The for-
which is diluted with milk, sugar, or alco- mation of the American Medical As-
hol and then shaken. This process is call sociation, and later the Food and Drug
potentization and is repeated up to 200 Administration, allowed allopathic medi-
times or more. The further the substance cine to advance and preside over homeo-
is diluted, the more potent it is thought to pathy using political and legislative power.
be. A remedy may also be administered In recent years, homeopathic medicine
in pill form, by being placed directly under has experienced a resurgence of popular-
the tongue, where it can dissolve and eas- ity. It is widely used and widely avail-
ily enter the bloodstream. able in Western countries. Studies in the
When prescribing a remedy, the ho- well-respected Journal of Pediatrics and
meopath considers the patientÊs personal Lancet have proven that it is effective,
life, habits, emotions, diet, exercise, sleep and a review of multiple studies compiled
patterns, complexion, appetite, moods, by the British Medical Journal also con-
libido, posture, environment, and the cluded that the use of homeopathy had
weather, along with the symptoms they positive results. However, it has yet to be
exhibit. While the symptoms may be the accepted as a standard, mainstream form
same in many people, the treatment for of treatment because there has been no
each person will vary. Homeopathic med- scientific way of explaining how or why
icine is considered safe for everyone, in- it works. The mystery of homeopathyÊs
cluding babies, but is only to be taken as function has to do with levels of dilu-
it is needed. It is used to treat almost every tion. The more diluted the tincture, the
physical condition. It is administered in more powerful the results, yet in these
86 | Horse-Ripping

concoctions, the infinitesimally small killing. For the purposes of the study
amounts of a substance can be diluted of pseudoscience, there are two forms
to the point where no original molecules of horse-ripping. The more common is
remain. This leaves questions as to the the assault upon horses for criminal and
true chemistry of the substance and how psychological reasons. Some individu-
it produces the claimed healing results. als feel compelled to injure horses. As
Those familiar with holistic and East- this is a pathological malady, it will not
ern medicine profess that the healing ef- be considered here. The other form of
fects of homeopathic medicine are caused horse-ripping, also called cattle mutila-
by a remedyÊs subtle energy, which influ- tion because several forms of livestock
ences a personÊs vital force. Dana Ullman are involved, began in the western United
asserts that the substance leaves a „holo- States. Large animals · horses, cattle, and
graphic imprint‰ of energy in the dilution sheep · are, on occasion, found dead with
which, in turn, acts upon a personÊs ener- inexplicable wounds. Large chunks of
getic qualities. She claims that this cor- flesh and organs are removed, often with
rects a personÊs energy field, allowing the seemingly surgical precision. Genitalia
body to function with a higher degree of are not so much mutilated as removed
efficiency and to eliminate the manifes- and taken away. There is usually little or
tation of symptoms. These hypothetical no blood at the scene, and perpetrators
qualities of electromagnetism have not are never caught in the act. Researchers
been proven or understood. Similar con- have claimed that the wounds are not
cepts, such as the chi in Chinese medicine caused by normal predation or scaveng-
or the prana in Ayurveda, are widely ac- ing. Because of the general strangeness
cepted as the key to healing in the East. of the condition of the bodies and the
Western science has no parallel concept remote locations of the events, some
and does not accept it as a legitimate form have attributed horse-ripping to Satanic
of treatment. cults, cryptid predators, UFOs, and other
See also: Alternative Medicine. The American ranching community
Further Reading first noticed horse-ripping in the 1960s.
Horrocks, Thomas A. 2008. Popular print and
The first widely publicized case was in
popular medicine: Almanacs and health ad- 1967 and concerned a Colorado ranch
vice in early America. Cambridge: University horse named Lady. The media wrongly
of Massachusetts Press. attributed the event to another horse on
MacEoin, Beth. 2007. Homeopathy: The practi- the ranch, named Snippy, and his name
cal guide for the 21st century. London: Kyle was commonly attached to the story. In
Cathie. the literature, as here, Lady was often re-
Starr, Paul. 1984. The social transformation of ferred to as Snippy. The horse was found
American medicine. New York: Basic Books. with the flesh and muscle removed from
its head and neck. The horseÊs owners
had never seen such wounds. An exami-
HORSE-RIPPING nation of the area around where Snippy
was found showed evidence of burn spots,
Horse-ripping refers to assaults on horses and a test by a local forest ranger found
and cattle in the form of mutilations and high levels of radiation. The ranger also
Human-Alien Hybrids | 87

said he had never seen such a thing in One of the more vocal proponents
his experience. Others claimed to have of the mystery of horse-ripping is in-
seen UFOs in the area and strange lights vestigative reporter and award-winning
in the sky. Investigators from the Uni- documentarian Linda Howe. She has in-
versity of Colorado, who were attached vestigated radioactive water supplies, the
to the UFO-focused Condon Committee, environment, child hunger, crop circles,
arrived on the scene and, like the others, and UFOs as well as cattle mutilations.
claimed no earthy agent could have made She is convinced something strange is
the wounds. After the Snippy story went going on and that the wounds inflicted in
out over the news wires, many similar these cases defy natural causes or even
cases began to be reported across the explanation. She also believes UFOs are
United States and eventually around the involved. There are ranchers and wildlife
world. agents, however, who argue the wounds
In addition to the elements reported in inflicted on the horses and cattle are the
the Snippy case, there are a number of de- results of predation and scavenging and
tails associated with horse/cattle ripping: suggest nothing paranormal or supernatu-
Reproductive organs are removed, the rip- ral is afoot. Recent accusations claim the
ping has a clinical look and seems to be mutilations are being done by nefarious
done with a scalpel or even medical laser, government agents working on mad cow
and the work centers on the head and geni- disease and anthrax chemical warfare ex-
tal areas. Common signs of predation and periments and how to make it possible to
scavenging are absent. The attacks occur get these toxins to jump across species
only in rural and isolated areas. When vic- and into the human population.
tims have been studied by state police fo-
rensics agents, university veterinarians, See also: Alien Abduction; Unidentified Flying
Objects (UFOs).
and other qualified persons, strange de-
tails are found, but nothing conclusive as Further Reading
to whom, how, or why is revealed. Unlike Donovan, Roberta. 1976. Mystery stalks the
many anomalous phenomena reported prairie. n.p.: T.H.A.R. Institute.
by civilians, the horse and cattle ripping Howarth, Leslie. 2001. If In doubt, blame the
cases of the 1970s were investigated by aliens!: A new scientific analysis of UFO
the authorities. This may have stemmed sightings, alleged alien abductions, animal
from the fact that the cattle industry had mutilations and crop circles. Bloomington,
many friends in both federal and local IN: AuthorHouse.
governments. While these investigations Howe, Linda. 1989. Alien harvest: Further evi-
found peculiarities in the cases, they did dence linking animal mutilations and human
abductions to alien life forms. Albuquerque,
not find anything to suggest the reasons
NM: Linda Moulton Howe Productions.
for the deaths were other than natural.
Fortean researchers have focused upon
three basic categories of explanations:
Satanic cults, secret government experi- HUMAN-ALIEN HYBRIDS
ments, and UFOs. All three groups have
their supporters and all have questions Supposed offspring of forced unions be-
as to their veracity and plausibility. All tween humans (usually women) and ex-
three are held up as panaceas. traterrestrial beings. Modern claims of
88 | Human-Alien Hybrids

earth, the chances of them being the

same species as humans is remote. Earth
biology shows that, with very few ex-
ceptions, cross-species breeding is im-
possible. Those few exceptions (a horse
and donkey mating being the most com-
mon) can only produce sterile offspring
(in the form of a mule, to continue with
the above-referenced example). The clos-
est genetic relatives to humans are the
higher primates, such as chimpanzees and
bonobo apes, and they are incapable of
cross-breeding with humans. As a result,
any union between a human and an alien
would have as much chance of produc-
ing offspring as the union between a hu-
man and a grasshopper.
Alleged proof of human-alien off-
spring is the „ Star Child ‰ brought to light
in 1999. Supposedly found in a cave in
the Mexican state of Chihuahua in 1930,
the Star Child · whose skeleton consists
of cranial fragments · came into the pos-
session of anomalist writer Lloyd Pye,
who began to promote it as the remains of
a human-alien union. Genetic tests done
in California, British Columbia, Canada,
and London have shown the DNA to be
The gray alien is the most commonly reported
consistent with known Native American
extraterrestrial form.
peoples. Critics argue the strangely in-
flated skull is of a four- or five-year-old
child who lived about 900 years ago and
aliens using human genetic material began who suffered from progeria, the so-called
with the Betty and Barney Hill abduction aging disease, hydrocephaly, some other
case of 1961. Since then, it has become genetic disorder, or that it was possibly a
a staple element in alien abduction sto- victim of cranial binding, which is known
ries. Female abductees now report hav- to have been practiced among Native Mex-
ing reproductive tests done, biological ican populations.
material removed, and alien materials in-
See also: Alien Abduction; Unidentified Flying
jected. The abductee is often shown a
Objects (UFOs).
human/alien hybrid child and told it is
her offspring. Further Reading
The great problem with the human- De Lafayette, Maximillien. 2008. Hybrid hu-
alien hybrid scenario is that, if sentient mans and abductions: Aliens-government ex-
beings from other worlds are visiting the periments. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace.
Intelligent Design | 89

Mack, John. 1995. Abduction: Human encounters of concealed breathing to blow the objects
with aliens. New York: Ballantine Books. around. Hydrick tried, but was unable to
Pye, Lloyd. 2007. The starchild skull · genetic move the pages and complained that the
enigma or human-alien hybrid? n.p.: Bell Styrofoam had produced static electricity
Lap Books.
which hampered the telekinetic process.
Randi then performed the trick himself
successfully. In 1981, while being in-
HYDRICK, JAMES ALAN vestigated by journalist Dan Korem and
researcher Hugh Aynesworth, Hydrick
Hydrick was a self-styled psychic who confessed that everything about his act
claimed the power of telekinesis ·the was a fraud. He had never studied with
ability to move objects with only the Kung Fu masters, and the breathing tech-
power of his mind. In the late 1970s and nique he used was one he had developed
early 1980s, Hydrick developed a follow- on his own while in prison. When read,
ing in and around Salt Lake City, Utah, the confession tends to produce more pity
by claiming he had perfected his powers than outrage. He comes off as a pathetic
through martial arts training with Chinese and hapless character, ignored all his life,
Kung Fu masters. He came to world- especially by his parents, and his scam
wide fame late in 1980 when he demon- a misguided attempt to gain the recogni-
strated his powers on television. The next tion that he hoped would fill the void in
year, he was shown to be a fraud by James his heart, unless, of course, that even this
Randi·again on television·and fell into heartfelt confession was a scam as well.
disrepute. Shortly after, he confessed to He later spent more time in prison in Cali-
performing the tricks through controlled fornia for sex crimes. His life story is so
breathing and dropped out of sight. full of obfuscations and claimed powers
James Hydrick first came to the public that it is difficult to tell were reality ends
eye when he appeared on the American and the fantasy begins.
television program, ThatÊs Incredible! He
performed feats of telekinesis by moving See also: Debunkers.
objects, including the pages of a phone Further Reading
book. Tabloid news accounts hailed Hy- Korem, Dan. 1997. The art of profiling: Reading
drick as the best psychic in the world and people right the first time. Richardson, TX:
he was feted as a natural healer who could International Focus Press.
cure headaches and read peopleÊs minds
with his own. He was then invited to per-
form on WhatÊs My Line? along with
paranormal investigator James Randi. Hy- INTELLIGENT DESIGN
drick was first allowed to perform with no
restrictions and executed his pencil and The current incarnation of creationist
phone book page moving to the delight of thinking, known as intelligent design (ID)
the crowd. Then, James Randi sprinkled is the belief that the living world is such
Styrofoam particles in front of the book a vastly complex and interwoven contin-
and asked Hydrick to repeat the feat. uum that it could only have been designed
Randi was convinced that Hydrick was by some higher metaphysical power and
performing an old stage magicianÊs trick that this condition can be proven by an
90 | Intelligent Design

ology goes back to Greek philosophers

like Plato and Aristotle. They argued that,
if all life has purpose, it must have been
designed to fulfill that purpose. If all liv-
ing things have purpose, then the entire
universe must as well, therefore the entire
universe was designed with a purpose.
That means there must be a designer,
a God: in Greek, theos. The study of God
is called theology. ( By definition then,
if intelligent design is the search for the
grand designer, it is theology not science.)
In the Middle Ages, the Christian philos-
opher Thomas Aquinas adapted teleol-
ogy to conform to the Christian notion of
William DemskiÊs design inference machine. God, a God who was separate from and
Phenomena are loaded in at the top and superior to the Greek gods and any other
filtered out the sides, whatever comes out the gods for that matter.
bottom was intelligently designed by God.
The precursor to intelligent design was
natural theology. This was the idea that
there was proof of GodÊs creation in the
application of modern scientific tech- natural world. It took form in England in
niques. Proponents argue that the level of the late 1600s, having been born of the in-
complexity and design seen in the natural creased interest in studying nature for it-
world is by itself proof that it could not self and dovetailed into the attempt to use
have come into being through Darwinian knowledge of the structure and order of
natural selection, and that the only pos- the natural world to prove God designed it
sible way to explain the universe is that for a purpose. The best-known theologian
an intelligent designer purposefully en- to tackle the problem of intelligent design
gineered and assembled it. ID believers in the late 18th and early 19th centuries was
also argue that their position does not use William Paley (1743 –1805), who wrote
Biblical references, but is proven by sci- the influential book Natural Theology
ence and as such is a purely empirical and (1802). Paley Ês novel approach was to use
scientific concept. the simple analogy of the pocket watch.
The belief that God, or the Gods, cre- The complexity of the watch would make
ated the universe goes back to the oldest it obvious that it had been designed and
human civilizations. All cultures around constructed for a purpose by a watch-
the world, regardless of ethnicity, time maker. Paley said that nature was like a
period, or religious persuasion, had some pocket watch, a complex machine con-
type of creation story; intelligent design structed by a designer for a purpose. There-
is only the most recent variation in a long fore, by looking at nature, it was obvious
line of such explanations. One thing all that God had designed it purposefully,
creation stories have in common is that therefore, science supported religion.
they argue life has a reason and purpose: By the late 20th century the argument
teleology. The formulized notion of tele- took on a new life as ID. The seeds of mod-
Intelligent Design | 91

ern ID theory were planted in the United Creation Biology to Of Pandas and Peo-
States in the late 1970s and early 1980s, ple (1989). One of the bookÊs co-authors,
when it was formed out of the wreckage Charles Thaxton, is credited with com-
of the creation science movement com- ing up with the term „ Intelligent Design,‰
bined with the idea that genetic material though he admits he borrowed it from en-
was a complex coding system. ID propo- gineers who were using it for other areas
nents wanted · in public, at least · to cre- and applied it to what he was working on.
ate an argument that was not theological Thaxton was drawn to ID theory by work
but still questioned the evolutionary par- being done on DNA sequencing and its
adigm. The book that became the early similarity to the way words and letters are
movementÊs holy scripture was Michael arranged in a book. As language is some-
DentonÊs Evolution: A Theory in Crisis thing that is consciously designed, then
(1985). A biochemist and medical doctor DNA must also have been designed. Show-
operating out of the chemistry department ing an almost shocking lack of under-
of Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney, standing of the mechanics of evolution, the
Australia, Denton began as an evolution- book followed the standard approach of
ist, but became increasingly bothered by ID publications: show what is wrong with
what he considered a lack of evidence sup- evolution rather than what is right about
porting evolution. While he does spend intelligent design.
time on the biochemical aspects of his ar- The next important work of the ID
gument, most of the book is given over to canon was Philip JohnsonÊs Darwin on
arguing that evolution is a socially con- Trial (1991). Johnson was a Berkeley
structed paradigm rather than one built law professor who wanted to deconstruct
on empirical evidence. He attacks the nar- evolution along legal lines. Johnson at-
rative quality of evolutionary thinking and tempted to formulate a purely intellectual
argues that its real power comes from be- and legal argument (though he never re-
ing a materialistic and nontheological ex- ally says why Darwin should be on trial).
planation for life. He accuses evolutionists Johnson became a Christian late in life
of being a new priesthood unified in the and attacked evolution with all the zeal of
single-minded pursuit of keeping their idea a recent convert. He came to believe that
safe from dissenters. modern culture was responsible for the
In 1983, the Christian group Founda- growing secularization of the education
tion for Thought and Ethics ( FTE ) began system that, in turn, was fostering a gen-
working to publish a creationist book for eral breakdown of American society. At
use in high school science classes. As work the heart of this breakdown was the teach-
progressed on the book, the Edwards v. ing of evolution. He claimed his exami-
Aguillard case worked its way through nation of evolutionary mechanics was on
the U.S. Supreme Court, which eventually its own terms, not in light of any religious
ruled against the inclusion of creationist framework.
concepts in public school science classes. Johnson begins his work with a num-
The FTE then excised all the overtly cre- ber of fallacies. In the first paragraph of
ationist references in the manuscript and the first chapter, he shows a fundamental
replaced them with what was thought to lack of knowledge about current evolu-
be more palatable design language. They tion studies. He explains that „ scientific
also changed the title of the book from orthodoxy‰ teaches that life evolved „ from
92 | Intelligent Design

nonliving matter to simple microorgan- In 1993, Johnson called together a

isms, leading eventually to man.‰ The idea group of men who would become the
that evolution showed a linear track from whoÊs who of the ID movement. Michael
simplest to most complex with humans Behe, William Dembski, Jonathan Wells,
as the epitome of the process went out of and others met quietly with Johnson at
favor with scientists decades before John- a California seaside resort called Pajaro
son made his remark. This is the equiva- Dunes to discuss a strategy for putting
lent of someone saying that astronomers forward their ideas. They came to the con-
believe the sun is at the center of the uni- clusion that they had to be careful to re-
verse; while that was believed early on, duce as much of the religious content of
modern astronomers understand that the their work as possible, in order to make it
sun is only the center of our specific solar palatable to a wider audience. The group
system, not the entire universe. began arranging a series of public meet-
Johnson also argues that, according to ings, notably the „ Death of Materialism
the tenets of science and the words of evo- and the Renewal of Culture ‰ conference,
lutionists themselves, natural selection as which became the basis of the Discovery
a scientific explanation for life is unsci- Institute that, in turn, would go on to be-
entific. Many evolutionists, he argues, do come the primary political activist group
not believe in evolution because of ques- to get ID into public schoolsÊ science cur-
tions they have raised concerning various ricula. ID and the Discovery Institute were
parts of the theory. He fails to appreciate at the heart of all the late-20th- and early-
that just because a scientist might express 21st-century „ Monkey Trials,‰ in particu-
doubts about some of the mechanics of lar the Dover, Pennsylvania, case of 2006
evolution, wonder why a particular ex- in which the state supreme court ruled
planation does not seem to cover every ID was a religious idea, not science, and
answer, or how a particular fossil has therefore could not be taught in a public
strange aspects to it does not mean he is school science classes.
questioning the overall idea of evolution. Intelligent Design proponents continue
Asking tough questions is how science is to argue their work is genuine science,
advanced and how knowledge is gained. though they cannot point to any ongoing
This fundamental aspect of intellectual research initiatives to study complexity or
inquiry · doubting, asking questions, and any of the other claims they make. Whether
being ready to change oneÊs position · is or not a deity created the universe, ID the-
viewed with deep suspicion by anti- ory also oddly undermines religious be-
evolutionists and fundamentalist reli- lief, especially that of their closest allies,
gionists. They tend to prefer knowledge the Young Earth Creationists. In order to
to remain static and unchanging the way sound reasonable, ID proponents have said
holy scripture does. Johnson also suggests that they do not know who the designer
that, when scientists do take the time to is, and that it could be any deity, or even
put forward answers to the uncomfortable space aliens. They have also admitted that
questions, anti-evolutionists ask if they ID does not preclude the earth being bil-
are doing it as part of a cover-up. The ID lions of years old, an idea that is deeply
movement is a pernicious establishment offensive to traditional Christian funda-
flailing away at any and all opponents. mentalists. Moderate theologians have re-
Irreducible Complexity | 93

marked that ID theory is poor theology, complexity is a mathematical and statis-

while scientists have argued it is poor tical, not biological, explanation for how
science. Instead of bringing science and life appears.
religion together as per the goals of the The core scientific intellectual of the
Discovery Institute, ID theory seems to intelligent design ( ID) movement is the
push them further apart. In the end, ID the- philosopher-theologian-mathematician
ory is more a public relations effort than William Dembski, who wrote extensively
a pursuit of scientific knowledge. That ef- on complex biological systems and their
fort is geared toward eliminating mate- relation to evolution and argued that
rialist science, making it religious, and microorganisms and their parts, though
generating political power for its follow- superficially simple, are still highly com-
ers, none of which will help anyone un- plex creatures, too complex to have been
derstand how the universe really works. formed by chance. Like most leaders of
the ID movement, Dembski became an
See also: Creation Science; Irreducible Com- active Christian later in life as he searched
for answers to higher philosophical ques-
Further Reading tions. He employs statistics and other
Forrest, Barbara. 2004. CreationismÊs Trojan mathematical models to show that the
horse: The wedge of intelligent design. Ox- odds of life evolving are so astronomi-
ford: Oxford University Press. cally slim as to be impossible. As a result,
Scott, Eugenie. 2004. Evolution vs. creationism: the only alternative answer to why life is
An introduction. Westport, CT: Greenwood here at all is that it was designed by a
Press. higher power.
Dembski argues that there is a „design
inference‰ where the designer occasion-
IRREDUCIBLE ally steps in to do things. He concedes
COMPLEXITY that not everything in nature is designed
and that some things have happened by
A central theory of the modern creationist chance. To work out the differences, he as-
notion of intelligent design, irreducible sembled an algorithmic table to compare
complexity was developed and promoted and test natural phenomena. If something
by authors William Dembski and Michael happens in nature on a regular basis, it is
Behe and posits that living biological en- not designed. Dembski sees the creation
tities can only be broken down into their of life as a very rare event and so the prob-
constituent parts. At some point, they can ability that it was designed by a higher
no longer be separated into smaller com- intelligence is great. There are two kinds
ponents, yet these components, while tiny, of design patterns in nature. Specifications
are still relatively complex structures. This are those whose probabilities for exis-
is held as scientific evidence that those tence eliminate the possibility of having
biological parts were specifically designed come about by chance. Fabrications are
to fit a particular role in the life process; those whose probabilities do not eliminate
therefore, they can only be accounted for chance. The design inference is a hypo-
by the presence of and interaction with thetical filtering device used to deter-
a higher intelligent designer. Irreversible mine if a biological element is designed
94 | Irreducible Complexity

or not. Dembski divides events into three ence was not a value-free enterprise after
categories: laws, chance, and design. Laws all. His suggestion, like that of the post-
govern events that will always happen modernists, was to accept this personal
under certain circumstances. Chance gov- knowledge aspect of science and move
erns those events that happen as often as forward. What Polanyi wanted was to cre-
they would not happen. Design governs ate a new epistemology · a way of know-
those events that do not fall under the first ing things · that was more intuitive, less
two categories. Arranged like a funnel with wedded to the pursuit of empirical evi-
successively finer filters and draining- dence, and took into account unseen as-
off ports, the design inference allows pects and influences.
for events to be dumped in from the top. PolanyiÊs work was in a similar vein
Laws are separated out from the stream to Thomas Kuhn, whose widely influen-
and shunted off to the side. The few that tial Structure of Scientific Revolutions
make it past the first filter are separated appeared a few years later. Kuhn argued
out as chance. The minuscule numbers of that scientific ideas, or paradigms, are sup-
events that make it through both filters ported not only by facts and empirical
fall out the bottom of the device. It is this evidence but also by the scientific com-
relatively tiny number of events trick- munityÊs attachment to those ideas and
ling out of the bottom of the device that their willingness to hold on to them and
Dembski defines as those that have no protect them. Only when there was enough
other explanation than that they were the new information, and the community was
product of a conscious design. ready to do so, would one idea replace an-
The intellectual inspiration for other in an event Kuhn called a paradigm
DembskiÊs work comes from the writings shift.
of the Hungarian émigré philosopher A central tenet of PolanyiÊs scheme
Michael Polanyi (1891–1976). Though was the concept of tacit knowledge. This
initially working as a practicing scientist, was the intangible, creative aspect of sci-
he became fascinated by the philosophy entific research. Tacit knowledge could
of science and turned to that field. He had not be communicated through books, but
begun to question the basic methodologi- only shown or explained by one person to
cal assumptions of science, especially its another like in the apprentice system of
grounding in positivism and the belief medieval Europe. He also saw the concept
of its practitioners that what they were of God as a structure or system related
doing was objective, value-free, and pro- to the structure of life on earth. Intuition
duced truth. PolanyiÊs ponderings on the and hunches help scientists make the in-
meaning of science resulted in Personal tellectual leaps necessary for knowledge
Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Phi- to really move forward and create new
losophy (1958). As would be the case of models to explain the universe. PolanyiÊs
the growing number of postmodernist suggestion was to join formal thinking
scholars who argued that, while scientists and experimentation with tacit knowl-
might be trying to be objective in their edge. He was looking for a way to exam-
work, it was tainted by their personali- ine the universe without having to rely
ties and the culture in which they were on the intellectual traditions of Enlight-
raised. Their personal feelings interfered enment objectivity and modernity and its
with their objectivity. This meant that sci- rejection of the metaphysical, an attitude
Irreducible Complexity | 95

Polanyi saw as problematic and intellec- The Enlightenment· roughly the 17th and
tually stifling. He wanted to create an art- 18th centuries · was the period during
ful blend of science and metaphysics that which theology began to lose its control
would give a deeper and more satisfy- over intellectual inquiry in the Western tra-
ing account of the universe. In Meaning dition. Enlightenment philosophers were
(1975), he pondered the place of God in intent on focusing on studying nature by
modern science and society and how applying methods of reason and empiri-
people search for meaning in a cold soci- cal fact-gathering over superstition and
ety based on objectivity and rationalism, religious belief. Dembski and his fellows
devoid of the mysteries of life. William reject the Enlightenment spirit and in-
Dembski imbibed PolanyiÊs work, as well stead search for ways, like irreducible
as that of Kuhn, into his own critique of complexity, to explain scientifically that
modern science and society. which is not explainable by science. They
Dembski was drawn to PolanyiÊs work are trying to blur the line between science
because, to his mind, it undermined the and metaphysics. At a gathering of ID
modern notion of what science is all researchers in the late 1990s, called the
about, something Dembski and the other „ Mere Creation Convention,‰ Dembski
ID theorists wished to do. For Dembski told his colleagues that what they needed
and other ID theorists, like Phillip John- to do was to „redesign‰ science.
son, Michael Behe and Michael Denton, Along with Dembski, the most public
Enlightenment ideals such as positivism, defender of design theory and irreduc-
secularism, and the removal of theology ible complexity is Michael Behe, author
from the scientific enterprise are the things of DarwinÊs Black Box: The Biochemical
that have brought on societyÊs downward Challenge to Evolution (1996 ). A profes-
slide. Modern science, and evolution in sor of biochemistry at Lehigh University
particular, they argued, is a social con- in Pennsylvania, Behe built upon the no-
struction with no relationship to reality. It tion that the irreducible complexity of a
is simply a model to explain the universe cell showed that life was designed. Irre-
without God or the supernatural. He ar- ducible complexity also describes a bio-
gued that scientists are not rebels looking logical system that consists of connected
for new knowledge, but conservatives pro- parts that must all be in place for the larger
tecting an establishment that rejects any- system to operate. Building upon an old
thing that might question their position. anti-evolutionist argument about what
Dembski, like the other members of the good was half an eye or half a heart while
ID movement, wants to put God back into it waited for all the necessary parts to
science. His plan is to do it using mathe- evolve, Behe claimed that, since an eye
matics, probability theory, and genetic se- would not work unless all the constituent
quencing. Using these methods, Dembski parts were present, that alone would prove
is trying to give concrete form to the tacit a designer had to have put the whole thing
knowledge that God designed life on together at once. Behe used the analogy of
earth. the mousetrap, which consists of several
The notion of Enlightenment ideals interlocking parts that must all be present
is crucial to understanding modern anti- for the device to function; take one out,
evolutionism, the intelligent design move- and it does not work. If the mousetrap
ment, and lifeÊs irreducible complexity. (if it were a living thing) had evolved one
96 | Jersey Devil

piece at a time, what good would it have Dover, Pennsylvania, evolution trial Kitz-
been until it could perform its function? miller v. Dover, when he testified that
Evolutionists argue that, if the wooden „ The designer is, in fact, God.‰
board of the mousetrap were to evolve
first, it would have performed some ac- See also: Intelligent Design.
tion. As each piece was added, the device
Further Reading
would do what it did more efficiently or
might take on other functions altogether. Denton, Michael. 1986. Evolution: A theory in
crisis. Chevy Chase, MD: Adler & Adler.
Once enough parts were present, it might
start catching mice. Further, as more parts
were added, the trap might lose its abil-
ity to catch mice and would then perform
yet some other function. What many anti- JERSEY DEVIL
evolutionists often relied on was the notion
that evolution was trying to do something This legendary composite creature is said
specific, like catch mice. EvolutionÊs pro- to haunt the forests of New Jersey. More
ponents, on the other hand, argue that the akin to the Mothman than Bigfoot, the
trap was not meant to catch mice; it did Jersey Devil is not normally thought of
so only when the circumstances of struc- as a cryptid (an undiscovered animal of
ture and environment made it possible. It genuine biological reality), but as a phan-
could just as easily have performed some tasm. Local folklore describes the Jersey
other function. Devil, also called the Leeds Devil, as the
The natural theologians of the 19th cen- creature responsible for terrorizing the
tury had the strength of their convictions Pine Barrens of New Jersey. An enduring
to say who they thought the designer was. local legend, no physical evidence of the
ID proponents today want to have their creatureÊs existence has ever been pro-
work accepted for teaching in the public duced. All knowledge of the creature and
school system in America under the U.S. its mostly nocturnal habits are folkloric
Constitution, but they must show it to be in nature.
secular and not religious. However, Behe The majority of accounts describe the
and Dembski have both made remarks animal as having the face of a horse and
at private meetings of various religious the head of dog with antlers sprouting
groups that ID and irreducible complex- from the top. Its body is said to resemble
ity are closely aligned with Christian fun- that of a kangaroo and it is attached by a
damentalism and support the redemptive long neck. The most notable characteris-
power of Jesus. Dembski often writes on tics are its leathery, bat-like wings, its clo-
strictly Christian theological topics. The ven hooves or pigÊs feet, fearsome claws,
religious grounding of ID has been ac- and a thick, reptilian, forked tail. There
knowledged by Michael Behe in an in- have been more than 1,000 sightings in
terview where he said, „Although I find southern New Jersey and eastern Pennsy-
it congenial to think that itÊs God, others lvania alone. While some encounters can
might prefer to think it as an alien · or be attributed to hoaxes and hysteria, many
who knows? An angel, or some satanic still cannot be explained.
force, some new age power.‰ He elimi- The oldest and most common story of
nated any ambiguity at the infamous its origin dates back to 1735. It was deep
Jersey Devil | 97

A composite of a horse and a bat, the Jersey Devil has been spotted in the Garden State since
colonial times but has never been captured or filmed.

within the Pine Barrens (a heavily wooded lent version of the tale states that Mother
and secluded region very different from Leeds, though a Quaker, invited this devil
the more popularly known urban and in- by indulging in sorcery. This version
dustrial image of the Garden State) where claims that once the baby had transmuted
an impoverished Mrs. Leeds learned that into its new state, it used its large, lizard-
she was pregnant for the 13th time. In frus- like tail to beat, maim, and kill its mother
tration, she is said to have cursed the child and other women, along with the rest of
by shouting to the heavens, „ I am tired of the Leeds family, before escaping and
children! Let this one be a devil.‰ Some feeding upon nearby sleeping children.
say the baby was born deformed. Others The area was said to be plagued by visi-
claim it was seemingly normal at first, but tations from then on. The character of
almost instantaneously transformed into a Mother Leeds herself may be in part leg-
fiendish creation, right before the mother endary. While remnants of a Leeds fam-
and her midwives; its body elongated and ily still inhabit central New Jersey, any
it sprouted wings and a tail. direct connection to the Mother Leeds of
Traditional accounts say that Mother the legend is apocryphal.
Leeds locked the child in the closet for The alternate name of the Jersey Devil,
a number of years, until it escaped by fly- the Leeds Devil, is attributed to legends
ing out through the chimney. A more vio- that it was a child of Mother Leeds, but
98 | Jersey Devil

there are other stories that simply claim fight against the Barbary Coast pirates. It
it is related to the site of its birthplace · is said that during testing of the artillery,
Leeds Point, NJ (Atlantic County, formerly a „ bizarre creature‰ was flying above the
Gloucester). According to New Jersey firing range. Decatur took aim and shot
antiquarian Reverend Henry Charlton right through the creature. As many wit-
Beck, it was actually a Mrs. Shourds who nesses retold the story, the gaping hole
gave birth to the creature in a house that sustained by the Devil did not appear to
was still standing until 1952. Yet an- faze him and he continued to flap along.
other story that regards the birthplace as Joseph Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon
Leeds Point takes place during the Revo- and former King of Spain, also saw the
lutionary War. It was 1778, when a girl Jersey Devil while hunting in the woods
from Leeds Point fell in love with a Brit- near his Bordentown estate in the early
ish soldier during the Battle of Chestnut 1800s.
Neck. It is said that her act of treason was A rash of sightings during the third
what brought about this curse. Still an- week in January 1909 convinced many
other take on the origins of the yarn, which that the Jersey Devil was more than just a
did not appear until 1850, describes a myth, and boosted its popularity to new
young south Jersey girl who refused to heights. As far north as Trenton, east
help a hungry Gypsy woman. In return, through Pleasantville, down into Wilm-
the Gypsy placed a curse upon the girl ington, Delaware, and as far west as
which was realized with the birth of her Leiperville, Pennsylvania, people were
first child. getting glimpses of the glowing „ jabber-
The Jersey Devil has been held re- wock,‰ spotting its tracks, and hearing
sponsible for bringing drought and crop its squawky whistle. Newspapers from
failure to the Pine Barrens for years. It has all over New Jersey and Pennsylvania
been accused of keeping cows from pro- reported the stories. Chickens went miss-
ducing milk and boiling fish in streams. It ing and were found dead with no marks,
is a general harbinger of evil, and sightings their bodies scattered in different lo-
of it have often prefaced war ( it was re- cations throughout the Delaware Valley.
portedly spotted in December 1941, right Reputable observers like policemen and
before the attack on Pearl Harbor). There court justices also reported sightings.
have been a plethora of uniquely disturb- Mrs. Sorbinski of South Camden wit-
ing and unnatural events believed to be nessed her dog being attacked and chased
caused directly by it, such as the sounds the „flying death‰ away to rescue her pet.
of blood-curdling screams and the mass The Jersey Devil has caused hysteria
mutilation of pets and farm animals. throughout the southern part of the state
The sightings in and around the Pine resulting in the occasional closure of
Barrens in the past 300 years have been schools and factories. Fear of it inspired
attributed to local and famous person- trolley drivers in Trenton and New Bruns-
alities alike. Of the more well-known peo- wick to arm themselves. Reports of the
ple said to have had run-ins with him is creature have led people to hide behind
American Naval hero Commodore Ste- the locked doors of their homes, and large
phen Decatur. In 1804, he paid a visit to posses have swept the region. Oddly, any
Hanover Iron Works in the Barrens to dogs that were to be used to track the
procure quality cannonballs for use in the „kangaroo horse‰ all refused to follow the
Jersey Devil | 99

trail. This left hunters to follow the foot- Jersey Devil, removed from Mother Leeds
prints themselves, finding nothing at the by 11 generations. He says the story was
end. Farmers set traps and caught nothing passed down his family through the gen-
besides a few fellow hunters. erations, detailing where the events hap-
A theory was proposed at the time: that pened, including a personal encounter of
it was possibly a prehistoric animal caus- his own.
ing the trouble. Peleosaurus cattelleya of There are creatures of related interest.
the Jurassic period could have survived In Zanzibar, Africa, there is the opobawa:
in limestone caves which were lifecycle a creature described by locals as having
sustainable beneath the Gulf Stream. The an anatomical structure and behaving in
caves were reopened during recent vol- ways similar to the Jersey Devil. The
canic activity which would have allowed opobawa has a shorter folkloric life, hav-
the dinosaurs to be free from their con- ing been first reported only in the mid-
fines. A Smithsonian Institution expert 20th century. Closer geographically to
agreed with the underground plausibility, New Jersey is the snallygaster of Mary-
but believed it to be a flying pterodactyl land. It too has anatomy and behavior pat-
instead. The Brooklyn Meteor Research terns similar to the Jersey Devil.
Society instead believed it to be either a The common descriptions of the Jer-
carnivorous marsupial or a fissiped, both sey Devil and its pseudorelatives the
of which were also thought to be extinct. opobawa and snallygaster, defy evolu-
Amidst this hysteria in the early part of tionary mechanics. There are no known
the century, hoaxers began to capitalize on vertebrates with hind limbs, fore limbs,
the notoriety of the Jersey Devil. Taxider- and wings (which would effectively give
mists fashioned Frankenstein creations, the creature two sets of arms). If some
and photographers used trick photogra- biological and prosaic entity is behind
phy in order to fool people. A promo- sightings of the creature, it will likely
tions man in Philadelphia named Norman not conform to eyewitness descriptions.
Jefferies claimed he had caught the Leeds Whatever reality lurks behind the Jersey
Devil himself and put it on display. The Devil, if any, remains a mystery, but fasci-
truth, which came out a few decades later, nation with it remains prevalent through-
revealed that Jefferies simply bought out the state which gives it its name, so
a kangaroo, painted it with stripes, and much so that the Jersey Devil has become
attached bronze, structured rabbit-fur- the namesake of the stateÊs professional
covered wings to it. He hired a boy to poke hockey team. Ghost-hunting expeditions
it with a sharp stick in order to make it regularly travel to the towns of Leeds
hop up, and this allowed patrons to catch Point and Smithville to wander the lonely
a glimpse. rural backroads of the area hoping for an
While this may explain some occur- encounter.
rences, it still does not explain all the
See also: Cryptozoology.
unusual tracks, sightings, and animal mu-
tilations that have occurred and continue Further Reading
to the present day. There are many who fas- McCloy, James F., and Ray Miller. 2005. The
tidiously believe in the DevilÊs existence. Jersey devil. New York: Middle Atlantic.
One present-day Leeds Point resident, Roberts, Russell. 1995. Discover the hidden New
Harry Leeds, claims to be a relative of the Jersey. New York: Rutgers University Press.
100 | Krantz, Grover Sanders

Sceurman, Mark, and Mark Moran. 2008. The

Jersey devil. Weird NJ. (September).

American paleo-anthropologist who made
a career of trying to prove the anomalous
primate known alternately as Sasquatch
and Bigfoot was a genuine animal, Krantz
(1931– 2002) battled resistance from both
mainstream scientists and amateur mon-
ster hunters for his views and techniques.
He attempted to apply the methodologies Grover Krantz was the most outspoken
scientific proponent of the existence of Bigfoot.
of physical anthropology to solving the His career suffered for it.
problem of what man-like cryptids were.
While he did not originate the idea, he was
the primary and most vigorous promoter Further Reading
of the theory that these creatures were the Krantz, Grover. 1992. Big foot-prints: A scien-
evolutionary descendents of the Asian fos- tific inquiry into the reality of Sasquatch.
sil ape Gigantopithecus. Boulder, CO: Johnson Books.
Regal, Brian. 2009. Entering dubious realms:
See also: Anomalous Primates; Bigfoot; Crypto- Grover Krantz, science and Sasquatch. An-
zoology. nals of Science 66 (1): 83 –102.
L –O

LAKE MONSTERS His On the Track of Unknown Animals

(1958) and In the Wake of the Sea Ser-
Aquatic cryptids that inhabit inland lakes, pents (1968) helped focus attention on
rivers, and other freshwater bodies are lake monsters as well.
often labeled „lake monsters.‰ The most fa- The single most famous lake monster
mous examples are the Loch Ness Mon- is the one said to live in Loch Ness, Scot-
ster, Ogopogo, and Champ. Lake monsters land. St. Columba, founder of Iona, was the
tend to appear on a fairly regular basis, as first to notice the creature, during his at-
opposed to their marine cousins the sea tempt to convert Scotland to Christianity
monsters and serpents which are often in the 6th century. The large creature has
one-off sightings. Individual legends of many descriptions, but is generally de-
lake monsters abound from around the scribed as resembling an eel, dragon, ser-
world and across time. Large lakes, like pent, or dinosaur. It has an estimated length
the sea, presented a source of wonder and of 30 feet, with a long neck and body cov-
fright to early people. Deep-water bodies, ered with moving humps. Less dramatic
as opposed to shallow lakes and streams, sightings often describe the creature mak-
present a vast unknown, as it is difficult to ing a „ v-shaped‰ cut in the water. The cryp-
see very far below the surface with the tic creature is sometimes referred to by its
unaided eye. This unknown, dark qual- nickname, „Nessie.‰
ity helped produce most monster leg- Theories of the creatureÊs origin have
ends. (Caves and other dark places have explained it as a dinosaur, amphibian, ser-
the same effect on humans). The 20th- pent, or aquatic lizard. A notable explana-
centuryÊs great sea monster chronicler was tion for the Loch Ness Monster is that of a
Bernard Heuvelmans (1916–2001), whose prehistoric, surviving plesiosaur. A plesio-
work in the field helped inaugurate the saur is a large, extinct, aquatic reptile dis-
modern pursuit known as cryptozoology. tinct from but contemporaneous to the

102 | Lake Monsters

dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period. The to take photos of a flipper and gargoyle
waters of Loch Ness, however, are likely head-like structure, both of which caused
too cold to support a reptile of this sort. great excitement, but later turned out to
Ecologically speaking, a carnivore of a have been retouched before publication.
plesiosaurÊs size would not likely survive As a result, there is no evidence for the
in the loch. Moreover, sightings may be creature existing other than eyewitness
too rare for the creature to be air breath- reports.
ing, as one can assume the monster would Canada, too, has its fair share of aquatic
be seen more if it surfaced regularly. monsters. When Edward Bousefield and
A legend from the medieval era, the Paul LeBlond argued for the existence
Loch Ness Monster was launched to of the Cadboro Bay monster of British
worldwide infamy in 1933 with the pub- Columbia, Caddy, they put forward evi-
lication of the „surgeonÊs photo.‰ This dence that remains of the creature had
photo remained the iconic image repre- been found in the past and identified as
senting nearly all aquatic monsters until such. Their primary evidence was a pho-
1994, when it was revealed to have been tograph taken in 1937, which was cor-
a staged photo of a model. There have roborated by period eyewitness reports.
been many expeditions to find the Loch In a scientific paper, they proposed to
Ness Monster, but only a few fleeting mo- call the creature, more correctly thought
ments of film or photos of ripples in the of as a sea monster, Cadborosaurus
water left by an unidentified something willsi. Rines and Scott also put forward
have been the result. As the loch is a fairly the name Nessiteras rhombopteryx for
confined space, a number of operations the Loch Ness Monster. The other well-
have taken place wherein squadrons of known Canadian-U.S. monster is Champ,
boats carrying underwater sonar equip- or Champy, of Lake Champlain. Champ
ment have swept the waters, but yielded is known mostly through publication of
no better results than sightings by lone ob- the „ Mansi photo,‰ taken in 1977, which
servers on the shore. Researchers Robert has so far defied explanations. However,
Rines and Peter Scott searched for Nessie Lake Champlain is, unlike Loch Ness, a
with high-tech sound and photography shallow lake. The Mansi photo suggests
equipment in the 1970s, and managed Champ is a large creature, but the size of
the lake calls into question how such a
large creature could inhabit the lake at all,
let alone go undetected. Another popular
North American lake monster is Ogo-
pogo, of Lake Okanagan, British Columbia.
There are no photos of Ogopogo, only
eyewitness accounts. Skeptics have ar-
gued that lake monster sightings are of
submerged objects like tree trunks which,
from time to time, work their way to the
surface, releases of gas from under the
lake floor, and misidentifications of non-
The serpentine head is the most commonly monstrous animals such as ducks, large
reported anatomical feature of lake monsters. fish, or even swimming dogs. With the
Ley Lines | 103

exception of the Mansi photo, lake mon- other locations. These alignments are
ster pictures and films are all of uniden- thought to be intentional constructions
tified objects moving across the surface meant to act as Stone Age highways, with
of the water at some distance from the the monuments acting as signposts. The
viewer. idea of ley lines was first put forward by
One of the most interesting things amateur British archaeologist Alfred
about lake monsters is that they rarely act Wilkins (1855 – 1935) in 1921. With a
like real animals. Lake and river fauna be- fondness for ancient British stone monu-
havior is repetitious. For example, salmon ments, Wilkins made a systematic study
swim upstream to spawn in the same of their locations and determined that
place every year. One need only set up a they were not laid down haphazardly, but
camera in the right spot, and it is easy to were carefully arranged and aligned for
get rolls of clear film showing salmon a cartographic purpose. He laid out his
performing that behavior. Ducks land on ideas in Early British Trackways (1922)
lakes and swim across them in the same and again in The Old Straight Track
manner all the time. It would be expected (1925). Similar lines appear at sites in the
that, if the Loch Ness Monster or Champ Americas. Late-20th-century esotericists
were real, they would be easily identi- took WilkinsÊs ideas and argued ley lines
fied. Cryptozoologists would not need also produced magical effects and oc-
to spend countless hours trying to film cult energies as a result of their align-
them; rather, there would be so much film ments and the way they seem to connect
footage, they would not be considered Neolithic monuments with presumed
unusual. magical significance. This association
with the occult began with a novel titled
See also: Cryptozoology; Sea Monsters. The Goat-Footed God (1936), by eso-
Further Reading teric author Dion Fortune (1890 – 1946),
Bousfield, E. L., and P. H. LeBlond. 1995. An ac-
and has been expanded upon by others.
count of Cadborosaurus willsi, new genus, Ley lines have since been connected to
new species, a large aquatic reptile from the dowsing (the lines appear over magical
Pacific coast of North America. Amphi- water courses), geomancy (the lines have
pacifica 1 (1): 1 – 25. numerical significance), and, of course,
Campbell, Stuart. 1997. The Loch Ness Mon- the Nazis (Aryan races also created these
ster: The evidence. New York: Prometheus lines around Europe). Such lines are now
Books. said to be found worldwide; indeed, to-
Coleman, Loren, et al. 2003. Field guide to lake gether they are said to make up a plan-
monsters, sea serpents, and other mystery etary grid system that taps into cosmic
denizens of the deep. New York: Tarcher.
Scott, P., and R. Rines. 1975. Naming the Loch
Ness Monster. Nature 258:466 – 68. See also: Geomancy.

Further Reading
Cathie, Bruce L. 1997. The energy grid: Harmonic
LEY LINES 695: The pulse of the universe. Kempton, IL:
Adventures Unlimited Press.
Ley lines are peculiar alignments of an- Williamson, Tom. 1983. Ley lines in question.
cient ritual sites, stone monuments, and n.p.: WorldÊs Work.
104 | Living Dinosaurs

LIVING DINOSAURS are based upon legends, especially from

Africa, of monstrous animals that seem
Persistent belief that dinosaurs lived or to fit descriptions of dinosaurs. The best
continue to live contemporaneously with known is the CongoÊs Mokele-Mbembe,
humans. As with many of the subjects in which is said to resemble a sauropod and
this book, there are pseudoscience living to inhabit the region around Lake Tele.
dinosaurs and genuine living dinosaurs. As with so much about cryptozoology,
The genuine living dinosaurs are birds, Bernard Heuvelmans and Ivan Sander-
the evolutionary descendants of several son were among the first to engage with
strains of smaller theropod dinosaurs. The these legends. In a series of books writ-
evidence of birdsÊ ancestry is considerable ten in the 1940s and 1950s, Willy Ley
and, while scientists do disagree over some (1906 – 1969) also addressed the topic of
aspects of the bird-dinosaur link, it has living dinosaurs. Ley was a German pale-
been well established in general. Evi- ontologist turned aerospace engineer and
dence for pseudoscience living dinosaurs, colleague of Werner Von Braun. Unlike
put forward by cryptozoologists and cre- Braun, Ley was unwilling to put his ex-
ationists, is far harder to come by, and some pertise to work for the Nazis, and so he
of it is outlandishly incorrect. left the country in 1935 and came to the
The classic dinosaurs, models of which United States to pursue a career, like Ivan
can be found in any kidÊs toy box, became Sanderson and Bernard Heuvelmans, as a
extinct about 65 million years ago. Their science writer. He dabbled in writings on
fossil remains have been found around the unusual animal life that were well within
world and in some abundance. Because of the parameters of what would be called
their natural strangeness and sometimes- cryptozoology, but what he called „ro-
unusual size, they are favorites of muse- mantic zoology.‰ In 1949, he published
umgoers everywhere. Current thinking Do Prehistoric Monsters Still Exist? in
holds that some major ecological catas- which he discussed the legend of Mokele-
trophe · possibly a meteor strike · or Mbembe, and began by stating that „Di-
combination of changing environmental nosaurs may still roam the unexplored
conditions pushed them into extinction. jungles of Africa!‰ Ley collected reams of
By the time this occurred, however, sev- source material on pygmies, giants, pri-
eral lines of smaller, raptor-type species mates, and anomalous animals as refer-
had begun to evolve feathers and wings. ences for his writing, and even copied entire
Species such as Proavis and the better- chapters of HeuvelmansÊs On the Track of
known Archaeopteryx had appeared. Unknown Animals for his own reference.
Some of these species went on to become These included materials on medieval
modern birds that managed to survive the monstrous races, legends of little peo-
great extinction and continued on to the ple, and living dinosaurs of Africa. In
present. 1951, George Sarton, the editor of the in-
The pseudoscience living dinosaurs fluential journal Isis and one of the found-
come in two categories put forward by two ing fathers of the modern field of the
different special interest groups: crypto- history of science, wrote to Ley to con-
zoologists and creationists. The more gratulate him on the publication of Lung-
reasonable of the two are the relic dino- fish, Dodo and the Unicorn. He then went
saurs of cryptozoology. These creatures on to relate to Ley a humorous story of
Mackay, Charles | 105

dinosaurs in Africa. So pervasive was however, because, if dinosaurs did make

the belief that dinosaurs still roamed the it past the great extinction and into the hu-
region it seems that the Governor Gen- man era, it still would not undermine the
eral of The Congo put out an edict during geologic time scale or evolution, but in
WWI stating that any dinosaurs travel- fact support it.
ing at night were required to carry warn-
ing lights. See also: Anomalous Fossils; Creation Science;
Cryptozoology; Mokele-Mbembe.
The more problematic category of liv-
ing dinosaurs is put forward by creation Further Reading
scientists and other anti-evolutionists. Tra- Ley, Willy. 1949. Do prehistoric monsters still
ditional Young Earth Creationists believe exist? Mechanix Illustrated (Feb): 80 – 144.
a literal interpretation of the Bible and, as Ley, Willy. 1959. Willy LeyÊs exotic zoology. New
such, hold that the earth is no more than York: Viking Press.
10,000 years old. They reject the geologi-
cal time scale and fossil evidence for an
ancient earth. They use a quirky inter- MACKAY, CHARLES
pretation of the fossil record to argue that
humans and dinosaurs were contempora- British author of Extraordinary Popular
neous in the recent past. A cornerstone of Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
this argument are the man tracks of Texas, (1841), Charles Mackay was one of the
first discovered in 1917 along the banks first modern writers to address pseudo-
of the Paluxy River outside the town of science and fringe belief. Chapters in
Glen Rose. Many of the tracks are clearly the book include examinations of timeless
those of dinosaurs, but a few take on odd delusions like fortune-telling, alchemy,
shapes because of the distortion caused by prophesy, and witch crazes, as well as those
the animals walking through what at the specific to his time, such as tulipomania
time was wet mud. It is these tracks that and the Mississippi Scheme. Mackay
creationists argue are human footprints. (1814 – 1889) saw interest in these topics
Roland T. Bird (1899–1978), the American as large scale delusions where entire soci-
Museum of Natural History excavator eties and cultures fell prey to hysteria over
who did the first extensive work at Glen ideas that would normally be of interest
Rose in the 1930s, tried to convince peo- only to a few or be ignored altogether. In
ple that the prints were nothing more than his introduction, Mackay said, „in the read-
deformed dinosaur tracks. Despite the re- ing of the history of nations, we find that
ality of what these tracks are, creationists like individuals, they have their whims and
have built an entire industry around them their peculiarities.‰ He wanted to know why
and similar examples they see as support- people who normally behaved in rational
ive of their anti-evolutionary thinking. and sober ways would suddenly abandon
One of the delicious ironies of the liv- that behavior and embrace dubious realms
ing dinosaur concept is that if crypto- with such gusto; as a result, Extraordinary
zoologists ever prove that creatures like Popular Delusions can be read as an early
Mokele-Mbembe exist and that they are study of mass psychology. Mackay was a
genuine dinosaurs, it would support cre- journalist, born in Scotland, and was named
ationistsÊ contentions of human-dinosaur editor of the Illustrated London News in
relations. It would only be a partial victory, 1852. He also published poetry and songs
106 | Metaphysics

that were popular. His book is still read by tury metaphysics and science had been
students of both economics and pseudo- separated into distinct spheres. Science
science. supporters argued that science must be
able to generate empirical evidence for
something. It must be able to measure,
METAPHYSICS weigh, test, and physically examine its
subjects. Scientists claim they have no
The intellectual pursuit that investigates tools or techniques for examining meta-
those topics which science is unequipped physical concepts; therefore the two dis-
to investigate. From the Greek meaning ciplines must remain separate for both to
beyond (meta) the physical, metaphysics remain valid pursuits. A mixing of sci-
deals with those ideas and concepts of in- ence and metaphysics would dilute and
tangible and often spiritual qualities. The undermine both.
studies of the meaning of life or the pres-
Further Reading
ence or intention of God are classic meta-
physical topics. More philosophical than Kim, J., and Ernest Sosa, eds. 2000. A companion
to metaphysics. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
experimental, more transcendent than con-
Loux, Michael. 2006. Metaphysics: A contempo-
crete, metaphysics, unlike science, can take
rary introduction. New York: Routledge.
into account the supernatural without any Lowe, E. J. 2002. A survey of metaphysics. Ox-
intellectual difficulty. While there were un- ford: Oxford University Press.
doubtedly individuals who considered Williams, Michael. 2001. Problems of knowl-
such questions before, the first self-styled edge: A critical introduction to epistemol-
metaphysicians were the philosophers of ogy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
ancient Greece like Aristotle and Plato.
Metaphysics encompasses such ideas as
ontology (the study of the nature of real- MIRACLES AND MIRACLE
ity) and epistemology (the study of the CURES
nature of knowledge). One of the first
questions tackled by ancient metaphysics Miracles and miracle cures are inexpli-
was the nature of being, as people strug- cable events attributed to divine interven-
gled to account for themselves and their tion. Often associated with good fortune
place in the universe. In the most simplis- and rewards for proper behavior, mira-
tic terms, metaphysics can be said to be cles are seen as the result of specific com-
the pursuit of meaning of being. Initially, munications with a deity or deities through
metaphysics was considered a normal sacrificial offerings or ritualized poetry·
part of what would later be called science prayers · or simple, crudely worded re-
(knowledge). A more empirically based quests in which a supplicant asks for
aspect of the discipline came to be known assistance with an especially difficult
as natural theology. Popular in the 18th problem which has resisted human recon-
and 19th centuries, natural theology was a ciliation. The most commonly requested
concept supporters claimed used a materi- miracles are those related to cures of ill-
alist study of nature to help prove the exis- nesses or injuries that have resisted stan-
tence of a divine element: God (a poor dard medical practice. Miracles can also
modern relation to this philosophy is the come in the form of found objects, avoided
intelligent design theory). By the 20th cen- dangerous mishaps, or otherwise benefi-
Miracles and Miracle Cures | 107

cial incidents the recipient cannot account hands. Others throughout the ages have
for through any other means. All cultures also adopted the practice of faith healing.
and religions have examples of such di- This is where a religious intermediary·a
vine interventions. Miracle cures, also pastor or other religious leader·channels
known as faith healing if a religious in- GodÊs power to a sufferer. While faith heal-
termediary is present, are those that defy ing occurs in many religions, it is most
medical science. They come most often often associated with Pentecostal and
in the form of a remission of some termi- evangelical protestant Christianity. In this
nal disease or sudden recovery. milieu, faith healing is performed in a
There are a number of specific loca- church in front of an audience and tends to
tions that are associated with miracles and be more dramatic and theatrical than the
miracle cures. One of the best-known lo- cures granted directly by God at Lourdes
cations for miracle cures in Lourdes, or Fatima. Faith healers rarely take public
France, near the Spanish border. Tradi- credit for the healing; instead saying they
tion holds that, in 1858, the Virgin Mary are simply acting as a conduit for divine
(the mother of Jesus, also known as the healing power. Faith healers also some-
Blessed Virgin Mary or BVM) appeared times perform psychic surgery, as seen in
to a peasant girl named Bernadette Soubi- the case of BrazilÊs John of God (JOG),
rous (1844–1879). Investigations by lo- who with no medical training performs
cal Catholic Church officials found her „surgery‰ on patients. Using his hands and
not to be falsifying her account: she was occasionally a scalpel, but no anesthetic,
eventually canonized in 1933. The spot JOG removes „tumors‰ and other growths
where the BVM appeared quickly became from the patientÊs bodies. The patients
a pilgrimage site and throngs of worship- then claim to be cured.
pers began to arrive to drink the water from Faith healers come in the form of two
a spring that appeared · also miracu- characters, the humble peasant, like John
lously · at the spot. Pilgrims began to of God, and the flamboyant performer,
report being cured of various diseases such as American televangelist Peter
and other maladies as well. This only in- Popoff. Both styles of healers employ the
creased the flow of tourists and subse- laying on of hands, as Jesus did. In the
quently the number of reported miracle 1980s, Popoff had a large and prosper-
cures. The appearance of the BVM often ous faith healing program that drew large
turns a location into a miracle cure site. crowds to his televised church, where
Like Lourdes, Fatima is another place he regularly claimed to cure people of
where the BVM appeared to three peas- various ailments. Paranormal investiga-
ant children, in 1917. Located in central tor James Randi showed Popoff to be a
Portugal, Fatima has also become a pil- fake and a con artist, ending his career
grimage site said to be imbued with mi- for a time.
raculous healing powers. Miracles and miracle cures are not re-
Along with spontaneous miracle cures stricted to self-appointed religious holy
that occur when a sufferer asks God di- men. There are miracle cures associated
rectly for such aid, there is faith healing. with modern high tech medicine as well.
Christian faith healing finds its mandate Man-made wonder cures have a long his-
in the New Testament, as Jesus is said to tory. Some of the most flamboyant were
have cured people by the laying on of those that permeated American culture in
108 | Miracles and Miracle Cures

the 19th century. Now often referred to as tests, are promoted by charismatic pitch-
„snake oil,‰ these cures promised much men or personalities, are sold through un-
and delivered little. These concoctions conventional means, and are said to cure
were also known as „patent medicines‰ a wide variety of problems. Medical mira-
because U.S. law at the time allowed them cle cures have secret ingredients and pur-
to be officially patented, though the pa- veyors claim they are battling with the
tent process was merely a paperwork medical establishment who wants to keep
shuffle with little or no government over- them quiet.
sight. These medicines were usually water One religion that is often accused of
mixed with alcohol so that the user would being antidoctor is Christian Science.
feel a brief respite from his problems. Founded in the later part of the 19th cen-
American medical history also has a long tury by charismatic healer Mary Baker
tradition of amateur doctors, known as Eddy (1821 – 1910), Christian Science is
„irregulars,‰ who promoted the anti- a theology that argues disease, illness, in-
intellectual idea that they were under- jury, and even death are illusory and the
mining an evil and uncaring medical result of poor spiritual health. Church
establishment to allow people to get the members believe that prayer, faith, and the
cures they needed; as a result of these right Christian thinking can cure without
claims, they were quite popular. This anti- the need for doctors or drugs. Eddy laid
medical train of thought still underlies out her theology as a practical „science‰
the alternative medical movement in the in Science and Health (1875), the book
21st century. In Delhi, India, in late 2005, that serves as the central text, along with
a medical clinic doctor named Geeta the Bible, of the Christian Science move-
Shroff claimed her work on stem cells · ment. While not proscribing the use of
specialized human cells that can grow into modern medicine, Christian Science the-
a wide range of tissues and organs and ology steers followers away from it. Eddy
which, even under strict scientific proto- herself had a deep suspicion of doctors,
cols, are controversial · had produced a but not, in her quirky way of thinking, of
cure for a variety of illnesses and afflic- dentists. Today, Christian Science takes a
tions, including cerebral palsy. Though pragmatic approach to doctors and ill-
Indian law allows doctors to use untested ness. While church leaders still prefer
methods on cases considered terminal or Christian Science practitioners · those
incurable, Shroff refused to give skepti- specially trained to heal others with
cal colleagues any explanation for how prayer·to doctors ·and support church
her miracle cures worked. In the city of members in legal suits over the issue, they
Hyderabad, India, a family of herbalists do not, as a rule, ostracize members who
has produced a remedy for asthma that opt to consult the medical establishment.
users have considered miraculous for over Miracles are as pervasive in modern
a century and a half. It is given out free to society as they have ever been, and prayer
sufferers twice a year based upon astro- is cited as a catalyst to help bring on such
logical logic. The give-away draws tens of events. While science has attempted to
thousands of sufferers to the city. learn if prayer is a catalyst to the improve-
Pseudo medical miracle cures come in ment of health, it cannot determine if mir-
a wide range of forms. They usually have acles exist. Francis Galton (1822–1911),
been subject to no scientific or clinical the founder of the pseudoscience of eu-
Modern Neanderthals | 109

genics, conducted the first known study gets it, does that mean the nonrecipient
of the effect of prayer on illness. He con- is unworthy? If a good person, someone
cluded that prayer did not have an ef- pure of motive, prays for a miracle and
fect upon individualsÊ health. Numerous does not get it, does that mean that God
studies followed. In 2001, the prestigious was not paying attention? Miracles seem
Mayo Clinic conducted a study of prayer to pose more theological problems than
and healing and also found no correla- answers.
tion between being prayed for and an im-
provement in health. While prayer might See also: Alternative Medicine; Debunkers;
make a person feel good, it has not been Hydrick, James Alan.
shown to cure or heal anything but per-
Further Reading
haps a broken heart. Many miracles and
Byrd, R. C. 1988. Positive therapeutic effects of
miracle cures have been investigated by
intercessory prayer in a coronary care unit
doctors (for a healing to be categorized
population. Southern Medical Journal 81:
as „miraculous‰ at Lourdes or Fatima, 826 – 29.
doctors must be able to show that there Gill, Gillian. 1998. Mary Baker Eddy. Reading,
was no possible medical explanation for MA: Perseus.
the cure) and normally show some medi- Lourdes. 1911. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol.
cal reason for the cure to have occurred. 12. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
Faith healing cures have been investi- Nickell, Joe. 1998. Looking for a miracle: Weep-
gated and it has been found that they most ing icons, relics, stigmata, visions & healing
often relapse within a few days, weeks, or cures. New York: Prometheus Books.
months. Those few anomalous cases where
no medical explanation can be found do
not mean they were miracles. Miracles, es-
pecially the avoidance of catastrophe MODERN
claims, only seem miraculous after the fact NEANDERTHALS
and with a good bit of reinterpretation of
events, though doctors do accept that The early human-like hominids known
spontaneous cures do occur and that ex- as Neanderthals were so much like mod-
planations elude them. Again, just be- ern humans that they, more than any other
cause no explanation can be found at the prehuman species, have been the focus of
time of a cure, it does not mean it was a much fascination. Their fossils have been
miracle, it only means that we still have found across Europe, the Middle East,
a lot to learn about how the human body and North Africa. Because of the harsh
works. environments they inhabited, they were
Miracles of all kinds raise various in- far more robust than modern humans and
tellectual as well as scientific problems, had naturally powerful physiques. The
as they cannot be checked by science. By most distinctive aspects of their anatomy
their very nature, they are metaphysical were their flattish heads and heavy brow
events beyond the realm of complete ridges. They first appear in the fossil re-
quantification and investigation. In addi- cord about 200,000 years ago, and died
tion, miracles suggest a kind of hit or miss out about 50,000 years ago. Along with
and capricious divinity. If two persons mainstream paleo-anthropological theo-
need or pray for a miracle and only one ries about who the Neanderthals were,
110 | Modern Neanderthals

how they lived, and what their relation- woman‰ captured by peasants in the late
ship to modern people was, they have 19th century. She was subsequently sold
also been used as the central characters in or passed around until she came into the
less mainstream thinking by cryptozoolo- possession of a nobleman named Genada
gists and anti-evolutionists. The first and who took her to his estate near the town
more reasonable of these alternative his- of Tkhina. Her life at the estate was not
tories is the notion that small groups of very encouraging; she was kept outside
Neanderthals continued to live into the in a series of enclosures and was often
modern era and are the basis of accounts shackled; peasants threw rocks at her and
for the sightings of Bigfoot-like crea- generally abused her. She was thought
tures, especially in Asia where they are more animal than human, and was said to
known as Almasti. The other is that the have an ape-like face. She never learned
Neanderthal fossils scientists claim are to speak, but her bestial nature was appar-
the remains of ancient humans who died ently not a barrier for some men, possi-
out at least 50,000 years ago are, in fact, bly even the nobleman Genada, because
the remains of modern people who were Zana gave birth numerous times over the
described in the Bible as having lived to course of her sad life of captivity. Some
immensely old ages. of the children survived. Her youngest, a
The idea that relict Neanderthals are boy named Khwit, passed away as late as
at the heart of Asian Bigfoot sightings was 1954, when he was in his 60s or 70s. Porsh-
the brainchild of Russian historian Boris nev tried unsuccessfully to find ZanaÊs
Porshnev (1905 – 1972). He put forward grave in order to examine her remains to
this theory in the late 1960s and became determine if she was a relict Neanderthal.
so associated with the idea that it is also After his death, Dmitri Bayanov took up
known as the „Porshnev Theory.‰ His the case and managed to find KhwitÊs
ideas were picked up and promoted by grave. While the skull did seem to show
some Western anomalous primate re- Neanderthal characteristics, a DNA test
searchers, most notably the founders of showed he was entirely human. Bayanov
cryptozoology, Bernard Heuvelmans and felt that Khwit was a good candidate for
Ivan Sanderson. There are several cases being a human-Neanderthal hybrid, but
of sightings of Almasti by modern observ- this seems unlikely. Zana was likely an un-
ers in the rural regions of the Russian hin- fortunate feral human, possibly mentally
terlands. The best-known are stories of a handicapped or hopelessly traumatized,
woman named Zana said to be living in who, because of her wild appearance, was
an isolated Russian village who was one of treated as an animal. As of this date, no
these relicts. She was said to have borne proof of relict hominids has yet been dis-
children with local men, so her offspring covered.
were the hybrid products of a union be- The other Neanderthal theory, one that
tween a modern man and a Neanderthal is unconnected to the Porshnev Theory,
female. Porshnev first described this case holds that Neanderthals were recent peo-
in the early 1970s. ple, no different from modern humans ex-
One of PorshnevÊs colleagues, Alex- cept that they could live for hundreds of
ander Mashkovtsev, heard rumors of a years and were immune to most human
woman in the Abkhazia region of the diseases and other maladies. This theoryÊs
Caucasus Mountains who was a „ wild most vocal proponent is New Jersey den-
Modern Neanderthals | 111

tist and Biblical literalist Jack Cuozzo. lives, in some cases living as long as 400
His 1998 book Buried Alive tells of his years, but eventually began to degener-
research into Neanderthal dentition. Fol- ate, as the Bible says they did. Modern
lowing the unwritten protocols of hidden people, on the other hand, have lost all
history, Cuozzo claims the scientific es- the advantages the Neanderthals had ac-
tablishment is trying to keep this infor- quired from God and are continuing to be
mation secret. Subtitled with great pathos run down by the process of devolution.
Hidden, Suffocating from the Pain of a Cuozzo never explains why God created
Story Left Untold . . . , the book is part sci- this separate human race, nor does he ap-
ence text, part adventure novel, and part proach the apparent flaw in his scenario
religious sermon, but, despite the bookÊs that suggests modern people evolved from
subtitle, Cuozzo never explains why the the Neanderthals.
Neanderthals would suffer from the pain In addition to the dental evidence
of a supposedly untold story. showing the modernity of the Neander-
Cuozzo based his thesis upon a survey thals, Cuozzo points to other anomalous
of Neanderthal teeth in various museum evidence. He takes the skull of a Ne-
collections around the world. Though he anderthal commonly called „ Rhodesia
claims that the forces of evolution were Man‰ as a case in point. Found in the early
determined to stop him from studying the part of the century in Zimbabwe, Rhode-
material, in his introduction he thanks sia Man · also known as the Broken Hill
many scientists and museum staff for Skull · contains a hole that anthropolo-
graciously granting him access to their gists have puzzled over. Most think it the
prized specimens. He believes a dental scar of an abscess or lesion the man suf-
expert could see things in the fossil teeth fered in life. Others have asked whether it
others had missed. He argues that „no was the result of trepanning, the practice
person with a creationist world view . . . of drilling holes in the skull that is known
has ever penetrated behind the evolu- to have been performed by early historic
tionistÊs lines to study their fossils with people. There are many examples of these
X-Ray equipment.‰ successful early brain operations. Cuozzo
Cuozzo argues the Neanderthals were dismisses all these explanations, claim-
unique in that they had physiques and ing instead that the skull of this supposed
longevity far in excess of modern humans. ancient human ancestor was pierced by
They were impervious to many of the something else entirely; to Cuozzo, the
medical ills that plague us, including ra- wound looks like it was made by a mod-
diation poisoning. He found that Nean- ern bullet. Thus, this individual graced by
derthal teeth are modern and that modern God to live hundreds of years, impervi-
people are not evolutionary advances over ous to those ills that plague humans today,
earlier Neanderthal physiology, but rather was, Cuozzo claims, dispatched by a shot
the results of devolution and degenera- through the head.
tion from the ancient ideal. Cuozzo argues Cuozzo believes God Himself was
that Neanderthal anatomy, far from sup- guiding him on his mission and was,
porting the evolutionary view of human through His diligent efforts, thwarting the
development, proves the Bible correct. work of the scientific establishment. Cuoz-
Having appeared just after NoahÊs flood, zoÊs proof is that he claims he was being
the Neanderthals lived their extended chased by evolutionÊs dark agents. At one
112 | Mokele-Mbembe

point during a trip to Paris to photograph selves, leaving no descendents, or whether

Neanderthal skulls, he and his family they were in the direct line of modern hu-
stopped at a pizza parlor. Cuozzo was mans. Recent studies have shown that
horrified to see a man who had been fol- humans do share some traits with Nean-
lowing them sitting just a few tables away. derthal DNA.
Cuozzo scooped up his family and raced
wildly back to their apartment through See also: Anomalous Primates; Cryptozoology;
Hidden History.
the rainy Parisian night and barricaded
the door. Somehow the Cuozzos man- Further Reading
aged to make it safely back to the United Bayanov, Dmitri. 1996. In the footsteps of the
States with their evidence intact. Russian snowman. Moscow: Crypto-Logos.
Astounded by the gravity and implica- Cuozzo, Jack. 1998. Buried alive. Green Forest,
tions of his findings, Cuozzo attempted to AR: Master Books.
get specialists to view his work. He claims Heuvelmans, Bernard. 1958. On the track of un-
that the well-known evolutionist Christo- known animals. Paris: Plon.
pher Stringer was intrigued and worried Porshnev, Boris. 1969. Troglodytidy i gominidy
by it. Cuozzo first contacted Stringer with v sistematike i evolutsii vysshikh primatov
his results in 1986 and jolted him out of [The Troglodytidae and the Hominidae in
the Taxonomy and evolution of higher pri-
his arrogant complacency. According to
mates], Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR
Cuozzo, Stringer was so taken by his data
[Current Anthropology], 188:1. 15:449,
that he quickly published a paper refuting 1974:450.
in advance anything Cuozzo might pub-
lish. According to Cuozzo, Stringer and
his coauthors argued that tooth-eruption
rates for Neanderthals were the same as MOKELE-MBEMBE
for modern humans. Cuozzo argues that
slower than modern tooth-eruption rates African cryptid said to be a relic dinosaur.
were an indication that Neanderthals ma- Reported in the west African countries
tured slowly and lived longer than mod- of Congo, Cameroon, and Gabon, gen-
ern people. He is convinced that Stringer eral descriptions of the creature by local
was covering himself, and evolution sci- people are similar to those of a sauropod
ence, by preempting his work. Like a true dinosaur. The pygmies of the Lake Tele re-
missionary, Cuozzo will not be deterred gion claim to have seen and hunted it.
from his sacred task, despite the efforts of Western reports go back to the mid-18th
the establishment to keep him from pub- century. Throughout the 20th century, a
lishing his book reinforcing a belief in a series of expeditions have been mounted
supernatural God. in hopes of locating the animal, but have
The evidence that Neanderthals were been without success. Something always
ancient people is overwhelming. There seems to happen just before a sighting so
are disputes between scientists over just that cameras are never ready to be used, or
how the Neanderthals fit the human evo- after a sighting, notes, drawings, photo-
lutionary map, however. These disputes graphs, and other proof are somehow lost.
revolve around whether or not the Ne- The name mokele-mbembe may stem from
anderthals were a line to humans that went monster-hunter Ivan SandersonÊs at-
off into an evolutionary dead end by them- tempt to spell the word local people told
Monstrous Births | 113

Mokele-Mbembe is a supposed living dinosaur that roams the Congo River area of Africa.

him it was called. He spelled it mÊkoo twins, multiple limbs and heads, or any
mÊbemboo. Inhabitants of the region profoundly altered conditions. Prior to
where the cryptid has been seen have nu- the modern understanding of genetics
merous names for it and several different and teratology (birth defects), medieval
descriptions of it. people had little choice but to ascribe
supernatural causes to such births. The
See also: Cryptozoology; Living Dinosaurs. word „monster‰ comes from the Latin
Further Reading monstrum meaning „omen.‰ The term
Nugent, Rory. 1993. Drums along the Congo:
also suggests a warning or prodigy. The
On the trail of Mokele-Mbembe, the last appearance of such a birth was often seen
living dinosaur. New York: Houghton not only as a bad sign for the family, but
Mifflin. also a warning of bad things to come for
the local community. Scholarly treatises
were written on the subject, as the learned
tried to explain unusual conditions. One
MONSTROUS BIRTHS of the best known of these works was by
pioneering French surgeon and anatomist
Medieval and Renaissance term given to Ambroise Paré (1510–1590) whose Des
birth defects of both humans and ani- Monstres et Prodogies (1573) included
mals. Deformities included conjoined both a synthesis of other writersÊ works
114 | Monstrous Births

with a good bit of original thought. Paré ing against the Catholic Church. Pam-
separated all such occurrences into two phleteers also made extensive use of illus-
categories. Monsters were naturally ap- trations in their work, so that the illiterate
pearing deformities, while prodigies were or barely literate·the bulk of their con-
more aligned with the supernatural. A stituency · could see the folly as well as
great amount of popular literature grew read about it. This also fed the human ap-
around monstrous births and focused on petite for bizarre imagery.
their religious and moral meaning as their By the 16th century, medical and sci-
puerile exploitation typically generated entific researchers were examining mon-
healthy sales. strous births as a way to learn about human
Well into the 18th century, monstrous generation. The rise in the use of dissec-
births were used by Christian clergy and tion as employed by Vesalius, Da Capri,
self-appointed moralists as examples of and others contributed to the understand-
the consequences of human folly and god- ing of human variation and such cases
lessness, and religious pundits used mon- were becoming more a topic of scholarly
strous births as vehicles to address issues study. Many contemporary authors, how-
of morality and behavior. Preachers and ever, still saw monstrous births as sym-
pamphleteers used both genuine and fic- bols of disorder and chaos in the universe,
tional cases to prove their points, which as something against GodÊs will.
usually centered on female immorality and Alan W. Bates, in Emblematic Mon-
wantonness. Monstrous births were said sters (2005), argues that monstrous births
to be the result of the motherÊs (or only began to be seen as fitting into the „great
rarely, the fatherÊs) poor behavior. Spe- chain of being.‰ This early idea about
cific deformities were said to denote the ordering and relationship of different
specific failures of moral judgment. Not life forms was a step in the direction of
only would sexual promiscuity result in modern understandings of how all life on
a woman giving birth to a deformed baby, earth is related. Bates argues that mon-
independent thinking on the part of a strous births were used by some scholars
woman, resistance to marital subservience, to argue that the chain did indeed exist and
and the wearing of ostentatious clothing that, far from being a symbol of disorder,
could produce them as well. Women, monstrous births had their place in the
therefore, were taught to be good and wider scheme of life on earth and repre-
subservient wives and pious Christians, sented a divine order. Some Renaissance
lest they give birth to a horror. and Enlightenment authors saw mon-
There was more to learn from mon- strous births not as aberrations but as part
strous births than just lessons regarding of nature. The evolution of early studies
individual behavior. In post-Reformation of monstrous births as prodigies into the
Europe, for example, preachers used mon- modern science of teratology is often put
strous births to generate fear of Catholics. down as the early steps in the inexorable
An animalÊs monstrous birth that gained march from superstition to enlightened
wide acclaim was the „monk calf,‰ which science. While this certainly contributed
purportedly had a deformity of the head to the change in attitudes, some modern
that made it look like the hood of a Cath- writers point to the growing separation of
olic monkÊs habit. Martin Luther himself popular pamphleteering and scholarly lit-
made reference to this creature in his rail- erature as a deciding factor in making the
Monstrous Births | 115

study of monstrous births more reasoned

and less sensational.
There were a few cases of monstrous
births that did not portend evil, but were
instead thought to bring good fortune. In
the village of Biddenden, Kent, England
conjoined girls were born in 1100. Due to
a lack of medical understanding of the
condition or the general repugnance of
such cases during this period, monstrous
births rarely lived for very long. Occasion-
ally, they were intentionally destroyed.
The Biddenden Maids, Mary and Eliza-
beth Chulkhurst (1100 – 1134), as these
girls were known, were conjoined but
were otherwise not deformed. Modern
analysis of the story suggests they were
pygopagus twins: connected at the lower
spine and pelvis. They lived to adulthood The Monk Calf was used by Martin Luther to
and could manage quite well on their own. show the perfidy of the Catholic Church.
They were born into a wealthy family,
so, despite their condition and ominous
arrival (legend says they were born on
the day of the assassination of King Wil- larity was such that they retired to live in
liam Rufus), they prospered. Upon their the United States as rather wealthy land-
deaths, they left their wealth to a local owners and gave their name to the entire
church and decreed that their money be group of conjoined twins. The other well-
used to feed the poor every Easter. In ad- known monstrous birth of the 19th cen-
dition, tiny biscuits in their image were tury was that of the Italian Tocci brothers,
also handed out. They are still remem- Giacomo and Giovanni Batista (1875-?).
bered in the town. In Delhi, India in 2008, With only two legs between them, they
conjoined twins were born and the local also did well financially on tour and were
culture embraced and revered them as a able to retire to a secluded villa. Their lives
good omen because of their resemblance are shrouded in ambiguity so that many
to multi-armed, multilegged Hindu gods. of the details of their lives, including their
By the 19th century, monstrous births birth and death dates, are obscure.
had lost most of their religious baggage, Due to a better modern understanding
though not their sensational allure. Possi- of what monstrous births are through the
bly the most famous monstrous birth was science of teratology (a term first used in
that of Chang and Eng (1811 – 1874), who the 1960s), such births have a better chance
were born in Siam (now Thailand) and of being separated, and those that cannot
became known as the „Siamese Twins.‰ have an improved life span. It is under-
Similar in appearance to the Biddenden stood today that monstrous births are not
Maids, the Siamese Twins were brought the result of the poor behavior of the
to the West and put on tour. Their popu- mother, but rather are genetic defects over
116 | Monstrous Races

which the individual has no control. To- mon source work for later European au-
day when they appear, the interest sur- thors. Pliny himself based his writings
rounding them is as focused on the on works that predated him. PlinyÊs work
technique of separating them as it is on on the subject, along with other authors
deformity itself. In fact, the term „mon- of antiquity, was compiled in the manu-
strous birth‰ is no longer employed and is script known as The Wonders of the East,
considered insulting, in the way the term copies of which were produced between
„retarded‰ is no longer used to indicate an 970 and 1150 ad. Little firsthand re-
individual with a learning disability. search into the nature of these races was
conducted, and only the vaguest attempts
Further Reading
were made to verify accounts. Descrip-
Bates, A. W. 2005. Emblematic monsters: Un- tions were largely based upon travelersÊ
natural conceptions and deformed births in
memoirs, which were themselves often
early modern Europe. New York: Rodopi.
distorted and sensationalized and put to-
Bondeson, Jan. 1992. The Biddenden maids: A
curious chapter in the history of conjoined
gether as remembrances of yet other trav-
twins, Journal of the Royal Society of Medi- elersÊ tales. Manuscript illuminators then
cine 85 (4): 217 – 21. took liberties with how the monstrous
Bondeson, Jan. 2000. The two headed boy and races were depicted.
other medical marvels. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Every culture imagines itself against
University Press. „the other,‰ and a self-image is generated
Crawford Julie. 2005. Marvelous Protestant- in this way. Europeans were no differ-
ism: Monstrous births in Post-Reformation ent. By the Middle Ages, Christians in Eu-
England. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Uni- rope were comparing themselves to other
versity Press. groups around the world in order to dif-
Wallace, Amy, and Irving Wallace. 1978. The
ferentiate themselves. They cobbled to-
two: The story of the original Siamese twins.
gether a view of foreign, non-Christian
New York: Simon & Schuster.
people that was spectacularly inaccurate
and so different from themselves that
MONSTROUS RACES they thought of the others as monstrous.
These were people only known or under-
The medieval and Renaissance European stood from legend, classical mythology,
designation for foreign peoples thought travelersÊ tales, and half-remembered sto-
to inhabit the far corners of the earth. ries. Representations of the outside world
These were mostly fictitious groups or and its inhabitants included giants, long-
actual people of whom Europeans had haired fish-eating people, the Homodubi
a distorted and fantastical image. The (half man – half donkey), and other fan-
Greeks, like Aristotle, Plato, and others, tastic creatures. Some of the most popu-
described monstrous people and animals lar were the Blemmyae (men with their
from north Africa, Ethiopia, and India faces in their chests), the Cynocephali
in their writings. The word „monster ‰ de- (dog-headed men), the Panotii (big-eared
rives from the Latin word monstrum men), and the Sciopodii (men with one
meaning an omen, warning, or prodigy. giant foot). Certain visual cues and mo-
The most significant Roman author on the tifs were employed to show the primitive-
subject was Pliny the Elder (23 – 79 ad) ness of monstrous people; they carried
whose Natural History became the com- clubs as a symbol of their barbarous state,
Monstrous Races | 117

were hairy and unkempt, and were almost

always naked. All these were signs of
their cultural, intellectual, and spiritual
backwardness, inferiority, and danger-
Images of the monstrous races merged
with European legends of barbarians and
wild men. Beginning in the 400s, the
„civilized‰ societies of the old Roman
Empire were ravaged and toppled by suc-
cessive waves of barbarians from East
and Central Asia. The Huns, the Goths,
the Vandals, and other groups moved into
Western Europe and were terrible not only
in their behavior, but in their appearance The Sciopodii were a popular monstrous race
as well. They wore fur skins, were uncouth who used their single giant foot for some
interesting things.
and uncivilized, and were not Christian.
Just as Europe began to recover from this
onslaught, the Vikings of the North swept
down, in the 900s, to scourge them again. the likely author may have been a man
As a result, European mythology is full known as „the Physician of Liège,‰ though
of crazed, rampaging, fur-covered night- the genuine identity of the author remains
mares. under contention. In the book commonly
The monstrous races, as well as wild called MandevilleÊs Travels (first pub-
men, were as close as European scholars lished in illuminated manuscript form in
could get to understanding human diver- the 1430s), a wide range of monstrous
sity and manÊs primitive early state. What races appear including cannibals and the
must be remembered is that, although Blemmyea. The book was copied and re-
legends and depictions of the monstrous copied in several different languages and
races were attempts by scholars to account was the Renaissance equivalent of a best
for and make sense of manÊs early devel- seller. The other popular works that often
opment, they were not evolutionary in contained monstrous races were bestiar-
intent. These sensational images were ies. The first books of natural history,
popular, and the motifs of monstrous bestiaries, contained descriptions and il-
races, barbarians, and wild men were cop- lustrations of genuine animals as well as
ied over and over for entire ranges of monstrous races. These works gave Eu-
books and pamphlets. The categories of ropeans catalogs of the wide range of ani-
books in which monstrous races most of- mals found outside their world as well as
ten appeared were travelersÊ tales and fantastic beasts they might encounter.
bestiaries. By the late 1400s, natural history
The most popular travelersÊ tale was collecting began. Protozoologists care-
that of „John Mandeville,‰ a man who fully collected and described animals
was almost certainly a literary fiction. and plants. Out of this work, the first ac-
Mandeville traveled extensively through- curate biological systemization grew; out-
out the Middle East, India, and Asia, and of-touch authors were being supplanted
118 | Monstrous Races

by field naturalists. With more accurate manÊs bestial nature. Authors as diverse
descriptions of the people of far-off places, as H. Rider Haggard, Joseph Conrad, and
the monstrous races began to disappear Edgar Allan Poe all explored the interac-
from books. Fascination with monsters tion and relationship of monsters, men,
did not dissipate, however, it simply monkeys, and society. They questioned
shifted to human oddities. Deformed hu- the fine line between the civil and the sav-
mans had always been subjects of in- age. Robert Louis StevensonÊs story of
terest and fear, but they now replaced Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1866) literally
traditional monsters. Europeans, espe- turned a man into a monster. The ape as
cially the Victorians, could not seem to the new icon of the monstrous was used
get enough human oddities. Fat boys and to disparage ethnic groups from Africans
girls, dwarfs and giants, legless and arm- to the Irish, to poke fun at inept politi-
less people, and others were shown in cians and brutal military leaders, and to
circuses, museums, and other public at- sell products. Evolution, like monstrous
tractions and even kept as pets by the races, dredged up manÊs relationship to
wealthy. They were feted as celebrities by God, ethnicity, class, the spread of em-
royalty and commoners alike. They were pire, and gender issues. Where once it
usually not seen as wild, and were more had been the monstrous races that filled
likely to be dressed in contemporary this role, the ape and the caveman now
clothing than furs. became the metaphor for everything dark
Initially running parallel to the image and troubling in Western minds.
of the wild man and the caveman, but then By the middle of the 19th century,
melding with it, was the image of the ape and with more accurate knowledge of
that was becoming more and more caught the peoples of the world and the appear-
up in the discussion of monstrous races and ance of evolution theory, one set of mon-
human evolution. If European intellectu- strous races was replaced by another in
als were disturbed by how closely people the form of fossil-related monsters. The
of color stood next to them on the ladder first protohumans discovered, the Nean-
of life, they were even more concerned derthals, were first pictured as fearsome
about the primates. This seemed the most creatures little different from wild men
disturbing relationship of all. Though ape or the Blemmyea. Well into the 21st cen-
and evolution cartoons and references in tury, religious fundamentalist rejection
literature had been appearing in England of human evolution can be put down, in
since the 1840s, with the appearance of part, to fear of being related to ancient
The Origin of Species, the ape and the humans rather than Adam and Eve.
image of the brute became a popular de- The monstrous race concept is known
vice for insulting individuals and entire in all cultures, not just Anglo-European
groups. The fascination with brutes, both ones. Descriptions of the other in their
real and imagined, begun with the mon- monstrousness tell more about the culture
strous races continued. Popular culture doing the describing then those being de-
began to sag under the growing weight of scribed. A cultureÊs fears and anxieties
the monkey imagery of novels, newspa- about its place in the world are given a
per articles, learned books, and cartoons face when they describe another group of
that alternately ridiculed, satirized, sup- which they have little or distorted knowl-
ported, and condemned evolution and edge. The monstrous races of the Middle
Moon Landing Hoax | 119

Ages can be seen now as quaint and col- great deal to promote their ideas if they
orful versions of the things we fear today. lace their work with scientific, or at least
When our view or our minds are blocked scientific-sounding, language.
off with ignorance, distrust, and hatred,
Further Reading
the monsters appear.
Goodman, Matthew. 2008. The sun and the moon:
See also: Monstrous Births. The remarkable true account of hoaxers,
showmen, dueling journalists, and lunar man-
Further Reading bats in nineteenth-century New York. New
Bovet, Alixe. 2002. Monsters and grotesques in York: Basic Books.
medieval manuscripts. London: The Brit- Regal, Brian. 1998. When beavers roamed the
ish Library. moon. Fortean Times 109:28 – 30.
Friedman, John Block. 1981. The monstrous
races in medieval art and thought. Cam-
bridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
The claim that the Apollo moon land-
MOON HOAX OF 1835 ings of the late 1960s and early 1970s, in
which humans walked on another celes-
The Moon Hoax of 1835 refers to a se- tial body for the first time, were faked.
ries of early-19th-century newspaper ar- Believers in the hoax theory claim that
ticles purporting to describe the events it is physically impossible for humans
surrounding the discovery of life forms to travel to the moon and return safely,
on the moon. Hatched by struggling therefore a vast and complicated conspir-
British writer and New York Sun edi- acy was constructed to make the staged
tor Richard Adams Locke (1800 – 1871), landings seem genuine. The fake space
the stories ran during 1835 and claimed program concept began as early as the
that real-life astronomer Sir John Her- flight of Apollo 8 in December 1968. The
schel (1792 – 1871) had observed plant hoax story took off, however, with author
and animal life, including diminutive, William „Bill‰ Kaysing (1922 – 2005)
bat-winged humanoids, cavorting on the and his book, We Never Went to the Moon:
moon. The stories were so gripping that AmericaÊs Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle
the SunÊs circulation jumped to be greater (1981). After earning a degree in En-
than that of the Times of London in just a glish, Kaysing went to work for Rocket-
few weeks. The stories sounded so con- dyne, the company building the engines
vincing that scientists from a number of for the Saturn V rocket, the craft that
countries wanted more details. Eventu- launched the astronauts to the moon.
ally, the stunt raced out of LockeÊs con- Kaysing worked as a technical writer, li-
trol and he began to admit it was a hoax, brarian, and head of publications; he had
though mostly he claimed it was a satire. no training as an engineer. He worked
LockeÊs genius was to couch his descrip- for the company from 1956 until 1963.
tions in scientific-sounding language, Not uncommon among pseudoscientists,
betting his audience would not question Kaysing argued that he did not need any
him. This story illustrates how purvey- specialized training or education in order
ors of pseudoscience can accomplish a to see that there was a hoax or that NASA
120 | Moon Landing Hoax

did not have the technical ability to get to faked. These inconsistencies and glitches
the moon. In his book, originally self- were put into the photos by a shadowy
published in 1974, he put forward a group of insiders and whistle-blowers
number of proposals that have become who, it is believed, were so outraged by
the bedrock contentions of hoax believ- the hoax that they included little hints in
ers. He also claimed NASA had inten- the pictures in hopes that others would
tionally set the fire on Apollo 1 that see them and expose the conspiracy. These
killed all three astronauts aboard, had photos show shadows that do not fall the
engineered the Challenger disaster, and way shadows should, and objects are lit
murdered astronauts who were threaten- from multiple angles when only one light
ing to expose the conspiracy. source, the sun, exists on the moon. They
Another moon landing hoax propo- claim the American flag put up by the
nent was Ralph Rene (1933–2008). Like astronauts waves in a breeze that should
Kaysing, Rene had no technical train- not exist, as there is no wind on the moon.
ing, yet argued that he had figured out Furthermore, they point to the lack of
how the American military industrial blast effect on the ground under the Lunar
complex had faked the moon landings. Module, and note that no stars can be seen
He was an autodidact with an interest in pictures that claim to show space.
in engineering. His self-published book There is an enormous amount of evi-
NASA Mooned America (1992) covered dence supporting the fact that NASA
the standards of moon hoax ideas: funny did indeed fly humans to the moon and
lighting, no stars in the sky, and too much that they walked upon the lunar surface.
radiation. Other hoax proponents have It was an enormous and very public un-
made documentaries about it and have dertaking that directly involved tens of
harassed astronauts, trying to trick them thousands of people in hundreds of com-
into admitting they had lied. One, Bart Si- panies. The public was invited to come to
brel, accosted Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin Florida to watch the launches, and thou-
„Buzz ‰ Aldrin at a public event. Fearing sands of military personal were involved
for his and his companionÊs safety, the in recovering the astronauts at sea upon
aging Aldrin punched Sibrel in the face. their return. The evidence of a hoax is
Hoax proponents put forward incon- scanty and easily explained away. Con-
sistencies, supposed scientific conun- trary to Bill KaysingÊs and othersÊ asser-
drums, theoretical problems with the tions, a little technical knowledge of how
technology, anomalous aspects of offi- the moon landings were done and how
cially released photographs, and mis- cameras work or the nature of light and
leading artwork rather than any overall shadow would help hoax proponents un-
view of how and why the hoax was sup- derstand why they see the things they see.
posedly perpetrated. The cornerstone of Not understanding what a phenomenon
the hoax idea · there is no central unify- is, having knowledge of what something
ing theory · lies in the huge number of is, and having no experience seeing it can
photographs officially released by NASA lead a person to misinterpret data. This
documenting the Apollo program. Hoax is a common problem for people oppos-
proponents claim that a close reading of ing something based solely on „common
many of these photographs reveal little sense.‰ The eyes can be easily fooled. One
glitches and clues that prove they were of the unfortunate aspects of pseudosci-
Noah’s Ark | 121

ence is that proponents often have an anti- work and pestered librarians for copies.
intellectual attitude. They see trained Some fans, understanding the fictional
scientists or scholars as untrustworthy nature of the work, tried to have catalog
because they are educated and experi- references for it put into library collec-
enced in their specialty, and they equate tions as a joke. Attempting to cash in on
training and education with lying and ob- the legend, several book publishers have
fuscation. At the same time, they equate released versions that can still be pur-
the lack of training and knowledge with chased. Other authors have used the book
honesty and truth. Moon hoax proponents as a prop in their stories as homages to
also tend to be government conspiracy Lovecraft, further establishing the work
advocates who see themselves as heroic as a literary touchstone. Lovecraft him-
loners fighting against huge, entrenched, self wrote a pseudohistory of the book
dangerous bureaucracies. In this way, in 1927 that was later published as A
they can envision themselves as true History of the Necronomicon (1938). He
scholars seeking some grand truth that described its authorÊs life, where it was
they can bring to the sheep-like masses. published, and what it contained. The
reality of The Necronomicon is that it is
See also: Hidden History; Moon Hoax of 1835. entirely a product of LovecraftÊs imagi-
Further Reading nation. An autodidact historian and anti-
Bennett, Mary D., and David S. Percy. 2001.
quarian, Lovecraft regularly used actual
Dark moon: Apollo and the whistle-blowers. historical personages, places, rare books,
Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press. and artifacts in his writing. He also cre-
Plait, Philip C. 2002. Bad astronomy: Miscon- ated towns, like Arkham, Massachusetts,
ceptions and misuses revealed, from astrol- a college, Miskatonic University, and
ogy to the moon landing „hoax.‰ New York: books like The Necronomicon to add
Wiley. verisimilitude to his work. They often
appeared a number of times across his
work, giving it a feel of a connected set
of stories.
See also: Pseudohistory.
A magical book that appears in the work Further Reading
of macabre short story author H. P. Love- Daniels, Les. 1975. Living in fear: A history of
craft (1890 – 1937). The Necronomicon is horror in the mass media. Cambridge, MA:
a purported medieval text compiled by Da Capo Press.
the occultist known as „The Mad Arab‰ Lovecraft, H. P. 1943. The case of Charles Dex-
Abdul Alhazred and is a compilation of ter Ward. Sauk City, WI: Arkahm House.
the most diabolical and dangerous occult
lore of the age. A number of LovecraftÊs
darkest characters, including the infa-
mous 18th-century Rhode Island wiz- NOAH’S ARK
ard Joseph Curwen, employed the book
for nefarious ends. LovecraftÊs descrip- Biblical boat built by Noah and his family
tion of the book was so vivid that some at the behest of God to save the animals
readers came to think it was a genuine of the world when He destroyed it as a
122 | Noah’s Ark

This is just one variation on the many designs for NoahÊs Ark put forward by Christian

result of manÊs wickedness. The story of bution around the world. Later scholars
Noah appears in Genesis and also in the found it even more difficult to explain
Koran. (There is also a similar story in how so many animals could have been
the much-earlier Babylonian Epic of Gil- transported by a single boat, no matter
gamesh.) When the floodwaters receded, how big.
the Ark came to rest on a mountaintop For most readers, the story of NoahÊs
called „Ararat.‰ From there, Noah and his Ark is an entertaining fable that teaches
family, along with the animals, fanned important lessons about honor, respect
out across the landscape to repopulate for the wisdom of elders, and forthright-
the world. This is one of the most popu- ness. For such readers, the problematic
lar and colorful stories of the Bible and aspects of the story pose no problem.
has inspired much speculation as to how Christian fundamentalists and Biblical
Noah could have built an Ark, fit all the literalists, however, are dependent upon
animals into it, where it landed, and if every word of the Bible being true and
any traces of it could still be found. There so search for evidence that it is. Finding
have been numerous expeditions to find the Ark, they think, would support their
it and, while some have found tantalizing position. As previously noted, the search
clues, most have been inconclusive. for NoahÊs Ark has centered on Mount
By the Renaissance, scholars and theo- Ararat, in Turkey. Believers argue it is
logians were attempting to reconstruct the Ararat mentioned in the biblical ac-
the Ark on paper and to determine what count. (Moslem accounts have it on al-
it looked like and how many animals it Judi, a mountain on the eastern shore of
held. Anthansius Kircher (1601 – 1680) the Tigris River near the city of Mosul in
was troubled by the way the account com- modern Iraq.) If found, it would constitute
pared to the reality of the growing an extraordinary link between the pre-
knowledge of animal and plant distri- flood and postflood worlds. A number
Orang-Pendek | 123

of Christian-believing expeditions have NUMEROLOGY

traveled there since the 19th century.
Supporters of the Ararat scenario look Numerology investigates the relationship
as far back as the writings of the Jew- between numbers and events and occur-
ish historian Flavius Josephus (37 – 100) rences, peopleÊs lives, and the future and
who, using yet older sources, said that is a form of divination or fortune-telling
people were traveling to the spot and tak- that takes groupings and patterns in num-
ing away bits of wood they attributed to bers and reads them for significance. Each
the Ark. Since then, there have been a num- number has occult meaning, for example
ber of incidents in which wood planks the number 6 (six) means a responsible
have been brought out and photos taken character; while 7 (seven) indicates a per-
of boat-like structures. Aerial photos taken son is fond of reading. Numbers are gen-
during World War II showed more boat- erated by adding the number of letters in
like images on Mount Ararat. In 1959, a a personÊs name. Birthday numbers are
better and closer photo of this same boat especially important for determining a
shape appeared in Life magazine, which personÊs character. The sequences are be-
helped fuel a popular resurgence of in- lieved to show how a personÊs life will
terest in the Ark. A search of the site in progress, how they should invest their
2000 found metal plates and deterio- money, marry, or make important deci-
rated rivet heads. Supporters had the ar- sions. While numerology was part of the
tifacts chemically tested and gleefully Hebrew Kabbalah, it was also part of
announced they were made of modern early mathematics, especially in the work
metal (how modern metal parts would of Pythagoras, and it is now considered
support the Ark, that, if it did exist, would pseudomathematics by modern scientists.
be as much as four millennia old, was
not explained). Researchers claimed to See also: Divination; Geomancy.
have made test core drillings into the
Further Reading
site that showed traces of animal dung
Ouaknin, Marc-Alain. 2004. The mystery of
and cat hair under the boat shape. Satel-
numbers. New York: Assouline.
lite photos of Ararat suggest to Christian Schimmel, Annemarie. 1994. The mystery of
adventurer Daniel McGivern that „ weÊre numbers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
98 percent sure‰ the Ark is there. That
was in 2004.

See also: Anomalous Fossils; Pseudohistory. ORANG-PENDEK

Further Reading
The Orang-Pendek is a diminutive anom-
Mayell, Hillary. 2004. NoahÊs Ark found? Tur- alous primate in the style of Sasquatch
key expedition planned for summer. National
that inhabits the mountainous jungles of
Geographic News, http://news.nationalgeo
Sumatra. The creature, said to only be three
Moen, Alan. 2007. NoahÊs Ark, discovering the
or four feet tall, has been seen in the re-
science of manÊs oldest mystery. London: gion for a least a century. Recent discovery
Clear View Publishing. of the remains of a diminutive hominid
Woodmorappe, John. 1996. NoahÊs Ark: A fea- Homo floresiensis (commonly called the
sibility study. Dallas, TX: Inst. for Creation Hobbit) has led some cryptozoologists
Research. to suspect the Hobbit might account for
124 | Ovni

legends of the Orang-Pendek. Found in OVNI

2003 in Liang Bua Cave on the island of
Flores, the Hobbit seems to fit the com- OVNI is the Spanish translation of UFO
mon description of the Orang-Pendek and (unidentified flying object). The late
lived as recently as 12,000 years ago. 20th century saw a dramatic increase in
OVNI sightings in Latin America. The
See also: Anomalous Primates; Cryptozoology.
most spectacular and publicly witnessed
were those over Mexico in the 1990s.
Further Reading
OVNI photographs and film tend to be
Forth, Gregory. 2005. Hominods, hominoids
more detailed than other UFO materials.
and the science of humanity. Anthropology
Today 21 (3): 13 – 17.
The public face of the OVNI investiga-
tion movement in Mexico is journalist
Jaime Maussan. He has presented many
television studies and documentaries on
the subject. His most recent cause has
been the promotion of a series of filmed
images of an object in the sky that he calls
a „flying humanoid lizard.‰ Maussan
has been hailed as a visionary chroni-
cler of OVNI activity and has gained a
large international following. He has
also been criticized as being at best gull-
ible and too easily impressed by OVNI
film and photos, and at worst a self-
aggrandizing hoaxer, the latter because
of his involvement and support of the
Dr. Reed case of the late 1990s. A man
calling himself Dr. Reed, a psychiatrist,
claimed to have had access to a man who
had shot an alien and put it in his freezer.
The case was found to be a hoax. The
term OVNI is also used in French, Italian,
and Portuguese.
The Orang-Pendek is a diminutive, Sasquatch-
like anomalous primate from Sumatra. See also: Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).

PALMISTRY ing of these lines and raised surfaces give

insight into the character of the handÊs
Also known as chiromancy or palm read- owner. As with all forms of divination, the
ing, palmistry is a divinatory art that aids results of palm reading are couched in
the adept in reading an individualÊs char- vague terms that can apply to any per-
acter and future by the lines of the hand. son. Who among us is not worried about
Thought to originate with Indian astrol- the future or financial security?
ogy (the Sanskrit word is Jyotish) five
millennia ago, it spread quickly around
the world and is found in most cultures in
some form. Reflexology, the rubbing of
the hands for therapeutic effect, is an
alternative medicine outgrowth and is
meant to balance the system. There are a
number of lines and raised surfaces on the
human hand. This is the result of the hand
evolving to be able to flex, grip, and use
opposable thumbs as well as the related
positioning of the musculature and ten-
dons under the skin. These topographic
features appear on all human hands, but
like fingerprints, they vary from one indi-
vidual to the next. These are the variation
that chiromancers read to tell fortunes.
Each line has a name and a correspond-
ing meaning: the heart line, head line, life Fortune-tellers claim they can read a personÊs
line, and fate line. The subtle position- character from the lines of the palm.

126 | Paradigms

See also: Alternative Medicine; Astrology; Divi- and accepted, it will be used to solve prob-
nation; Geomancy. lems, and will eventually become the new
paradigm. Classic examples of paradigm
Further Reading
shifts·the changeover from an old to a
Fincham, Johnny. 2005. The spellbinding power
new paradigm·are the Copernican view
of palmistry. Somerset Green Magic.
of a sun-centered solar system and Dar-
West, Peter. 1998. Complete illustrated guide
to palmistry: The principles and practice of
winian evolution. Supporters of these
hand reading revealed. New York: Thorsons/ ideas had to fight against great odds to
Element. overthrow old ways of thinking.
Critics of Kuhn, among them a number
of pseudoscience advocates, argue that the
Kuhnian paradigm concept is misleading
PARADIGMS and unreasonable. They charge that para-
digms are not created and changed based
A concept put forward by philosopher upon empirical evidence, but on intangi-
of science Thomas Kuhn (1922 –1996 ) in ble qualities such as the consensus of a
the landmark work The Structure of Sci- field and other nonscientific effects. Some
entific Revolutions (1962). A paradigm is also argue that it is this structure that keeps
an underlying belief or set of related be- new ideas and older ones, like antigravity,
liefs, that is widely accepted as the answer spontaneous human combustion, and al-
to a central question and around which ternative medicines, from gaining accep-
all study in a field is based. Kuhn argued tance. One of the great pseudoscience
that, once established, it was difficult to advocate claims is that the scientific com-
overthrow a paradigm ( pronounced para- munity or establishment is a deeply con-
dime) because it had become part of servative structure that suppresses new
accepted scientific thinking, it had evi- ideas and focuses on propping up old and
dence to support it, and careers were built out-of-date concepts to protect jobs and
around it. New ideas are forced to go up positions, rather than being open to new
against any entrenched worldview. How- possibilities.
ever, far from rejecting anomalous data in
the way Charles Fort argued science did, See also: Falsification.
Kuhn argued that anomalous data would Further Reading
build up until it reached a point of critical Kuhn, Thomas. 1996. The structure of scientific
mass. It would then instigate a crisis in the revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago
field that would either show the anoma- Press.
lous data to be faulty or not compelling Maricle, Brian Andrew. 2008. Thomas Kuhn in
enough, or it would force a restructur- the light of reason. n.p.: Light of Reason Pub.
ing of the field to accommodate this new
material. Accordingly, the new ideas must
have great weight and a preponderance
of evidence and must be ready to be shot PAST LIFE REGRESSION
down in its long uphill climb to accep-
tance. But, Kuhn argued, if the new idea The idea that, through hypnotic tech-
that results from the anomalous data has niques, an individual can access memories
what it takes, eventually it will be proven of past events that have been forgotten or
Past Life Regression | 127

repressed or memories of lives lived be- ence involves losing time. Self-appointed
fore the present. Belief in past life regres- alien-abduction memory-recovery spe-
sion ( PLR ) must presuppose two basic cialists John Mack, David Jacobs, and Budd
ideas: that a memory is a fixed unit that can Hopkins all use hypnosis to help their
be accessed whole and intact like a com- patients remember their encounters with
puter document, and that the metaphysical aliens. They claim the aliens have the
aspect of an individual·their conscious- power to cause abductees to be unable to
ness, character, or soul·can pass from remember the „ missing time ‰ they experi-
one physical body to another. A number ence. Hypnosis allows for the recovery of
of religions, most famously Buddhism, these memories, but it can be a traumatic
believe this happens. In this spiritual con- experience as subjects remember various
text, it is known as reincarnation. tests and experiments performed upon
In order for PLR to work, an individual them, experiments that are often painful
must be hypnotized. Hypnosis (from the and embarrassing. Alien abductees swear
Greek hypnos, to sleep) is a technique for by the hypnotic regression technique·
bringing a subject to a point of deep re- here called recovered memories·as one
laxation that borders on sleep. The subject that helps fill in a painful gap in their
can then be influenced by the hypnotist to lives.
answer questions or perform various acts. Past life memory is just as unlikely as
However, the subjects themselves can alien abduction memory. This is the idea
also use such techniques to take control that humans live multiple lives. Once one
of their own behavior or sensabilities. life is over, the physical body deteriorates,
Such techniques have a long history in the but the individualÊs life force or soul is
human experience, mostly as ritual exer- reborn into another body. This process is
cises. An early modern Western practi- often called reincarnation, which means to
tioner of hypnosis was the Austrian Franz be made flesh again. Reincarnation is a
Anton Mesmer (1734 –1815 ), from which central idea of most Eastern religions,
the word mesmerism derives. Mesmer ar- including Hinduism, Jainism, and Bud-
gued for the existence of „animal mag- dhism. Western monotheistic religions
netism,‰ or a magnetic fluid contained in generally reject the notion of reincarna-
every living body. His work was not well tion. Some Renaissance Christian theolo-
received in scientific circles, and hypno- gians did consider reincarnation though,
tism came to be seen as a fraud. By the late like Giordano Bruno who was burned at
19th century, hypnotism had lost a good the stake by the Holy Inquisition, they
bit of its pseudoscience aspect, and it is did so at their peril. The late-20th-century
currently accepted as a valid technique by New Age movement, however, embraced
the American Psychological Association reincarnation and it entered popular cul-
for use with patients to overcome addic- ture. Soon, Western people were report-
tion and to help with pain management. ing having lived many past lives, lives far
The more problematic aspect of hyp- more interesting than the ones they were
nosis is the realm of PLR. The technique currently experiencing.
is most commonly used to recover either One such incident that gained wide
an individualÊs repressed traumatic mem- attention and helped foster the spread of
ories or memories of past lives. Ufologists interest in past lives and reincarnation
claim that part of the abduction experi- was the Bridey Murphy case. In 1952, a
128 | Past Life Regression

27-year-old Colorado woman named Vir- ten down in a log book in an order that
ginia Tighe was hypnotized and uncov- can be easily accessed in their original
ered a past life as a 19th-century Irish form. Rather, we often comingle memo-
woman named Bridey Murphy. While ries, construct new ones of events we did
under the control of a neighbor and am- not engage in, and remember things not
ateur hypnotist, Morey Bernstein (1920 – the way they happened but the way we
1999), Tighe spoke with a heavy Irish wished they had happened. As such, re-
brogue, sang Irish songs, and was quite covered memories are highly suspect in
entertaining in a stereotypical Irish way. their accuracy. When self-described alien
Bernstein wrote up the case as The Search abductees visit a hypnotherapist, they al-
for Bridey Murphy (1956 ), which became ready think they have had these experi-
a major bestseller and stirred the craze for ences. With the case of hypnotists like
past life regression therapy. In the book, Mack, Jacobs, and Hopkins, both sides
Bernstein used the pseudonym of Ruth are ready to believe. This makes it almost
Simmons for Virginia Tighe. It seemed certain that an abduction memory will be
incredible that a Colorado woman with recovered.
no apparent connection to Ireland could Another problem with past life regres-
know such detail unless she had lived that sion and reincarnation is the concept of
life. Following publication of the book, the soul. This is the spirit element thought
skeptics began investigating her details, to transcend from one physical body to
something the publisher apparently had the next. But what is the soul? Most cul-
not done. Holes and inaccuracies imme- tures have some equivalent to the Judeo-
diately began to appear, though support- Christian soul or life force. Clear defini-
ers pointed to details that were accurate. tions of what this is, however, are hard
The son of Jewish parents who had barely to come by. The soul is generally thought
escaped pogroms in Russia, Morey Bern- to be an intangible quality. Christian phi-
stein had become fascinated by hypno- losopher Thomas Aquinas called the soul
sis and was trying it on anyone he could an „ act of the body.‰ The best we can say
get to do it. Along with the usual parlor about the soul, from a scientific point of
tricks, Bernstein thought he might be able view, is that its definition is so vague as
to go back in a personÊs life. He was not to render it meaningless outside the realm
a psychologist and had no medical train- of the metaphysical. This would seem to
ing·he was a businessman·so he had place it outside the bounds of scientific
little idea of what the consequences might quantification, let alone simple photogra-
be, what the quality of recovered memo- phy or recovered memory.
ries was, or even the nature of memory. It One of the more interesting aspects of
was later discovered that Virginia Tighe PLR is the tendency for those who claim
had grown up in Wisconsin across the it to have had fascinating past lives, of-
street from an Irish woman named Bridey ten as important personages. Subjects re-
Murphy Corkell. member being kings, queens, and princes,
Skeptics point out the complex nature or soldiers fighting epic battles, perform-
of memories and how easy it is to alter ing daring deeds, and being abducted by
them, both consciously and unconsciously. aliens. It is rare indeed for a PLR sub-
They argue that memories are not writ- ject to recall being a dull-witted stable
Phrenology | 129

sweeper, sewer worker, village idiot, or self on its own. Another example they
other member of the social residuum. In cited was the way a caterpillar finds its
the few cases where subjects did recall true inner self as a butterfly. The Philoso-
lives as commoners, they are commoners pher Ês Stone, they believed, simply helped
with extraordinary characters full of life, lead to find its innate perfection as gold.
not dullards. It would seem, then, that one The stone was also said to help the human
only gets to have a truly extraordinary past body find its perfect state of health and
life unless the one being lived is less so. long life, even immortality. By the 18th
PLR can be seen as an individualized ver- century, the search for the stone had been
sion of the golden age or hidden history equated with the search for the elevated
theory: the idea that the past was better spiritual self. Despite over a millennium
than the present. of effort, no examples of the Philoso-
pher Ês Stone have ever been produced.
See also: Alien Abduction; Metaphysics. The alchemist Nicholas Flamel was re-
Further Reading puted to have done this, but this example
Bernstein, Morey. 1956. The search for Bridey
goes unconfirmed.
Murphy. New York: DoubleDay.
See also: Alchemy.
Lynn, Steven Jay, and Irving I. Kirsch. 1996. Al-
leged alien abductions: False memories, hyp- Further Reading
nosis, and fantasy proneness. Psychological Bailey, Michael. 2006. Magic and superstition in
Inquiry 7 ( 2 ): 151– 55. Europe: A concise history from antiquity to
the present. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Little-
field Publishers.
Moran, Bruce. 2005. Distilling knowledge: Al-
PHILOSOPHER’S STONE chemy, chemistry and the scientific revolu-
tion. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
An alleged substance with extraordinary Press.
powers, the creation of the Philosopher Ês Thorndike, Lynn. 1958. History of magic and
experimental science. New York: Columbia
Stone was the primary goal of many op-
University Press.
erational alchemists. If produced, the
stone was said to be able to transmute
lead into gold. It was also reputed to be
able to cure disease and prolong life. To PHRENOLOGY
some metallurgic-minded alchemists, the
stone was a catalyst. They argued that The study of an individualÊs mental
the stone did not actually change the mate- characteristics through an examination
rials. They took this line of thought from of the many shapes and bumps on his or
Aristotle, who argued that all of nature, her skull. Phrenology began its life in the
including metals, sought out the per- early 19th century as a popular variation
fect form of their innate selves. This ex- on the earlier scholarly work of Austrian
plained how coal, if left in the ground physician Franz Joseph Gall. It became
long enough, would become a diamond. wildly popular in the United States after
The coal could not be changed from the being promoted by the Fowler brothers,
outside, but still found its perfect inner who published instruction manuals, gave
130 | Phrenology

special lectures, and produced a range of These detailed maps led many believers
physical artifacts, most notably porcelain to accept GallÊs research and even begin
heads with lines painted on them demar- to practice this new science on their own.
cating the different areas and characters GallÊs idea of the shapes and sizes of the
that went with them. different organs of the brain were associ-
Franz Joseph Gall (1758 –1828) be- ated with the amount of knowledge a per-
lieved the shape of the brain, as seen son acquired or lost in that particular
through the corresponding shape of the organ. Gall believed that a person who
skull that encased it, could be used to de- uses a particular trait more than others
termine aspects of a personÊs character. would cause the particular organ with
He called this technique cranioscopy ( it which it was associated to grow in size,
was his student, Johann Spurzheim, who while those not used as much shrunk. A
called it phrenology). This new science pit or depression in the brainÊs outer skull
was the leading edge to new discoveries showed a decrease in knowledge or ca-
in neuroscience. At a time when new dis- pacity for the function that was being ob-
coveries were flourishing, Gall was the served. GallÊs works were revolutionary,
first to write about cerebral specifications but not well received.
along with their specific locations. In his In 1815, Spurzheim presented the first
four volume set The Anatomy and Physi- of his many works after separating from
ology of the Nervous System in General Gall. It was this first publication that he
and the Brain in Particular, Gall proposed would later use for many other publica-
the ideas, his main works of measure- tions that broke down and/or elaborated on
ments and belief in the specific functions the original. Spurzheim was one of the men
of the brain. Bumps and contours of the who helped the notion of phrenology to
head were the basis of the research that spread to America, where the new science
led him to believe he could discern a per- took off. The other man who greatly con-
sonÊs traits and behaviors just from the tributed to phrenology Ês popularity was
shape of his skull. Gall believed that the George Combe. George and his brother An-
actual shape and contour of the head could drew contributed a great deal of knowledge
determine as many as 27 different char- and expertise to the phrenology field, ad the
acteristics in a personÊs brain. This be- Combe brothers were among the found-
lief was based on research that indicated ing members of the Edinburgh Phrenolo-
the brain was sectioned and that opera- gical Society, the first of its kind in Britain.
tions within it were broken up and di- The society consisted of many men with
vided for different critical skills. Each varying degrees, but mostly lawyers and
compartment was believed to control a doctors. George published many writings
different function or characteristic, and on phrenology, the first being Essays on
that the contour of oneÊs skull would ul- Phreneology. Two of his other contribu-
timately determine personality and many tions to the phrenology field were Consti-
other traits. These separate sections of the tution of Man and Elements of Phrenol-
brain were believed to be individual or- ogy. His passion for this topic helped
gans that could determine all properties to explore and define the discipline of
of a personÊs character. Gall created very phrenology.
detailed maps showing the breakdown The chief promoters of phrenology in
of each section and what it controlled. America were the brothers Lorenzo Niles
Piltdown Man | 131

(1811–1896 ) and Orson Squire Fowler a fake; Piltdown Man had been manufac-
(1809 –1887 ), and it was Fowler Ês phre- tured from a human skull and an apeÊs
nology head, with its drawn-on lines of jaw. Piltdown Man is now rightly seen
mental faculties that became the icon of as an example not only of seeing what
the field. Reading of the bumps on peo- one wants to see in scientific evidence but
pleÊs heads became a popular parlor game, also as a cautionary tale about evidence
but was rejected by scientists who saw it supporting an idea that seems too good to
as a silly perversion of the important stu- be true. This event argues for the careful
dies of brain function and intellectual ca- scrutiny of facts before rash judgments
pacity. The characteristics claimed to be are made, and has become a favorite wea-
shown in the bumps on the head inclu- pon for creationists to use to counter evo-
ded affection, guile, cleverness, intellec- lution theory, especially human evolution.
tual weakness, pride, and vanity, to name The incident is also employed to point
a few. Phrenology was also adopted by out either the supposed perfidy of scien-
early criminologists searching for any way tists in forging evidence to support their
to help predict crime or determine guilt. unsupportable positions or their hubris.
It was perverted even more when it was Like many paleo-anthropologists of the
adopted by racists as a way to prove „sci- day, Arthur Keith was looking for some-
entifically ‰ the inferiority of racial de- thing that fit his expectation of what a
generates. human ancestor should be. Australian
The modern studies of brain structure, anatomist Grafton Elliot Smith (1871–
genetics, and advances in the social sci- 1937 ), then working in England and
ences have since discredited phrenology Arthur Smith Woodward (1864 –1944),
as pseudoscientific; the bumps on oneÊs of the British Museum, were also looking
head have little to do with character or in- for an early ancestor that would boost
telligence. While phrenology was pop- their careers. In 1912, all three men got
ular, it was GallÊs original ideas, though what they were looking for in the same
flawed, that helped pave the way for the package.
modern study of neurology. Piltdown Man had everything an early-
20th-century anthropologist and human
Further Reading
evolutionist could want: It had a modern-
Van Whye, John. 2004. Phrenology and the design skull, an ape-like jaw, and it was
origins of Victorian scientific naturalism.
found in an ancient layer of strata. It fit the
London: Ashgate.
missing link hypothesis nicely. At the cen-
ter of the story was lawyer and amateur
naturalist Charles Dawson (1864 –1916 ).
PILTDOWN MAN Dawson hoped to enter the rarefied world
of British science as a fossil and artifact
Fossil of a presumed human ancestor dis- finder. In 1908, workers digging gravel on
covered near the village of Piltdown, the land at Barkham Manor near Piltdown,
Sussex, England in 1912. Hailed as an ex- Sussex, where Dawson had a business
ample of a missing link between apes and connection to the local landowners, found
humans, it had characteristics of both: the unusual rocks while repairing the road.
skull was human, while the jaw was ape- Dawson examined them and found them
like. In the 1950s it was discovered to be interesting. More bits were found and,
132 | Piltdown Man

when comparing them, Dawson thought allow him to talk? Hrdlička was in the mi-
he had parts of a human skull. In 1911 nority. If an observer looked hard enough,
Dawson contacted an acquaintance of his he could see whatever he wanted. British
at the British Museum. scientists were particularly proud that this
Arthur Smith Woodward was a trained important creature was one of their own.
geologist and curator of fish at the mu- They now had a specimen that ranked
seum. The two men had known each with those being discovered elsewhere
other since 1891, when they first worked in Europe, like the Neanderthals and Cro-
together to describe some fossil mam- Magnons.
mals Dawson had discovered. Woodward Piltdown Man, however, suffered from
named them Plagiaulax dawsoni in honor the problem of fit. It was still unclear
of his friend. Dawson had a long history whether the jaw and skull went together.
of fossil hunting, so, while an amateur, he There was a problem of philosophical fit
had considerable knowledge of fossils, as well. Throughout the early part of the
artifacts, and experience with fieldwork. 20th century, other fossil humans were
Eager for recognition, Dawson threw turning up. In addition to those found
himself into excavating the Piltdown site in Java, more had been discovered in
in 1912 and sent everything he found to China at a site outside Peking. Both Java
Woodward. They eventually uncovered Man and Peking Man·who were later
more pieces of a skull, a good portion of recognized as both being Homo erectus·
a jaw, and several teeth. gave a different story to the course of
In November 1912, a newspaper story human evolution than Piltdown did. Pilt-
was published in the Manchester Guard- down had been in line with earlier think-
ian announcing a human ancestor, prob- ing about big brains developing firs, but
ably the oldest ever found, had been dug Java and Peking suggested the opposite.
up in sleepy Piltdown, Sussex. Charles Their development suggested that a large
Dawson and Arthur Smith Woodward brain may have come relatively late in
presented Piltdown Man to a meeting of the process. As the 20th century pro-
the Geological Society of London on gressed, Piltdown seemed more and more
December 18, 1912. Although the actual an anachronism. No more material was
fossil comprised relatively few pieces, a found after 1916.
reconstruction was put together that filled An enormous amount of literature was
in all the missing parts with plaster. The produced about Piltdown Man as scien-
fully formed skull and jaw were a strik- tists and theologians alike tried to work
ing sight. Woodward christened the crea- it into their theories with varying levels
ture Eoanthropus dawsonii, but it was of success. By 1953, however, little in
always known as Piltdown Man. the discussion of human origins included
While most of the Anglo-American Piltdown Man. Such was the case that
scientific establishment supported Pilt- when in that year a major human origins
down Man, some opposed it. Aleš Hrdlička symposium was held in England, Pilt-
(1869 –1943), a curator at the Smithsonian down was not even on the official list of
Institution in Washington, DC, was at first topics to be discussed. It was discussed
noncommittal about Piltdown. He was informally, however, by a number of the
puzzled as to why Piltdown had a modern- attendees, including Kenneth Oakley,
size brain but not a modern jaw that would Wilfrid Le Gros Clark, and Joseph
Piltdown Man | 133

Weiner. They discussed PiltdownÊs prob- dinary. It was unlike anything ever found
lem of fit and had many questions about in England. French anthropologist Abbe
how the fossils were found and why the Bruiel, who had done extensive work on the
material looked the way it did (these sci- physical culture of Neanderthals and Cro-
entists had not been part of the genera- Magnons, thought the cricket bat was the
tion that had been intimately involved result of animals gnawing on an elephant
with Piltdown, and thus were not so wed- bone, not human activity. Oakley made a
ded to it). These scientists were bothered copy of the cricket bat by cutting a bone
by the fact that the skull had no primate with a knife and staining it. His efforts pro-
morphology. The jaw was almost totally duced a replica that was identical to the
simian; only the wear on the teeth was in original. Nothing about the Piltdown dis-
the human realm. The Java and Peking coveries were right: not the skull, the teeth,
fossils showed a blending of primate-like the associated artifacts, or even the animal
and early human morphology throughout bones found with it. Everything must have
their entire structures, further, their traits been planted. The entire assemblage had
were not isolated and segregated the way been hoaxed.
PiltdownÊs was. The question about Pilt- So who did it? No one knows for sure.
downÊs big brain was, where did it come It could have been Charles Dawson using
from? Why, when all other hominids be- the „discovery ‰ as a way up the ladder of
ing discovered had small brains, did this scientific success, or as a way to embarrass
creature have a large one? those who had already made it there. Some
Oakley, Le Gros Clark, and Weiner de- blame Arthur Smith Woodward. The lat-
cided to try to find out once and for all ter Ês motivation was advancement to the
if Piltdown Man was what Arthur Smith position of director of the British Mu-
Woodward always claimed it was, so seum, a post he coveted and for which he
they went to where the original fossils was actively campaigning. Woodward also
were kept with the plan of examining had access to all the raw materials needed
them with the latest investigatory tech- to make the forgery, while Dawson had
niques. A series of chemical tests were access to the site. The 30-year relationship
performed·including the new x-ray spec- between Dawson and Woodward makes
trograph·which showed that the teeth this scenario plausible. For years research-
and jaw had been altered by cutting and ers have puzzled over and examined every
filing to show wear and to obscure ana- scrap of evidence in an effort to find the
tomical details that would have given the hoaxer Ês identity.
fraud away; they had been stained with In 1996, the contents of a storage box,
chromium as well. The jaw was that of an originally stumbled across in the attic of
orangutan and the skull was an early mod- the British Museum in the late 1970s, were
ern human: Piltdown was a fake, built discovered to contain skeletal materials
from the ground up from different parts stained in the same way as the Piltdown
like FrankensteinÊs monster. fossils. The box belonged to Martin Hin-
In 1914, Charles Dawson found an ar- ton, who was curator of zoology at the time
tifact under a hedge at the Piltdown site of the Piltdown discovery. Woodward
that looked like an ancient tool of some had turned down Hinton in 1910 for a
kind. Dubbed the cricket bat·from the research grant. The theory is that Hin-
British game·this object was extraor- ton concocted the Piltdown forgery as
134 | Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The

revenge. He knew of DawsonÊs incom- ists would never have known Piltdown
petence and WoodwardÊs gullible pom- was a fake unless scientists, who were
posity and used their weaknesses to make questioning their own field, showed them
them look ridiculous. Woodward was en- it was.
amored of the idea of a British missing
link, so Hinton led him down that trail. See also: Anomalous Fossils; Creation Science.
He even created the bogus cricket bat for Further Reading
Piltdown Man to play with. There are var- Regal, Brian. 2007. Piltdown and the almost men,
ious camps that champion one suspect or in Icons of Evolution, Vol. 2. Westport, CT:
another, or support their man as not being Greenwood.
the culprit. Russell, Miles. 2003. Piltdown man: The secret
In his 2004 biography of Charles life of Charles Dawson and the worldÊs great-
Dawson, Miles Russell undertook a re- est archaeological hoax. Stoud, UK: Tempus
assessment of DawsonÊs private papers Publishing.
by cross-referencing them with the corre-
spondence of Smith Woodward and oth-
ers. This allowed him to formulate a more PROTOCOLS OF THE
nuanced picture of the menÊs relation- ELDERS OF ZION, THE
ship. RussellÊs investigations led him
right back to the original suspect. He ar- Infamous forgery and faked manifesto
gued that DawsonÊs desire for fame as a purporting to be the plans of a shadowy
naturalist was the consuming passion of group of Jewish intellectuals with ties to
his life. Dawson wanted scholarly recog- Freemasonry, detailing how they plan to
nition from the British scientific commu- takeover the worldÊs banking and busi-
nity, wanted to be elected to the Royal ness apparatus. Known by several differ-
Society, and maybe even win himself a ent title variations, The Protocols of the
knighthood, all prestigious signs of ac- Elders of Zion is a step-by-step guide
complishment. If Russell is correct, his for world domination that has spawned
explanation rules out all the other sus- numerous conspiracy theories and is still
pects with the exception of Hinton, who believed, despite its complete debunking
may have been an accomplice. It does, as a hoax, by racist, anti-Semitic, and con-
however, leave Arthur Smith Woodward, spiracy theory aficionados worldwide to
Arthur Keith, and the others who sup- the present day. Meant to be a secret docu-
ported Piltdown looking foolish taken in ment for insiders only, it was supposedly
by the cunning of a country lawyer with leaked to a journalist for publication.
big ambitions. The Protocols had a strange genesis
Far from being an indictment of the and history, having been modified by nu-
evil nature of scientists, the Piltdown case merous authors and editors, and having
reinforces the underlying idea of science been used for different ends by different
as something that constantly challenges groups. It was not written as a single work,
accepted wisdom and never accepts any but cobbled together from several differ-
theory as closed and final. For all the ent sources of preexisting texts·not all
crowing creationists and anti-evolutionists of them anti-Semitic·by Russian secu-
like to do with Piltdown Man, it must rity personnel between 1895 and 1902.
be remembered that those same creation- The Tsar of Russia, Alexander II, had
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The | 135

been working to bring social and politi- lic Ledger, though the Jewish references
cal reforms to the country, but hardliners were replaced by ones concerning social-
within the aristocracy who were fear- ism. The next year, the racist, pro-Nazi
ful of losing their positions and power American automobile maker Henry Ford
conspired to have a journalist, Matvei published the Protocols in his Dearborn
Golovinski (1865 –1920), put the book to- Independent, though not before the Jew-
gether for propaganda purposes. Making ish material was put back in. The Proto-
Jews the focus of the threat played into cols have been reprinted many times in
the preexisting anti-Semitism prevalent many languages. The text has been used
in Russia and throughout most of Europe. by journalists and political commenta-
The forgery was meant to scare the next tors around the world to disparage not
Tsar, the future Nicholas II, who also just the Jewish people and religion, but
had anti-Semitic tendencies, into back- immigrants, foreigners of all kinds, and
ing away from reforms. almost anything a given commentator
The Protocols were an amalgam of wanted. They have been adopted as genu-
several texts, including The Dialogue in ine by a wide range of groups, including
Hell between Machiavelli and Montes- neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, conspiracy
quieu (1864), a political parody and com- theorists, antigovernment rabble rous-
mentary on the French government of ers, religious fundamentalist Armaged-
Napoleon III, and the anti-Jesuit novel donists, and Moslem extremists.
Mysteries of the People from the same The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is
period. Golovinski grafted these works an example of pseudohistory. It is a lie
onto an anti-Semitic German book, Bar- from beginning to end, but fills a need
ritz (1868), replaced the Jesuits and Na- for bigots looking for justification to
poleon with Jews and Masons, and The support their belief in mass conspiracies
Protocols of the Elders of Zion was born. and shadowy groups engaging in may-
It was then used to convince the Tsar hem. With a work like the Protocols, any
that continuing social reforms in Russia groupÊs name could be substituted for the
would give into the conspiracy. In modern Jews as the evildoers. The longevity of
times it would have been said that if he the Protocols comes not from its witty
did not, he was „ playing into the hands of prose or its deep insights into the human
terrorists.‰ The Protocols did not remain condition·it is haphazardly and clum-
static. They were used again in the 1917 sily written, tedious, and dull·but from
revolution against the Bolsheviks, thus its ability to feed the fears, anxieties, and
connecting for the first time Commu- irrationalities of those easily fooled.
nism and Jews in popular culture. Trans-
lated into German in 1919, it also helped See also: Pseudohistory.
to incite anti-Semitism there and was later Further Reading
used by the Nazis to justify race laws and
Ben-Itto, Hadassa. 2005. The lie that wouldnÊt
the Holocaust of the 1930s and 1940s. die: The protocols of the elders of Zion. Ed-
That the document was already being gware, UK: Mitchell Vallentine & Company.
called a forgery in the early 1920s did not De Michelis, Cesare G. trans. Richard Newhouse.
stop its influence. It appeared in its first 2004. The non-existent manuscript: A study
English language form in 1919 when it of the protocols of the sages of Zion. Lincoln:
was excerpted in the Philadelphia Pub- University of Nebraska Press
136 | Pseudohistory

Wolf, Lucien. 1921. The myth of the Jewish men- you are currently reading is an historical
ace in world affairs or, the truth about the analysis of the past; it is not the past it-
forged protocols of the elders of Zion. New self. It is also not the only possible inter-
York: Macmillan. pretation. You, the reader, after seeing
the facts I have laid out might add others
not covered here and thus disagree with
my conclusions. That is acceptable; that
PSEUDOHISTORY is the entire point of the exercise, to get
you thinking.
Similar to pseudoscience only dealing Like scientists, historians love to ar-
with historical topics, pseudohistory gue over interpretations of data. These dis-
uses the trappings of scholarly histori- courses tend to center around analyses
cal method·footnotes, citations, bibli- of ambiguously understood events rather
ographies, and primary sources·yet is than factual content. Not all historical
designed not as a thoughtful analysis in- events are known to the same level of
tent on discovering insights into the past, certainty. There are many cases where
but as a subjective arranging of facts to original materials have been lost or de-
support a predetermined idea that often stroyed and cases where no records of
supports a political agenda. It is an ac- an event exist. In cases like these, such
cepted aspect of postmodernist histori- ambiguity allows for multiple interpreta-
cal interpretation that an historianÊs tions. This kind of arguing is, in fact, the
personal worldview affects his work. meat of what historians do. However, the
Even the most scrupulously objective re- range of interpretation is still limited by
searcher will still see his worldview im- what evidence is available. For example,
pact, to some degree, how he analyzes a politicianÊs action at a given moment
material. This is an accepted element in might suggest she intended to pass a law,
the historical community and is easily while it might also suggest she intended
dealt with by accepting that there is no to block that law. One thing that would
final answer to larger questions of analy- be completely pseudohistorical would be
sis. Multiple points of view are integral to to argue that those actions indicate she
getting as wide an understanding of his- was under the control of space aliens. It
torical events as possible. It is a natural would be pure conjecture supported by
and subconscious part of scholarship. no evidence at all.
Where it becomes problematic is when There are historical events where no pre-
it occurs unnaturally and consciously for ponderance of evidence supports that it
some specific end. occurred. Historians argue over the mean-
A simple definition of history is that it ing of wars, plagues, and peace move-
is the written discussion and analysis of ments, or trends in pop culture (and every
past events. The past is everything that other aspect of human history) all the
happened before the present. The past, time. Only when the evidence is dubious
however, is made up of many disconnec- do they argue over whether such events
ted parts floating in space with no appar- actually happened when the evidence
ent meaning. Only when some of those clearly shows they did. To be seen as gen-
past events are arranged, collated, and uine historical scholarship, there must be
analyzed does history appear. The book evidence to support it.
Pseudohistory | 137

An example of pseudohistory is Ho- rific and deplorable actions before they

locaust denial. This is the attempt to prove happened. Individuals like Hitler and his
that the Nazi extermination program of henchman Heinrich Himmler never wrote
Jews and others during World War II did to each other saying, „ Yes, now we will
not happen. Practitioners of Holocaust commence murdering the Jews,‰ but the
denial argue that what were purported to inferences were there. There was also a
be death camps run by the German gov- lower level bureaucracy needed to make
ernment were only internment and work the system work. These operational lev-
camps. They acknowledge that many died els kept records of what they were doing,
in these institutions, but that the camps but as the war was spiraling down and
were not part of a systematic, state-run the Allies began closing in, Himmler
genocide machine, and the commonly ac- ordered his underlings to destroy the
cepted number of deaths (over six mil- evidence linking him to the death camp
lion) is a gross exaggeration. They also system. ( It is common for corrupt poli-
sometimes argue that, while cruelties did ticians and corporate leaders to destroy
take place inside the camps, mistreatment their records when they think their reign
was carried out by low-level functionar- is coming to an end .) Fortunately, vast
ies and was not known to be happening reams of material survived this attempted
by the Nazi leadership, including Adolf purge by the Nazis of the evidence for
Hitler. Finally, Holocaust deniers claim the Holocaust.
that the „ myth ‰ of the Final Solution (as Postwar Holocaust denial began with
the Nazis called it in their coded lan- the work of Columbia University histo-
guage) was an invention by Jews to gain rian Henry Elmer Barnes (1889 – 1968).
worldwide sympathy for their plight. An established academic, Barnes was a
The revision of history is common. liberal critic of the New Deal and the
Historians learn new things and discover American entry into World War II. Follow-
new facts about the past on a regular ing the war, he began to argue that the
basis. This new information can some- war was the result of British and Ameri-
times profoundly alter how past events can provocation, rather than militaristic
are perceived. Holocaust deniers claim empire-building on the part of the Ger-
they are merely revising history. How- mans, Italians, and Japanese. For Barnes,
ever, the evidence they use is dubious and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was
ambiguous at best. Legitimate evidence the American administrationÊs fault. As
has contributed to a revision of Holo- for the Holocaust, instead of saying it
caust studies; it has never refuted or ne- had not happened·an idea even Barnes
gated the basic facts the way deniers try to. knew was ludicrous·he took a nuanced
The denial of the Holocaust began even but even more insulting approach, ar-
before the Final Solution itself began. guing that German Jews shouldered as
The upper echelon leadership of the Nazi much responsibility for the Holocaust as
party couched their orders in ambiguous non-Jewish Germans. A small coterie of
terms and code words so that only insid- other pro-German American historians
ers might know what those terms meant. followed in BarnesÊs footsteps, most no-
This was to establish plausible denial of tably David Hoggan (1923 –1988), who is
their actions and to shield what they were the author of what is considered the first
doing: It was a cynical act to deny hor- genuine work of Holocaust denial, The
138 | Pseudohistory

Myth of the Six Million (1969). He argued, as if they were tourists on a vacation in
among other things, that Jews didnÊt Hell. This preponderance of evidence all
really have it that bad under the NazisÊ supports the fact that the Holocaust did
infamous race laws of the 1930s. It was occur.
later discovered that Hoggan was a mem- There have been a number of Holo-
ber of a neo-Nazi organization and had caust denial trials. A 1985 case in Canada
been funded by such groups. HogganÊs saw publisher Ernst Zündel convicted
work was roundly criticized by other and jailed for his Holocaust denying. In
scholars in the United States and Ger- 1992, his conviction was overturned and
many, who pointed out the pseudohis- the statute he was convicted upon thrown
torical aspects of his work. HogganÊs out as unconstitutional under Canadian
doctoral advisors at Harvard University law on the grounds that it violated the
also renounced him, saying his doctoral freedom of speech. Anti-Holocaust de-
work was different from his published nial activists have wrestled with how best
work. His writing was embraced, how- to address this issue. Wanting to avoid
ever, by neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic orga- restricting the freedom of speech, many
nizations as academic support for their advocate for allowing Holocaust deniers
views. to spread their ideas, but then showing
The best and most incontrovertible evi- them up for the fools they are. The most
dence supporting the reality of the Ho- famous case is that of British author
locaust, and putting a lie to denial, comes David Irving versus the American Debo-
from the Nazis themselves. In order to rah Lipstadt in 1998. In her book Denying
carry out their plans to exterminate people the Holocaust (1994), Lipstadt accused
on an industrial scale, architects had to Irving of intentionally misrepresenting
design the machinery of murder, contrac- facts and evidence in his work. Irving sued
tors had to build camps and crematoria, her in a British court for libel. Lipstadt Ês
trains had to carry victims from staging defense team studied Irving Ês work and
areas to the camps, troops had to be fed, found he had, indeed, fabricated key his-
and offices staffed. All this activity had to torical documents. Lipstadt won the case
be coordinated, paid for, and otherwise and Irving was labeled a Holocaust denier
recorded. Despite their efforts to destroy and neo-Nazi polemicist in court. When
it, a good portion of this paper trail sur- Richard Evans, the Cambridge Univer-
vived the war. The camps themselves sur- sity historian who fact-checked IrvingÊs
vived physically as well. Survivors of the book for the Lipstadt defense team, pub-
camps told their tales. Some of the Ger- lished his account of the trial in 2002,
man soldiers, their consciences wracked Irving threatened to sue him as well. In
by the horror of what they were doing, 2006, Irving pleaded guilty to denying the
wrote confessional letters home. When Holocaust in Austria, where it is a crime to
Allied troops liberated the camps, they do so. Holocaust denial has spread from
recorded what they found. Perhaps most the United States and United Kingdom to
damning of all, the Nazis who staffed France and into the Middle East, where
these facilities and ran the extermina- it has been adopted by religious funda-
tion machinery took photos and films of mentalists and anti-Israel proponents. In
what they were doing. As one historian a 2005 speech, the President of Iran,
described it, they took family snapshots Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, famously called
Red Mercury | 139

the Holocaust a fairytale designed to and hidden history theories, to make the
gain sympathy for Jews and the State of current state of the world seem far worse
Israel. There have been similar dismiss- than it is. Pseudohistory is often a com-
als of genocide by the Turkish govern- ponent of conspiracy theory as well. We
ment of the Armenian genocide during have to guard against pseudohistory, lest
World War I and dismissals of genocide the reality of the past be swept away and
concerning Rwanda and Bosnia, both in lies and falsehoods replace it.
the 1990s. Holocaust denial can, in part,
Further Reading
be explained by political bias and darker
motivations. The greater meaning of the Daston, Lorraine, and Peter Galison. 2007. Ob-
jectivity. Cambridge, MA: Zone Books.
Holocaust can be and is argued; that the
Evans, Richard J. 2002. Lying about Hitler:
Nazis purposefully and willfully exter-
History, holocaust, and the David Irving
minated over six million people based trial. New York: Basic Books.
solely on their religious persuasion can- Lipstadt, Deborah. 1994. Denying the Holocaust:
not. This makes Holocaust denial an ex- The growing assault on truth and memory.
ample of pseudohistory. New York: Plume.
Pseudohistory in its less nefarious Novick, Peter. 1987. That noble dream: The
form can be used to make a literary work Âobjectivity questionÊ and the American his-
seem to have a place in time and sense of torical profession. Cambridge, NY: Cam-
reality. This is where an author places gen- bridge University Press.
uine historical figures, places, or events
into a fictional story. A good example
is Caleb Carr Ês The Alienist (1994), in
which Carr has real-life Commissioner of RED MERCURY
New York Police Department Theodore
Roosevelt assist a team of investigators Supposed substance used in the manufac-
to catch a serial killer. Carr, however, did ture of nuclear weapons. Described in a
not put forward his story as a chronicle of number of ways·which do not all coin-
real life events. When Dan Brown wrote cide·the properties of red mercury ren-
The Da Vinci Code ( 2003), he ambigu- der it a kind of modern-day Philosopher Ês
ously suggested in the front piece to the Stone. It is capable of a wide range of ser-
text that, while the actual story was fic- vices and applications. It is simultane-
tional, the details of the operations of ously toxic and curative, and is also said
the Catholic Church, Opus Dei, and the to be a crucial component of atom bombs,
Priory of Zion were accurate. Many read- but nuclear weaponeers are at a loss to
ers, unaware of the fictional nature of the determine what it does. However, Brit-
story, took it at face value. Historians and ish/American physicist and influential
church officials alike were not pleased. bomb designer Samuel Cohn claimed red
The promotion of pseudohistory is mercury was a cover name for a chemi-
more than an intellectual exercise. It is cal explosive he called Ballotechnic, and
often used as a political tool to cover up which he said could be used to build every-
past horrors of which the perpetrators oneÊs nightmare, the suitcase nuclear
are ashamed, to make politicians seem bomb. CohenÊs specialty was nuclear
to have been more successful than they bomb radiation and death rates. During
really were, or, in the case of golden age the Vietnam War, he famously suggested
140 | Roswell Incident

the U.S. government use small nuclear the New Mexico desert is supported by
devices against the North Vietnamese and no physical evidence, only the murky and
Viet Cong. There are no confirmed exam- changing testimony of numerous eyewit-
ples of this substance, which only seemed nesses. Over the years almost all the
to enter media reports in the mid-1980s early reports have been embellished and
as the Cold War was reaching its cre- altered, and crucial aspects of the story·
scendo. It is commonly thought now that like the recovery of both dead and living
red mercury was a sting operation set up by crewmembers of the craft·did not ap-
the U.S. government to lure nuclear black pear until years after the fact.
marketeers into the open for capture. All that is known for sure about the
case is that something did crash land on
Further Reading
rancher Mac BrazelÊs property in August
Commander X. 2002. Red mercury: Deadly new 1947. A collection of military personnel
terrorist super weapon. New Brunswick, NJ:
did retrieve these materials, and the air
Inner Light Publications.
base public relations office did announce
it had captured a flying disk, only to
change the story later to a weather bal-
loon. The story was resurrected in the late
ROSWELL INCIDENT 1970s when base intelligence officer Ma-
jor Jesse Marcel told a ufologist that the
Legend of the crash of an alien spacecraft materials he helped collect at Roswell
in the New Mexico desert near the town were very unusual and that he thought
of Roswell in 1947, the Roswell Incident they were not of this earth. His story was
is the most enduring and contested event supported by the testimony of his son,
in all of unidentified flying object ( UFO) Jesse Jr. who remembered his father
lore. The unusual wreckage was initially bringing home bits of the material for him
discovered by a rancher, but shortly af- to see and that his father claimed the
ter personnel from the nearby Air Force pieces were from a spacecraft. With
base arrived and recovered the materials. the dissemination of this material, other
Local people who knew of the incident Roswell inhabitants began to tell their
or who had seen the wreckage were told stories. It was at this point that revela-
by government operatives not to discuss tions about sinister military personnel
what had happened. Initially, the air base and alien bodies emerged. Speculation
announced publicly that a „ flying disk ‰ grew as to what had happened, and the
had been captured. The sensation gener- once-forgotten Roswell Incident took on
ated by such an announcement was coun- cosmic proportions of interstellar contact
tered within a few days when the air base and nefarious government cover-ups.
authorities announced it was not a flying Believers argue that an alien ship crash
disk after all, but a crashed weather bal- landed in the Roswell area while observ-
loon. The excitement soon diminished ing military operations at the local air
and the event was forgotten until it was base (where what was at the time the only
resurrected, in altered form, in the late nuclear bomb-armed air unit was sta-
1970s and 1980s. tioned ) and at the nearby White Sands
The Roswell Incident is the most dis- test range. A number of alien crewmen
cussed, researched, and problematic of were killed in the crash and survivors
all UFO stories. That a UFO crashed in were whisked off to disappear in the
Roswell Incident | 141

U.S. military/industrial complex. Mili- vive. High Dive used anthropomorphic

tary personnel arrived on the scene en dummies, while Excelsior used actual
masse and threatened the local populace men. It is the military Ês contention that
into silence, lest they disappear as well. A the Roswell Incident was the result of ci-
vast conspiracy was then set into motion vilians coming into contact with secret
to hide these facts. There are enormous experiments, misunderstanding what they
inconsistencies and story gaps in this saw, and confabulating events that did
explanation to go along with the dearth not take place at the same time. All of the
of physical facts. One example is that stories about the Roswell case are consis-
Jesse Marcel claimed that the pieces of tent with military projects of the descrip-
the ship he handled were made from a tions of Mogul, High Dive, and Excelsior.
material that defied description: It was Critics of the government argued that
flexible enough to crumple into a ball, these stories of secret operations were a
yet could be neither cut with a knife nor blind cover-up of what really happened.
burned with a flame. It was essentially in- Numerous Freedom of Information Act
destructible. However, the crash site was requests to the government, including one
described as being littered with pieces of from a U.S. senator to have all docu-
the broken ship. So, this incredibly ad- ments pertaining to the case be made pub-
vanced material that can neither be cut, lic, have yielded little information. The
torn, nor burned and which returned to its government argues it cannot release what
original shape when crumpled and could it does not have. There are inconsisten-
hold up to the rigors of interstellar flight cies within the military Ês explanation,
shattered into 1,000 pieces upon a rough but this story holds up better and is far
landing in the desert. more plausible. The general distrust of the
In the 1990s, it was discovered that a U.S. government by many of its citizens,
top secret military project called Opera- a distrust history shows is unfortunately
tion Mogul was being conducted at the well-earned, will keep the mystery and
time at the White Sands Missile Range. interest in the Roswell Incident high. If
This consisted of elaborate balloons linked there was a crash of an alien spacecraft
to sensitive recording equipment meant in the desert of New Mexico in 1947, then
to search for traces of Soviet nuclear tests the Roswell case is an example of the
in the upper atmosphere. It was one of duplicity and paranoia of governmental
the most secret projects in the U.S. mili- power. If there was no spaceship crash,
tary at the time, rating the same level of it is a good example of the difficulty of
secrecy as the Manhattan Project. At the proving to a believer that there is noth-
time Mac Brazel found debris on his land, ing there to believe.
a Mogul balloon had malfunctioned and
crashed in the area. The U.S. Air Force See also: Alien Abduction; Alien Autopsy; Un-
identified Flying Objects ( UFOs).
sponsored a pair of books, Roswell Re-
port: Fact or Fiction (1995 ) and Roswell Further Reading
Report: Case Closed (1997 ), that laid out Berlitz, Charles, and William L. Moore. 1980.
details of Operation Mogul and two later The Roswell incident: The classic study of
projects, codenamed High Dive and Ex- a UFO contact. New York: G.P. PutnamÊs
celsior. These last two were tests to see Sons.
how far above the earth an air crewman McAndrew, James. 1997. The Roswell report:
could parachute and still be likely to sur- Case closed. New York: Barnes & Noble.
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S –Z

SASQUATCH. SEE ritualistic cues from pop culture, tele-

BIGFOOT vision, and film, not historical or theo-
logical sources. Rather than showing a
SATANIC ABUSE genuine diabolic influence, the cases show
AND CRIME sad, pathetic teenagers and young adult
outcasts who are easily manipulated into
Accusations that Satanists, worshippers antisocial and occasionally criminal be-
of the Devil, have been systematically havior. However, despite the media frenzy
kidnapping men, women, and children and the pontification of church leaders,
for use in their rituals and engaging in the percentage of those who embrace the
criminal acts. The abuse comes in the form satanic lifestyle is low, and those who go
of physical beatings, brainwashing, sexual on to commit crime even lower.
torture, imprisonment, and ritual murder. Large-scale, group satanic crime and
Reports and accusations of such activity abuse is hard to document. Christian be-
come from around the world. In North lief in satanic cults goes back to its ori-
America, the United Kingdom, and Eu- gins in the first and second centuries. The
rope satanic-associated crime is most of- modern myth of organized cult activity
ten perpetrated by disaffected youth. Small is often traced back to the publication of
groups, usually with a male leader, engage Michelle Remembers (1980), by Canadi-
in rituals that occasionally escalate into ans Michelle Smith and her doctor, Law-
crime, violence, and, less often, murder. rence Pazder. Smith claimed she was the
These cases are the most frequently doc- victim of satanic abuse at the hands of
umented examples of satanic crime. Per- her own mother who was part of an orga-
petrators claim they are working in the nized, worldwide cult called the Church
name of Satan, but they usually have little of Satan. As a child in 1954 and 1955 she
understanding of the history of satanic was forced to participate in and witness
belief; more often than not they take their unspeakable horrors performed by cult

144 | Satanic Abuse and Crime

members. Only her Christian faith, at bers controversy ignited belief in an im-
five years old, saved her. Under hypnosis, minent threat from demonic cults and
Smith made outrageous claims about the helped bring on the most infamous case
extent and operations of the group. The of satanic abuse, the McMartin Pre-
book helped launch belief in the most school case.
nefarious cases of satanic abuse: those In 1983, allegations were made that
involving the victimization of children. the staff of the family-run McMartin Pre-
For his part, Pazder developed a new ca- school in Manhattan Beach, California,
reer consulting with churches and police had been systematically abusing their
agencies on the kind of satanic abuse his charges. One of the studentsÊ mothers,
book helped bring to light. He also be- Judy Johnson, accused her husband and
came a television consultant on the topic. a McMartin school worker of sexually as-
Pazder and Smith eventually divorced saulting her child. Police sent out a flyer
their spouses and married each other. to the parents of other McMartin school
The Smith case echoes the 19th- children and a panic ensued. Hundreds
century Runaway Nun cases, the most fa- of children were interviewed and a list
mous of which concerned Maria Monk. of horrendous and simply bizarre allega-
These stories alleged that innocent young tions about Satanism (including teachers
women were tricked into joining convents who could fly) were made. Arrests com-
and, once there, were subjected to vari- menced and the school closed. Lawrence
ous tortures and depravities not unlike Pazder and Michelle Smith became in-
those described in Michelle Remembers. volved as consultants to the families.
In these stories, which were best sellers, Later, it was determined that Judy
Catholic priests rather than Satanists Johnson, the original accuser, had mental
occupied the role of the narrativeÊs evil health and alcohol abuse problems. Also,
scoundrels. These stories helped whip zealous local police and prosecutors had
up anti-Catholic sentiment and generated withheld vital evidence from the defense
resentment and bigotry toward Catho- that would have shown the allegations to
lics that occasionally turned into physi- be spurious and vindictive. Eventually,
cal violence. a new district attorney dropped charges
Almost immediately after Michelle against all but two of the many defendants
Remembers was released, investigative for lack of evidence, but did continue to
journalists dug into the case and were able prosecute the last two. These trials lasted
to show that the allegations of the book for more than six years ·the longest in
were false, that there was no evidence American legal history· and cost tax-
to support any of it, and that it was all a payers millions of dollars. By 1990, all
work of fabulation. Subsequent investi- charges had been dropped against the re-
gations also showed no substance to any maining two defendants, though not be-
of the charges. Anton LeVay, founder of fore one had served five years in jail and
the California Church of Satan, sued for seen his career ruined. Accusations in
libel to have the connections made in the the McMartin case can be put down to
book to him and his organization re- an angry, delusional, alcoholic mother,
moved. He won and was adjudicated an vindictive police and prosecutors, and
award for damages. The Michelle Remem- an ambitious, ratings-obsessed reporter
Satanic Abuse and Crime | 145

and media producer rather than ferocious those accusers who believe it is happen-
devil worshippers. ing. The report also failed to define ritual
In response to the McMartin case, sim- abuse because of its vagueness. The FBI
ilar accusations sprung up in England did not claim that child abuse does not
in Cheshire, Nottingham, and Rochdale. occur, only that the stereotype of large-
They followed the McMartin model of scale „satanic-occult‰ abuse and organized
hysterical claims, interviews of children, crime was undocumented. Despite this
law enforcement members overzealously finding, law enforcement is generally di-
believing everything they heard, and me- vided on the issue with some members
dia working everyone into a frenzy. Al- of the police community believing claims
legations soon emerged in other locations wholeheartedly, while others take a more
across England. Like the McMartin case, skeptical view. A British government re-
no evidence other than an apparent need port issued around the same time came to
to believe that children do not lie, accom- similar conclusions.
panied the wild claims. Charges of sa- Before these cases, there were also the
tanic abuse are usually brought by two Charles Manson and Son of Sam cases.
categories of accusers: adults who claim Both were later seen to have had satanic
they were molested as children, as in Mi- connections. Investigative reporter Maury
chelle SmithÊs case, and when an adult Terry outlined the widespread satanic
convinces a child that he or she was mo- conspiracy he felt was behind two of the
lested by someone else. The memories most infamous murder cases in Ameri-
of the victims are often of the „recov- can history. In The Ultimate Evil (1987),
ered‰ type similar to those elicited from Terry charges that a satanic underground
alien abduction victims and remembered had prompted the Manson FamilyÊs ac-
through hypnosis. When the accuser is a tions and was also responsible for the
child, therapists and others can often take murder spree of young adults that pan-
what the child says out of context or dis- icked New York City in 1977.
tort it, and the child will often say what- Like the McMartin case, there were
ever the adult wants in order to gain favor. law enforcement officials who thought,
Accusations can reach wild heights, in- and still think, a group was responsible for
cluding the systematic rape of dozens, if the Son of Sam killings. Unlike the Mc-
not hundreds, of children by one small Martin case, however, the principle char-
group of adults, along with the murders acter in the saga agreed. David Berkowitz,
of those children. The abuse is also often captured in 1977 and who plead guilty to
claimed to have occurred in close prox- the Son of Sam murders, claimed he was
imity to unsuspecting parents. involved in a satanic cult that orchestrated
Another common model is the family the killings. Inconsistencies in sightings
of satanic abusers who hand down their and events and multiple witnesses who
ways from generation to generation. Un- gave descriptions of the gunmen that did
fortunately, there is little or no corrobora- not all look like Berkowitz convinced
tive evidence for this phenomena. A 1992 Terry and others that a group was behind
FBI report of an investigation into satanic the killings. Terry claimed a nationwide
abuse found no evidence of widespread organization existed in America with
organized abuse of the kind claimed by connections outside the country and that
146 | Sea Monsters

this organization was responsible for nu- for centuries, the Kraken was finally iden-
merous crimes. Public awareness of the tified as the giant squid.
supposed occult connections to the Mason Given that sea monsters appear in the
and Son of Sam murders did not spread lore of all seafaring peoples, it is safe to
until the late 1980s. assume that the earliest accounts of sea
monsters were undoubtedly the results
See also: Alien Abduction. of mariners encountering creatures for
Further Reading the first time that are commonly known
Allen, Deena, and Janet Midwinter. 1990. Mi-
today, such as whales, dolphins, and sharks.
chelle remembers: The debunking of a myth, All these creatures, and others, live close
The Mail on Sunday (September 30): 41. to the oceanÊs surface and engage in be-
Eberle, Paul, and Shirley Eberle. 1993. The abuse haviors readily observable from a ship.
of innocence: The McMartin Preschool trial. Snake-like marine animals are the origin
New York: Prometheus Books. of the term „sea serpent,‰ which even-
Frankfurter, David. 2006. Evil incarnate: Rumors tually became synonymous with sea mon-
of demonic conspiracy and ritual abuse in ster. The work of folklorist Adrienne
history. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Mayor, focusing on Greek interpretations
Press. of fossils, suggests that the discovery of
La Fontaine, Jean. 1998. Speak of the Devil:
the remains of ancient marine life, such
Tales of satanic abuse in contemporary En-
as ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs, prior to
gland. Cambridge, NY: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press.
the 19th century understanding of these
creatures could have been the basis of
sea monster legends. The oldest example
of naturalists attempting to categorize
SEA MONSTERS sea monsters is the work of Swiss au-
thor Conrad Gessner (1516 –1565). In the
Like other members of the monster fam- early 19th century, naturalist Constantine
ily, sea monsters have a Zen-like ability Rafinesque named the Massachusetts sea
to both exist and not exist. While they are serpent Megophius. This was later modi-
cryptids they are also monsters, but once fied into Megophius monstrosus by the
they are discovered they become just an- late-19th-century Dutch zoologist A. C.
other species. Aquatic monsters come in Oudemans (1858 –1943) in The Great
two forms, freshwater lake monsters and Sea Serpent (1892). The 20th-centuryÊs
marine sea monsters. Unlike individual great sea monster chronicler was Bernard
lake monsters, which tend to appear on Heuvelmans (1916 –2001), whose work in
a fairly regular basis, sea monsters are the field helped inaugurate the modern
often single sightings or are found as pursuit known as cryptozoology. His On
beached carcasses. The sea has, however, the Track of Unknown Animals (1958) and
produced its fair share of monsters turned In the Wake of the Sea Serpents (1968)
accepted species. The mola or giant sun- helped keep the search for these creatures
fish, the sturgeon, and various eels have going. The most common sea monsters
all been mistaken for monsters. The best to be examined close up are the supposed
example of the phenomena is the monster remains of dead individuals that appear
called the Kraken. Reported by sailors in on beaches as little more than large piles of
the waters around Norway and Iceland blubber-like material, known as globsters.
Shape Shifting | 147

The term was coined in 1962 by monster with characters defined as mystics. Sec-
hunter Ivan Sanderson to describe such ond sight is usually associated with im-
a find from Tasmania. Analyses of these pending tragedy, like in the scene from
globs has either been inconclusive or Julius Caesar in which the scrawny old
shown them to be remains of known ma- soothsayer pushes his way through the
rine animals, usually dead whales. crowd to deliver the best-known line of
prophecy, „ Beware the ides of March! ‰
See also: Cryptozoology. The modern variation on second sight is
Further Reading remote viewing. The problem with sec-
Carr, S. M., et al. 2002. How to tell a sea mon-
ond sight, like with prophecy in general,
ster: Molecular discrimination of large ma- is its poor track record of success. While
rine animals of the North Atlantic. Biological it adds a dramatic touch to literature, sec-
Bulletin 202:1–5. ond sight is known only from anecdotal
Coleman, Loren, et al. 2003. Field guide to lake evidence given after the fact. When aca-
monsters, sea serpents, and other mystery demics, scholars, or political or stock mar-
denizens of the deep. New York: Tarcher. ket analysts make predictions, they are
O’Neill, J. P. 2003. The great New England sea not calling on paranormal abilities, but on
serpent: An account of unknown creatures a thorough knowledge of the workings
sighted by many respectable persons be- of their field. They also understand that
tween 1638 and the present day. New York:
they still can be wrong, and often are.
Sweeney, James B. 1972. A pictorial history of
sea monsters and other dangerous marine
life. New York: Crown.
Shape shifting is the ability to change
SECOND SIGHT oneÊs body from one form to another or
to change someone else from one form to
A form of foresight in which one sees another against his will. This transforma-
the future while in a trance, a dream, or tion is effected through the application
even during a waking experience. Second of occult techniques. The most common
sight is closely aligned with prophecy; example of shape shifting can be seen
all prophets have had the gift of second in werewolves, who are afflicted with a
sight to one degree or another. It is also re- condition known as lycanthropy. There
lated to extrasensory perception, telep- are also ethereal forms of shape shifting
athy, and premonitions, feelings about that are spiritual rather than physical in
what will happen rather than images of the nature.
future. Visions can run the gamut from A number of phenomena are associ-
crystal clear to blurry, indistinct sugges- ated with shape shifting. The most well
tions of future events. Second sight has known is the metaphorical type common
been reported back to antiquity, was of- to literature from around the world and
ten performed by oracles and other spirit dating to antiquity; it is likely that shape
mediums, and has been used by mem- shifting was a part of preliterate oral tra-
bers of all cultures. Accounts of second ditions as well. Metaphorical shape shift-
sight in literature are typically associated ing is a literary trope employed to suggest
148 | Shape Shifting

both positive and negative change, to con- isms that can change color or shape as
ceal something, or to trick a character protection from predators or in aid of lo-
into doing something he might not nor- comotion. Some, like the puffer fish, can
mally do. Literature is full of stories of momentarily alter their appearance, but
gods, pixies, fairies, witches, demons, and they remain the same creature. There are
other supernatural entities changing mor- no examples in the biological world of or-
tals into animals and inanimate objects. ganisms that can completely change their
Using this technique, frogs become fundamental morphology, such as a pig
princes and people can be transformed into transforming into a tree or a human into
horses, dragons, or trees (often as pun- a shower of gold. While legends abound
ishment). of such behavior among humans, there is
Another form of shape shifting is phi- no evidence to support such abilities.
losophical. There is a long tradition of The most recent accusation of shape
religious adepts throughout history of en- shifting on a mass scale comes from Brit-
gaging in meditations and profound bouts ish conspiracist /author David Icke. In The
of prayer during which a euphoric state Biggest Secret (1999), Icke claims that
is achieved and the practitioner mentally alien, reptile-like creatures pose, through
transforms by reaching an altered state of shape shifting, as most of the worldÊs po-
consciousness. Sufferers of multiple per- litical and religious figures·most no-
sonality disorders (MPD) are reputably tably the British royal family·so that
able to change their character and be- they might secretly rule the earthÊs hu-
come „someone else.‰ This is also known man population for various nefarious
as dissociative identity disorder. This be- purposes. Icke has only circumstantial ev-
havior is contentious and not widely ac- idence to support these claims, yet still
cepted in the psychiatric community, as it garners an enthusiastic audience.
is relatively simple to fake. Occasionally,
physical behavior changes· stooping, See also: Werewolves.
head ticks, and altered voices· accom- Further Reading
pany MPD, but these changes are only Icke, David. 1999. The biggest secret: The book
superficial. that will change the world. Ryde, Isle of
The examples noted here should not Wight: Bridge of Love Publications.
be considered pseudoscience, as they are Lalonde, J. K., J. I. Hudson, R. A. Gigante, and
literary, spiritual, and psychological, not H. G. Pope. 2001. Canadian and American
literal. Some scientists argue that believ- psychiatristsÊ attitudes toward dissociative
ing MPD is a genuine condition is a form disorders diagnoses. Canadian Journal of
of pseudoscience, as the medical com- Psychiatry: Revue Canadienne de Psychia-
trie 45 (5): 407–12.
munity has accepted little evidence of its
Ovid. 2004. Metamorphoses. New York: Pen-
guin Classics.
The final form of shape shifting is Pope, H. G., P. S. Oliva, J. I. Hudson, J. A.
much like the literary form noted above, Bodkin, and A. J. Gruber. 1999. Attitudes
only it is believed to actually occur, thus it toward DSM-IV dissociative disorders di-
is the most problematic from a scientific agnoses among board-certified American
point of view. There are many examples psychiatrists. The American Journal of Psy-
in the biological world of living organ- chiatry 156 (2): 321–23.
Spirit Mediums | 149

SPIRIT MEDIUMS The advent of the Industrial Revolution

brought many advances in communica-
Spirit mediums are individuals with the tions technology and the understanding
ability or sensitivity to be able to contact of the nature of electricity. It seemed log-
and converse with the dead. They act as ical that, if electricity could travel across
a conduit, or medium, by which the living a wire to transmit messages via telegraph,
may interact with the spirit realm. Me- then why not propose a similar scientific
dium activity goes back to the ancient explanation for the ability to communi-
world of oracles, shamans, medicine men, cate with the departed through a kind of
wise women, channelers, and other mys- mental telegraph. Adding weight to this
tics. Of these ancients, possibly the most concept, by the late 19th century, wireless
well known today is the Greek Oracle of telegraphy was being developed where it
Delphi. Supplicants paid a fee to the oracle was possible to communicate over the air
(which means „one who sees‰), asked a alone. As a result of the growing popular-
question, and the oracle would reply. The ity of spiritualism, a series of beliefs, ritu-
oracle, usually a woman, would go into a als, and standard methods soon formed in
trance, consult with spirits and then give order for enthusiasts to practice it.
the waiting supplicant an answer usu- The central act of the spirit medium
ally couched in a riddle or other allegoric is the séance. The first book in the West
verse. The individual would then be left on séances was Sir George Lyttelton and
to interpret the response any way he Elizabeth MontaguÊs Dialogues with the
wished. This basic format has been fol- Dead (1760). A séance, from the French
lowed by mediums across time and cul- word for sitting, is a group activity where
tures to the present day. usually no more than five or six people
In the modern Western tradition, spirit at a time sit around a table linking hands
mediums are most associated with the Spir- with a spirit medium and attempt to con-
itualist movement, which began in the tact the dead. Such activities go back to
early 19th century. In the 1840s in New antiquity. During a séance, the medium
York, the Fox sisters claimed to be able goes into a self-induced trance and at-
to contact the spirit world. Their story tempts to contact a spirit. This spirit is
spread quickly. They gained supporters either specifically asked for by a partici-
and adherents and the modern spiritual- pant·often a loved one·or is a spirit that
ist movement was born. The idea spread appears at random. The medium is taken
rapidly throughout Anglo-American cul- over by the spirit who then communicates
ture and has continued to this day. Spirit through automatic writing and automatic
mediums fit nicely with the growing al- speaking. In other words, any writing or
ternative religious movement then un- speaking the medium performs is thought
derway in America, where large portions to originate with the spirit rather than the
of the population, while still devoutly re- medium. During this process, the medi-
ligious, had grown disillusioned with the umÊs consciousness and character steps
state of organized religion and were look- to the back, and is often unaware of what
ing for something more. It also, ironically, is happening, while the spirit operates the
meshed well with the growing authority mediumÊs body much like a puppeteer.
of materialist science. Spirit writing could also be performed
150 | Spirit Mediums

through the use of a device with a pencil sisters, began experiencing the same ef-
attached to it called a planchette. A simi- fects of being able to contact spirits that
lar device had been in use for divination the sisters had. Just before the American
for centuries. Members of the séance Civil War, they and their manager father
would lightly touch their fingers to it and took to the road to perform. They put to-
the spirit would then push the planchette gether a device called the spirit box: a
around writing on a piece of paper or wooden contraption large enough for both
pointing to preprinted words and letters brothers to enter. Volunteers from the au-
already on the sheet. Commercially pro- dience would tie them up in full view and
duced planchettes had been available for lock the brothers inside. After a moment
purchase for many years, but when a pair or two, the classic séance effects would
of American entrepreneurs intent on mak- begin. Skeptics, including Jean Eugène
ing money off of the spiritualist craze de- Robert-Houdin (1805–1871), considered
veloped a mass-marketed planchette with the father of modern stage magic and in-
a preprinted writing surface, the modern spiration for the American Harry Houdini,
Ouija board was born. investigated the Davenport brothers and
One of the first celebrity mediums was found them to be frauds. Like so many
Cora Hatch (1840 –1923). When she was spirit mediums, the Davenports were
a child, her family attempted to join a Uni- skilled performers who could make their
versalist commune in Massachusetts, but act look paranormal. Following his inspi-
when it proved too crowded they moved rationÊs lead Harry Houdini himself fa-
to Wisconsin to begin their own. It was mously exposed mediums and séances in
there in the early 1850s that the teenaged the early 20th century.
Cora discovered her gifts and her parents A number of academics and scientists
sent her on tour. Over the course of her began to investigate and study the para-
life she married at least four times, usu- normal as a result of the Spiritualist move-
ally to older men who exploited her for ment. The English chemist and physicist
her revenue-generating abilities. Working William Crookes (1832–1919) had sym-
as a spirit medium was a lucrative busi- pathy for spiritualism, but also felt it the
ness for the top echelon of practitioners. duty of a scientist to examine paranormal
They developed dramatic performances claims. He released a report of his inves-
and touring stage acts very similar to tigations in 1874 in which he said there
the magic acts then popular. Ghosts ap- were aspects of spirit medium practices
peared, objects flew about the room, and that could not be explained by fraud or
disembodied voices and music were often normal science. This did not stop debunk-
heard. One of the most anticipated of the ers and skeptics. One Scottish woman,
effects was when the medium produced Helen Duncan (1898–1956), was arrested
ectoplasm, a white frothy substance said for fraud when an undercover police-
to be a manifestation of psychic energy. woman caught her faking a spirit mani-
Some of the most successful mediums festation in 1933. In addition to other
were acts like the Davenport Brothers, offenses, Duncan was charged under the
who performed before large audiences Witchcraft Act of 1735, much to the dis-
in theater halls. Ira Erastus Davenport may of supporters of the paranormal and
(1839 –1911) and William Henry Daven- the general public alike. The uproar over
port (1841–1877), inspired by the Fox the case · and the use of a law that was
Spirit Mediums | 151

by then almost 200 years old ·led to for the spirits present and what questions
the abolishment of the Witchcraft Act audience members wished to ask. He
in 1951. was roundly criticized for using the non-
There is one particularly interesting supernatural method of cold reading. This
class aspect surrounding spirit mediums. is where a series of random, but general
The 19th-century Spiritualist movement questions are asked and common names
and occult revival were largely a middle- shouted out. With a large audience, most
class phenomena. They allowed respect- of who were there because they believed
able white women to break free of the they could contact dead loved ones, some-
strict cultural restraints of Victorian and one was likely to recognize a name or re-
Gilded Age social mores without be- spond to a scenario. Vague statements like
ing too ostentatious. When poor or non- „she says ÂIÊm alright, donÊt worryʉ or „ It
Caucasian women performed essentially wasnÊt your fault! ‰ could be interpreted
the same services, they were not known by almost anyone as having personal
by the label „spirit medium,‰ but instead meaning. Once someone responded, a
by the derogatory and less respectable cold reader can then carefully play off the
labels of gypsy, fortune-teller, and wise initial question or response with follow-
woman, occult priestess, or witch. Such up statements leading the respondent to
women would not openly be allowed into some answer the cold reader could take
the drawing rooms of the well off the way credit for. Debunkers examining the raw
a white woman would. Crossing Over tapes, which sometimes
One of the most influential spirit me- went to eight hours per show, argued that
diums of the post-Spiritualist craze was they exhibited a general lack of success-
American Edgar Cayce (1877–1945). ful hits with the performance. Editing,
Known as the „sleeping prophet,‰ he however, made it seem like John Edward
would go into a deep trance, converse had produced a steady stream of suc-
with the dead, and then write down pre- cesses. He was satirically skewered for
dictions for the future based upon those using cold reading by the television car-
discussions. An early mass media medium toon South Park.
was Brazilian Francisco Cândido Xavier Not all spirit mediums are frauds and
(1910 –2002). He appeared regularly on scam artists; many are sincere and gen-
Brazilian television and claimed to be uinely believe they have the ability to
the reincarnation of an ancient Roman contact the dead. Unlike the famous and
Senator, among others. A 21st-century celebrity mediums, these people rarely
version of Cayce and Cândido Xavier is earn large sums for their work; in fact
James Van Praagh, who has made many most barely earn enough money to sur-
television appearances. Another celeb- vive. They do what they do because they
rity medium is John Edward McGee Jr. think they are helping people. Unfortu-
Known simply as John Edward, he rose nately, sincerity is not proof of physical
to prominence because of his television phenomena. Many of the most well-known
show Crossing Over (1999 –2004), on genuine mediums were women who lived
which he contacted deceased loved ones tragic lives, exploited by their families
of audience members. Edward played to and husbands. Many descended into alco-
a large studio audience asking questions hol abuse. If contact with the dead was
and reading them, that is, getting a sense possible, it would seem that it would occur
152 | Spirit Orbs

on a regular basis to almost everyone and souls of the departed. They are seen to
not in ambiguous terms to a select few. It float and often contain faces. The term
would not be considered paranormal, but was first applied to paranormal investiga-
simply normal, a confirmed part of daily tions around 1994. While most respect-
human experience. able paranormal investigators accept that
the vast majority of orbs are dust and
See also: Debunkers; Ectoplasm; Metaphysics. water particles moving on account of air
currents, they also believe that a small
Further Reading
fraction are genuine spirit entities. Para-
Braude, Ann. 2001. Radical spirits: Spiritualism
normal author Jane McCarthy says, „This
and womenÊs rights in nineteenth-century
is pure speculation,‰ but still believes
America. Bloomington: Indiana University
that some orbs are controlled by an intel-
Nichols, Thomas Low. 2007. Biography of ligence and have a fundamental connec-
the brothers Davenport. Whitefish, MT: tion to both the spirit world and UFOs.
Kessinger Publishing. The International Ghost Hunter Society
Price, Harry. 2003. Revelations of a spirit me- takes a slightly harder line by claiming
dium. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing. that they have proven that spirit orbs are
„ the soul of a departed person.‰ Just how
they arrived at such a momentous discov-
ery, and just what the physics of a spirit
SPIRIT ORBS manifestation are, they do not say. They
do take an unusually pragmatic step of
Spirit orbs are spherical images that are instructing their members and would-be
invisible to the naked eye but which ap- ghost hunters to take as many photos of
pear in photographs of haunted loca- orbs as possible so that a database can be
tions. They are believed variously to be established to discern genuine orbs from
energy emitted by spirits, vehicles by common dust particles.
which disembodied spirits travel, or the Spirit orbs seem to exhibit no behav-
iors different from dust particles. The
faces sometimes seen in them are simu-
lacra of basic human visages. If orbs are
something other than dust particles, there
is as of yet no way to determine what they
are. As with so much in the field of para-
normal investigation, clear and precise
definitions are crucial yet hard to come by.
For example, how can it be claimed that
an orb is the soul of a departed human
when no acceptable scientific explana-
tion of what a soul is exists? The English
word „soul‰ seems to be a combination of
early Germanic concepts of a life force
with Greek words for vital breath. A sim-
Spectral entity or speck of dust. Spirit orbs are ilar concept appears in most of the worldÊs
believed by some to contain smiling faces. religions in some form.
Spoon Bending | 153

See also: Ghost Hunting; Metaphysics. GellerÊs most notorious television ap-
pearance was in 1973 when he went
Further Reading
on the Tonight Show with host Johnny
McCarthy, Jane S. 2008. The connection be-
Carson. An avid amateur magician,
tween the energy lines, the orb phenom-
Carson (1925–2002) was skeptical of
enon, dimensions & UFOs. n.p.: Psychic
GellerÊs claims and wanted to test him.
He contacted James Randi for advice
and Randi told him to set up the props
in such a way that neither Geller nor his
SPOON BENDING assistants could get near them ahead of
time. Randi, who always believed Geller
The paranormal ability to bend small a fraud, insisted that Geller had the
metal objects, often keys and spoons, with spoons prebent and used various tricks
the power of the mind. Spoon bending to read peopleÊs minds. When Geller took
was made popular in the 1970s by Israeli the stage of the Tonight Show, he was con-
paranormalist Uri Geller who went on to fronted with a tabletop of spoons, keys,
have a colorful career bending spoons on and sealed metal canisters. He immedi-
television. Despite his protestations that ately became agitated and intimated he
he had genuine paranormal abilities, his was being set up. Carson sat stone faced
nemesis, James Randi, along with others, and simply asked Geller to perform the
has shown that GellerÊs powers are just feats he was famous for: He would not.
a stage act. What is most amazing about GellerÊs
Born in Tel Aviv, Uri Geller served in performance, or lack of, on the Tonight
the Israeli Army, seeing action and being Show was that it did not destroy his ca-
wounded in the Six Day War of 1967. After reer. Despite being totally thwarted by
leaving the service. he began performing Carson and RandiÊs simple control pro-
in Tel Aviv clubs developing what was cess, he continued on as if nothing had
essentially a magic act. During the 1970s. happened. He continues to perform and
he gained fame for what he claimed was people believe in what he is doing.
the psychic ability to bend objects like Uri Geller has sued many people and
keys and spoons with the power of his organizations over the years who ques-
mind. His powers earned him many tele- tioned his spoon-bending abilities. The
vision appearances around the world and latest, in 2007 and 2008 suits, sought to
he became a sensation. Geller claimed force the Web site YouTube to remove
his abilities were paranormal and given the numerous clips of him cheating that
to him by extraterrestrials, but he was could be found there. The suits have met
dogged by accusations of fraud from the with mixed results.
start. Magicians like James Randi and oth-
See also: Debunkers; Ghost Hunting.
ers have shown how the spoon-bending
trick is done. The late Nobel physicist
Richard Feynman, an amateur magician, Further Reading
reported that, in an encounter with Geller, Harris, Ben. 1985. Gellerism revealed. Micky
he asked him to bend a spoon, but Geller Hades International.
was unable to do so with Feynman watch- Randi, James. 1982. The truth about Uri Geller.
ing him closely. New York: Prometheus Books.
154 | Stigmata

STIGMATA but may occur with believers from Prot-

estant denominations; it is less common
Stigmata refers to the presence of inex- among the Eastern Orthodox. Followers
plicable pain and /or wounds of the body of other religions have, in rare instances,
in places similar to wounds associated exhibited similar spiritual wounds. The
with Jesus ChristÊs crucifixion. Stigmata wounds are sometimes accompanied with
most notably include nail marks in the claims of ecstatic visions or voices and
wrist or hands and feet or ankles. Other other paranormal phenomena, such as
marks of this condition include wounds bilocation, levitation, and extraordinarily
on the head corresponding with the crown warm body temperatures.
of thorns, a single mark on the forehead, Medical explanations for stigmata
abrasions on the shoulder or chest as if range from psychosomatic causes to
from carrying the cross, whip marks on more deliberate acts of self-harm. His-
the back, bleeding from the fingers, and toric debunkers of stigmata have cited
a puncture in the side, as if from a lance sexist evidence of it being hysteria, given
in accordance with John 19:34. Blood its more frequent occurrence among fe-
may also be exuded in the form of tears males. Nonreligious instances of similar
or sweat. The nature of these wounds can wounds have occurred where people had
be anything from open bleeding to rash- lesions from presently healed wounds. In
like blotches. Occasionally, such lesions 1928, the German doctor Alfred Lecher
take the shape of small crosses them- claimed to have unethically and deliber-
selves and may exude light or a floral ately used hypnosis to induce stigmata
perfume odor. The duration of this condi- on a disturbed patient in his care. The oft-
tion ranges from years of constant open concurring religious ecstasy has been like-
wounds to recurring brief sessions of ap- wise attributed to self-hypnosis. Wounds
parition; many stigmatics are noted for frequently correspond with a religious
the clean and uninfected nature of these image of the stigmaticÊs devotion. Ian
wounds. This phenomenon is generally Wilson has theorized that multiple per-
most associated with Roman Catholicism sonality disorder might enable someone
to self-inflict stigmatic symptoms while in
a disassociated state. Jim Schnabel linked
stigmata to MunchausenÊs syndrome and
other conditions similar to those who claim
extraterrestrial abduction. The Catho-
lic Church acknowledges the possibility
of counterfeit human and perhaps de-
monic stigmata. Authentication by the
Vatican is rare, unrelated to canonization,
and requires medical as well as character
There is debatable evidence from
the New Testament that the evangelist
St. Paul may have exhibited this ten-
dency, as noted in Galatians 6:17. The first
The stigmata are wounds said to replicate prominent example was the case of the
those of Christ at the crucifixion. 13th-century friar St. Francis of Assisi. The
Stonehenge | 155

most prominent recent example of this with crosspieces mounted on top. This
occurred with St. Pio of Pietreclina, also arrangement is somewhat in question, as
known as Padre Pio (1887–1968), a mem- late-19th- and early-20th-century research-
ber of a Franciscan order. Professor A. ers moved stones around, stood up stones
Bignami, a pathologist investigating the that were lying down, and kept imper-
Italian friar in 1918, found traces of io- fect records of what they did. The cur-
dine in his stigmatic wounds, plausibly rent version, known around the world as
indicating self-infliction. Controversy re- the symbol of ancient monuments whose
garding PioÊs condition reached the Vati- popularity is second only to the pyra-
can and, upon his death, the wounds had mids of Egypt, dates to about 2500 bc,
allegedly vanished without scars. The but may go back to 3000 bc.
most noted living stigmatic today is Because of its great age and unusual
likely the Catholic priest Zlatko Sudac construction, Stonehenge is of interest
of Krk, Croatia. to archaeologists studying the Neolithic
British past. Extensive work done by sci-
Further Reading
entists and historians beginning in the
Harrison, Ted. 1994. Stigmata: A medieval mys- later half of the 20th century has discerned
tery in a modern age. New York: St. MartinÊs.
much about the site and the people who
Nickell, Joe. 1993. Looking for a miracle: Weep-
built it, and excavations have turned up
ing icons, relics, stigmata, visions & healing
cures. New York: Prometheus.
many artifacts and human burials. This
shows that the structure, at least during
some periods, was a heavily populated
place. It has also been shown that Neo-
STONEHENGE lithic people with only a crude technol-
ogy could have erected even the largest
An ancient, megalithic structure found stones on the site with relative ease. Some
in Wilshire, England, near Salisbury esoteric authors argued that it would have
thought by archaeologists to have been been impossible for such people to cut,
built during the Neolithic Age, Stone- transport, and raise the stones by them-
henge went through a slow metamorpho- selves; this led to speculation that the
sis over time. Starting out as an earthen stones were erected using antigravity de-
mound with an encircling ditch, it was a vices, lost knowledge, or with the help of
burial site. It has gone through a series of extraterrestrials.
phases with a wooden post ring, associ- After Caesar, an early mention of
ated roads and avenues, and then various Stonehenge appears in Geoffrey of Mon-
arrangements of standing stones until it mouthÊs History of the Kings of England
reached the form known today. Its earli- (c. 1135). He wrote that the stones used
est appearance in the written record can to build Stonehenge were brought from
be found in the writings of Julius Caesar Africa to Ireland by a race of giants be-
who attributed it, incorrectly, to a reli- cause the stones had magical powers.
gious sect known as Druids (neodruids The magician Merlin then transported the
still perform rituals at the site). It was stones to their current site. Pagan revival-
alternately a cemetery, ritual site, astro- ists began holding ceremonies at the site
nomical observatory, and a kind of Stone in the 1870s. The stones were once com-
Age community center. The site is cur- pletely open to the public, but changes
rently made up of large standing stones were made in the 1980s, particularly after
156 | Stonehenge

Generally accepted as a religious site, Stonehenge, with its megalithic stone architecture, is a
source of much fantastic speculation.

the „ Battle of the Beanfield‰ in 1985. A tion continues. In 2002, claims were made
group of New Age enthusiasts wanted to that Masonic and occult wrongdoing in
hold a festival on the site but local author- the form of „ Black-Occult ‰ rituals were
ities tried to stop them. Violence erupted, being conducted there by members of the
with the revelers accusing the police of local police and the British military. As
starting the violence and the police claim- with all megalithic sites around the world,
ing it was the visitors who started it. Since Stonehenge has been associated with
this incident, access to the site has been UFOs, Atlantis, and secret societies. Au-
restricted, and while neopagans are al- thors regularly claim to have solved the
lowed to hold ceremonies at certain times meaning of Stonehenge, but archaeolo-
of the year, usually during the solstices, gists argue that there was no one mean-
these too are carefully controlled. ing to the site. Meaning and use changed
Both archaeologists and armchair in- over time as different peoples employed
vestigators regard Stonehenge as an as- the site, added to it, changed it, and re-
tronomical site. Alignments are seen that imagined its purpose.
have the sun rising and setting over spe-
cific spots in the structure and it seems See also: Hidden History; Ley Lines; Unidenti-
fied Flying Objects (UFOs).
clear that these phenomena were planned
in advance. This suggests that the siteÊs Further Reading
builders had some knowledge of astron- Johnson, Anthony. 2008. Solving Stonehenge:
omy. While the careful work of archae- the key to an ancient enigma. London:
ologists, anthropologists, and historians Thames & Hudson.
has helped put to rest some of the wilder North, John. 2007. Stonehenge. New York: Free
claims about Stonehenge, such specula- Press.
Tesla, Nikola | 157

TESLA, NIKOLA and a number of engineers were work-

ing on designs but no one had been able
A pioneering electrical engineer and sys- to make a practical model. Tesla felt he
tems designer, Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) had worked it out. He went to the Edison
designed the first practical alternating Company offices in the United States
current (AC) system, introduced flores- and there, too, quickly impressed people.
cent lighting, made early breakthroughs Edison hired him to work on electrical
in radio technology, foresaw the use of generators, called dynamos. He did ex-
robots, radio control, and a host of other cellent work but soon found himself at
innovations. He worked on a wide range odds with Edison. The two men were very
of ideas concerning the application of different. Edison was a self-taught inven-
electricity, particularly wireless technol- tor rather than an engineer or a scientist.
ogy. His prodigious intellect visualized He was crude, slovenly, tyrannical toward
a host of devices that are still being used his underlings, and his lack of theoreti-
and explored in the early 21st century. cal scientific training meant he doggedly
Little discussion of the history of elec- tried one idea after another until it worked,
trical engineering is possible without ref- instead of thinking past the problem. In
erence to him and his work. contrast, Tesla was a sophisticated, eru-
Ethnically Serbian, Tesla was born in dite theorist (though he too had a me-
Croatia and, at the prodding of his illiterate chanicÊs natural ability to fix machinery)
peasant mother, read technical books and who knew a little theory could go a long
memorized them. He developed a pow- way to eliminate wasted effort. The two
erful ability to visualize abstract ideas men clashed often, and when Edison ar-
in his head. This ability would often rogantly cheated Tesla out of royalties he
cause his future colleagues frustration, as had been promised, he quit and went to
he would have entire systems worked work for EdisonÊs rival George Westing-
out in his mind but not on paper. His in- house. It was at the Westinghouse Com-
tellect did have its cost. He suffered from pany that Tesla finally brought AC into
headaches, often saw lights flashing be- its own. This revolutionized electrical
fore his eyes, and may have suffered from engineering and allowed for the electri-
attention deficit syndrome and obsessive- fication of the world.
compulsive disorder. He received most TeslaÊs eccentric character tended to
of an intensive engineering education, but make people see him as an oddity. That
was forced to drop out before graduat- he made unusual pronouncements about
ing because of financial difficulties. In the things he was working on or how things
1870s, he found work at the Paris offices would be in the future made many won-
of the Edison Company. He impressed der. Tales of robot armies, flying ma-
his superiors who suggested he go to the chines, and electrical power intrigued but
New World to find his destiny; in 1884, baffled the public. He reveled in perform-
he went with little more than a few ar- ing apparent death-defying tricks like al-
ticles he had written, a few dollars in his lowing high levels of electricity to pass
pocket, and many dreams. through his body in order to operate light-
The one major thing Tesla brought bulbs, or sitting calmly in a laboratory as
with him was an idea for an alternating enormous sparks of electricity crackled
current motor. AC was already known and shot around him. His entire persona
158 | Tesla, Nikola

he became the modern high-tech model

of the mad scientist. Tesla, however, was
not using his intellect to do harm, nor
was he doing anything occult or supernat-
ural. He was simply following his own
imagination to expand science in new
ways. He was, in fact, a humanitarian who
sought to use science to end war and for
the betterment of all people. In this way,
he was a utopian dreamer as well as sci-
entific pioneer.
The life and career of Nikola Tesla is
an example of how advanced science can
be perceived as pseudoscience and how
it can harm a career. Furthermore, Tesla
Nikola Tesla, the tragic engineering genius, is an example of how, when science or
pioneered radio, robotics, florescent lighting, technology is misunderstood, it can be
and a host of other technologies. An early seen as magical. Without any way to ex-
biography called him an alien from Venus. plain how Tesla did some of the things
he did, or explain some of the visions of
the future he had, skeptics at the time, and
led some esoteric writers to claim he since, had no choice but to label his work
had magical powers, was in contact with supernatural and him a crackpot. Just be-
aliens, or even was an alien. cause an effect cannot be adequately ex-
One of TeslaÊs boldest and most con- plained at the moment does not mean
troversial assertions was that he knew there is no explanation. It does not allow
how to extract energy from the earth and us to fall back on supernatural explana-
the surrounding atmosphere in such a tions. TeslaÊs life forces us to understand
way that it would provide free energy that learning about the universe is not
for everyone, anywhere on earth. This always easy. It takes hard work, and then
caused competitors like Thomas Edison we still may not understand. We must be
and even backers like J. P. Morgan to careful, then, not to succumb to the easy
question his sanity. The idea of free en- way out and put things down to fairies,
ergy was appealing to the average person, aliens, or God.
but not to the energy industry. Morgan
Further Reading
dropped his backing and others helped
Childress, David Hatcher, ed. 1993. The fantas-
to ruin his image. Tesla was already
tic inventions of Nikola Tesla. Kempton, IL:
thought of as peculiar, now he was seen
Adventures Unlimited Press.
as dangerous. Opponents claimed he was Jones, Jill. 2004. Empires of light: Edison, Tesla,
working on energy weapons that would Westinghouse, and the race to electrify the
put America in peril. He himself had world. New York: Random House Trade
made the argument that energy could be Paperbacks.
used as a „death ray.‰ This led the media Regal, Brian. 2005. Radio: The life story of a tech-
to portray him as a dangerous genius, and nology. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
Tunguska Event | 159

Seifer, Marc. 2001. Wizard: The life and times showed trees had been knocked down
of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a genius. Se- in a butterfly pattern. When World War II
caucus, NJ: Citadel Press. began, Kulik fought in the defense of
Moscow, was wounded, and captured
by the Nazis. He died in a prisoner-of-
war camp.
TUNGUSKA EVENT A series of Soviet scientists later took
up the cause of discovering the source of
The Tunguska Event was a devastating the Tunguska explosion, as have Ameri-
and perplexing explosion that occurred cans and Italians. They have put for-
in central Siberia in 1908. It laid waste to ward a range of explanations, including
1,000 square miles of forest, was heard meteorites and comets. Less plausible
in western Europe, and caused atmo- are black holes and „ natural H-bombs.‰
spheric effects as far away as London. More outlandish is the suggestion that a
Earthquake recorders around the world UFO crashed and exploded. Soviet engi-
registered the vibrations. Subsequent in- neer and science fiction writer Alexan-
vestigations of the event have led to der Kazantsev (1906 –2002) argued after
various explanations for it including a seeing the devastation at Hiroshima that
cometÊs impact, a nuclear explosion, and a UFO searching for water at RussiaÊs
the crash of a UFO. Standard wisdom to- Lake Baikal crashed and set off a nuclear
day holds that the likely culprit was the explosion. Other fantastic explanations
strike of a stony or iron meteor. claim the event was the result of experi-
On June 30, 1908 at 7:15 a.m., a titanic ments by Nikola Tesla and that the explo-
explosion rocked central Siberia east of sion was caused by the release of pent-up
the city of St. Petersburg, Russia. It was natural gases and geothermal energy from
not until 1927 that a Russian scientific within the earth. Russian Astronomer Igor
expedition led by mineralogist Leonid Zotkin conducted a series of laboratory
Kulik (1883–1942) first traveled to the tests with a simulation of the Tunguska
site to investigate. Kulik discovered a area and saw that an airburst type of ex-
massive area of damage radiating out- plosion gave a damage pattern to model
ward from a central point near the Tun- trees in the same butterfly shape that
guska River. Baffled but determined, Kulik saw.
Kulik returned to the spot throughout the In the end, the most plausible expla-
1930s and became convinced that it was nation for the Tunguska event is that ei-
the site of a meteorite that had crashed ther an iron meteor or a stony meteor (a
into the earth. (A meteor is an iron body broken piece of an asteroid) entered the
that enters the earthÊs atmosphere from earthÊs atmosphere on June 30, 1908, and
space and explodes above the surface, exploded in the air over Siberia. Scien-
while a meteorite is one that survives tists point out that, if such an event had
an impact with the surface of the earth.) happened, or does happen, over a major
Kulik searched what he thought was an urban center it would have apocalyptic
impact crater, but which turned out to results and would no doubt change hu-
be a bog common to the region. In 1938, man history, if not mark the beginning
he had aerial photographs taken that of its end.
160 | Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

Further Reading early encounters with UFOs. Believers

Lerman, J. C., W. G. Mook, and J. C. Vogel. also point to pictorial representations
1967. Effect of the Tunguska meteor and sun- from cave art to the medieval period of
spots on radiocarbon in tree rings. Nature objects that appear to conform to mod-
216:990 –991. ern descriptions of alien craft. During the
Verma, Surendra. 2006. The mystery of the Tun- Second World War, Allied aircrews re-
guska fireball. London: Icon Books.
ported strange balls of light that seemed
to follow their planes, dance around them,
but not interfere with them in any way. It
UNIDENTIFIED FLYING is alternately argued that pilots took the
OBJECTS (UFOs) name for these strange lights, Foo Fight-
ers, either from the French word for fire
UFOs are alleged conveyances from or from the antics of a popular cartoon
other worlds that regularly appear in the character.
earthÊs atmosphere. The term was coined The modern UFO era began June 24,
by the U.S. Air Force in 1952 to describe 1947, when American businessman
any aerial phenomena that has not been Kenneth Arnold saw a group of crescent-
identified, though the term is most com- shaped craft near Mount Rainier, Wash-
monly connected to nonterrestrial or ington. As he flew a small private plane,
alien spacecraft. Sentient alien beings he watched a formation of silvery objects
are said to use UFOs to visit the earth for fly by him at great speed and in a way he
various reasons. said resembled a saucer skipping across
The majority of UFOs are simply water. Hearing ArnoldÊs description, a lo-
sightings of unusual lights in the sky. Oc- cal newspaper man coined the term fly-
casionally they appear as solid objects ing saucer. The term flying disk was also
known as daylight disks. They have been used. Suddenly, people around the world
photographed and filmed, though such were seeing all sorts of strange things in
films are usually fleeting in nature, and the sky and speculating as to what they
whether moving or still, the images are might be.
often seen at a distance with little or There are a number of explanations
no surface detail discernable. Ufologists used to account for the nature of UFOs.
(those who study UFOs) acknowledge The most common is the extraterrestrial
that the majority of sightings are mis- hypothesis (ETH), which states that UFOs
identifications of known phenomena and are nuts and bolts technology used by
aircraft and that a number of sightings alien civilizations to travel to and inspect
and photos are intentional hoaxes. the earth. This idea was first stated more
Some researchers see alien visitations roughly by anomalist writer Charles Fort
as a far from modern development. They in The Book of the Damned (1919), but
cite legends of gods, beings of light, and coined by University of Colorado physi-
similar occurrences in mythology and cist Edward Condon as part of his Con-
scriptures from cultures worldwide to don Report on UFOs in the 1960s. The
show these visits have occurred through- interdimensional hypothesis also seeks
out human history. From EzekielÊs wheel to explain UFOs, suggesting that UFOs
in the Bible to the Bimana of Vedic, scrip- are from a different physical dimension
tures have been held up as evidence of here on earth. A number of paranormal,
Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) | 161

These are typical shapes of UFOs reported by witnesses.

spiritual, or occult explanations have also in the popular menÊs magazine True, pub-
been put forth. While there are individ- lished in January 1950. This was quickly
ual scientists who believe UFOs are genu- followed by a book-length version of the
ine, there is no physical evidence of them article, called The Flying Saucers Are Real,
accepted by mainstream science. The which was released in the same year,
bulk of the evidence comes in the form and another, Flying Saucers from Outer
of eyewitness accounts, which run the Space (1953). Keyhoe argued that UFOs
gamut from those made by trustworthy had been coming to earth to observe hu-
observers such as military and police man behavior for several centuries. He
personnel to those which are obviously made the connection between atomic
hoaxes or are made by individuals with bomb testing and the sudden increase in
ulterior motives. There are also photos UFO activity. He also suggested that
and film footage, and, the least numer- these beings posed no threat to humans.
ous form of evidence, traces left behind His scenario worked its way into many
on the ground. popular film depictions of aliens both in-
An early supporter of the ETH was directly, as in The Day the Earth Stood
aviation writer and former Marine Corps Still (1951), and directly when he acted
Major Donald Keyhoe (1897–1988). He as technical advisor for Earth Versus the
was the author of some of the first and Flying Saucers (1956).
most influential UFO writings beginning In August 1947, just one month after
with the article „Flying Saucers are Real‰ the Arnold sighting, the now-infamous
162 | Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

Roswell incident occurred. The U.S. mil- final form, a close encounter of the third
itary at first announced and then denied kind (CE3) was often a combination of
a UFO had crashed in the New Mexico the first two along with direct observation
desert. By the following January, the Air of and interaction with the occupants of
Force had quietly begun Project Sign to the craft.
investigate the UFO phenomenon. Mem- Unidentified flying objects have been
bers of the project came to support the sighted around the world. While it has
ETH view as a probable explanation. Air been common to assign specifically Amer-
Force General Hoyt Vandenberg then re- ican cultural significance to UFOs, be-
moved those members and reconstituted cause they often represented postwar
the operation into Project Grudge. This worries about nuclear war, the spread of
new enterprise had a distinct anti-UFO communism, and other Cold War con-
bias. The official Air Force position was cerns, the international cross-cultural and
that there was nothing to the ETH. By cross-chronological nature of the phenom-
1952, a new and more public Air Force ena belies such easy meta-explanations,
operation called Blue Book was an- however UFOs do often take on specific
nounced. Critics charged that Blue Book cultural significance relative to the places
was really nothing more than an attempt in which they are seen. For example, a
by the Air Force to prove UFOs were not major „flap‰ (group of sightings) that oc-
real and to ridicule those who believed curred in Mexico in the 1990s had special
they were. Blue Book officially closed local religious and prophetic signifi-
down in 1969, after Air Force officials cance. Descriptions of the occupants of
stated there was nothing left for them to UFOs also vary depending on the culture
do, as they had shown claims of UFOs observing them. Western European and
and the ETH to be groundless. Anglo-American sightings tend toward
One of the first scientific investiga- the Grey aliens, Russian sightings often
tors of UFOs was the astronomer J. Allen include robotic characters, and Latin
Hynek (1910 –1986). He was asked by American sightings often include reptil-
the U.S. Air Force to serve as a civilian ian creatures. Insect-like creatures and
consultant for their three most widely humanoids are also sometimes seen.
known UFO investigations projects from UFOs are studied anecdotally by view-
1947–1969. He came to believe that ing video footage, still images, and, most
some UFO reports were indeed of extra- often, reviewing eyewitness accounts.
terrestrial craft. In order to categorize Like ghost hunting, the search for UFOs
these sightings, he developed a hierarchy is made problematic by a lack of indisput-
of „close encounters‰ that has since be- able evidence and research methodology.
come widely applied. A close encounter Without knowing what UFOs really are,
of the first kind (CE1) described sight- it is difficult to establish effective research
ings of UFOs in the viewerÊs relative vi- techniques. Of the various residual phe-
cinity that had no interaction with people nomena reported to be associated with
or the environment. A close encounter of UFO encounters·burned ground areas,
the second kind (CE2) described UFOs raised levels of radioactivity, cattle rip-
that left some evidence of their presence ping, and unusual lighting effects· all
upon the environment, like marks on the have alternate, prosaic explanations which
ground or traces of radioactivity. The could account for them. As of yet, there
Vampires | 163

are no examples of residual debris or vampire-like legends from most cultures

ground effects that have been unquestion- around the world. The modern word „vam-
ably attributed to extraterrestrial causes. pire‰ comes from folklore prevalent in
There is also a lack of uniformity to UFO the Balkans and southeastern Europe,
evidence. Though there are examples of and became popular in the 18th century.
similar objects seen in different parts of The folkloric vampire is a rotted, bloated,
the world, photographs and films regu- slow-moving, and repulsive thing that
larly show very different types of craft. preys upon victims local to where it was
There is also a lack of uniform residual originally buried. Details of vampiric
evidence left behind by reputed UFO behavior vary according to their home
landings. cultures.
As with so much in the world of pseu- Vampires get their cultural punch not
doscience, UFOs are associated with a from historical sources, but from litera-
great deal of circumstantial and intrigu- ture. Most of the accoutrements of vam-
ing evidence, but nothing concrete. Given pire lore are inventions of novelists and
that science works by analyzing physi- filmmakers. The first modern vampire
cal evidence, there has been disappoint- novel was John PolidoriÊs The Vampyre
ingly little to study despite worldwide (1819). Polidori wrote his story while
belief and interest in the subject, even on staying in the company of the poet Percy
the part of academic scientists. While the Bysshe Shelley and his wife Mary Woll-
mainstream scientific community does stonecraft Shelley as they toured Europe
believe the chances are good that sen- in the summer of 1816. It was during this
tient life exists elsewhere in our universe, same period that Mary Shelley began
few accept the idea that any of those writing Frankenstein (1818). The ultimate
possible life forms have visited the earth vampire novel was published later that
now or in the past. century when Irish playwright Bram
Stoker (1847–1912) published Dracula
See also: Alien Abduction; Alien Autopsy; (1897). Stoker based the character of
Fort, Charles Hoy; Roswell Incident.
Count Dracula on the historical figure of
Further Reading Vlad Tepes (1413–1476), also known as
Evans, Hillary, and Dennis Stacy, eds. 1997. Vlad the Impaler and, in his native Wal-
UFO 1947–1997: Fifty years of flying sau- lachia / Transylvania area, called Vlad
cers. London: John Brown. Dracul (son of the dragon). While Vlad
Yenne, Bill. 1997. UFO evaluating the evidence. was a ruthless leader and mass murderer,
New York: Smith Mark. he did not drink his victimsÊ blood. Stoker
combined this character with legendary
ideas about vampires to create Dracula
VAMPIRES and then turned a loathsome fiend into
a suave and debonair socialite. The mod-
Vampires are re-animated dead humans ern romantic image of the sexy vampire
who live on the blood of the living, pri- is as far from the folkloric version as
marily humans but occasionally animals. can be imagined. What most people be-
Vampires drink the blood of their vic- lieve are ancient vampiric tendencies, as
tims by biting them to initiate the blood with those of the werewolf, are mostly
flow, and then imbibe it. There are inventions of Hollywood. Vampires are
164 | Vimana

still believed to exist in places around the shoehorned into UFO belief, but histori-
world. Vampire panics were reported in ans know it is problematic to try to in-
Africa as late as 2005. terpret past peoples and their writings in
terms of modern ideas.
See also: Werewolves.
See also: Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
Further Reading
McNally, Raymond T. 1994. In search of Drac-
ula: The history of Dracula and vampires.
New York: Mariner Books.
Eric Von Däniken (b. 1935) is the specula-
VIMANA tive Swiss writer and hotelier best known
for Chariots of the Gods (1968), in which
Vimana are flying machines described in he argued that archaeological evidence
a number of ancient Indian Sanskrit po- existed to prove intelligent beings from
ems and epic literature including the Ve- other worlds had visited the earth in the
das, Ramayana, and Mahabharata. They ancient past and heavily influenced the
are flying wheeled chariots that act as course of human history. He gained world-
conveyances for the gods. These texts wide notoriety for his book, which helped
date back to about 1500 bc, but likely go create a major interest in the subject. His
back further as oral traditions. Some ufol- assertions have mostly been ignored by
ogists see vimana as ancient descriptions archaeologists and Egyptologists or de-
of flying saucers and other extraterres- bunked as nonsense. Von Däniken had no
trial machinery. They are seen as the ufo- training in archaeology or world history
logical equivalent to biblical descriptions and misrepresented some of his evidence.
of EzekielÊs wheel and others. The craze His use of a picture of an ovoid shape
for linking the vimana to UFOs began drawn into the ground at Nazca, Peru,
with the publication in the 1970s of a which Von Däniken said looked like the
supposed Vedic text called the Vaima⌂ nika parking area for large airplanes at an air-
Sha⌂ stra. The text was supposedly chan- port, drew criticism because it was actu-
neled, or recited by a dead person through ally only a few feet across (the photo in his
a living one while in a trance. A Hindu mys- book made it seem huge). Von Däniken
tic was able to contact an ancient Hindu argued that they were used by extra-
mystic through occult means and he gave terrestrial spacecraft as a parking area
him the text orally. The text describes the while awaiting takeoff. His reputation
flying machines, how they are made, how was not helped by a fraud conviction and
they are flown, and what they are used tax troubles, for which he spent time in a
for. While impressive sounding to lay- Swiss jail. Von Däniken later recanted
men, when read by trained engineers, the some of his evidence, admitting that it was
Vaima⌂ nika Sha⌂ stra comes off as jibberish. manmade and not of extraterrestrial ori-
The vimana are another in a line of at- gin as he had originally claimed. A theme
tempts to find historical proof of UFOs. park based on his work closed due to fi-
Ufologists have been raiding the ancient nancial failure in 2006.
texts and histories of all the worldÊs lit-
erature looking for evidence that can be See also: Ancient Astronaut Theory.
Water Memory | 165

VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT molecule of that material remains, the

water will still behave as if it still had a
The Voynich manuscript is an extraordi- high concentration of that material in it.
nary medieval manuscript that has defied This was once thought to be a significant
deciphering for centuries, even by modern scientific support for the alternative med-
military cryptologists. Written sometime ical practice of homeopathy, as a great
in the late 15th or early 16th centuries in deal of homeopathy is based on the di-
Europe, its inability to be read has only lution of remedies in water. If proven,
increased interest in the work and inspired water memory would allow a patient to
a number of authors to attempt to explain take various medical remedies in a highly
its origins, its history, and authorship. It diluted form without the risk of certain
is most commonly attributed to Francis side effects, yet he would still gain the
Bacon, though the case for Bacon is con- full recuperative powers of the remedy.
sidered problematic. Despite repeated attempts to prove the ef-
The manuscript was named for Wilfrid ficacy of water memory, there has been
Voynich, the rare-book dealer who first no successful, scientifically controlled,
brought it to modern notice in 1912. It is double-blind test of it accepted by the
thought to be the only medieval manu- mainstream scientific and medical com-
script that remains without translation. munities.
The arrangement, repetition, and use of The main champion of water memory
the words in the work do not seem to fol- was French biologist and immunologist
low accepted ways of language writing. Jacques Benviniste (1935–2004), whose
Also, there are no other known examples career was planted firmly in the main-
of the script used. This has led some schol- stream. After graduating from medical
ars to argue that the Voynich manuscript school, he chose to go into immunological
is an elaborate hoax written in a made-up research instead of private practice be-
language that cannot be deciphered be- cause of a back injury he had sustained
cause there is no language to decipher, during his early career as a racecar driver.
only gibberish. There are illustrations (il- In the 1960s and 1970s, he worked first
luminations) throughout the text that sug- for the French Cancer Research Institute
gest it is an herbal or astronomical work (CNRS) and then the prestigious Scripps
of some sort. It currently resides in the Clinic and Research Foundation in Cali-
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Li- fornia where he did important work on hu-
brary at Yale University in New Haven, man blood structure. By the mid-1970s he
Connecticut. had been appointed head of the National
Institute of Health and Medical Re-
search (INSERM), a French government-
sponsored body. It was at INSERM that
WATER MEMORY his water-memory work began. His team
diluted human antibodies, yet found that
Water memory refers to the idea that or- the water in which they had been diluted
dinary water is able to retain the memory still reacted when mixed with other mate-
of materials dissolved into regardless rials in the way they would have had they
of how diluted the water is rendered. In not been diluted. It worked only when the
other words, if a material is diluted in solution was shaken vigorously. This was
water to the point that not even a single a startling and important discovery and
166 | Wellcome, Henry

promised exceptional relief for allergy that several members of his team were
sufferers. on the payroll of a major French homeo-
In 1998, Benviniste collated his teamÊs pathic company called Boiron. The Nature
work and sent it as a paper to the highly team argued that all the test procedures
regarded journal Nature. Such a publica- were agreed upon ahead of time and that
tion would give the water memory idea they did nothing Benviniste and his team
the stamp of approval of the scientific did not know was going to be done. The
world and, by association, support the mainstream scientific community saw
maligned field of homeopathy. The Nature this as a repudiation of water memory in
editorial board found itself in a quandary. particular and homeopathy in general,
They could find no obvious mistakes or while the homeopathy community saw
faulty methods in the paper, but to accept the test as just one more insult and dis-
it for publication would mean suspending missal of their work and the confirma-
belief in large chunks of the known laws tion that the mainstream was trying to
of chemistry. NatureÊs senior editor John crush them. Benviniste continued his
Maddox made a compromise. BenvinisteÊs experiments·despite being fired from
paper was published in June 1988, but an INSERM·with the support of the ho-
editorial by Maddox ran with it. He stated meopathic industry. Since then, a small
his concerns and articulated the prob- group of scientists at other laborato-
lems with the laws of chemistry with ries sympathetic to water memory have
which water memory conflicted. To claimed to have replicated the positive
solve the conundrum, he suggested that a tests results, or at least have argued there is
double-blind test be made to see if Ben- enough to water memory to continue re-
vinisteÊs results could be verified. A ref- search. In 1997, Benviniste founded the
eree team was assembled that included DigiBio company funded by the home-
Maddox and magician and pseudosci- opathy industry and dedicated to de-
ence foe James Randi. Both sides agreed veloping various applications for digital
upon a set of rules and understandings, biology (what water memory was now
and the test began. The test produced re- being called).
sults just as in the paper. Maddox, how-
ever, was suspicious of some of the ways See also: Blind Testing; Homeopathy.
the lab technicians could see the differ- Further Reading
ence between test samples. One more test Web site.
was agreed upon, and this time with the Maddox, J., J. Randi, and W. W. Stewart. 1998.
lab team sequestered while the test sam- „ High-dilution‰ experiments a delusion. Na-
ples were prepared so that no one would ture 334:287–90.
know which test sample was which. This
time, the test failed to produce the desired
Following the test, Nature ran an ar- WELLCOME, HENRY
ticle with its evaluation of water memory.
The editorial board said that belief in wa- Henry Wellcome was an eccentric Ameri-
ter memory was „unnecessary as it was can drug-company entrepreneur and self-
fanciful.‰ While Nature did not accuse made millionaire who used his wealth
Benviniste of fraud, they were concerned to amass one of the largest collections
Werewolves | 167

of anthropological and medical history The werewolf is a human who is trans-

books, ephemera, and artifacts in the formed against his will into such a crea-
world. He began his career as an assis- ture. Generally associated with European
tant in his uncleÊs Midwestern pharmacy folklore, werewolves (from a combina-
and quickly worked his way up. He qual- tion of Old English and Germanic words
ified as a pharmacist and dreamed of do- for wolf-man), or lycanthropes (from the
ing something altruistic for humankind. Greek for wolf-man), are mythical fig-
In 1880, he traveled to England and, ures that transform, or shape shift, into
with a partner, formed Burroughs Well- wolves or wolf-like creatures, though not
come & Co. He coined the word „tabloid.‰ always at the full moon. Similar legends
Wellcome (1853–1936) traveled widely are known back to ancient times. The
but also employed paid collectors exten- Roman author Pliny the Elder wrote of a
sively. He was especially interested in monstrous race of dog-headed men called
the more unusual aspects of anthropol- the Cynocephali. They were not reputed
ogy and medical history, especially from to be shape-shifters, however. As one usu-
third world countries. He collected an- ally is made a werewolf by being bitten
cient manuscripts from around the world, or mauled by an existing werewolf, ly-
books, medical instruments, medical ad- canthropy is normally viewed as a curse.
vertising, sexual aides, religious fetishes, In some cultures, shamans (priest-like
medical furniture, and medicines them- religious figures) shape shift as part of a
selves. He was able to reconstruct entire religious ritual. Such rituals, commonly
apothecary shops and an alchemistÊs lab- found among Native American religious
oratory. The collection eventually reached beliefs, call for the shaman to don animal
over one million pieces. In 1936, the year skins to take on the appearance of a wolf.
of his death, he established the Wellcome Shamans may also imbibe hallucinogenic
Trust to promote medical research and drugs so that they feel like wolves. The
philanthropy. The bulk of the collection word Animagus, one who can turn them-
is located in London. selves into a werewolf intentionally, is a
fictional creation of author J. K. Rowling
See also: Alternative Medicine. and is not historic.
Further Reading There is no set canon of werewolf be-
Arnold, Ken, and Danielle Olsen, eds. 2003.
lief. Superstitions vary from one culture
Medicine man: The forgotten museum of to the next about the meaning of lycan-
Henry Wellcome. London: British Museum thropy, how one becomes a werewolf, how
Press. werewolves live, and how they die. The
Gould, Tony, ed. 2007. Cures and curiosities: idea of dispatching a werewolf with silver
Inside the Wellcome library. London: Profile bullets is a 20th-century cinematic inven-
Books. tion, as is possibly the most famous piece
of werewolf poetry written by screen-
writer Curt Siodmak for the film The
Wolf Man (1941):
Even a man who is pure of heart
Werewolves are legendary creatures that And says his prayers at night
are a composite of humans and wolves. Can become a wolf
168 | Werewolves

When the wolf bane blooms got the name lycanthropy. Totems and
And the autumn moon battle practices of Germanic, Scandina-
Shines bright vian, and Pictish warriors often involved
wolves and have been cited as an influ-
There are few recorded cases of trials ence on the myth, as have primordial and
for lycanthropy during the witch crazes anthropological justifications for lupine
of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. phoebes. Lycanthropy as a term has au-
The best documented is that of an old man thentic European medical connotations
named Thies of Kaltenbrun, of Latvia, for one with appetite and mannerisms of
in 1691. The court did not take lycan- a wolf. In many circumstances, the vi-
thropy that seriously and certainly not able treatment was legal execution. Ly-
this old man who said he was a werewolf canthropy was correlated with witchcraft
and had traveled to hell and back. He particularly in France, where it was used
made numerous fantastic claims before as an accusation in the Valais witch trials.
the bench. The court had only called him Sightings of werewolves are not com-
as a witness in a separate witchcraft case, mon at present, and no large community
and was apparently sorry they did. of lycanthropic believers exists. There are
The origin of the werewolf myth is un- communities, particularly in Africa and
certain and perhaps has no singular gen- India, that still believe in were-creatures
esis, as many cultures have lupine lore. though they are often other than wolves.
The Greek god Zeus turned Lyceaon, One might conjecture a correlation among
founder of Acadiea, into a wolf. A cult these sightings and other myths of hair-
arose around that myth that lasted into covered human attackers. Lycanthropic
the early years ad. It is from this myth illness may have been projected on the
that the condition of being a werewolf mentally ill in medieval and early mod-
ern Europe. Nazi Germany incorporated
lycanthropic and lupine imagery into the
cannon of military terminology. Evi-
dence of ailments related to lycanthropy
is rather shallow, but many theories exist
as to what may have made someone be
mistaken for a werewolf. Other creatures
of similar morphing ailments turn to bears,
boars, tigers, hares, or crocodiles.
Werewolves, like vampires, are not
cryptids, but rather folkloric creations of
the imagination. Humans do not have the
ability to shape shift. While they may
be romantic figures, werewolves are not
flesh-and-blood animals.

See also: Shape Shifting.

Further Reading
Half man, half wolf, the werewolf is popularly Baring-Gould, Sabine. 1973. The book of were-
depicted as a vicious but tragic figure. wolves. New York: Causeway Books.
Worlds in Collision | 169

De Blécourt, Willem. 2007. A journey to Hell: As noted, the scientific community re-
Reconsidering the Livonian „ werewolf.‰ acted swiftly and negatively to Worlds
Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft 2 (1): 49– 67. in Collision and quickly pointed out that
Edwards, Kathryn A., ed. 2002. Werewolves, the way Velikovsky describes the move-
witches, and wandering spirits: Traditional
ments of the planets violates every-
belief and folklore in early modern Europe.
thing known about Newtonian physics.
Kirksville, MO: Truman State University
Velikovsky admitted that he was pro-
Godfrey, Linda S. 2008. Werewolves (myster- posing that gravity did not always work
ies, legends, and unexplained phenomena). the way astronomers thought. Indeed,
New York: Checkmark Books. prior to Worlds in Collision he published
a pamphlet title Cosmos without Gravi-
tation (1946). He was criticized for not
understanding celestial mechanics·how
WORLDS IN COLLISION planets behave · and that a number of
his basic premises were posited despite
Worlds in Collision is a controversial evidence being discovered and pub-
book by Russian author Immanuel Veli- lished that countered him prior to the writ-
kovsky (1895–1979) in which he argued ing his book.
a catastrophic view of the origins of the Well-known astronomer Carl Sagan
solar system, human history, and the cre- was especially active in denouncing
ation of the planet Venus. Velikovsky ar- Worlds in Collision and he included an
gued his point by marshaling folkloric, entire chapter on it in his book BrocaÊs
legendary, and ancient cultural traditions Brain (1979). He argued that everything
and knowledge to argue for certain his- astronomers knew about the history, at-
torical movements of heavenly bodies. mosphere, geology, and orbiting habits of
According to Worlds in Collision (1950), Venus contradicted VelikovskyÊs work.
about the 15th century bc, a large body Archaeologists also denounced Velikov-
was spontaneously ejected from the skyÊs skewing and rewriting of ancient
planet Jupiter. This body passed so close history as amateurish and wrongheaded.
to the earth that it caused catastrophic Velikovsky had rearranged and reinter-
meteorological and geological upheaval. preted known ancient history and genu-
It came close to the earth again about half ine source materials in a quirky way to
a century later, bringing another round support the idea that ancient people knew
of apocalyptic earth destruction. It then of these catastrophic earth changes. He
assumed a predictable orbit around the said that the two close passings of the fu-
sun and assumed the role of the planet ture planet Venus and the havoc they
Venus. Though widely popular, the scien- wreaked had been recorded in different
tific community roundly criticized Worlds religions as stories and descriptions of
in Collision, especially astronomers who their deities.
argued that Velikovsky had badly mis- Immanuel VelikovskyÊs Worlds in
interpreted the workings of celestial me- Collision helped pave the way for later
chanics and that the basic ideas of the neocatastrophist, antiscience and ar-
work bordered on fantasy. The book has chaeology writers like Zacharia Sitchin
remained controversial and has garnered a and his The 12th Planet (1976) and
cult following. Graham HancockÊs Fingerprints of the
170 | Wyman, Alice

Gods (1995). Sitchin hypothesized about Ellenberger, Leroy. 1995. An antidote to Velikov-
a planet unknown to modern astrono- skian delusions. Skeptic 3 (4): 49 –51.
mers but well known the ancients called Forrest, Robert. 1983–84. Venus and Velikovsky:
Marduk. He also engaged in speculation The original sources. Skeptical Inquirer 8 (2):
154 – 64.
about ancient astronauts being the sources
Ransom, C. J. 1976. The age of Velikovsky. New
for early religious traditions. Hancock
York: Delta.
proposed that, around 5500 bc, a kind Sagan, Carl. 1979. BrocaÊs brain: Reflections on
of benevolent golden-age race of people the romance of science. New York: Random
were scattered by catastrophic planetary House.
change. The survivors traveled around
the world and helped create the known
ancient civilizations of Egypt, Meso-
america, and others. Both these works,
like Worlds in Collision, are based on WYMAN, ALICE
quirky interpretations of archaeological
knowledge by nonarchaeologists, ancient Professor Alice Wyman is a 21st-century
languages by nonlinguists, and astro- American author/playwright best known
nomical movements by nonastronomers for her work Fifteenth Century Fanatics
to completely rewrite human history in (1998), which analyzed the largely for-
terms of titanic catastrophic upheavals, gotten Hermetic Order of the Ocean. This
lost super races, and the general notion secret society indulged its aristocratic
that there is a hidden human history that London membersÊ interests in divination
the scientific establishment actively works and prophecy. The society existed from
to suppress knowledge of. Even more in- the early 1640s until 1700, when it was
sidiously, these works promote the idea forcefully disbanded by government
that academic specialists who spend their troops following a riot in LondonÊs West
careers studying a topic like archaeology, End district. Wyman discovered the
astronomy, or geology are bumbling sim- cache of original manuscript writings on
pletons who are blind to the truth of what the society, which had been bound in a
the materials mean, and that these spe- cover listing it as a rather common ver-
cialists cannot be trusted. It is a fear of sion of MandevilleÊs Travels (as a form
intellectuals that promotes the idea that of camouflage), at the Bodleian Library
an amateur investigator working with a at Oxford while working on her gradu-
complex subject like planetary mechan- ate degree. She also wrote the success-
ics, Babylonian history, or the ancient ful Broadway stage play „A Long Walk
Sumerian language is more trustworthy Home‰ based on the fragmentary mem-
than the professional scholar. This makes oir of Clara Bellatrix (d. 1751), the Prov-
Worlds in Collision and its progeny the idence, Rhode Island, herbalist who was
poster children for pseudoscience and the last person put on trial for witchcraft
pseudohistory. at Boston. WymanÊs most recent work is
Lost on the Yellow Brick Road, a study
See also: Hidden History; Pseudohistory. of the real characters behind Frank L.
Further Reading BaumÊs Wizard of Oz. She has always re-
Ellenberger, C. Leroy. 1981. Marduk unmasked. jected some admirersÊ claims that she is
Frontiers of Science (May– June): 3– 4. herself a witch.
Yogic Flight | 171

Further Reading
Encyclopedia of world biography. 2007. Lon-
don: Gale Cengage.

Yeti is the popular name for an anoma-
lous primate said to inhabit the Hima-
layan Mountains of Nepal and Tibet.
References to this cryptid extend far into
Nepalese and Tibetan history. Western
interest in yeti was sparked in the 1920s
when a garbling of the native word for
the creature was translated as „Abomi-
nable Snowman.‰ In 1951, mountain
climber Eric Shipton took a series of
photographs of alleged yeti footprints
in the snow of Nepal. Interest exploded,
and the British newspaper The Daily
Mail sponsored the first in a series of
The original Abominable Snowman of Nepal,
publicity-stunt expeditions to find the the Yeti.
snowman. Other expeditions followed,
including those by adventurer Tom Slick
and the first Western man to climb to the
top of Mt. Everest, Edmund Hillary. YOGIC FLIGHT
Expeditions have continued throughout
the years, but none has ever found con- Yogic flight is an ability claimed by
clusive proof of the creatureÊs existence, those who study the philosophy of tran-
let alone a snowmanÊs body. Bernard scendental meditation (TM) and its off-
Heuvelmans was the first to suggest the shoot TM Sidhi. While sitting in the
yeti might be the evolutionary descen- traditional Buddhist lotus position of
dent of the Asian fossil ape Giganto- crossed legs, enthusiasts hop about in a
pithecus. state of religious euphoria. This is the
most commonly witnessed form of the
See also: Anomalous primates; Cryptozoology. phenomenon. Practitioners claim that
Further Reading
the hopping (known as „ leaping like a
frog ‰) is merely a prelude to sustained
Heuvelmans, Bernard. 1955. Sur la piste des
bêtes ignorées. Paris: Plon. English trans.
levitation that is said to be achieved by
1958. On the Track of Unknown Animals. advanced adepts. Only those well along
New York: Hill and Wang. in TM studies are allowed to witness the
Sanderson, Ivan. 1961. Abominable snowmen: final stage of levitation.
Legend come to life. Philadelphia, PA: Introduced into the West by char-
Chilton. ismatic guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
172 | Zombie

(1917–2008), TM is a spiritual journey documented the Maharishi Effect in over

to find oneÊs inner self and peace, known 50 studies.‰
as Atma. Special breathing and relaxation
exercises are used to reach a point that
is described as „an unbounded ocean of
self-referral consciousness.‰ Tapping into ZOMBIE
this consciousness is what allows for yogic
flight to occur. Practitioners of TM and A zombie is a previously dead person
yogic flight argue they are not engaging brought back to life through occult means.
in a religion, but rather a scientific ap- The undead individual is at the beck
proach to enlightenment. and call of the adept, or Bokor, who re-
The Maharishi was born in India, where animated him, and are often used as slave
he studied with senior spiritual masters labor. Zombies are most often associated
but also earned a degree in physics from with the Caribbean, the Creole region of
Allahabad University. Combining the two the United States, Haiti, and the religion
disciplines into what he called transcen- of Voodoo. A popular religion, Voodoo is
dental meditation, he began to spread these a combination of traditional West Afri-
techniques outside of India in the 1950s. can theology and Roman Catholicism.
He and TM received an enthusiastic re- The word „zombie‰ is a corruption of
ception and drew many Western celebri- various West African words meaning
ties to his ranks, including the pop group „spirit of a dead person‰ or ghost, and
The Beatles. first entered the English language in the
Because nonmembers are never al- early 1870s. Voodoo began in the 16th cen-
lowed to photograph or film actual yogic tury when West African slaves were forci-
flight in its advanced levitation phase, bly brought to the Americas by Catholic
it is impossible to know whether this abil- Spanish and Portuguese slavetraders.
ity has ever been achieved. There is no Western theologians and writers dispar-
physiological way for a human body to aged Voodoo as a barbarous cult that prac-
achieve powered flight or levitation · ticed cannibalism, devil worship, and
other than the brief hesitation before an zombification. These were more prod-
upwardly propeled body begins to fall· ucts of European bigotry rather than any
without a mechanical aid. Practitioners of reality. That zombies eat flesh and go on
yogic flight may achieve a euphoric state killing sprees is not part of traditional
through meditation and prayer, but hop- Voodoo, but is instead an invention of
ping around is not powered flight. Sup- 20th-century filmmakers. The creation of
posed scientific studies of yogic flight zombies is not a central part of Voodoo,
show that practitioners reach a height- and most Voodoo practitioners reject it.
ened level of clarity of mind and brain Voodoo dolls, small manikins into which
function. If done in groups, yogic flight people stick pins in order to bring bad
is said to be able extend this effect from luck to an enemy, are more European
the individual to his surroundings, thus than Caribbean.
reducing stress and even crime. This is Researchers, folklorists, and other
known as the Maharishi Effect. A TM skeptics have argued that the zombie state
Web site claims that „scientists have is induced not through occult practices,
Zombie | 173

but with a subtle use of potent drugs. In

the early 1980s, Harvard botanist Wade
Davis, intrigued by this notion, went to
Haiti to study the phenomenon. His re-
search was published in popular form as
The Serpent and the Rainbow (1985) and
showed that the Bokors were using the
powerful natural drug tetrodotoxin, a poi-
son found in the puffer fish common in
Caribbean waters. Davis argued that tet-
rodotoxin produced the same symptoms
as those reported in zombies.
If zombies are „made,‰ it would be
through drug intoxication, as Wade Davis
showed, rather than re-animation of the
dead. Once a human body dies and en-
tropy takes over, decay begins. Once that
occurs, no amount of drugs or electricity
will bring a dead person back to life.

Further Reading
Anderson, W. H. 1988. Tetrodotoxin and the
zombie phenomenon. Journal of Ethnophar-
macology 23:121–26.
Davis, Wade. 1983. The ethnobiology of the
The typical gaunt, sunken-eyed look of a
classic zombie. Haitian zombie, Journal of Ethnopharma-
cology 9:85–104.
This page intentionally left blank

Allen, Denna and Janet Midwinter. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited

„Michelle Remembers: the Debunking of Press, 2001.
a Myth.‰ The Mail on Sunday
Berlitz, Charles and William L. Moore. The
(September 30, 1990): 41.
Roswell Incident: The Classic Study of a
Bailey, Michael. Magic and Superstition in UFO Contact. New York: G. P. PutnamÊs
Europe: A Concise History from Antiquity Sons, 1980.
to the Present. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Bird, Roland T. Bones for Barnum Brown.
Littlefield, 2006. Dallas: Texas Christian University Press,
Baring-Gould, Sabine. The Book of 1985.
Werewolves. New York: Causeway Bivins, Roberta. Alternative Medicine?:
Books, 1973. A History. Oxford: Oxford University
Bates, A. W. Emblematic Monsters: Press, 2008.
Unnatural Conceptions and Deformed Blumrich, Joseph. The Spaceships of
Births in Early Modern Europe. Ezekiel. New York: Bantam, 1974.
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2005.
Bondeson, Jan. „ The Biddenden Maids: A
Bayanov, Dmitri. In the Footsteps of the Curious Chapter in the History of
Russian Snowman. Moscow: Conjoined Twins.‰ Journal of the Royal
Crypto-Logos, 1996. Society of Medicine 85 (1992): 217–21.
Ben-Itto, Hadassa. The Lie That WouldnÊt Bondeson, Jan. The Two Headed Boy and
Die: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Other Medical Marvels. Ithaca, NY:
Portland, OR: Mitchell Vallentine & Cornell University Press, 2000.
Company, 2005.
Bousfield, E. L. and P. H. LeBlond. „An
Bennett, Mary D. and David S. Percy. Dark Account of Cadborosaurus willsi, New
Moon: Apollo and the Whistle-Blowers. Genus, New Species, a Large Aquatic

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Abominable Snowman, 171 Answers in Genesis, 24

Acupuncture, 1, 2 Aquatic ape theory, 25, 26
Adamski, George, 8 Aquinas, Thomas, 98, 128
Age of Enlightenment, 2, 3, 95 Argument from design, 90
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 138 Arment, Chad, 50
Akashic record, 29 Arnold, Kenneth, 160, 161
Alchemy, 3 –7 Aryan mythology, 27– 29, 60
Aldrin, Edwin ÂBuzz,Ê 120 Astral projection, 29
Alexander technique, 12, 13 Astrology, 29, 30, 70
ALF, 19, 20 Atlantis, 30, 156
Alien abduction, 7–10 Atomic mutants, 32, 33
Alien autopsy, 10, 11
Alien big cats, 20, 21 Bach, Edward, 13
Aliens, 162 Bacon, Francis, 31, 36
Al Jabir ibn Hayyan, 4 Barnes, Henry Elmer, 137
Almasti, 24, 110 Bates, Allan, 113
Al Razi, 4 Baugh, Carl, 24
Alternative medicine, 11–14, 86 Baynanov, Dmitri, 110
American Association for Health Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, 33
Freedom, 14 Beast of Exmoor, 21
American College for Advancement of Beatles, The, 172
Medicine, 14 Beat of Bodmin, 21
Ancient astronauts, 14 –18 Behe, Michael, 92, 95, 96
Ancient humans, 15, 22 Bellatrix, Clara, 170
Andrews, Colin, 47 Beneviste, Jacques, 165, 166
Animal testing, 18 – 20 Berkowitz, David, 145
Anomalous big cats, 20, 21 Berlitz, Charles, 36, 38
Anomalous fossils, 21– 24 Bermuda triangle, 36 – 38
Anomalous primates, 24, 25 Bernstein, Morey, 128

186 | Index

Biddenden Maids, 115 Crop circles, 47, 48

Bigfoot, 24, 38 – 41, 110 Crossing Over, 150
Bigfoot hoax, 40 Crowley, Aleister, 79
Bimini road, 15, 31 Cryptozoology, 40, 49 – 51, 101, 103, 104
Bird, Roland, T., 105 Crystal skull, 51, 52
Blind testing, 41, 165, 166 CSICOP, 11, 76, 77
Blumrich, Joseph, 17 CSRC (Creation science research
Borely Rectory, 76, 77 center), 46
Bousefield, Edward, 102
Bradbury, Ray, 33 Dahinden, René, 39
Bridey Murphy case, 127, 128 Darwin, Charles, 59, 117
Brown, Dan, 139 Davenport Brothers, 150
Bruno, Giordano, 127 Davis, Wade, 173
Buck vs. Bell, 61, 62 Dawson, Charles, 131– 34
BVM ( Blessed Virgin Mary), 107 Day-Age theory, 52
Debunk, 52 – 54
Cardiff Giant, 41, 42 Dee, John, 56
Carr, Caleb, 139 De Gobineau, Joseph-Arthur, 60
Carson Johnny, 153 Demski, William, 90 – 96
Casaubon, Isaac, 78 Dendle, Peter, 50
Cayce, Edgar, 29, 31, 51, 151 Denton, Michael, 91, 95
Challenger disaster, 120 Design inference, 90, 93
Champ, 101– 3 Dinosaurs, 104, 105
Chang & Eng, 115 Discovery Institute, 92, 93
Chariots of the Gods, 164 Divination, 55
Chinese medicine, 1, 2 DNA, 33, 40, 51, 88, 91, 112
Christian fundamentalism, 68 – 73, 121, Dr. Reed case, 124
122, 144 Donnelly, Ignatius, 31
Christianity, 4, 28, 44, 90 – 93, 101, 108, Doug and Dave ( Bower and Chorley), 48
113, 128, 154 Dover case, 92, 96
Christian Science, 108 Dowie, John Alexander, 68
Chupacabra, 42 Dowsing, 56
Church of Satan, 143, 144 Dracula, 163
Clock in the rock, 24 Dropa, 17
Cohn, Samuel, 139 Druids, 155
Cold spots, 43 Duncan, Helen, 150
Coleman, Loren, 49
Color therapy, 11 Easter Island, 57, 58
Combe Brothers, 130 Ectoplasm, 76
Conan-Doyle, Arthur, 66 Eddy, Mary Baker, 108
Condon, Edward, 160 Edison, Thomas, 157
Condon Committee, 87 Edwards vs. Aguillard, 91
Condon Report, 160 Ellis, Richard, 49
Couzzo, Jack, 111, 112 Empiricism, 58
Creation Conference, 24 ETH ( Extraterrestrial hypothesis), 160
Creationism, 22, 23, 52 Eugenics, 59 – 62
Creation science, 43 – 47 Evans, Richard, 138
Cremo, Michael, 23 EVPs, 62
Crew, Jerry, 38, 40 Ezekiel, 17, 18, 165
Index | 187

Face on mars, 63, 64 Hahnemann, C.F.S., 11, 13, 85

Fairy pictures, 65, 66 Halleux, Robert, 6
Fatima, 107, 109 Ham, Ken, 24
FBI, 145 Hancock, Graham, 31, 81, 169
Feynaman, Richard, 153 Hardy, Alistair, 25
Ficino, Marsilio, 78 Hatch, Cora, 150
Flamel, Nicholas, 66, 67, 129 Hawes, Jason, 74
Flat earth, 67– 69 Hegel, G. W., 27
Flight 19, 37 Herbalism, 11, 12, 108
Flood geology, 45 Hermes Trismegistus, 4, 78, 79
Fludd, Robert, 69, 70 Hermeticism, 78, 79
Foo fighters, 160 Heuvelmans, Bernard, 40, 49, 79,
Ford, Henry, 135 80, 101, 104, 110, 146, 171
Forman, Simon, 70 Hidden history, 80
Fort, Charles, 14, 71, 81, Hill, Betty and Barney, 8, 9, 88
126, 160 Hillary Sir Edmund, 171
Forteana, 71 Himmler, Heinrich, 137
Fortune, Dion, 103 Hinton, Martin, 133
Four elements, 4 Hippocrates, 13
Fowler Brothers, 129 – 31 Hoagland, Richard, 63, 64
Frakes, Jonathan, 10 Hoggan, David, 137, 138
Frankenstein, 163 Hollow earth theory, 81– 83
Freud, Sigmund, 12 Hollywood, 163
Fuller, John, 9 Holocaust denial, 55, 137– 39
Homeopathy, 11, 84 – 86, 165, 166
Galen, 18 Homo erectus, 132
Gall, Franz Joseph, 129, 130 Homo floresiensis, 123, 124
Galton, Francis, 59, 108 Hopkins, Bud, 9, 10, 127, 128
Gap theory, 44, 45, 71, 72 Horse-ripping, 86
Gay repair theory, 72, 73 Houdini, Harry, 54, 150
Geber, 4 Howe, Linda, 87
Geley, Gustave, 76 Human/alien hybrid, 7, 10, 87, 88
Geller, Uri, 54, 153 Hydrick, James, 54, 89
Genzoli, Andrew, 38, 39 Hydropathy, 12
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 155 Hynek, J. Allen, 162
Geomancy, 74 Hypnosis, 154
Gessner, Conrad, 146 Hypnotism, 127
Ghost Hunters, 74, 75
Ghost hunting, 43, 60, 162 Icke, David, 148
Gigantopithecus, 39, 40, 100, 171 Intelligent design, 43, 89 – 96
Gish, Duane, 46, 47 International Ghost Hunter
Glen Rose man tracks, Society, 152
23, 24, 105 IRC ( Institution for creation
Globster, 146 research), 46
God, 90, 94, 11, 112 Iridology, 11
Golden Dawn, 79 Irish Giant, 42
Golovinski, Matvei, 135 Irreducible complexity, 93, 94
Grant, Madison, 59, 61 Irving, David, 138
Green, John, 39 Islam, 4, 67
188 | Index

Jacobs, David, 9, 10, 127, Mansi photo, 102

128 Manson, Charles, 145, 146
Jersey Devil, 96 – 99 Marcel, Jesse, 140, 141
John Edward, 151 Marcel, Jesse Jr., 140
John of God, 54, 107 Master race, 27
Johnson, Charles K., 69 Materialism, 92
Johnson, Philip, 91, 92, 95 Maussan, Jaime, 124
Josephus, Flavius, 122 Mayan Civilization, 1
Judaism, 4 Mayor, Adrienne, 49, 146
McCarthy, Jane, 152
Kaysing, William, 119, 120 McGivern, Daniel, 122
Kazantsev, Alexander, 159 McMartin case, 144, 145
Keith, Arthur, 131, 134 Meister print, 22
Keyhoe, Donald, 8, 161 Meldrum, Jeffrey, 39, 49
Khwit, 110 Mendel, Gregor, 60
Kinesiology, 12 Mesmer, Franz Anton, 127
Kircher, Athanasius, 122 Metaphysics, 106, 128
Kirilian photography, 12 Michell, John, 23
Kluski hands, 76 Minnesota iceman, 40
Koreshanity, 83 Miracle cures, 106 – 9
Kraken, 146 Miracles, 106 – 9
Krantz, Grover, 39, 100 Mitchell-Hedges, Frederick
Kuhn, Thomas, 94, 126 Albert, 51, 52
Ku Klux Klan, 135 Mokele Mbembe, 104, 105,
Kulik, Leonid, 159 112, 113
Kushe, L. D., 37 Monk, Maria, 144
Monk calf, 114, 115
Lake monsters, 101– 3 Monstrous births, 113 –16
Le Blond, Paul, 102 Monstrous races, 116 –19
Lecher, Alfred, 154 Montagu, Elizabeth, 149
Le Gros Clark, Wilfrid, 132 Moon hoax, 119
Ley, Willy, 104 Moon landing hoax, 119,
Ley lines, 103 120
Limestone cowboy boot, 23 Morgan, Elaine, 25, 26
Lipstadt, Deborah, 138 Morgan, J. P., 157– 59
Loch Ness Monster, 101– 3 Morris, Desmond, 25
Locke, Richard Adams, 119 Morris, Henry, 45, 46
Lourdes, 107, 109 Mt. Everest, 171
Lovecraft, H. P., 121 MPD ( Multiple Personality
Luther, Martin, 114 Disorder), 148
Lycanthropy, 147, 148, 167, Munchausen syndrome, 154
Lyttelton, George, 149 Napier, John, 39, 40
NARTH ( National Association
Mack, John, 9, 127, 128 for Research and Therapy
Mackey, Charles, 105 of Homosexuality), 73
Madame Blavatsky, 28, 79 Nature, 166
Maddox, John, 166 Nazca lines, 15, 165
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 171 Nazis, 28, 29, 59, 62, 84, 103,
MandevilleÊs Travels, 117 104, 135, 137, 138, 168
Index | 189

Neanderthals, 15, 32, 109 –12, Popoff, Peter, 54, 107

132, 133 Popper, Karl, 66
Necronomicon, 212 Porshnev, Boris, 110
Newman, William, 7 Potter, Harry, 67
Newton, Sir Isaac, 6 Price, George McCready, 45
Nickell, Joe, 54 Price, Harry, 76
NoahÊs Ark, 44, 121,122 Principe, Lawrence, 7
Numerology, 123 Project Grudge, 162
Protocols of the Elders of Zion,
Oakley, Kenneth, 132 134, 135
Of Pandas and People, 91 Pseudohistory, 136 – 39, 164
Ogopogo, 101 Pye, Lloyd, 88
Operation Blue Book, 162 Pymander, 78
Operation Excelsior, 141 Pyramids, 16
Operation High Dive, 141
Operation Mogul, 141 Quasar, Gian, 38
Opobawa, 99
Oracle of Delphi, 149 Rafinesque, Constantine, 146
Orang-Pendek, 24, 123, 124 Randi, James „ The Amazing,‰
Orgone, 84 54, 89, 107, 153
Orthon, 8 Red mercury, 139, 140
Oudemans, A. C., 146 Reflexology, 12
OVNI, 124 Rene, Ralph, 120
Richet, Charles, 76
Padre Pio, 155 Rickard, Robert, 23
Paley, William, 90 Rines, Robert, 102
Palmistry, 125 Ripley, Robert, 81
Paracelsus, 6 Robert of Chester, 5
Paradigm, 126 Robert-Houdin, Jean Eugéne,
Parallax, 68 150
Paré, Ambroise, 113 Rock art, 16, 17
Past life regression, 126 – 29 Roswell, 162
Patent medicine, 108 Roswell incident, 140, 141
Patterson, Roger, 38 Rowbotham, Samuel, 68
Patterson-Gimlin film, 38, 39 Runaway nuns, 9, 144
Patton, Don, 24 Russell, Miles, 134
Paulk, John, 73
Pazder, Lawrence, 143, 144 Sagan, Carl, 168
Penn and Teller, 54 St. Francis, 154
PETA, 19 St. Paul, 154
Philosopher Ês Stone, 3, 7, 66, Sanderson, Ivan, 40, 49, 104,
79, 129 110, 112, 147
Phrenology, 129 – 31 Santilli, Ray, 10, 11
Piltdown man, 131– 34 Sasquatch, 39, 123
Pinker, Steven, 26 Satanic abuse, 143 – 46
Plato, 30, 31, 90, 106, 116 Schnabel, Jim, 154
Pliny the Elder, 116 Scopes Monkey Trial, 44, 72
Polanyi, Michael, 95, 95 Scott, Peter, 102
Polarity therapy, 11 Sea monsters, 146, 147
Polidori, John, 163 Séance, 149, 150
190 | Index

Second sight, 147 UFOs, 8 –10, 66, 84, 86, 140,

Shape shifting, 147, 167, 168 156, 159 – 63, 165
Shermer, Michael, 55
Shiatsu, 12 Vampire, 163, 164
Shipton, Eric, 171 Vandenberg, Hoyt, 162
Shroff, Geeta, 108 Van Graagh, James, 151
Shukar, Karl, 49 Velikovsky, Immanuel, 31,
Sibrel, Bart, 120 168 –70
Simon, Benjamin, 8 Vimana, 16, 160, 164
Siodmak, Curt, 167 Vlad Tepes, 163
Sitchin, Zacharia, 169, 170 Voliva, Wilbur Glenn, 68
Slick, Tom, 171 Von Braun, Werner, 104
Smith, Grafton Elliot, 131 Von Däniken, Eric, 14, 15, 165
Smith, Michelle, 143, 144 Voodoo, 172, 173
Smithsonian Institution, 23, 40 Voynich manuscript, 165
Smith Woodward, Arthur, 131– 34
Snallygaster, 99 Water memory, 165
Son of Sam case, 145, 146 Weiner, Joseph, 133
Soul, 128 Weismann, August, 60
South Park, 151 Wellcome, Henry, 166, 167
Spiderman, 33 Wells, Jonathan, 92
Spirit medium, 149 Werewolves, 167, 168
Spirit orbs, 152 Westenhöffer, Max, 25
Spoon bending, 153 White, Ellen, 45
Sprinkle, Leo, 9 Wilkins, Alfred, 103
Spurzheim, Johann, 130 Wilson, Colin, 32
Star Child, 88 Wilson, Grant, 74
Steiner, Rudolf, 29 Wilson, Ian, 154
Stigmata, 154, 155 Witch trials, 168
Stoker, Bram, 163 Wizard of Oz, 170
Stonehenge, 155, 156 Worlds in Collision, 168 –70
Stringer, Christopher, 112 The Wolf Man, 167
Symmes, John Cleve, 82 – 84 Wright, George Frederick, 44
World War II, 159, 160
Tabula rasa, 26
Wyman, Alice, 170
T Êai Chi ChÊuan, 12
Teed, Cyrus, 83, 84
Terry, Maury, 145 Xavier, Francisco Cândido, 151
Tesla, Nikola, 157– 59
Thagard, Paul, 30 YEC ( Young earth creationism),
Thaxton, Charles, 91 44, 92, 105
Them!, 33 Yeti, 24, 39, 171
Thies of Kaltenbrun, 168 Yogic flight, 171, 172
Thompson, Richard, 23 YouTube, 153
Tighe, Virginia, 128
TM ( Transcendental Meditation), Zana, 110
171, 172 Zetetic Society, 68
Tocci Brothers, 115 Zombie, 172, 173
Tunguska event, 159 Zotkin, Igor, 159
2012, 1 Zündel, Ernst, 138
About the Author

BRIAN REGAL is Assistant Professor for the History of Science at Kean University, in
New Jersey. His work centers on fringe notions, anomalous beliefs, dubious ideas, and
the people who propagate and study them. He has written on eugenics, racial anthro-
pology, creationism, the history of monster hunting, and their relationship to evolution
studies, society, and culture. He has never seen a ghost, a UFO, someone spontane-
ously combust or levitate. He has heard the song „4th of July, Asbury Park‰ every fourth
of July since 1977.


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