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- Title

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- Author
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- Issue
- Stance
- Tone
- Contention
- Technique
- Target audience
- Positioning of target audience

In current 21st society, as the use of fossil fuel and non-degradable products such as plastic increase
every year, so does the global issue of climate change. With severe weather patterns being one of
the main consequences of climate change, Jann Gilbert- a marine ecologist- shares her own
devastating experience with bushfires, through the online article ‘I lost everything in the Black
Summer bushfires. Two years later, I am losing hope.’

Published in 2021, Gilbert shares her story of how the Black Summer bushfire affected not just her,
but hundreds of others, as 125 houses became lost in Mallacoota in Victoria. While this destruction
devastated her, what truly made her lose all hope was when she realised real action towards
mitigating climate change was still severely lacking, as the government’s climate policy target fell
“well below what science deems as necessary.” Subsequently, through this online article and her
own story, Gilbert aims to make the readers more aware of their governments decisions regarding
climate change, and thus more critical during elections, in hopes that this will cause government
bodies to take climate change more seriously.

Gilbert achieves this message through several different language techniques, such as emotive
language and antithesis. Indeed, by using words such as ‘destruction’, ‘devastation’, ‘fading hope’,
and ‘locked’, Gilbert persuades the audience to her side, as the emotive language positions readers
to feel a sense of empathy towards her experience. The use of interpersonal pronouns such as ‘we’
and ‘us’ also trigger emotions, as this positions readers to feel a sense of belonging and connection
with the writer, which further enhances that persuasion. Gilbert also strategically uses antithesis, by
repeating the phrase ‘the more we’, in order to instil into the readers how climate change is a direct
consequence of our own actions: “The more we tear down environmental barriers, the more
opportunity we give for zoonotic diseases to flourish. The more we ignore a warming climate, the
greater the impacts will be.” By enhancing this message, readers become positioned to critically self-
reflect, but also reflect upon their government’s decisions, which is what Gilbert aims to achieve, as
explained previously.
Recently in the media the issue of cyberbullying has been discussed as it is an increasing issue.
Through the online article, ‘liability for cyberbullying outside playground gates’, the author Jasone
Newman from ABC news contends how cyberbullying needs to be put to a stop in order to benefit
students, teachers, and schools in general. Newman urges parents and students on how
cyberbullying and bullying in general needs to stop, whether within or outside school grounds. In
order to help solve this, Newman pushes the idea of holding anti bullying work shops and called.

Recently in the media the issue of cyber bulling has been discussed. the the opion piece, liability for
cyberbullying outside playground gates, by Jasone newman published by abc news. He contends that
Cyber bullying needs to be put to a stop .Newman urges parents of school children to see that we
must prevent bullying from continuing outside of school grounds. We can solve this problem by
holding anti bullying work shops and classes.

Newman argues the schools responsibility for bullying inside and outside school grounds.He states
that schools have "realised their responsibility", by highlighting the action that the schools have
realised that they must take to prevent bullying from continuing. The author intends for this to make
us feel proud of the action that the school is now taking and encouraging our belief in the public
school system. Newman then goes on to say that is is "rare" that any school these days doesn't have
an anti bullying program. He highlights this by demonstrating the workshops and classes they are
considering implementing to relieve kids from bullying. He encourages us to believe in the school
system and the actions they are taking to prtect the kids of the future. Newman includes an image of
a girl in school on her phone. he highlights the phone within the image to demonstarte the effect
that our phones have on us especially at such a vulnerable age. He intends for this to highlight how
bullying is easily transferable from school to at home behind a screen and makes us feel vulnerable.
Newman aims for parents of children at school to consider the effects that social media has on their
children and how it could be affecting their mental helath.

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