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Famous people

famous for /fame

achieve /the main achievement
discover/ make a discovery
work in the field of chemistry/physics/biology
thanks to his discovery/invention/exploration
contribute to / contribution
found a city / a university

I would name Dmitry Mendeleev as one of the famous___________SCIENCE

He is famous for the ________________ of the periodic table INVENT
known to anyone who studies ________________ . CHEMIST
He made an outstanding _____________________ to the world CONTRIBUTE
science. Many other ____________have been based on his works. DISCOVER

Many outstanding personalities played a role in the __________ DEVELOP

of the _______________ research. One of them is a Russian SCIENCE
physiologist and _________________, Ivan Pavlov. PSYCHOLOGY
When he was a small boy, he spent his ______________ CHILD
with his parents in their family house. He became ____________ INTEREST
in natural history when he was helping in the garden. Later he
studied medicine at the university.

Noun Adjective Verb

Music/ ---------------
Art/ ----------------
1. What are the most important qualities that make people famous?
2. What famous scientists do you know? What are they famous for?
3. Which inventions do you think can’t we imagine our life without? Who
invented these things?
4. When was your town founded? Who by?
5. Name a few famous explorers. What did they explore?
6. Which famous artists, writers and musicians can you name?
7. What should scientists be working on to improve the quality of life?
8. Do you think scientists should be paid more than celebrities?

Talk about famous people

1. What contributions and achievements make people famous.

2. What famous person you admire. Why?
3. How can an ordinary person become famous.

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