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Austin John R.


My Personal Testimony

Before I got saved, I was just no one. I didn’t want to be anything either. I am just
someone who is lazy about everything. I didn’t have plans for my future, I don’t like
sports, I am not a very productive person I’d say. Most people do not like to be with me
since they define me as someone who is boring and yeah, I do define myself to be that
person. Those things made me poor at communicating with other people since I was
always self-reliant and now all I can say is that I was foolish to think that way. I have
heard the Gospel already in those times, but I just don’t believe God since life hasn’t
been fair, and it just doesn’t favor me much.
If I can remember correctly, I got saved around September 2018. It was all because of a
bit hilarious reason I’d say. It all started when I was at school and my classmates invited
me to Wednesday night’s Prayer Meeting (One of them is my crush by the way). In my
head I am saying no since I really did not have any interest in going to Church, but I just
told them that I will just think about it since I didn’t want to be rude. One night they
suddenly came to my doorstep and because my crush was also there waiting to see if I
would go with them, I was ashamed not to go so I went with them. Weeks passed by and
they kept inviting me to go to Church in which I’ve hated so much that time. But then
someone shared to me the Gospel of Christ and that made me understand on how to go
to Heaven and it’s quite amazing that salvation is too simple though.
After I got saved, I was not a very faithful guy to the Church I suppose and still
struggling in a lot of things like adjustments of what a Christian should be like you
know, New Christian hardships. But thank goodness the Church and the Word of God’s
principles shaped me so much that it made me who I am right now. In our choir I teach
the Bass parts and for some reason I became a not that good Choir Conductor. Now I
am still overcoming shame on public speaking and proper witnessing since those are the
things that I am really struggling on. I still need help after all.

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