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How much I love my pets and my special bond with them.

Since I was a child I’ve always loved animals, in any form and shape -except for the insects, I
respect them, but yuck-, and my family have loved them as well. We’ve been having dogs over the
past 20 years, we also had parrots, some cats, even a turtle and a monkey that adopted itself into
our family, and my mom allowed it, but it didn’t last long (thankfully, because you could see lice
jumping out of her body). Generally, the cubs are brought home by my stepfather and they are
raised by all of us, but I think a more proper word instead of raise is spoil, they are brought home
under the illusion of being guard dogs, but in reality, they end up being the most spoiled pets ever,
but they still do their job properly!

Over the years we’ve had a lot of breeds, one Golden Retriever, lots of Rottweilers and even a
Cocker Spaniel, a Schnauzer and a Dalmatian, however, the main breed we keep buying
throughout the years, is the Pit-bull Terrier, I think we’ve owned over 9-10 Pit-bulls since they
were puppies. Personally, I think Pit-bulls are amazing dogs, they’re loyal –as many other dogs, of
course-, but Pitt-bulls are in the bravest way I’ve even seen, there was one time a tarantula
appeared in our yard and me and my mom were trying to kill it, but Ursula wasn’t allowing us to
come closer to the spider, she was pushing us to the wall and taking us far away from the spider
side, she was completely hysterical over us being close to it... in the end, we had to take her to the
opposite side of the yard so we could take care of the insect, they’re also adorable, and I don’t
think I have to elaborate on that argument, but I can show pictures if you want, and finally, they
have indeed earned the nickname babysitter dogs, because as long as I remember, they’ve been
the sweetest dogs to my brothers and I since we were kids, when we used to play together in the
yard, our pit-bull would always join our expeditions and lead the way for us since the backyard was

In the present, we have two Pit-bulls, Ursula, the one I mentioned before and the newest member
in our family, Papotico –yes, that’s his name–. Ursula is almost 12 years old and Papotico is still a
messy baby, he’s about to be 7 months old. Even though they’re the same breed, they don’t spend
time together, because Ursula is a territorial and jealous lady, so she’s alone most of the time, and
Papotico stays with our Frenchie dog called Dodo –yep, that’s his name too–. It would be amazing
if in the future Ursula allow another dog to be closer to her, so Papotico could play with her,
however, the truth is that Papotico is an annoying dog, and I’m 100% sure that Ursula will get tired
of him, as Dodo already does.

In a couple months from now, I think Papotico will have grown bigger than he already is and I truly
hope that he has calmed down his craziness, I also expect to be able to buy him a nice dog chain
leash and go out in the mornings for a little walk, that way both of us will be doing some exercise,
he could drain a bit of his puppy energy and in the process I might gain some resistance. For
Ursula’s, it’s a fact that she will be eating as much as she does now and barking to the neighbor’s
dog and also the wind –we like to think she can see spirits and not just because she’s crazy–. And if
she allows it, we are going to bath her because she is also a stinky lady.

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