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<div class="main"> <h2> Question:<span class="title"></span></h2> <div
class="topic t1"> <div class="pbImages"><img src="" /> </div>
</div> <div class="topic t2"><div><p><u><strong>Calculation of net cost today of
the cheapest option</strong></u></p> <p><strong>(i) Purchase using bank
loan</strong></p> <p>Net cost today = Present Value of Future Cash Flows
discounting using the applicable cost of funds.</p> <p>Since, cost of funds is not
given, we assume that the interest rate on loan is the cost of funds. Thus, the
cash flows that are required to be paid under the loan agreement are discounted
using the same rate as the interest rate on loan.</p> <p>Therefore,&#160;net cost
today of purchasing the appliances using loan = Amount of Loan</p> <p><em><strong>=
$4,000.00</strong></em></p> <p><strong>(ii)&#160;Rent-to-buy</strong></p> <p>Net
cost today = Present Value of Cash Flows</p> <p>= PV of monthly rentals + PV of
terminal payment</p> <p>= ($85 x Cumulative PVF@7% for 4 years of monthly payments)
+ ($800 x PVF@7% for year 4)</p> <p><img src="https://studyspaceunlock.oss-ap-"/></p>
<p>where, r is the annual rate of interest = 7%;&#160;n is the number of
compoundings in a year = 12; t is the time to maturity = 4 years</p> <p>&#160;<img
d78144d0d281b982c50025be6e13187b.jpg"/></p> <p><img
afbeed3a011f3d107d4d90bdd26711d8.jpg"/></p> <p>= ($85 x 41.7602) + ($800 x
0.76289)</p> <p>= $3,549.62 + $610.32</p> <p><em><strong>=
$4,159.93</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Thus, cheapest option is to purchase all
appliances at the store using a bank loan which has a net cost of

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