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2/2/23, 11:54 AM 8 Code Snippets To Quickly Get Started With MLflow Tracking | by Ahmed Besbes | Towards Data Science

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Feb 14, 2022 · 9 min read · · Listen


8 Code Snippets To Quickly Get Started With

MLflow Tracking
Tips to better log your experiments and reproduce them

Photo by Fotis
80 Fotopoulos
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2/2/23, 11:54 AM 8 Code Snippets To Quickly Get Started With MLflow Tracking | by Ahmed Besbes | Towards Data Science

As a data scientist, I use MLflow on a daily basis.

I use it to keep track of machine learning experiments, push and version models to
a registry, and easily collaborate with colleagues on the same projects.

After intensively using this tool for more than a year, I came to know its ins and
outs and as a recap of this experience, this post is a consolidation of 8 useful code
snippets I regularly use.

Feel free to skip the ones you know and go over those you’re less familiar with.

Without much further ado, let’s have a look! 🔍

📚 A 30-second quick recap of MLflow terminology

I’ve written a post on MLflow before. If you’re interested in learning more about this
MLOps tool, here’s a 6-minute story that covers the basics ⏬

How to use MLflow on AWS to Better Track Your Machine Learning

Logging everything for better reproducibility

MLflow has four components.

The one we’ll be interested in today is called MLflow Tracking: broadly speaking,
you can view it as a GIT repository for models and machine learning projects.

It allows you to track parameters, metrics, and files (also called artifacts) in a
central location, namely, a remote server.

MLflow Tracking is organized into experiments and each experiment is split into
runs (and that’s all you need to know for the rest of this post). 2/24
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Image by the author — MLflow terminology

For example, an experiment could be dedicated to training a computer vision model

for pneumonia detection and each run inside this experiment will relate to a
specific training session. Consequently, runs are different from others and each one
will have:

a specific set of hyper-parameters: learning rate, dropout, number of layers,


performance metrics: f1 score, accuracy, etc.

artifacts: these can be files of different formats: sample of

classified/misclassified images, activation maps for visual interpretation,
predictions in CSV files, HTML reports, etc.

With that in mind, let’s now move to the code snippets that will hopefully get you

PS*: Before running the following code snippets, you should create an MLflow experiment
and start a UI server. If you don’t know how to do that, you can check my previous post.

1 — Logging data in a run 3/24
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After creating an experiment on MLflow, logging data would probably be your first
interaction with this tool.

To log some parameters and metrics, you’ll first need to start a run, and inside its
context, call the log_param and log_metric methods.

These two methods take a key and a value as first and second arguments.

Here’s an example:

1 import mlflow
3 experiment_id = "some_experiment_id"
5 with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id) as run:
6 mlflow.log_param("lr", 0.01)
7 mlflow.log_param("dropout", 0.25)
8 mlflow.log_param("optimizer", "Adam")
9 mlflow.log_param("n_layers", 5)
11 mlflow.log_metric("precision", 0.76)
12 mlflow.log_metric("recall", 0.92)
13 mlflow.log_metric("f1", 0.83)
14 mlflow.log_metric("coverage", 0.76) hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Alternatively, you can also use the log_params and log_metrics methods. In that
case, you’ll have to pass a dictionary of parameters or metrics.

👉 The run object declared after the with statement allows you to access the
information of the current run.

This information can be extracted via the to_dictionary method. 4/24
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1 >>> run.to_dictionary()
3 {'info': {'artifact_uri': "XXXX",
4 'end_time': None,
5 'experiment_id': 'XXXX',
6 'lifecycle_stage': 'active',
7 'run_id': '5aa1f947312a44c68c844bc4034497d7',
8 'run_uuid': '5aa1f947312a44c68c844bc4034497d7',
9 'start_time': 1644579211050,
10 'status': 'RUNNING',
11 'user_id': ''},
12 'data': {'metrics': {},
13 'params': {},
14 'tags': {'': "XXXX",
15 'mlflow.source.type': 'LOCAL',
16 'mlflow.user': "XXXX"}}} hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Be careful ⚠️

Use metrics when it makes sense for your data or if you want to sort your runs based
on their values. For example, if you want to sort the runs by a decreasing number of
layers, n_layers should be a metric and not a parameter.

Here’s what happens when n_layers is logged as a parameter: it’s considered as a

string and the increasing order becomes 1 , 10 , 11 , etc.

Screenshot by the author — n_layers is treated as a string

2 — Log data in nested runs

For whatever reason, and this may happen, you may want to create a run inside
another one. It’s the same syntax as before: the only difference is that you’ll have to 5/24
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set the nested argument to True when creating the nested run.

1 with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id) as run:

2 with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id, nested=True) as nested_run:
3 mlflow.log_metric("f1", 0.29)
4 mlflow.log_param("accuracy", 0.19) hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Here’s what happens visually on the MLflow UI: runs that have nested runs inside
them can be collapsed.

Screenshot by the author — an example of a nested run

👉 It’s worth noting that the two runs — the parent and the nested one — have two
different run ids.

3 — Get a run based on its id and access its data

Given the run id, you can extract a run object and this allows easy access to its data:
parameters, metrics, tags, and metadata. 6/24
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1 >>> from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient

2 >>> client = MlflowClient()
3 >>> run_id = "5aa1f947312a44c68c844bc4034497d7"
5 >>> run = client.get_run(run_id)
7 >>> run
9 <Run: data=<RunData: metrics={'coverage': 0.76, 'f1': 0.83, 'precision': 0.76, 'recall': 0.92},
10 params={'dropout': '0.25', 'lr': '0.01', 'n_layers': '5', 'optimizer': 'Ad
11 tags={
12 '': '/Users/ahmed.besbes/anaconda3/envs/py3.7/lib/pyth
13 'mlflow.source.type': 'LOCAL',
14 'mlflow.user': 'XXXXX'}>,
15 info=<RunInfo: artifact_uri='dbfs:/databricks/mlflow-tracking/418327/5aa1f947312a44c68c84
16 end_time=1644579213224,
17 experiment_id='418327',
18 lifecycle_stage='active',
19 run_id='5aa1f947312a44c68c844bc4034497d7',
20 run_uuid='5aa1f947312a44c68c844bc4034497d7',
21 start_time=1644579211050, status='FINISHED', user_id=''>>

get hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

The run object will have two attributes:

data : this encapsulates a RunData object that contains the metrics, params, and

{'coverage': 0.76, 'f1': 0.83, 'precision': 0.76, 'recall': 0.92}
{'dropout': '0.25', 'lr': '0.01', 'n_layers': '5', 'optimizer':

info : this encapsulates a RunInfo object that contains additional run metadata
such as start and end time, run_id, experiment id, and artifact URI.

'5aa1f947312a44c68c844bc4034497d7' 7/24
2/2/23, 11:54 AM 8 Code Snippets To Quickly Get Started With MLflow Tracking | by Ahmed Besbes | Towards Data Science


4 — Filter runs based on search queries

You can easily search runs.

Let’s first create 50 fake runs that have random values of metrics and parameters. 8/24
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1 import random
3 def generate_random_params():
4 lr = random.random()
5 dropout = random.random()
6 optimizer = random.choice(["sgd", "adam", "adamw", "rmsprop"])
7 n_layers = random.randint(1, 20)
9 return {
10 "lr": lr,
11 "dropout": dropout,
12 "optimizer": optimizer,
13 "n_layers": n_layers,
14 }
16 def generate_random_metrics():
17 precision = random.random()
18 recall = random.random()
19 f1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
20 coverage = random.random()
22 return {
23 "precision": precision,
24 "recall": recall,
25 "f1": f1,
26 "coverage": coverage,
27 }
30 for _ in range(50):
31 params = generate_random_params()
32 metrics = generate_random_metrics()
34 with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id):
35 mlflow.log_params(params)
36 mlflow.log_metrics(metrics)

genrate random hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

If you want to search these runs based on a specific filter, you can directly do it
from the interface.

For example, if you want to filter the runs that use SGD as an optimizer, you’ll have
to enter this query in the search box: 9/24
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Screenshot by the user — Filter runs based on a search query

If you want to do this programmatically, you’ll have to use the search_runs method
and pass the search query to the filter_string argument.

1 runs_with_sgd = client.search_runs(
2 experiment_ids=experiment_id,
3 filter_string="params.optimizer='sgd'",
4 )
6 >>> len(runs_with_sgd)
7 15 hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

You can also have more complex search queries.

1 filtered_runs = client.search_runs(
2 experiment_ids=experiment_id,
3 filter_string="metrics.precision > 0.5 and metrics.coverage > 0.6 and params.optimizer='adam
4 ) hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

👉 You can learn more about the search syntax here.

5 — Upload artifacts 10/24
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Besides parameters and metrics, a run may also contain artifacts such as CSV files,
binary objects, HTML pages, images, etc.

To upload an artifact, use log_artifact . As a first argument, this method takes the
artifact path on the local filesystem.

1 with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id) as run:

2 params = generate_random_metrics()
3 metrics = generate_random_metrics()
5 mlflow.log_params(params)
6 mlflow.log_metrics(metrics)
8 mlflow.log_artifact("./stats_comparison.csv") hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Once an artifact is logged, you can click on the run from the UI and check if the files
have correctly been uploaded.

Image by the author — Uploaded artifact

If we want a provide a destination folder to write the artifact to, we can set it in the
artifact_path argument. 11/24
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Let’s, for example, set the artifact_path to a folder called stats .

1 with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id) as run:

2 params = generate_random_metrics()
3 metrics = generate_random_metrics()
5 mlflow.log_params(params)
6 mlflow.log_metrics(metrics)
8 mlflow.log_artifact("./stats_comparison.csv", artifact_path="stats/") hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

If we check the UI again, we’ll see that the stats_comparison.csv file is now inside
the stats folder.

Screenshot by the author — Uploaded artifact with a destination folder

We can also use the log_artifacts method to upload the full content of a directory.

1 with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id):
2 params = generate_random_metrics()
3 metrics = generate_random_metrics()
5 mlflow.log_params(params)
6 mlflow.log_metrics(metrics)
8 mlflow.log_artifacts("./images/", artifact_path="images/") hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw 12/24
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→ In summary:

You can upload any artifacts you want to each run

You can customize the destination folder hierarchy 13/24
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To upload the full content of a folder, use log_artifacts

To upload a single file, use log_artifact

6 — Download artifacts
As expected, downloading the run’s artifacts is also possible: you can do it by calling
the download_artifacts method.

Let's use the previous run in which we logged the images as artifacts and let’s create
a downloads folder locally to download them.

1 run_id = "78a0e1927ac5473eb79125ed7d6ebee6"
3 client.download_artifacts(run_id=run_id, path=".", dst_path="./downloads/") hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

download_artifacts takes two important parameters besides the run id.

path is the relative source path to the desired artifact in the MLflow tracking

dst_path is the path of the local filesystem destination directory to which to

download the specified artifacts. This directory must already exist.

If we set path to . and dst_path to downloads , everything that’s been logged in the
run will be downloaded in the downloads folder.

But you can also set the path argument to any desired artifact path of the run. You
don’t have to download everything.

7 — Updating an existing run

If a run already exists, you can add more data to it and you can also update the
existing one. All you need is its run id.

Let’s update the metrics of a previous run.

These are the run’s metrics before the update: 14/24
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Screenshot by the author — run before the update

Let’s generate some random metrics and use them to override the previous ones. It’s
the usual syntax. The only difference is that you set the run_id argument instead of
the experiment_id .

1 run_id = "f0a285ab628245a79f417ab0706b9a99"
3 with mlflow.start_run(run_id=run_id):
4 random_metrics = generate_random_metrics()
5 mlflow.log_metrics(random_metrics) hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

If we check the same run again on the UI, we’ll see that metrics have been updated. 15/24
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Screenshot by the author — run after the update

⚠️A note on updating the parameters of a run

For some reason, MLflow doesn’t allow you to overwrite the parameters of an
existing run.

If you run the following code:

1 run_id = "f0a285ab628245a79f417ab0706b9a99"
3 with mlflow.start_run(run_id=run_id):
4 random_params = generate_random_params()
5 mlflow.log_params(random_params) hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

You’ll be faced with the following error:

Screenshot by the author — MLflowException after parameter overwrite 16/24
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I admit that updating the parameters of a run can be useful in many situations. If
you come to know a hacky way to do it, please let me know in the comment.

8 — Create and upload a custom Pyfunc model

Besides supporting the logging of machine learning models built with common
frameworks (scikit-learn, Keras, Gluon, etc.), MLflow provides the flexibility to
wrap arbitrary python code in a class and use it for inference.

This is very useful when your inference pipeline is not standard. This may happen
when your model needs to include external artifacts while predicting, or when it
needs to send multiple outputs or perform post-processing of some sort.

Using a custom model can be valuable when you also need to integrate some
business logic in the prediction pipeline: this is where get creative.

👉 Let’s build a custom pyfunc model to demonstrate how this is done.

This model will use a trained random forest as an artifact. It will customize the
inference by adding some data validation and it will return multiple outputs in a

This is just an example but it should give you some inspiration to develop more
complex pipelines.

To start with, let’s train a random forest model. For the sake of simplicity, we’re
going to use the Iris dataset.
Once the model is trained and evaluated with cross-validation, we’ll save it using
the joblib library. 17/24
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1 import joblib
2 import numpy as np
3 from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
4 from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
5 from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
7 iris_data = load_iris()
9 features = iris_data["data"]
10 targets = iris_data["target"]
12 random_forest = RandomForestClassifier()
14 scores = cross_val_score(
15 estimator=random_forest,
16 X=features,
17 y=targets,
18 cv=5,
19 )
21 np.mean(scores)
22 # 0.96
24, targets)
26 joblib.dump(random_forest, "./models/random_forest.joblib") hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

We prepare a dictionary that lists all the artifacts that will be uploaded with the
This dictionary will reference the local path for each artifact and MLflow will be
later responsible for uploading it.

1 artifacts = {
2 "random_forest": "./models/random_forest.joblib",
3 } hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Define the MLflow wrapper by inheriting the PythonModel class.

This class must overwrite two methods: load_context and predict . 18/24
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1. load_context receives a context argument that contains, among other things,

the artifacts paths of the model. This method serves as a constructor and is used
to load the model artifacts as attributes.

2. predict receives the context and the inputs arguments. The inputs argument is
a dictionary.
This is where you get creative and customize the inference logic.

In the example below, the predict method extracts the input features, validates
their shapes, and passes them to the pre-loaded model artifact.

It then extracts multiple predictions such as probability scores and predicted labels,
and packages everything in a dictionary with a success message. 19/24
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1 class AwesomeModel(mlflow.pyfunc.PythonModel):
2 def load_context(self, context):
3 import joblib
4 import numpy as np
6 self.random_forest = joblib.load(context.artifacts["random_forest"])
7 self.target_names = ["setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"]
9 def predict(self, context, inputs):
10 features = inputs["features"]
12 if type(features) == list:
13 features = np.array(features).reshape(1, -1)
15 elif type(features) == np.ndarray:
16 if (features.ndim != 2) or (features.shape[1] == 4):
17 return {
18 "message": "The number of features is incorrect",
19 "outputs": None,
20 "prediction_labels": None,
21 "prediction_probas": None,
22 }
24 predictions = self.random_forest.predict(features)
25 prediction_labels = map(
26 lambda prediction: self.target_names[prediction], predictions
27 )
28 prediction_labels = list(prediction_labels)
30 prediction_probas = self.random_forest.predict_proba(features)
32 return {
33 "message": "success",
34 "outputs": predictions,
35 "prediction_labels": prediction_labels,
36 "prediction_probas": prediction_probas,
37 }

pythonmodel hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

To upload the custom model, we first need to create an instance of the

AwesomeModel class and pass it to the mlflow.pyfunc.log_model function.
This function also takes the artifact dictionary that we defined below. 20/24
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1 awesome_model = AwesomeModel()
3 with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id):
4 mlflow.pyfunc.log_model(
5 artifact_path="awesome_model",
6 python_model=awesome_model,
7 artifacts=artifacts,
8 ) hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Once the model is logged, it becomes visible on the MLflow UI.

Note how MLflow automatically added an artifacts folder that contains the
pretrained random forest model.

Screenshot by the author — uploaded pyfunc model

Now given the run id, you can load the model locally and perform inference.
Everything is packaged into this model. 21/24
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1 >>> logged_model_path = "runs:/c2bb04c777d24767ae601ab003ae9ec5/awesome_model"

3 >>> loaded_model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(logged_model_path)
5 >>> test_input = {"features": [[1, 2, 3, 4]]}
7 >>> loaded_model.predict(test_input)
9 {'message': 'success',
10 'outputs': array([2]),
11 'prediction_labels': ['virginica'],
12 'prediction_probas': array([[0.01, 0.3 , 0.69]])} hosted with ❤ by GitHub view raw

Cool right?

Here’s a list of material that you can go through to learn more about MLflow:

Thanks for reading 🙏

If you’ve made it this far, I would like to thank you for your time and hope that
you’ve learned something useful about efficiently using MLflow.

If you know other MLflow tricks, please let me know about them in the comments.

With that being said, I wish you happy coding 💻.

Until next time! 👋

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