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I read Edgar Allanpo book called the pit and the pendulum.

It tells the story of a prisoner who is fighting for his life in his cell. But in the first
episode, everything is mysterious, because when he opens his eyes, he can't see
anything around him, he just touches the cold floor and wonders where he is.
After that He remember that he was in the courtroom but he can't remember the
reason why he is in jail. He was in his thoughts when he heard a voice and the
door opened near him which light up the room and his thoughts turned out to be
right he was in jail.
After that, an interesting episode begins when he sees a pit and tries not to fall
into it, because he thinks that his jailers are watching him and will be very happy
to see the death of the prisoner. After that, he sees rats and tries to scare them,
and at the same time he sees pendulum that is coming closer and closer to him.
He had idea that take the food that is in his room and put it near the pendulum so
that the rats will cut the rope which the pendulum is. This plan will work
temporarily but after that the pendulum will start moving again, slowly the
prisoner approaching the pit and is afraid of falling into it because he does not
know what will be there. At that point someone will open the door and a French
soldier will take him with hand and all the prisoners will be free.
Every part of the book was very interesting, that's why I told everything that
impressed me. The only thing I learned from this book is that when you want to
find a solution, but also when you start to act and look for a way, the universe will
definitely help you.

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