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Outline (REPORT)

Title: Problems in the gym

Introduction: Why I’m writing the report
1st paragraph: Not enough training machines or elements
2nd paragraph: The gym closes too early

Problems in the gym

The aim of this report is to describe why the gym might be losing members lately
according to what I have seen the past three weeks. Furthermore, I added some
recommendations I consider could be useful.

Most of our customers complain about the amount of training machines there are
in the gym. In fact, they might have to wait even 40 minutes to use a machine
just because someone else is using it.
Of course, new machines being bought and installed might take time and money
that we don't have. But, if we had more weights, dumbbells, or elements of this
kind; we could kind of solve this problem by using them as a replacement while
we purchase more training machines.

Moreover, I have perceived a trouble with the gym's schedule. This is due to the
fact that most of our clients are busy in the morning or afternoon (Since they
have to attend work or school) so they prefer to be present at night. Therefore,
the gym closing too early is not beneficial.
What I suggest is to re-organize the receptionist schedule and instead of opening
the gym too early in the morning, try to move our timetable and have a late

Beyond these two situations, I don't get to see another complication. Thank you
for reading.

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