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1. What are the fire extinguisher method?

 Cooling  removal of heat from the scene by using water
foam extinguisher.

 Starvation removal of fuel from the scene by cutting

fuel supply is called starvation.

 Smoothering  removal of oxygen from the scene by

using CO2 and DCP fire extinguisher.

 Chain break  break the chain by DCP, blanketing.

If you are interfere one of the four fire goes out.
2. What is fire sprinkler system?
Ans fire sprinkler is a fixed firefighting system. It is an automatic
sensitive system. It can be installed in high rise building, industry,
manufacture industry, oil and gas industry, offices and premises,
where there is a risk of fire.
3. Why it is important?
Ans small fire can create big and dangerous fire.
Immediately small fire can be finished by using fire sprinkler
4. Explain body parts of fire sprinkler system?
 Deflector
 Temperature glass sensitive tube.
 Sealing or cap.
5. How does it work?
Ans The liquid within the glass tube is mixture of alcohol and
water or glycerin and water.
It can be installed in high rise building, industries and refineries.
6. How many type of fire sprinkler system.
Ans there are several type of fire sprinkler system with
different type of glass tube color.
7. Explain why fire sprinkler system has different glass tube color
and what its meaning?
Ans fire sprinkler has different type of glass tube color which are
explained as below.
 Orange glass bulb, which mean it work on 57dgc, it is installed
in living home and offices.
 Red glass bulb, which work on 68dgc and installed in living
home and offices.
 Yellow glass bulb, which mean it work on 79dgc, and commonly
used in kitchen and small workshop.
 Green glass bulb, which work on 93dgc and used in kitchen of
hotel and large workshop.
 Blue glass bulb, which work on 141dgc and commonly used in
industry and chemical plant.
 Black glass bulb, which work on 204dgc-260dgc and commonly
used in oil refineries.

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