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Tet lyon. NGU PHAP TOEIC Trong tiéng Anh cé nhiéu Logi céu hdi co nhing chite nang vit muc dich khiic nhau, Trong cau hi, tro déng tit hodc déng tit “to be” bao gid cing ding trudc chi ngit. Néit khong c6 tro dong tit hogc dong tit “to be”, ta phdi ding dang thitc “do, does, Ai” nlc mgt to dong tc aé thay the: Sau cic dng tc hod tr dng te dd, ph ding d6ng chinh tit d dang nguyén thé khéng cé “to”. That var thé ctia caw hdi chi duc chia bdi tro 28; chit king phil deg tit chink Hy cng tm hia che dang céu héi trong inh nhé. 19H nyo WoT Dy9 “th vB PR ya \ S6 di ta goi la nhu vay vi khi tra I6i, ta hay diing Yes/No. | Trg dong tit (be / do, doe: | + Yes, S + trg | - No, $+ trg did) + chi: ngit (S) + dong tit + .. - Isn't Lan going to school today? -> Yes, she is. - Was Tu sick yesterday? -> No, he was not. - Have you seen this movie before? -> Yes, I have. - Will the committee decide on the proposal today? -> No, it won't Lita §: Déi voi cau hoi Yes/No, ching ta khong nhat thiét phai tra YD: Do you want to go now? -> Wait for me a few minutes. bing Yes/No. NGU PHAP TOEIC PAU REO ort Oi voi loi cau hdi nay, cau tra Idi khong thé [a “Yes” hay “No”. ‘Ta chia lam 3 Toai san 2.1. Who hotic What: cau hdi chi ngit Day la cau hoi khi mudn biét chi: ngit hay chit thé cita hanh dong. B Who/ What + dong tit (V) + ...? f Something happened last night => What happened last night? Who opened the door? Someone opened the door. 2.2. Whom hoge What: cau hoi tan ngit Day 1a cde cau hoi dimng khi mudn biét tan ngit hay déi tugng téc dong céia hanh dong w m/ What + trg dng tit (do/ did/does) +S +V+. Latu yz Nho ring trong tiéng Anh vit bit bude phai ding whom mac dit trong tiéng Anh néi e6 thé dimg who thay cho whom trong mau cau tren. - George bought something at the store. => What did George bu Whom does Ana know from the UK? at the store? - Ana knows someone from the UK. = When, Where, How va Why: Cau héi bé ngit Dig khi muén biét noi chén, théii gian, IY do, cach thite cia hanh dong, ip When/ where/ why/ how + trg bé ngit (+ tan ngiv)? dong tit (be, do, does, did) +S + V + - How did Maria get to school today? + When did he move to London? - Why did she leave so early? Fee luyor. NGU PHAP TOEIC 3. Cau hoi phic (embedded question) La cau hoae cfu héi chtta trong né mot cau héi khéc. Cau héi dang nay gom hai thanh phan néi véi nhau bang mot tit nghi van (question word). Dong tit 6 ménh dé thit hai (ménh dé nghi van) phai di sau va chia theo chit ngit, khong dutge dito vj tri mhu d cu héi doc lap. ‘Trg dong tit + S + V + question word + S + V f - Do you know where he went? = Could you tell me what time it is? © Question word c6 thé la mot tit, cling c6 thé le mot cum tit Nhu: whose + noun, how many, how much, how long, how often, what time, what kind. - Do you know how often the bus runs at night? - Can you tell me how far the museum is from the store? Se ORCC td Ct Trong cau héi dudi, ngudi dit cu hoi da ra mt ménh dé (ménh dé chinh) nhung Kkhdng hoan toan chac chin vé tinh dting / sai cia ménh dé d6, do vay ho dimg cau hoi dang nay dé kiém chitng vé ménh dé dita ra. - He should stay in bed, shouldn’t he? - She has been studying English for two years, hasn't she? - There are only twenty-eight days in February, aren't there? - It’s raining now, isn’t it? - You and I talked with the professor yesterday, didn't we? - You won't be leaving for now, will you? - Jill and Joe haven’t been to Vietnam, have they? Cu héi dudi chia lam hai thanh phan téch bigt nhau béi déu phdy theo quy dung tg dong tit giéng nhu & méenh dé Néu khong 6 try déng tie thi ding do, does au: inh dé lam phan dudi cau hoi did dé thay thé: a Néuménh dé chinh 6 thé khang dinh thi phéin dudi 6 thé phi dinh va nguge lai. @ Thoti cia dong tit d dudi phai theo thoi etia dong tie 6 ménh dé chink. aN 1H nyo 1Wo1 ayo :¢1 Ive \ IoH nyo 1WoT 9yo :¢1 1vE NGU PHAP TOEIC Chi ngit ctia ménh dé chinh va cia phan dudi la gidng nhau. Dai tit & phan dudi luén phai dé & dang chit ngit. Phan dudi néu 6 dang phii dink thi thudmg duge nit gon (n't). Néu khong nit gon thi phai theo thit ue: trg d6ng tit + S + not? - He saw it yesterday, did he not? Dng tit “have” e6 thé la déng we chinh, citng c6 thé la wg dong te, Khi nd ler d6ng te chinh cia ménh dé trong tiéng Anh Mg thi phan dudi phai ding trg dong ut do, does hotic did. Tuy nhién. trong tiéng Anh Anh thi ban co thé ding chinh “have” nhu mét wg dong tie trong truémg hyp ney. - You have got two children, haven’t you? (British English) - You have two children, don’t you? (American English) “There is, there are” va “it is” la cdc chit ngit gid nén phan dudi duvie phép ding lai there hog it giéng nhut trudng hop dat tit lam chit git. > BAI TAP a Question did the writer feel? - Angry. A. What B. How Cc. Why D. When ‘Question 2: did Aunt Lucy come? - By train A. How B. When Cc. Why D. Where Question 3: him a few words of Italian? - The waiter. A. Who did teach B. Who taught C. Whom did he teach ES a Fit luy’r. NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 4: No one died in the accident, ? A. didn’t they B. didn’t he C. did they D. did she ‘A. has she B. hasn't she C. isn’t this D. isn’tit Question 6: You have a ticket to the game, ____? A. do you B. haven't you C. don’t you D. have you Question 7: She’s definitely not coming, _‘ A. isn’t she B. is she C. hasn't she Question 8: You wouldn’t report me, 2 A. wouldn’t you B. would you C. do you Question 9; A. How B. When C. What Question 10: It won’t hurt, 2 A. won'tit is the weather like today? B, will not it C. willit ‘Question 5: This is the second time she has been here, z aN of pons IgH AyD WOT DyO :sh vB, a NGU PHAP TOEIC Question f Are you from Germany? A. Yes, Iam from Germany. B. Yes, lam. C. No, am from Germany. © Question 12: Has your sister got a car? A. No, she has not. B. No, my sister has not got a car. C. No, my sister has not. Question 13: (you/ live) in a big city? A. Has you live in a big city? B. Did you live in a big city? C. Do you lived in a big city? / Question 14: Will she send us a mail? A. Yes, she will send, B. Yes, we will be sent. 19H nyo Wor ayo ‘ci Ive C. Yes, she will. Question 15: you/ tired? fo A. Did you tired? B. Are you tired? 7 C. Do you tired? / Question 16: Can you play football? No, I can, No, I cannot. ‘No, I can’t. Both B and C Question 17: she/ listen/to the radio/ now? ‘A. Is she listening to the radio now? B. Has she listening to the radio now? - C. Do she listening to the radio now? q poop Tet layer NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 18: “When will dinner be ready?” -> I would like to know 2 A. when will dinner be ready B. when dinner would be ready ‘Question 19: How do you use this software? -> Do you know ? A. how you use this software B. how to use this software Vie C. how this software uses Question 20; “Where can I get my car fixed?” -> Excuse me, could you tell me ? ‘A. where I can get my car fixed? B. where I could get my car fixed? 19H nyo 101 DVO: IVE 7 NGU PHAP TOEIC ive Dé néi ding va viét chudn tiéng Anh, trudc tién ban cain phdi hiéu ré chite nang cita tiong Logi tic trong cau, trong dé cé tinh tie via trang tit. Thém a6, ndm bat vi tri va dau higu nhén biét giita 2 logi tit nay cling rat quan trong dé hoan thign céc ky nang tiéng Anh ciia ban. Trong bai hoc nay, ching ta sé citng tim hiéu sau vé tinh tis, trang tit va céc kién thite xoay quanh 2 loai tit théng dung nay. ALONULVANL HNIL 1. Tinh ute le tit chi tinh chét, mite d6, pham vi... ctia mOe ngudi hoge vat, NO b6 nghia cho danh tit, dai tit hoge dong tit néi (linking verbs). Tinh tit ludn ding tude dant tit duge b6 nghia - That is my new red car, Tre wing hyp hai tinh wit sau e6 thé dimy sau danh tie due bé nghia “galore” (nhiéu. phong phi. doi dao) va “general” trong tén edie eos queun. eric chute vu lin: re errors galore in your final test. (C6 rit nhidu 16i trong bai kim tra ban) tary General (Téng thit ky Lién hgp quéc) 3. Tinh tit ding sau cdc dai tit phiém chi (something, anything, anybody...) -It’s -He hé) s somebody quite unknown. (Anh Ay something strange. (‘TInt gi ls Ja ngutdi kha im hoi King tiéng) Fee luyorNGU PHAP TOEIC 4, Tinh tit duge chia lam 2 logi la tinh tit m6 ta (Descriptive adjective) vat tinh 2¢ gidi han (Limiting adjective). Tinh tit m6 ta lat cde tinh tie chi mau sac, kich hd lugng ctia mot vat hay ngudi. Tinh tit gidi han le tinh tte chi sé tugng, khodng cach, tinh chat sé hitu, ... Tinh tit khong thay déi theo ngdi va sé ctia danh tit ma né bé nghia. tit trudng hgp ctia “these” ve “those TINH TU MO TA TINH TU GIOL HAN beautiful one, two sé dém large first, second sé thir ty red my, your, his tinh chat sir hiru interesting, this, that, these, those chi dinh important few, many, much s6 lugng colorful = Khi tinh tit mé ta bé nghia cho mot danh tit dém duge sé it, nd thuding c6 mao tit a, an hogic the diing trudc nut: a pretty girl, an interesting book, the red dress w Tinh tit di trade dank tx nhueng di sau dong te néi Ot danh tit thi chit ae m (i kién), size (kich (nguan géc), = Néu trong mot cum tit c6 nhieu tinh tit cing b6 nghia chon ec tinh tie sé nh sau: tinh tie sd hitu hoge mao tit, opini ge (tudi tac), shape (hinh dang), color 1 (chat ligu), purpose (muc dich). Chic rang hodic mgo tit (a, an, the) néu ed thi ludn di trud diing mao tie thi khdng diing tinh tit sé hitu ver nguge lai. A silly young English man (M6t ngudii dan Ong ngudi Anh tré hd khao) ‘The huge round metal bow! (M6t cai bat tron to bling kim loai) ‘ac tinh ute khéc. Neu da art/poss. opinion size age shape color origin material purpose _ noun a silly young English man the huge round metal bow! Uc Re eT ‘Trang tit (Ph6 tit) bd nghia cho d6ng tit, cho mt tinh tit hoc cho mt trang tit kha. - Rita drank too much, (How much did Rita drink?) - I don’t play tenis very well, (How well do you play?) ile ron EE NGU PHAP TOEIC - John is reading carefully. (How is John reading?) - She speaks Spanish fluently. (How does she speak Spanish?) 1. Thong thuémg, cdc tinh tit mé té c6 thé bién déi thénh trang tit bang céch thém duoi -ly vao tinh tit. - He is a careful driver. He always drives carefully. TINH TU TRANG TU’ bright brightly. careful carefully quiet quietly 2 Tuy nhién, c6 mot s6 tinh tit khong theo quy tée wen. = Mot sé tinh Uc dae bigt: good - well; hard - hard; fast - fast: - She is a good singer. She sings very well. ® MOt sé tinh tit cing ©6 tn cing le dudi -ly (lovely, friendly...) nén dé thay thé cho trang ticetia ede tinh tit ney, nguesi ta ding: in al an + Adj + way! manner. - He is a friendly man. He behaved in a friendly way. o, very, almost, soon, ofien, fast, rather, well, ia lam 6 logi sau: 3. Cac tit sau cting la trang tit: there, too. Cac pho tit dude ¢ ADVERB OF EXAMPLE TELLUS ‘Trang tir chi Vidy Y nghia Manner (cach thite) happily, bitterly how something happens. Degree (mite 46) totally, how much something happens, often go with completely an adjective Frequency (tin sudt) never, often how often something happens Time (thai gian) recently, just when things happen Place (noi chén) here, there where things happen Disjunct (quan diém) hopefully, frankly viewpoint and comments about things happen 5. Cée trang tit thuémg déng vai tro trang ngit wong céu. Ngodi ra cde ngit gidi iccting déng vai wd trang ngit, ching bao gém mét giot tit mérdéu va danh tie di seu dé chic dia diém (at home). thot gian (at 5 p.m.) plucang tign (by train), x ute néing wet cach sit dung nhut ‘Fee lyst NGU PHAP TOEIC 6. Vé duit we, cdc trang tit cling b6 nghia cho mét déng tit thudng xudt hién theo Uut we manner, place, time. Noi chung, trang tit chi cdich thitc cia hanh déng (manner ~ cho biét héinh d6ng dién ra nhu thé nao) thuéing lién hé chat ché hon vdi dong tit so vdi trang tt chi dia diém (place) vai trang ut chi dia diém Iai lién két vdi dong te chéie ché hon trang tit chi thoi gian (time). - The old woman is sitting quietly by the fire for hours. ri, cde trang tit hau nhue c6 th it hién bat ett chd ndo trong cau: cu cdtu, dau edu, trude dong tit chinh, sau trg d6ng te nhung cing vi thé, nb ler van dé kha phite tap. Vj tricia pho ut 06 thé lam thay d6i phan néo yj nghia ctia céu. UO Ro TTT tinh tir = Tan ciing la “able”: comparable, comfortable, capable - We select the hotel because the rooms are comfortable. = Tan cing la “ible”: responsible, possible, flexible - She is responsible for her son’s life = Tan cing la “ous”: dangerous, humorous, notorious - She is one of the most humorous actresses I’ve ever known. = Tan cing Ie “ive - She is a very attractive teacher. ": attractive, decisive, competitive = Tan cing la “ent”: confident, dependent, different - He is confident in getting a good job next week. = Tan cing la “ful”: careful, harmful, beautiful - Smoking is extremely harmful for your health. = Tan cing la “less”: careless, harmless, breathless - He is fired because of his careless attitude to the monetary issue = Tan cing la “ant”: important, reluctant, tolerant - Unemployment is the important interest of the whole company. ‘an ciing “ic”: economic, spec ic, toxic - Please stick to the specific main point. NGU PHAP TOEIC = Tan cing le friendly, lovely, costly - Making many copies can be very costly for the company. = Tan cting la “y”: rainy, sunny, muddy - Today is the rainiest of the entire month, = Tan cing la “a economical (tiét kiém), historical, physical - Instead of driving to work, he has found out a more economical way to save money. = Tan cing la “ing”: interesting, exciting, moving ~ Ican’t help erying because of the moving film. = Tan cing la “ed”: excited, interested, tired - He has been working so hard today, so he is really exhausted. PTS TT ‘Trang tit két cfu kha don gin Lg LONWULYARLHNIL *\ 1S Adv = Adj +-ly Vi du: wonderfully, beautifully, carelessly - She dances extremely beautifully. Question k He answered the phone - A. sudden B. suddenly Question 2: There is a lot of interference on the line. A. noisy B. noisily ‘Question 3: Thank you for returning my call so ‘A. quick B. quickly NE re Fee uyérNGU PHAP TOEIC Question 4: I am calling because the changes seem very A. importantly — B. important We: Question 5: Sorry, but I can’t write that A. fast B. fastly Question 6: She sounded very on the phone. A. angrily =~. B. angry sf Question 7: The boy skipped down the road to school, ‘A. happy B. happily / Question 8: It was packaged and wrapped in pretty, recycled paper. A. nicely B. nice Question 9: All goes , and he feels relaxed enough to go for a walk. A. good B. well f Question 10: Andy doesn’t often work : A. hardly iy B. hard Va Question tk: She planned her trip to Greece very A. carefully B. careful / Question 12: She speaks very : A. quietly B. quiet Question [3: Turn the stereo down. It’s too 9 A. loudly B. loud / NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 14: Children should be cared for by a family. A. normally B. normal Question 5: Jane is __ because her job is_. A. bored-bored B. boring-horing C. boring-bored D. bored-boring Question 16: Mai has lived in London for five perfect English perfectly English English perfect English more perfect pomp Question 17: Mr. Davis doesn't work here He left about 6 months ago. A. any long B. some long C. any longest - D. any longer a Question 18: We didn’t go out because it was raining A. heavy B. heavily C. heavier D. heavilier Question 19: ‘The driver of the car was __ in the accident A. serious injured B. seriously injured ; C. serious injuredly i Question 20: I don’t like this coffe because it tastes very strength strong strongly ._strengthly pap Tet luyOr NGU PHAP TOEIC Khi mudn dién dat y so sdnh tinh chat cia sue vat, su viéc hay con nguot bang tiéng Anh, ngudi hoc budc phdi ghi nhé nhiing cau tritc cling nhut cdc quy tdc tuong ting. Day qua thuc la m6t viéc khéng hé dé dang. Hay cing nhdc tai va ghi nhé cac hinh thitc so sénh bang, hon kém, cao nhdt, cing...cing,... nhé. HNyS0s:s11va va nguge lai néu céu tric so sinh & dang phit dinh, ‘sn bing chi ra 2 thu thé chinh xdc ging nhau (bing nhau hoac nhu nhau) \ pronoun/S + V f S$ + verb + as + adj/ady + as nous 1.1. Néu la cdu tric phi dinh, “as” thie nhdt 06 thé thay béing “so’ - He is not so tall as his father. 1. - Peter is as tall as me. You are as old as her. 1.3. Mét sé vi du vé so sénh bing. - My book is as interesting as yours. ‘Tinh tit - His car runs as fast as a race car. ‘Trang tit fa cain phai nh rang dai tit sau “as” luén d dang dai tit tan ngit. NGU PHAP TOEIC 1.4. Danh tit ciing ¢6 thé ding dé so sdnh cho edu irie nay nhumg trude khi so sinh phai xc dinh ehéc chain réing danh tit a6 c6 nhiing tinh tit twong duong nhw trong bang sau Tinh tir Danh tir heavy, light ° weight wide, narrow width, deep, shallow depth long, short length big, small size 5 Cu tric ditng cho loai nay sé la “the same ... as” 2 ? g Subject + verb + the same + (noun) + as noun/ pronoun ‘du - My house is as high as his. = My honse is the same height as his. Tatu ¥: A Do tinh chat phit trong bang trén. tap ctia logi cong thie nay nén vide sit dung bé hep vio a The same as >< different from: - My nationality is different from hers. = Trong tiéng Anh ctia nguci Mg c6 thé ding “different than” néu sau do le ca mOt cau hoan chinh (trudng hgp nay khéng phé bién). - His appearance is different from what I have expected. His appearance is different than I have expected. =) “From” cé thé thay thé bang to. = The - He speaks the same language as her. e trees are the same as those. - Their teacher is different from ours. RD mE Fit luySr NGU PHAP TOEIC URS Ta 1. Trong logi so sénh nay, nguds ta phan ra lam 2 loai trang tit, tinh tie ngdn va trang tit, tinh tit dai. i vdi cdc trang tit va tinh tit ngdn, ta chi can cong thém dudi ER vao tan cing. = Déi v6i nhitng tinh tit ngdn c6 1 nguyén dm 6 gitta 2 phy dm, ta phai gap doi phy am cudi dé khong phai thay déi cich doc. Cha = Tinh tit/trang tie ng in la nhitng tinh ti/trang vit - chicd mot dm tiét: nice, great, cool, hot, short, poor, warm, clean, hard... - c6 2 am tiét va 6 tan cing 1a. Hnys os :s1 ve. + -er: clever + -ow: narrow + -le: gentle + -y: happy = Tinh tidtrang tit dai la nhitng tinh titltrang tit co tit hai dm tiét we len (ngoai nhiing tinh tit 2 dm tiét c6 daic diém nhw trén): tired, nervous, crowded, anxious, wonderful, exquisite, exorbitant 2. Nguyén tée % 2.1. Nhitng tinh tit c6 tan cing bang ban nguyén dm phai déi thanh ier (y - ier) - happy - happier - friendly ~ friendlier Ngoai Ié: strong ~ stronger. 2.2. Déi vdi tdt cd céc pho tit va tinh tit dai diing MORE (néu hon) ve diing LE: (néu kém). - more beautiful, more important, more believable + adj/ adv (ngin) + er S+V +more + adj/adv (dai) + than + noun/ pronoun/$ + V + less + adj/ adv (dai) Vidu: - John’s grades are higher than his sister’s. - Today is hotter than yesterday. er EE TI NGU PHAP TOEIC - This chair is more comfortable than the other. - He speaks Spanish more fluently than I do. - He visits his family less frequently than she does. - This year’s exhibit is less impressive than last year’s 2.3, Dé nhan manh cho tinh wit va phé tit so sanh nguéti ta ding far, even, much, still, a lot trude hinh thite so sanh 7 far Adj/Adv ‘ Subject + verb +-er + than Noun/ pron much — (ngan) / Subject + verb + far/ much + more/ less + Adj/ Adv (dai) + than +f = Noun/ pronoun s g Vi du: = - Harry’s watch is far more expensive than mine. - That movie we saw last night was much less interest television. gf than the one on - A watermelon is even sweeter than a lemon. - She dances much more artistically than her predecessor - He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish - Hi aN car is far better than yours. 24, Danh tit cing 06 thé duge ding dé so sénh trong céc céu tric bing hodie han, kém. ® Trong cdu tric so sénh bang chi cin xéc dinh xem danh tit dé la dém duge hay khong dém duge vi trudc ching c6 mot sé dinh ngit ditng vdi 2 logi danh tie dé. = Trong ciu tric so sénh hon kém cing cén phai xéc dinh xem dank tit dé la dém duge hay khéng dém duge vi dang trude chiing cé ding fewer (cho dém dugc). less (khong dém dugc) va more ding chung cho ca 2 (cong thite dudi déy). Do cdu write nay khong phite tap nén duge ding rong rai hon so véi cau tritc so sénh bang. S+V+e0+ much aes ae eeenaerscen | Hoge Y Subject + verb + more/fewer/ less + noun + than + noun/ pronoun EEE > Fit uyor NGU PHAP TOEIC Vi du: - [have more books than she does. - February has fewer days than March. - He carns as much money as his brother. J - They have as few classes as us. $ - Their job allows them less freedom than ours. - Before pay-day, I have as little money as my brother. Ill. Cac dang so sanh dac biét Bang didi day la mot s6 dang so sinh dae bigt ctia tinh tit va trang tit. Trong 8 do hitu ¥ ring “farther” diing cho khoang cach, “further” ding cho thong tin va & nhitng van dé tritu titgng khac. * ‘Tinh tir va pho tir So sinh hon kém So sinh nhat farther the farthest far further the furthest little less the least much more the most many good better the best well bad worse the worst badly Vi du: - I feel much better today than I did last week. - The university is farther than the mall. - He has less time now than he had before. - Marjorie has more books than Sue. Latu ¥: fiurther = more. - The distance from your house to school is farther than that of mine. - He will come to the US for further education next year. HNys 0s st 1va NGU PHAP TOEIC ESS es) La loai so sinh gp rudi, gap doi, gap 3. Nén nh ring trong cdu tric nay khong dutge dig so sénh hon kém ma phai ding so sénh bang. much en Subject + verb + boi sé + as + noun + as + pronoun many Vidi - This encyclopedia costs twice as much as the other one. - At the clambake last week, Fred ate three times as many oysters as Barney. - Jerome has half as many records now as I had last year. Lata f: = Khi ding so sanh loai nay phai xée dinh ro danh tit dé 1a dém dutge hay Khong dém duige vi tritée chting c6 “much” va “many”. = Cac cdu tric: twice that much/ many (gip doi s6 d6) chi ditge dig trong tuyét déi khong ditge dimg trong van viet vain ne - We had expected eighty people at the rall up. (Van néi) - We had expected eighty people at the ral number showed up. (Vin viet) y, but twice that many showed , but twice as many as that PRES CT] Nhitng cau nay bat dau bang mét cdu tric so sanh hon, va do dé ménh dé thit 2 ing phai bat dau bang m6t ciu tric so sanh hon. The + comparative + subject + verb + the comparative + subject + verb Vidu. - The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel. - The higher we flew, the worse Edna felt - The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Fee luySrr NGU PHAP TOEIC - The sooner you take your medicine, the better you will feel. - The sooner you leave, the earlier you will arrive at your destination The more + subject + verb + the + comparative + subject + verb “ Vi du: 4 - The more you study, the smarter you will become. - The more he rowed the boat, the farther away he got. - The more he slept, the more irritable he became. PURSES UT La 3 : z O c4p dé so sanh hon nhit, 3 thie thé tr lén duge so sénh v6i nhau, mot trong chiing tri hon hoae kém hon so v6i céc thie thé con lai + Adj/ Adv (ngan) + -est Lf Subject + verb + the + most + Adj/ Adv (dai) + Noun/ Pronoun + least + Ad/ Adv (dai) Vidu: - John is the tallest boy in the family. - Deana is the shortest of the three sisters. - These shoes are the least expensive of all - Of the three shirts, this one is the prettiest. Lita ¥: = Sau thanh ngit “one of the + superlative”, danh tif phai dé & dang sé nhieu va dong tit chia 6 ngoi sé it - One of the greatest tennis players in the world is Bjon Borg. - Kuwait is one of the biggest oil producers in the world. = Cc pho tit khong duge di kém béi “-er” hodc “est”, Ma thay vi d6, khi dutge ding trong cau so sénh ching di cing “more” hoac “less” déi vdi cap so sanh hdn, va vi “most” hodc “least” dé thanh lap nén dang so sanh hon nhat. A one NYS 0S st Iva NGU PHAP TOEIC ‘Dang nguyén ‘So sinh hon So sanh hon nht more carefully the most carefully Carefully less carefully the least carefully ‘more cautiously the most cautiously Cautiously less cautiously the least cautiously Vi du: - Sal drove more cautiously than Bob. - Joe dances more gracefully than his partner. - That child behaves the most carelessly of all - Irene plays the most recklessly of all. Question t bad -___- the worst A. badder B. worse C. bader Question 2: little - les A. the littlest B. the most little C. the least Question: - more - the most A. Many B, Both A andC C. Much Question 4: expensive - more expensive - expensive A. the B. the most C. most Tet luydr NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 5: There was a storm yesterday. Today, the weather's ___. A. more than beautiful B. the most C. more beautiful Question 6: Which one of the three books do you think is A B. G interesting? J most io ae more the most, Question 7; She cannot sing _____but she can play the piano beautifully. A B, c D. good best goodly well Question 8 Our friends are more _ than us. A. difficultly B. intelligent C. easy van D.z tall Question 9: Diana was much taller __ Charles. like as than pope to Question 10: This exercise is not difficult. It’s T expected. A. easier than = B. more easier C. most easiest Question I He has as ___ money as me. A. much B. many C. less D. ‘more HNYS 08:51 1v8) \ NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 12: He works as__days as his brother. A. few B, many C. much 2 D. both A and B Question 13: I study much, I know lots of. = A. The more I study much, the more I know lots of. a B. The more I study, the more I know. 7, Question 14: He is very good at He can do sums more quickly than the other pupils in his class. A. English HNYS 08 st 1v8 B. Literature C. Maths D. Geography Question 15: He drinks much water, he becomes thirsty. -> A. The more water he drinks, the thirstier he becomes. B, The more he drinks water, the more he becomes thirsty. /— Question 16: My English this term is____ than that of last of that year. A. gooder B. better C. good D. best Question 17: He feels __ than last year because his study results are A. happy/ good B. happier/ gooder C. more happy/ more good D. happier/ better , RE o> Fut lyon. NGU PHAP TOEIC Question 18: Nam can speak Japanese than Minh. fluent more fluent more fluently fluently pomp Question 19: The country is___ than the city. quieter more quiet more quietly quietlier / pORP> Question 20: The blue shirt is as as the red one A. more long long C. longer D. longest HNys 08:51 1va /

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