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T reviewer
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 5:51 pm

CAT - Citizen Army Training

Slogan - " Obey first before you complain "
Courtesy - Is the expression and manifestation and consideration.
COCC - Cadette / Cadete Officer Candidate Course
ROTC - Reserved Officer Training Corporation
VF - Value Formation
DND - Department of National Defense
CMO - Civil Military Operation
PMT - Philippine Military Training
RMRAA - Reserved Manpower and Reserved Affairs Administration
Commander - Is responsible for what his unit or what his fail to.
Leader - A person and position in responsibility.
DOYDACAT - Department of Youth Development and Citizen Army Training
DPAROM - Disaster Preparedness And Reserved Operation Manual
RCDU - Regional Community Defense Unit
Honor - A man who has no concept of honor and does not know that
honor is about life Itself, never wear the uniform of a soldier.
Honorable - His words are golden, His movement dignified, his behavior
GHQ - General Head Quarters
S - Shoulder Weapon
M - Magazinefed
A - Automatic
G - Gas operated
S - Semi Automatic

I. I am a filipino soldier I will support and defend the constitution of the

republic of the Philippines
II. I am a filipino soldier I will Fight all the sources that will destroy the
freedom and independence of the filipino people
III. I am a filipino soldier I will obey the laws of the legal forces decrees of my
lawful superior at all the time
IV. I am a filipino soldier I will uphold the supremacy of civilian authority
over the military in the war or peace
V. I am a filipino soldier I will live and die in the true filipino tradition of
valor, honor duty and loyalty to all these. I will pledge my life and my
treasure and sacred honor

Honor Guard

1. Guest
2. Host
3. Commander Battalion
4. Company Commander
5. Batallion stamp
6. Company Executive Officer
7. Guidon
8. Bearer
9. Platin Sgt.
10. Squad Leader

C.A.T reviewer Page 1

C.A.T reviewer Page 2

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