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Zoogeography and Paleontology

1) The branch which integrates information on the historical, current ecology and genetics of an
organism refers as,
a)Ecological Zoogeography
b)Historical Zoogeography
c) Zoogeography

2) The study of region or space known as,

a) Faunistics
b) Chorology
c) Descriptive zoogeography
d) Descriptive zoogeography

3) The tropic is a region of earth roughly 1600 miles at,

a) South and East Pole
b) North and East Pole
c) North and South Pole
d) At North Pole

4) South America and Mexico present in,

a) Neotropical Region
b) Palearctic Region
c) Ethopian Region
d) Australian Region

5) The most diverse biological region of earth is,

a) Australian Region
b) Ethopian Region
c) Neotropical Region
d) Palearctic Region
6) The Palearctic region separated from Ethopian Region by,
a) Himalayan range
b) Andes Mountain range
c) Amazon River Basin
d) Sahara Desert
7) The most extensive tropical forest present in,
a) Neotropical Region
b) Palearctic Region
c) Ethopian Region
d) Australian Region

8) Rich fish fauna present in,

a) Australian Region
b) Neotropical Region
c) Ethopian Region
d) Palearctic Region
9) Amphibians are less distinct in,
a) Palearctic Region
b) Ethopian Region
c) Australian Region
d) Neotropical Region
10) In oriental Region the climate is mostly,
a) Tropical
b) Temperate
c) Rain
d) Hot and Dry
11) The continental island are formed through,
a) Volcanic eruption
b) Due to Continental drift
c) Sinking of land
d) Through Flooding
12) Total number native freshwater fishes in Pakistan are,
a) 180
b) 177
c) More than 200
d) 660
13) Lemurla land bridge present between,
a) Africa, Madagascar and India
b) Between South America and Australia
c) Between Africa and South America
d) Between South America and South Africa
14) According to Wegner the floor of oceans were made up slime which composed of,
a) Magnesium and chloride
b) Magnesium and Bicarbonates
c) Magnesium and Silica
d) Magnesium and Silicon
15) Europe and northern part of Africa present in,
a) Palearctic Region
b) Oriental Region
c) Neotropical Region
d) Ethopian Region

16) Palearctic region separated from Oriental region by,

a) Sahara Desert
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Himalayan Region
d) Amazon River Basin
17) Madagascar included in,
a) Palearctic Region
b) Ethopian Region
c) Neotropical Region
d) Oriental Region
18) Deserts are totally absent in,
a)Palearctic Region
b) Oriental Region
c) Neotropical Region
d) Ethopian Region

19) Passive dispersion of living organisms occurs due to,

a) Through Locomotory organ
b) Through Human
c) Through Abiotic and biotic agents
d) Through Animals
20) Thickness of Mozambique Channel is about,
a) 50 km
b) 60 km
c) 40 km
d) 30 km
21) Distinctive fauna of Central Africa from Cape of Good Hope is due to,
a) Kalahari Desert
b) Sahara Desert
c) Mountain range
d) River
22) Monophagic animals feed on,
a) Different foods
b) On Insects
c) One specialized food
d) On Plants
23) Some insects and millipedes carried out through logs, known as,
a) Natural Rafts
b) Favoring gales
c) Driftwood
d) Migration
24) Vertical distribution of organism in space known as,
a) Altitudinal Distribution
b) Halobiotic Distribution
c) Limnobiotic Distribution
d) Bathymetric Distribution

Answer: d
25) Vertical distribution of organisms in freshwater habitat refers as,
a) Altitudinal Distribution
b) Halobiotic Distribution
c) Limnobiotic Distribution
d) Bathymetric Distribution

Answer: c
26) Altitudinal distribution of life of land known as,
a) Geobiotic Distribution
b) Halobiotic Distribution
c) Limnobiotic Distribution
d) Bathymetric Distribution
27) Vertical distribution of organism in marine habitat known as,
a) Geobiotic Distribution
b) Halobiotic Distribution
c) Limnobiotic Distribution
d) Bathymetric Distribution
answer: b

28) Phytogeography is study of geographical distribution of,

a) Animals
b) Insects
c) Plants
d) Mammals
Answer: c
30) The climatic condition of north and south Pole are,
a) Different
b) Identical
c) Hot
d) Rainy
31) Distribution of animals do not depends upon.
a) Suitability
b) Food resources
c) Climate
d) Natural laws
32) Palearctic and Ethopian region grouped into,
a) Neogaea
b) Arctogaea
c) Notogaea
d) Palaeogaea

33) Neogaea division of region included,

a) Australian and Indian region
b) Nearctic and Australian region
c) Neotropical and Nearctic region
d) Australian and Neotropical region
34) Southern division of earth known as,
a) Neogaea
b) Notogaea
c) Arctogaea
|d) Palaeogaea

Answer: b
35) Arctogaea is division of earth,
a) Due to presence of oceans
b) Due to climatic conditions
c) Division from southern side
d) Division from Northern side
Answer: c |
36) At the west and north Palearctic Region bounded by,
a) Desert
b) Sea
c) Mountain Range
d) Pacific ocean
Answer: b
38) Palearctic Region bounded by Himalayas to the,
a) South
b) West
c) North
d) East
39) At East side Palearctic region bounded by,
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Himalayas
c) Indian Ocean
d) Sahara Desert
Answer: d
40) ……. has greater diversity of surface feature,
a) Nearctic region
b) Neotropical region
c) Palearctic region
d) Ethopian region

41) Mammalian families of Palearctic region are about,
a) 28
b) 29
c) 30
d) 32
Answer: a
42) Two rodents species, Spalacidae and Selevinidae present in,
a) Ethopian region
b) Oriental Region
c) Palearctic Region
d) Australian region
Answer: c
43) Large numbers of tailed amphibians are present in,
a) Ethopian region
b) Palearctic Region
c) Neotropical Region
d) Australian region
Answer: b
44) Palearctic region shares bears and deers with,
a) Nearctic and Ethopian region
b) Neotropical and Australian region
c) Nearctic and Palearctic region
d) Neotropical region Oriental region
Answer: d
45) Oriental region has no physical boundary in,
a) Southeast side
b) Southwest side
c) South side
d) West side

Answer: a
46) At Northwest side the oriental region bounded by,
a) Indian Ocean
b) Desert
c) Mountains
d) Grassy Plains
Answer: b
47) At north Oriental region bounded by,
a) Indian Ocean
b) Desert
c) Himalayas
d) Grassy Plains

Answer: c
48) 153 families of terrestrial vertebrates are present in,
a) Ethopian region
b) Oriental Region
c) Neotropical Region
d) Australian region

49) Oriental region fauna resemble with,

a) Palearctic region
b) Nearctic region
c) Neotropical Region
d) Ethopian region

Answer: d
50) Oriental region shares hedgehog and porcupine with,
a) Nearctic and Ethopian region
b) Neotropical and Australian region
c) Ethopian and Palearctic region
d) Neotropical Oriental region

Answer: c
51) At Northern side Ethopian region bounded by,
a) Indian Ocean
b) Sahara
c) Himalayas
d) Grassy Plains

Answer: b
52) 161 Families of terrestrial vertebrate present in,
a) Australian region
b) Neotropical region
c) Nearctic region
d) Ethopian region
Answer: d
53) …….. families are exclusive in Ethopian region.
a) 13 Families
b) 12 Families
c) 10 Families
d) 8 Families

Answer: b
54) Of all chameleons’ species in the world …….. found in Ethopian region.
a) 45
b) 40
c) 35
d) 20

Answer: b
55) In Australian region the terrestrial vertebrates are about,
a) 134 families
b) 133 families
c) 132 families
d) 130 families

Answer: a
56) ……. birds species are present in Australian region.
a) 18
b) 19
c) 17
d) 20

Answer: c
57) 8 mammalian species are present in,
a) Oriental region
b) Ethopian region
c) Australian region
d) Nearctic region
Answer: c

58) …… species of lizard are present in Australian region.

a) 100 species
b) 150 species
c) 200 species

d) 250 species
Answer: d

59) 100 species of tree frogs and and common frogs are present in,
a) Oriental region
b) Ethopian region
c) Australian region
d) Nearctic region
Answer: c

60) Australian region fauna, a few frogs turtles and marsupials resemble with,
a) Nearctic region
b) Neotropical region
c) Palearctic region
d) Ethopian region
Answer: b

61) 155 terrestrial vertebrates are present in are present in,

a) Oriental region
b) Ethopian region
c) Neotropical region
d) Nearctic region
Answer: c
62) Higher number of endemic species are present in,
a) Neotropical region
b) Ethopian region
c) Australian region
d) Nearctic region

Answer: a
63) Nearctic fauna is very similar to,
a) Palearctic region
b) Ethopian region
c) Australian region
d) Nearctic region
Answer: a
64) Terrestrial vertebrates of Nearctic region are about,
a) 121 families
b) 119 families
c) 122 families
d) 120 species
Answer: d
65) 59 birds species are present in,
a) Palearctic region
b) Ethopian region
c) Australian region
d) Nearctic region

Answer: d
66) Nearctic region joined by Central Isthmus to,
a) Neotropical region
b) Ethopian region
c) Australian region
d) Nearctic region
Answer: a
62) In Nearctic region, there present,
a) 20 reptiles and 21 amphibians
b) 14 Reptiles and 21 amphibians
c) 21 reptiles and 14 amphibians
d) 21 reptiles and 21 amphibians
Answer: c
68)The Earth has existed for _______years ago
a) 3.2 Billion
b) 4.7 Billion
c) 4.6 billion
d) 5.2 billion
answer: c
69)The largest section is called as_____
a) Eras
b) Periods
c) Epochs
d) Eons
answer: d
70) The second section is called as_____
a) Eras
b) Periods
c) Epochs
d) Eons
answer: a
71) Eras are divided into_____
a) Eras
b) Periods
c) Epochs
d) Eons
answer: c
72) The death of every member of a species is_________
a) Vulnerable
b) Threaten
c) Extinction
d) Expired
answer: c
73) Extinction’s main reasons are____
a) Competition
b) Survival
c) Danger
d) Space
answer a
74) The extinction of many species at the same time______
a) Uniformitarianism
b) Mass Extinction
c) Catastrophism
d) Destruction
answer b
75) Gradual changes in climate or ocean currents result in _____
a) Uniformitarianism
b) Mass Extinction
c) Catastrophism
d) Destruction
answer a
76) Asteriods hitting the earth and blocking of the sun_____
a) Uniformitarianism
b) Mass Extinction
c) Catastrophism
d) Destruction
answer c
77) Time from the formation of the Earth____ to _____ is called as Precambrian Time.
a) 4.9 Billion to 572 million years
b) 5.2 Billion to 592 million years
c) 4.6 Billion to 542 million years

d) 4.9 Billion to 542 million years

answer: c
78) The first organism appeared ______ years ago
a) 5.4 billion
b) 4.9 billion
c) 3.6 billion
d) 4.2 billion
79) The first organism called as_____
a) Ameoba
b) Prokaryotes
c) Eukaryotes
d) Pramecium
Answer: b
80) Prokaryotes have_____
a) No cell and many nucleus
b) Many cells and no nucleus
c) One cell and no nucleus
d) Many cells and many nucleus
answer: c
81) As oxygen began to build up, the_____ was formed.
a) Ozone
b) Oxygen
c) Hydrogen
d) Nitrogen
answer: a
82) After the formation of Prokaryotes ____ years ago Eukaryotes formed
a) 10 Millions
b) 1.5 billion
c) 1 billion
d) 2.5 billion

answer: c
83) Paleozoic Era formed ______ and ended ______ years ago.
a) 575 M and 340 M
b) 542 M and 251 M
c) 548 M and 390 M
d) 532 M and 245 M
answer: b
84) Paleozoic Era is divided into____ periods
a) 9
b) 5
c) 6
d) 2
answer: c
85) New life forms appeared during the 1st period, the “Cambrian Period”___
a) Cambrian formation
b) Cambrian Explosion
c) Cambrian Initiation
d) Cambrian Destruction
answer: b
86) Organisms hard part firstly formed as_____
a) Shells, Endoskeleton
b) Flagella, Endoskeleton
c) Cillia, Exoskeleton
d) Shells, Exoskeleton
answer: a
87) Permian Extinction occurred_____ years ago.
a) 248 M
b) 298 M
c) 251 M
d) 340
answer: c
88) Paleozoic era ends and __________Era starts.
a) Precambrian
b) Perminan
c) Cambrian
d) Mesozoic
answer: d
89) ___% of life ocean life and ____% of Life ended according to the scientists.
a) 90% and 48%
b) 74% and 56%
c) 90% and 78%
d) 56% and 67%
answer: c
90) Which of the animals group survived during Permian extinction.
a) Reptiles and Mammals
b) Mammals and Amphibians
c) Reptiles and Amphibians
d) Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles
answer: c
91) Mesozoic Era begans _______ Millions years ago.
a) 251
b) 340
c) 560
d) 480
answer: a

92) Mesozoic Era is the age of ______

a) Mammals
b) Amphibians
c) Reptiles
d) Birds
answer: b
93) Tertiary Extinction is ______ and happened _____ million years ago.
a) Permian, 57
b) Mass, 48
c) Cretaceous, 65
d) Mesozoic, 62
answer: c
94) Mesozoic era ends and __________Era starts.
a) Precambrian
b) Cenozoic
c) Cambrian
d) Paleozoic
answer: b

95) In Tertiary Extinction _____ got Extinct.

a) Mammals
b) Amphibians
c) Reptiles
d) Dinosaurs
answer: d
96) Cenozoic Era began ______ million years ago
a) 45
b) 78
c) 65
d) 89
answer: c
97) The remains of all organisms preserved in the earth is called as.________
a) Ruminants
b) Fossils
c) Specimens
d) Particles
answer: b
98) A preserved specimens is ______.
a) Ruminants
b) Fossils
c) Waste products
d) Particles
answer: b
99) The minimum age of a fossil is arbitrary date of _______ years.
a) 50,000
b) 25,000
c) 100,000
d) 10,000
answer: d
100) Fossils varied from microscopic single bacterial cells ___ in diameter.
a) 10 mm
b) 4 mm
c) 1 mm
d) 6 cm
answer: c
101) Fossiliferous (fossil-containing) rock formations and sedimentary layers (strata) is ____.
a) fossilization
b) destruction
c) fossil formation
d) fossil record
answer: d
102) There are ____ categories of fossils.
a) 1
b) 4
c) 7
d) 9
answer: b
103) Original soft parts of organisms consisted the medium of ___
a) Ice, land, water and amber
b) Ice, oil, saturated soil and amber
c) Land, desserts and amber
d) Ice, land, water and soil
answer: b
104) The best known example of original parts of organisms is Wooly Mammoths of. ____
a) Siberia and America
b) Alaska and England
c) Siberia and Alaska
d) Canada and Sweden
answer: c
105) A huge elephant like mammal buried in ____
a) Iceland
b) Ireland
c) Permafrost (frozen soil)
d) Ancient Iceland
answer: c
106) Pre-historic insects became entrapped in sticky gum like yellowish resin is called ____
a) Amber
b) Saturated soil
c) Glacier
d) Poland
answer: a
107) Original hard parts of organisms are of ____ forms.
a) 1
b) 5
c) 7
d) 9
answer: b
108) ______ remains consisted of shells of foraminifera, corals, tests of echinoderms.
a) Aragonitic
b) Phosphatic
c) Siliceous
d) Calcitic
answer: d
109) _____ remains are (an unstable form of calcite) shells of gastropods, cephalopods
a) Aragonitic
b) Phosphatic
c) Siliceous
d) Calcitic
answer: a
110) _____Remains includes bones.
a) Aragonitic
b) Phosphatic
c) Siliceous
d) Calcitic
answer: b
111) ____Remains included radiolarian shells, spongs
a) Aragonitic
b) Phosphatic
c) Siliceous
d) Chitinous
answer: c
112) Exoskeleton of arthropods are remains of _______
a) Aragonitic
b) Phosphatic
c) Siliceous
d) Chitinous
answer: d
113) Altered hard parts of organisms consisted of ______ forms.
a) 1
b) 3
c) 7
d) 9
answer: b
114) These are the remains of _____ nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen are lost only a thin film of
carbonaceous material.
a) Carbonization or mineralization
b) Preminerlization or petrification
c) Carbonization or distillation
d) Replacement or mineralization
answer: c
115) These are the remains of _____ literally turned into stone.
a) Carbonization or mineralization
b) Preminerlization or petrification
c) Carbonization or distillation
d) Replacement or mineralization
answer: b
116) These are the remains of _____ chemical from bones or shells get dissolved only turned
into light and spongy.
a) Carbonization or mineralization
b) Preminerlization or petrification
c) Carbonization or distillation
d) Replacement or mineralization
answer: d
117) Traces of Organisms are also called as. ______
a) Recored fossils
b) Ichnofossils
c) Remains of fossils
d) Specimens
answer: b
118) Traces of Organisms includes. ________
a) Carbonization or mineralization
b) Preminerlization or petrification
c) Carbonization or distillation
d) Mold and cast
answer: d
119) Mold is _____ in surrounding.
a) depression
b) expression
c) impression
d) filling
answer: c
120) Cast is filling of ____.
a) Microfilaments
b) Hollow cavity
c) Golgi bodies
d) Neurons
answer: b
121) Impression of an organisms after original material disappears is known as.____
a) Mold
b) expression
c) Cast
d) filling
answer: a

122) Molds that are filled in with other materials ______

a) Mold
b) expression
c) Cast
d) Impression
answer: c
123) Process of fossils formation is known as _________
a) fossilization
b) destruction
c) fossil formation
d) fossil record
answer: a
124) Fossilization is the process by which plant and animals remains are preserved in _____

a) desserts
b) soil
c) sedimentary rocks
d) oil

answer : c

125) The study of how living organisms become fossilized is known as ________
a) Fossil record
b) taphonomy
c) fossilization
d) catatrophism
answer: b
126) Inner Core _____km.
a) 1590
b) 1409
c) 1200
d) 2250
Answer: c
127) Outer core ____ km.
a) 1590
b) 1409
c) 1200
d) 2250
Answer: d
128) Mantel is______.
a) 1590
b) 2900
c) 1200
d) 2250
Answer: b

129) Crust---to ---- km made up of solid lighter rocks.

a) 3- 39
b) 5 - 40
c) 7-89
d) 22- 17
Answer: b

130) Lithosphere (crust and MOHO) ____ km thick.

a) 150
b) 100
c) 110
d) 125
Answer: b
131) All the water on Earth is called as._____

a) Atmosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Geology
Answer: c
132) Part of the Earth where life exists.
a) Atmosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Hydrosphere
d) Geology
Answer: b
133) Study of the Earth’s magnetism is called as_____.
a) Atmosphere
b) Magnetic force
c) Paleomagentism
d) Geology
Answer: c

134) Newezland is regarded as _____by Wallace.

a) Continental Island
b) Ireland
c) Oceanic Island
d) Ancient Island
Answer: a
135) British Islets consisted of ____ main lands.

a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

Answer: d
136) Temperature highest near the ground and falls all the way up to about:

a) 30,000 ft
b) 40,000 ft
c) 20,000 ft
d) 10,000 ft
Answer: a

137) The layer is 30 to 50 miles above the ground:

a) Ionosphere
d) Stratosphere

Answer: c
138) Animals that enjoy universal distribution are:

a) Cosmopoliton
b) Discontinuous
c) Derivatives
d) Endemic
Answer: a

139) The region consist of whole of Africa and South Arabia is:

a) Australian
b) Oriental
c) Ethopian
d) Neo tropical

Answer: b
140) Neotropical region is also called:

a) Reptile continent
b) Bird continent
c) Mammal continent
d) Amphibian
Answer: b

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