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1. How many parts are there in the forest ecosystem?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

2. On which factor forest type is mainly dependent?

a) Abiotic
b) Size of the forest
c) Shape of trees
d) Products from the trees

3. Where can we find coniferous forest in India?

a) Deserts
b) River deltas
c) Grassland
d) Himalayan

4. Why most of the Sun light does not penetrate to the ground in evergreen
a) Because of snowfall
b) Because of less temperature
c) Because of trees overlap with each other
d) Because of less rainfall

5. Which state in India has the maximum percentage of its area covered by
a) Arunachal Pradesh
b) Madhya Pradesh
c) Mizoram
d) Nagaland

6. Where can we find thorn forest in India?

a) Semi-arid regions
b) Desert regions
c) Himalayan regions
d) Northeast regions

7. What is considered as lungs of nature?

a) Rock
b) Sun
c) Water
d) Trees

8. How erosion controlled by forest?

a) By reducing in the sunlight penetration
b) By reducing the rainfall’s force on the soil’s surface
c) By reducing the pressure
d) By increasing the rainfall’s force on the soil’s surface

9. How forests increase the atmosphere’s humidity?

a) By transpiration
b) By inspiration
c) By expiration
d) By oxidation

10. Which of the following type of forest important for watersheds?

a) Tropical Evergreen forest
b) Tropical Deciduous forest
c) Tropical Montane forests
d) Grassland forest

11. How the tropical rain forest gets the name?

a) Due to less rain
b) Due to heavy rain
c) Due to moderate rain
d) Due to no rain required

12. Where can we find the most feared spider in the world ‘Tarantulas’?
a) In deserts
b) In mountains
c) In tropical rain forests
d) In grassland forest

13.Plants use ………..gas for photosysthesis

a) Oxygen
b) methane
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon dioxide

14.Deforestation means
a) Preservation of forests
b) Destruction of forests
c) Monocrop cultivation
d) Agriculture

15.What percentage of its geographical area of a country should be under

forest cover?
a) 23%
b) 43%
c) 13%
d) 33%

16.During photosynthesis, trees produce

a) Oxygen
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon Monoxide

17.Forests prevent soil erosion by binding soil particles in their

a) Stems
b) Roots
c) Leaves

18.Forest rich area in Karnataka is found in ______

a) Western Ghats
b) Bandipur
c) Nagarhole
d) Mangalore

19. ________ are referred to as Earth’s lungs.

a) Forests
b) Carbon cycles
c) Water sources
d) Mines

1. What is the predominate vegetation in grassland ecosystem?
a) Sand
b) Land
c) Rock
d) Grass

2. In grassland area how much amount of rainfall is required?

a) Low rainfall
b) High rainfall
c) Moderate rainfall
d) They don’t require any rainfall

3. How humans use grassland?

a) To cultivate the land
b) To feed livestock
c) To grow thick forests
d) Grassland is not at all useful for humans

4. Which of the following ecosystem shows varieties in his vegetation?

a) Aquatic ecosystem
b) Desert ecosystem
c) Grassland ecosystem
d) Forest ecosystem

5. Where we can find tracts of tall elephant grass?

a) Terai belt
b) Deccan belt
c) Himalayan pasture belt
d) Gangs belt

6. What is the type of grassland ecosystem which is found at Western India,

Central India and the Deccan?
a) The semi-arid plains
b) The terai
c) The Himalayan pasture belt
d) The shola

7. Which of the following consist of patches on hill slopes?

a) The shola grassland
b) Desert
c) Himalayan region
d) Deccan pasture land

8. Which ecosystem are the grazing areas of many rural communities?

a) Tropical evergreen
b) Tropical deciduous
c) Grassland
d) Desert

9. What is stored to feed cattle if there is no grass during summer to cattle?

a) Vegetables
b) Chemical manures
c) Fodder
d) Water

10. How grassland converted into flat stubs?

a) By over grazing
b) By less grazing
c) By climatic changes
d) By less water

11. How many percent of grassland covered in terms of permanent pastures in

a) 2.7%
b) 3.7%
c) 4.7%
d) 5.5%

12. Why rotational grazing pattern established?

a) To preserve grassland ecosystem
b) To destroy grassland ecosystem
c) To graze in the tropical rain forests
d) To grow grass in grassland ecosystem

13. The weather condition in temperate grasslands is

a) humid in spring
b) cold in winter
c) humid in winter
d) hot in summer

14. The temperate grasslands in Africa are known as

a) steppes
b) vied
c) pampas
d) prairies

15. The temperate grasslands in northern Europe are known as

a) pampas
b) prairies
c) steppes
d) vied

16. The temperate grasslands in South America are known as

a) pampas
b) prairies
c) steppes
d) vied

17. The temperate grasslands in North America are known as

a) steppes
b) vied
c) pampas
d) prairies

1. In which of the following place we can find the cold deserts?
a) Bangalore
b) Chennai
c) Himalaya
d) Rajasthan

2. What kind of climate we can find in the Thar desert?

a) Cold
b) Dry
c) Cool
d) Moist

3. Where can we find babul tree?

a) In deserts ecosystems
b) In river deltas
c) In grassland ecosystems
d) In semi-arid ecosystems

4. Why Rann of Kutch attracts aquatic birds in monsoon season?

a) Because desert land is converted to forest land
b) Because desert land is converted to snow
c) Because desert land do not convert
d) Because desert land is converted to salt marshes

5. Which is the only breeding colony of the flamingos in India?

a) The Little Rann
b) The Great Rann of Kutch
c) The Himalayans
d) Thar desert

6. For what purpose areas of scanty vegetation is used?

a) Grazing
b) Farming
c) Water storage
d) To generate wind power

7. What makes desert region to become highly unproductive?

a) Salinity
b) Sunlight
c) Temperature
d) Increase in the rain

8. How can desert ecosystems be conserved?

a) By minimizing the human activity
b) By pouring water to desert area
c) By deforestation
d) By killing organis ms

9. Which of the following tribe protected trees from several generation in

a) Bishnoi
b) Papadi
c) Korvanji
d) Gudus

10. Where can we see Indira Gandhi Canal?

a) Gujarat
b) Rajasthan
c) Punjab
d) Haryana

11. Which kind of soil we can found on the surface of Thar desert?
a) Rocky
b) Moist
c) Fertile
d) Aeolian

12. Which is the biggest desert in the world including both hot and cold deserts?
a) Sahara
b) Arctic
c) Arabian
d) Antarctica

AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM ( River, Lake and Ocean)

1. How many types of aquatic ecosystems are there?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

2. Where plants and animals live in aquatic ecosystems?

a) Water
b) Land
c) Air
d) Fire

3. What made organisms to build their ecosystem in aquatic?

a) Curiosity
b) Evolution
c) Force from other organisms
d) Increase in water level

4. Where can we find both running water as well as stagnant water?

a) Marine ecosystems
b) Wetlands
c) Coral reefs
d) Freshwater ecosystems

5. In which of the following we can see fluctuation in the water level dramatically
in different season?
a) Coral reefs
b) Brackish water
c) Wetlands
d) Deep oceans

6. Which is the largest ecosystem on Earth?

a) Desert
b) Forest
c) Grassland
d) Oceans

7. Where can we see coral reefs?

a) In pond
b) In desert
c) In shallow trophical seas
d) In dense tropical forest

8. Which of the following is among the world’s most productive ecosystems in

terms of biomass production?
a) Pond ecosystems
b) Lake ecosystems
c) Brackish water ecosystems
d) River ecosystems

9. Which is the simplest aquatic ecosystem?

a) Pond
b) Stream
c) Lake
d) Marine

10. Which ecosystem is known as giant permanent pond?

a) Lake ecosystem
b) Pond ecosystem
c) Seashore ecosystem
d) Marine ecosystem

11. How many oceans constitute the marine ecosystems around peninsular India?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

12. Beach is classified into which ecosystem?

a) Lake ecosystem
b) Seashore ecosystem
c) Pond ecosystem
d) River ecosystem

13. The bottom area where production is less than respiration in a pond
ecosystem is termed as
a) Profundal zone
b) Tidal zone
c) Benthic zone
d) Limnetic zone

14. The upper part of an aquatic ecosystem contains

a) Nekton
b) Plankton
c) Benthos
d) both (1) and (2)

15. Which of the following lake zones has phytoplanktons in abundance?

a) Littoral zone
b) Benthic zone
c) Limnetic zone
d) Profundal zone

16. Eutrophic lakes are characterized by:

a) Low nutrients, high productivity
b) Low nutrients, low productivity
c) High nutrients, low productivity
d) High nutrients, high productivity
17. Organisms which are predominantly found living on, in or near bed
sediments of rivers or lakes are known as:
a) Neuston
b) Nektonic
c) Planktonic
d) Benthic

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