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Redwood Strategy Checklist

This checklist provides a list of potential ways to update and expand a blog post into a true
Redwood Post.

Ways To Add To Redwood Posts

Information that is outdated can be corrected.

Fix any broken links or rebranded links
Add a complementary content upgrade (aka lead magnet) specific to that blog post and
make it available after they opt-in
Add relevant images where you show them examples of what you’re talking about, or steps
of a procedure.
Avoid overuse of stock photography. Consider using your own photos, taken with
your camera or mobile phone.
Take screenshots, where applicable and helpful.
Produce and include your own video where you are discussing the same information as is
covered in writing
Search for other people’s videos on that cover sections or show examples of
things you’re discussing in the content. Embed those videos in the post.
Add discussion and links to any relevant tools which can help them accomplish what’s being
discussed in the post.
Consider embedding videos showing them how to use those tools.
Look for sections of the post where people may get confused or hung up and expanded that
section to be truly helpful.
Look for opportunities to link internally to other blogs in your archives.
Look for opportunities to link externally to outside resources.
If this post is a curated post which is bringing resources, tips or information from a variety of
different places, consider simply adding more.
Look for opportunities to provide additional perspective or alternative ways of doing things,
even if discussed by other bloggers. Link to those other bloggers and provide your own twist
on it.
Look for stats, figures, case studies that you can include to illustrate or back up what you
say in the post.
Consider creating a graphical, infographic version of any procedure discussed in the post.
Look for any opportunities to include bulleted or numbered lists.
Look for infographics, charts, etc from OTHER sites that you can potentially include in your
own post (with linked credit)
Consider the use of offset quotes
Look for opportunities to include “tweetables” for easy sharing on social media
Create a slide deck to accompany your blog post and embed.
Hit up leaders in your niche for any other tips/advice they might add to your post. Include it,
with a link back. Page 1 of 2
Useful Tools:

• - Make nice looking infographics and other printables easily

• - Create animated GIFs for free online
• - Upload your slides and embed on your blog post (or find other
people’s slide decks that may add value)
• - Turn your blog post into a great looking lead magnet quickly. Great
for fast content upgrades.
• - Great tool for creating nice looking images when you have no
graphic editing skills
• - Social Warfare Plugin, which is what I
use for tweetables and network specific preview images Page 2 of 2

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