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A faculty vacancy portal has been established to provide a centralized platform for
universities and colleges to advertise their available faculty positions and for potential
candidates to search and apply for these positions. The portal allows institutions to post
detailed job descriptions, required qualifications, and application procedures for each
position. Candidates can search for available positions by location, subject area, and other
relevant criteria, and submit their application and supporting materials through the portal. The
platform streamlines the hiring process for institutions and offers a convenient and efficient
way for potential candidates to find and apply for faculty positions. This solution helps
ensure that the best candidates are matched with the right institutions, facilitating the creation
of thriving academic communities.

Job Listings Module: This module will allow you to list and manage faculty job openings. It
should include fields for job title, department, job description, and requirements.

Application Submission Module: This module will allow applicants to submit their
applications online. It should include fields for personal information, education, work
experience, and supporting documents.

Screening and Evaluation Module: This module will allow the hiring team to review and
evaluate submitted applications. It should allow for rating and sorting of applicants based on
various criteria, such as qualifications and experience.

Interview Scheduling Module: This module will allow the hiring team to schedule
interviews with shortlisted candidates. It should include an automated scheduling system that
allows the candidates to select their preferred interview slots.

Reference Checking Module: This module will allow the hiring team to conduct reference
checks for the top candidates. It should include fields for the reference's contact information
and questions to ask.

Offer Management Module: This module will allow the hiring team to manage the process
of offering the job to the selected candidate. It should include fields for the offer letter and
tracking the candidate's acceptance status.

Analytics Module: This module will allow the administrators to view statistics and insights
about the recruitment process, such as the number of applications received, the time to fill a
position, and the success rate of the recruitment process.

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