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The London Gazetta

. 1 i i i ;« il i ' , i * ir r - 11-

From &atafta*S September &8. to CucftUf October t. 1728.

Fontainebleau, OSober *>, N. S. virig been refused at Middlebourg, the Stated

General have written to the States o£ Zea-

N the ist Instant the Life-Guards land, to give effectual Order for Compli-
commanded by the Duke de Vil- ance with the said Tariff. There is no Per-
leroy at Fontainebleau, were re- son appointed yet to succeed the deceased Mi
lieved after three Months Service by Pester&tas Resident of this State at Brussels.
those of the Duke d'Harcourt. Yesterday, the
4th, her most Christian Majesty went to Paris, Windsor-Castle, Sept. 29.
and visited the Churches of Notre Dame and This Day the Marquess Grimaldi Envoy
St. Genevieve. Her Majesty is expected here Extraordinary from Genoa, had his first pri-
on Thursday next. The Duke of Bour- vate Audience of His Majesty, to which he
nonville is ill at Paris, of a Fever and a Diarr- was introduced by his Grace the Duke of
hea-. The last Letters from Spain advise, that Newcastle, orie of His Majesty's Principal Se-
the DUkfc of Ripperda, after having left Se- cretaries of State, and conducted by Sir Cle-
govia, stopt three or four Days at a Village ment Cottrel, Knt, Master of the Ceremo-
five Leagues distant from thence, till a Ser- nies.
vant Maid and a Corporal, the Abettors of He had afterwards a private Audience of
his Escape, came to him. He had with him Her Majesty, to which ne was introduced
a Servant of his own, who came from Madrid by the Rignt Honourable the Earl of Gran-
with Arms, Money, and one of the Mules of tham, Her Majesty's Lord Chamberlain, and
his Lady's Coach ; but he chose the Conve- conducted by the Master of the Ceremonies.
niency of one of the flow Voitures used in
Spain^ which make about eight Leagues a Custom House, London, Sept. 2*3, 17*8.
Day, and so travelled to Miranda de Duero in For Sale, by Order of the Hon. Commiilioners
Portugal, and from thence as was supposed he of His Majesty's Customs.
went to Oporto.'. He .passed Miranda the On Wednesday tht id if Octiher, 1718, at Twt it-
8th of September}sincewhich there has been Clock inthe Afiernitn, will be expifed tt Sale in the
nd Account of him. The Man that conduc- Long Room at tht Custom-Houfi, London, upwards ef
ted him would not carry him beyond Miran- Twi Hundrtd and Thirty Casks tf Refused Winet,
da, having contracted to go no further than whith are te be distilled intt Brandy, er made intt
to that Place, and it was not till the Return Vinegar Within three Mentbi after tbe Delivery, fir
which a sufficient St eur ity it tt bt given by Bend, te
lof that Person with his Voiture that there be cancelled upon producing a priper Certificate frim
was any certain Advice what Way the Duke thi Officers if Sxcife. And alfi a Parcel tf Skins and
of Ripperda had taken. a Small Biat. NH. Tt be seen at Hit Majesty't Ware-
house in Mtnday and Tuesday, tht \oth tf September,
Hague, Otf. 6, N. S. t h e States of the and the 1st ef October, and all the Miming befire tbt
Province of Holland, who had for some Salt. Catalogues tt be bad at tht King's Warehouse.
Time delayed their usual Assembly, on ac-
count of tne Indisoosition of their Great Pen- The Cobimittet fir Letting the Cities Lands in tht
sionary M. Slingelant, have upori his being Account if the Chamberlain tj"thi City if Lenden givt
pretty well recovered} appointed to meet Nitice, tbat they intend to Lett by Ltaft twi large
td Morrow Se'nnight. The Payment of Du- Fields of Pasture Ground lying next Rose-Lane iu Rat-
cliffe, a Cnb-Hiufi -itiib twt Riems it, and a
ties on Goods settled by the new Tarifij ha- dfi

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