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1503330- Systems Analysis & Design

Department of Information Systems

Domain Model Class Diagram exercises

Fall 2022-2023

Draw the domain model class diagram for the following situations. Show the relevant
classes, relationships, multiplicity, and attributes (add the appropriate attributes).

1. A construction company has many branches. Each branch employs many employees, who are
assigned to 3 and 5 projects. A minimum of 10 employees are assigned to each project. An
employee can be a worker or an engineer. Engineers are paid a monthly salary, while workers
get a weekly wage based on a weekly number of hours worked. Each branch is managed by one
supervisor. A project is assigned two project managers. A project manager is assigned a
minimum of 3 projects.

2. A factory accepts orders from its customer, who can be regular customers or privileged
customers. Privileged customers are offered a special discount rate. A customer can place
between 3 to 6 orders. Each order contains a minimum of 4 products, and a product can be in
more than one order. A product-line produces between 2 to 5 products, but many products
belong to one product-line. Each order is signed by one employee, who must sign at least 5

Instructor: Prof. Samar Mouakket

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