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Alan’s knife trembles in his hand.

The power of the stage seeps into him, a mass of intensity drowning
him in splintering light. He whips his head around to gaze longingly into the arms of his love, the
gracious and loving Pauline. He sighs loudly and raises the knife once again. Upstage, Pauline
shrieks - her hair falling undone, not unlike Alan's own mind. etc etc description

Dangle turns, lost in some strange amalgamation of fury and pride. ‘We, the educated classes, have
our own weapons,’ he sighs. ‘The law; contract; and my particular specialism – sesquipedalian verbis.’

Long words.

Have you ever had a word on the tip of your tongue? Whether in time conditions or in casual
conversation, it takes a huge amount of brain power from yourself and/or the other parties involved to
determine the word, or if the word is too obscure the concept of the word.

This can be fine. Generally, we are all quite good at this - the importance of synonyms are hammered
into us quite profusely from around grade 4 and up - and for non-native speakers, a goal towards
fluency is to expand the language they use. If you remember those posters on the wall, filled with

‘Don’t use angry in this piece - instead, use furious-’

‘Can I grab a cab?’, as opposed to ‘May you please call me a taxi?’

(add more examples?)

But, there are some things that only that word can explain - something as simple as self.


‘I’ holds with it an insane amount of power. So does ‘me.’ From asking for help ‘I need food, I need
help, I need water’ to basic expressions of individuality. My favourite colour is blue. I like listening to
country music.

Imagine that feeling, of a concept, a word on the tip of your tongue, every time you try to explain a
concept as simple as I.

In North Korea, the concept of stress has been removed from linguistic and social common language.
In a presumed bid to show off the paradise that is the world North Koreans live in… rephrase this all
etc. In order to demonstrate this to their people, they must either create a real utopia, or to remove the
concept of stress to physically disallow an expression of unhappiness…. etc

Guess which one’s easier.

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