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Yedi şehir Ayak izleri ve Renkler (Seven Cities Footprints and

Colors) project is aimed at 14-19 year old students and proposes a

solution to the communication needs of our students through the
healing power of cultural heritage and art.
The pandemic period brought an experience of lack of human
contact, culture and artistic communication, being one of the most
chaotic periods experienced by young people of this generation.
Through this project we aimed to challenge students to develop their
empathy for art, looking from different perspectives, from the past
to the present to what is the cultural heritage and inherited art.
Project objectives :
• Applying modern curriculum techniques, using various attractive
digital forms for young people
• Educating young people to protect cultural heritage and creating
digital materials that promote cultural heritage
• Establishing intercultural connections through open digital
• Using digital tools, discovering the possibilities of using them in
• Communication in English
• Studying art from an interdisciplinary perspective
• Development of critical thinking and interpretation of cultural
• Development of entrepreneurial skills for tourism and online
promotion of cultural heritage
The pedagogical approaches for achieving the objectives were in
accordance with the age peculiarities of the students, and the
methods used were focused on the student. The methods used were:
individual work, small team work, documentation and research
activities, creative writing, design creation, practicing
communication and writing skills in English, development of digital
skills, collaborative work under the guidance of teachers, systematic
observation of students, online meetings, completing surveys,
brainstorming, teaching game.
pedagogical approaches:
- creating communication groups for Romanian students on
Whatsapp and Google Classroom;
- creating a whatsapp group for the teachers involved in the project;
- individual documentation work for creating the personal avatar,
logo and poster with the help of applications: Avatarmaker, Pixton,
- mixed meetings on the Zoom platform;
- creating polls using Goole Forms to vote on which is the most
appropriate national logo and poster;
- creating surveys using Google Forms to vote on the most
appropriate project logo and poster;
- organizing a seminar for the presentation of E safety rules;
- division into 7 mixed teams with students and teachers from
different countries; (Romania and Turkey)
- establishing work tasks for each team;
- creating a whatsapp group and a Twinspace page for each mixed
- draw lots for each of the 7 teams;
- individual documentation work for the presentation of the tourist
objectives specific to each city;
- work in small teams to make individual comics;
- working in a mixed team to create team avatars and comics using
Canvas and Pixton applications;
- students and teachers from the mixed teams discussed and
collaborated in meetings on the Zoom platform and on the
Twinspace forum;

Students aged 15-17 were divided into 7 mixed teams. The cities for
each team were drawn by lot. Students gathered information about
the culture, language, and attractions of the cities drawn by lot, then
made a word document, a poster in Canva, and a collaborative
comic in Canva and Pixton in English with city information.
Students learned to create their own avatar, to edit comics using ICT
tools and digital platforms such as: Canva, Avatar maker, Pixton.
Students learned to communicate on Zoom, forum and Twinspace,
whatsapp groups. At the end of the project, the common products
were: logos and posters of the project, virtual exhibition of the cities
of origin of students and teachers, digital book made in
collaboration with all project partners including comics in which
were presented 7 European cities drawn by lot each mixed team of
student-teachers from different countries. The project was shared
with students, teachers and the local community. Teachers and
students kept in touch on Whatsapp groups, Twinspace, the forum,
Twinmail, Instagram and Facebook.
The project can be integrated in many curricular areas such as:
English, art education, ICT, history.
Following the students' participation in this project, the skills
acquired for the English language class were: developing the skills
of writing, listening, reading and speaking in English
students are able to identify expressions related to school, daily
activity or hobbies;
students are able to identify expressions related to local history;
- students are able to introduce themselves to others;
- students are able to present personal information about themselves
in formal and non-formal situations;
- students are able to present information about the culture of some
- students are able to extract important information from a historical
- students are able to write a short text about the local history of a
- students are able to introduce themselves
Following the participation in this project, the competencies
acquired by the students for the plastic education class were:
- manifestation of interest in knowing and interpreting works of art;
- motivation for the protection and enhancement of the national and
universal artistic heritage;
- observing, understanding and appreciating various forms of artistic
expression from the universal heritage;
- cultivating creativity;
- In order to achieve these skills in the Etwinning project “Yedişehir
Ayakizlerive Renkler (Seven cities Footprints and Colors)” the
students were divided into mixed teams, each team had to
document, make and then present word documents, posters and
comics about the culture, personalities, language and sights of a city.
Thus, students came to observe, know, understand and appreciate
forms of artistic expression from different cultures, which are part of
the universal heritage.
Following the participation in this project, the skills acquired for the
ICT class were:
- Identifying rules for safe and efficient Internet browsing and
discussing the credibility of Web resources
- efficient and safe use of the Internet as a source of documentation
- the development of digital skills necessary in the current activity of
- creative development of IT products that capitalize on the
connections between the IT and ICT discipline and society;
In order to achieve these competencies, we carried out the following
- parents of students have signed a parental agreement that allows
students to be involved and use their personal data to access projects
and the etwinning platform.
- the students participated in a webinar about Esafety, and the rules
of online behavior were also posted on Google Claasroom.
- students learned to use platforms and applications such as: Canva,
Pixton, Padlet, Zoom, Avatar maker, etc.
- students learned the necessary settings for a meeting on the ZOOm
Following the participation in this project, the skills acquired for the
history class were:
- the use of critical thinking in the analysis of different sources of
- writing short historical texts based on information provided by
various sources;
- identifying the common values of different cultures;
- manifestation of civic behavior and acceptance of socio-cultural
Tourist Heritage Module

• identification of cultural heritage elements specific to a tourist area

• promoting cultural heritage through digital tools
• using the online environment to attract tourists and create tourist
• creation of promotional materials for the development of the
tourist potential of a tourist area
• creating a hook to attract tourists by highlighting the cultural and
artistic heritage of a tourist area
The documents of each partner school were published on
Twinspace. Each partner school contributed to the creation of
activity pages in Twinspace and uploading the results to the forum,
padlet or mixed team page. I collaborated on the Whatsapp group,
on twinmail, on the forum, zoom and facebook. Each school created
questionnaires to vote on the most appropriate logo and poster for
the project theme, then another survey was created with the winning
posters and logos from each school. We created questionnaires
about the impact of the project on the local community. We
collaborated in mixed teams. I was on a team with an English
teacher from Turkey. I shared the shared results on Twinspace and
the Facebook group. Students created and posted presentations
about them in English on Twinspace. Teachers and students shared
ideas and impressions on the Twinspace forum. Students
participated in webinars and presentations on the Virtual
Reconstruction of an Ancient City. The students from Turkey
created a virtual exhibition about their national poet, and the
Romanian students about Easter customs and traditions.
Electronic security of students was ensured by signing an agreement
with each of the students 'parents to use the students' personal data.
Electronic security rules have been developed for students. Each
student has access to Twinspace using their personal username and
password. The students communicated with the teachers and the
other students using the whasapp group, Twinmail, the twinspace
forum, the Facebook group, the Zoom platform. Students were
introduced to tutorials and learned how to use applications such as
Avatar Maker, Canva, Pixton, Padlet, to make logos, posters,
comics, or post comments. A list of ICT tools used in the project is
also published on Twinspace. All the works posted are made by the
students with the help of technology. The project was disseminated
within the school, to other classes of students, on the school's
Facebook page
and on the school website. (
etwinning/), on the youtube channel:
It is the first Etwinning project I have participated in and it has made
a significant contribution to my professional development. Thanks
to the collaboration with teachers from other countries, I learned to
use new applications and platforms useful for online teaching or for
creating teaching materials that are as interactive and attractive as
possible for students. The most important impact of the project on
our students was the opportunity to compare different cultures and
accept cultural and artistic diversity. The project also contributes to
their future personal development, with students acquiring
communication skills in a foreign language, digital skills and last
but not least social skills (by establishing friendships with students
from other parts of the world). The products obtained in the project
(logos, posters, posters, presentations, benzidesenate, e-book) can be
used in English language, art education or history classes. For the
final evaluation of the project, surveys were created for students,
teachers and parents. We have established long-term relationships
with partners in other countries, which will lead to collaboration in
other Etwinning projects in the future.
Students learned to express themselves and write in English.
Students learned to create their own avatar using the Avatar maker
platform, then created the virtual classroom using the Pixton
platform. Students created logos and posters, and then surveyed the
project logo and poster.
Students worked independently documenting themselves to make
posters, word documents and comics. Through collaborative work,
posters and comics about the city and its objectives were made. For
the final evaluation, surveys were created for teachers and students
to find out their opinion about participating in the project. As final
products the partner schools created a book with the story of the 7
cities comprising the comics created by each mixed team, a
Facebook group
and a blog.
- Turkish teachers received awards for organizing coding events
within the “Yedi şehir Ayakizlerive Renkler (Seven cities Footprints
and Colors)” project during Europe code week 2021;
- Professor Emine Kirez received the Turkey National Quality
Certificate for this project;
- Professor Naciye Yavuz received the Turkey National Quality
Certificate for this project;
- Professor Esin Aslan received the national quality certificate
Turkey for this project;

• All teachers involved in the project received the National Quality

Certificate and the project was awarded the European Quality

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