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Human-Centred Design

Frame Your Design Challenge

1. Take a stab at framing it as a design question.
How can we encourage students to feel more comfortable using the study areas in the
university building?

2. Now, state the ultimate impact you’re trying to have.

We want to provide students with a space to focus effectively and study.

3. What are some possible solutions to your problem?

Better noise isolation, private areas, more ergonomic study desks and better location of
study places.

4. Finally, write down some of the context and constraints that you’re facing.
It is out of students to control if they have a quiet place to study or collaborate with their
class peers. Providing this at every WSU university should likely result in an effective
solution to students' lack of a sufficient place to study

5. Does your original question need a tweak? Try it again.

How can we provide students with the necessary resources and tools in the WSU study
areas to succeed in their goals and feel at ease throughout their time at university?

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