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1. Explain the activities performed during the data analysis phase.

a. Data Acquisition
b. Data Profiling and Cleaning
2. Create a table named employee and insert the records.

Ans 1:

Data analysis is the process of examining data sets in order to extract meaningful insights and
information from them. The analysis phase typically involves several activities that are essential
for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data being used. Two key activities performed
during the data analysis phase are data acquisition and data profiling and cleaning.

Data Acquisition:

The first step in any data analysis project is to acquire the data that will be analyzed. This
involves identifying the relevant data sources, gathering the data, and preparing it for analysis.
The data may come from a variety of sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, text files, or
web services.

During data acquisition, it is important to ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and
properly formatted. Data quality checks should be performed to identify any errors or
inconsistencies in the data. This may involve using tools such as data validators or data profiling
software to check for things like missing values, data type mismatches, and inconsistent data

Data Profiling and Cleaning:

Once the data has been acquired, the next step is to profile and clean it. Data profiling involves
analyzing the data to understand its structure, content, and quality. This can help to identify any
issues with the data, such as missing values, outliers, or inconsistencies.

Data cleaning is the process of correcting any errors or inconsistencies in the data. This may
involve removing duplicate records, correcting spelling errors, or filling in missing values. Data
cleaning is essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data being used in the

During the data profiling and cleaning phase, it is important to document any issues or changes
that are made to the data. This can help to ensure that the analysis is reproducible and that any
potential sources of error are identified and addressed.

Overall, data acquisition and data profiling and cleaning are two critical activities in the data
analysis phase. They are essential for ensuring that the data being used is accurate, complete,
and reliable, and that the analysis is based on sound data.

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