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Nama:Rizki Taufik Hidayat

Npm : 10121324

Kelas :c12 manajemen

Rules in rusia

Russia is a country that has a number of regulations regulated by the government and authorized
institutions. Some of the regulations related to everyday life in Russia include traffic regulations,
environmental regulations, safety regulations, and statutory regulations. One example of an important
rule in Russia is the traffic rules. These regulations are designed to ensure the safety of road users and
reduce traffic accidents throughout the country. Some of the traffic rules in Russia include wearing a
seat belt, not using a cell phone while driving, and obeying the set speed limit. Environmental regulation
is also an important focus for the Russian government. This is reflected in regulations that determine
restrictions on the use of hazardous chemicals, waste management, and protection of natural resources.
The rule of law is also very important in Russia, and there are a number of laws and regulations set by
the government. Some of the important legal regulations in Russia include regulations on intellectual
property rights, regulations on business and investment, and regulations on freedom of the press and
freedom of speech.

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