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Discharge Plan for HIV patients

 Caring for yourself

-Take your medicine exactly as directed.
-Tell your provider about any side effects.
-Contact your provider if you have any new symptoms or if existing
symptoms get worse.
-See your healthcare provider regularly. Your provider will need to
follow you closely for the rest of your life.
-Tell all your providers that you are HIV-positive. This includes dentists
and dental hygienists.
 Help prevent the spread of HIV
- Never share needles, including those for insulin, or other equipment
for drug use.
-Don't donate blood, plasma, semen, or organs.
-Use condoms during sexual intercourse or talking with your partner
about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), which is medicine your partner takes
daily to prevent HIV.
 Reducing your risk for infection
-Follow a good diet and stay at a healthy weight. This will help protect
your immune system. Talk with your healthcare provider about seeing a
dietician to help review your nutritional needs.
-Exercise for endurance and to boost your immune system and your
mental health.
-Wash your hands often with clean, running water. If soap and water are
not available, use an alcohol-based hand cleaner. Wash your hands
before and after taking care of any cuts, scrapes, or wounds.
-Don’t smoke or use tobacco products. If you do, try to quit.
 Follow-up care
-Follow up with your healthcare provider, or as advised.
 Bartlett JG . The Johns Hopkins Hospital 2000-2001 Guide to Medical
Care Of Patients With HIV Infection.
Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
 WHO protocols for CIS countries (version 1); HIV/AIDS Treatment and

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