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For all of us 2020 has been a year we will remember for

the rest of our lives. It showed us that human society is

not as unbreakable as we thought. The pandemic
showed us who are good leaders and who are not. The
Black Lives Matter movement brought the injustice
faced by the minorities to light. If you ask me we have a
lot to learn from than grieve from 2020.
The highlight of 2020 was the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many developing countries
have faced a shortage of
healthcare professionals and
medical equipment. Even
developed countries have a
shortage of medicines. So, in
2021, countries may work to
improve their healthcare. During COVID-19 pandemic,
imports and exports were affected adversely. Many
countries are depending on the imports for many
products such as electronics, pharmaceutical
ingredients etc. So, in the year 2021, companies will
work on diversifying supply chains and
countries will work on achieving self-
sufficiency. This may lead to protectionist
tendencies. Many made in India good may
appear in 2021.
Due to the lockdown there were
less carbon emissions. All of us
have now become more
comfortable with the virtual
interface so, I believe the use of
air transport will reduce just for
the purposes of meeting
people. Thus carbon emissions will be low in 2021
comparatively. As many people are
now scared to eat out and are
preferring healthy food to boost
immunity, restaurants may continue
to struggle in 2021 as well. There will
be more investments in the
companies the manufactures hygiene-related products
and raw foods.
In conclusion Coronavirus pandemic affected everyone
and changed our daily lives in ways we could not have
imagined in 2019. The world will create 2021 based on
these changes and also with the lessons we learned
while fighting with the pandemic. 2021 may be a second
chance for us humans to learn from our mistakes.

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