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Our Future Life After Corona

In my opinion, people will start traveling freely to several countries. I think that by
2021 we will have many options and promos for traveling abroad. Besides that, I also predict
that each country will have many strategies to attract foreign tourists to come to their
country. For example, the opening of new tourist attractions and tourist attractions in these
countries will provide affordable prices to foreign tourists. With so many attractive offers, of
course, it will attract tourists to come to their country.

Apart from that other things will happen, I think we will be more diligent in
exercising to prevent disease. Because of the corona pandemic which has made many
people aware of the matter of maintaining health by not only washing their hands but also
having to exercise. Certainly, it will increase everyone's interest in exercising so that their
bodies are healthy and strong in warding off all diseases. The health support places will also
be more numerous and more attractive like the gym and others.

After all, we see that with this corona pandemic, there are several disadvantages in
the tourism sector in each country which causes the tourism sector to have to restart its
activities in the coming year to benefit from the losses incurred and also teach us to always
maintain health so that avoid the coronavirus by not only washing your hands regularly but
also by regular exercise.
Our Future Life After Corona

In my opinion, the education system will be more advanced in the field of digital
technology. In the following year, namely 2021, there will be many modern applications that
are more attractive and easier to use in learning methods. The learning system will also be
increasingly ready to accept online learning, especially in areas that are still difficult to
reach. With advances in technology in the field of learning it will also increase the scope of
learning to be wider, for example, some schools can collaborate with schools abroad for
exchange of lessons.

Other than that, I think that hygiene will be better maintained by washing hands
frequently. It will be remembered by almost all humans that washing hands is very
important, not only can it be done to avoid the coronavirus but washing hands can also
avoid some germs that cause disease. In the future, we will respect our life more by keeping
ourselves and others clean. Washing places will be more and more scattered with good
facilities, for example, there is a hand washing area for public roads and others

Finally, after the corona pandemic is over we will be able to move more freely and
also we can fix some of the time losses we experienced during this pandemic. In the future,
unexpected innovations will also emerge in the form of technology or educational support
applications that are very interesting and comprehensive. Therefore, many deficiencies
must be fixed so that the future will be better and healthier

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