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Field Trip 2022 Consent Form


Activities : Field Trip2022

Place : Balai Bomba, Granduer Choc & Pusat Sains Negara
Date : 15th September 2022
Time : 8.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Transport : Bus
Charge : RM 62 (included in yearly fees 2022)

I, ___________________________________ give Principal KinderKaizen Saujana Utama , and her employees

(Parent’s name)

(if applicable), permission to take my child, ____________________________________ on field trip as

( Child’s name)
part of the KinderKaizen program.

This includes transportation by car, bus, or on foot and is granted only if my child will be appropriately
restrained in any vehicle.

• I agree to delegate my authority to supervising teachers/instructors. Such supervisors may take
whatever disciplinary action they deem necessary to ensure the safety, well-being and successful conduct of
the students as a group and individually.
• In the event of an accident or illness and contact with me being impracticable or impossible, I authorize
the teacher-in-charge to arrange whatever medical or surgical treatment a registered medical practitioner
considers necessary. I will pay all medical and dental expenses incurred on behalf of my child.

Parent Signature Date _________________________

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