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Idea marketplace :

I would’ve rather Amazon did something along the lines of Indie Publishing. Sell
prints from little bedroom artists or printed colour comic-books or art books etc…
That, I think, would be an Amazing idea. Sell worldwide, stable selling platform,
secure. Its all good!

Apprehensive about the prospects. From time to time I work with the London auctions
and their clients. They aren’t interested in getting a good value (in my experience
when someone drops £121k on sheet of paper signed by Lenin they aren’t too fussed
about money) so much as they are in good provenance, making a name for the item,
getting it featured in catalogues – all of which wouldn’t be possible with this
service. Also, there is a whole host of regulatory issues to do with selling art
(especially when talking about exporting; I’m looking at you, Waverley), taxes,
expert conclusions etc etc. Art world is notoriously against (sounding a bit
adversarial, perhaps unsure would be a better word) use of high technology, it is
probably the last place where an expert is trusted over an algorithm, so I don’t
see this making a dent in Sotheby’s, Christie’s or Bonhams market share where it

This is Huge for me as a Photographer, having a place to sell some of my fine arts
work that gets real exposure from customers.

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