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Halloween Questions

Student A

1. When is Halloween?
2. Pumpkin is popular during Halloween. Do you like pumpkin?
3. What kind of costumes do kids wear on Halloween?
4. Do you like horror movies? What’s the scariest movie you’ve watched?
5. During Halloween many people decorate their houses. What other times do people
decorate their houses?
6. What movie or cartoon characters are popular in your country?
7. Trick or Treat. Has anyone ever pulled a prank on you?
8. If you could do a magic spell, what would it be?
9. Why is Halloween becoming more popular globally?
10. What would you do if you were a ghost? Who would you haunt?

Student B

1. What do people do during Halloween?

2. What happens during Trick or Treat?
3. Name 3 scary items can you see during Halloween.
4. Have you ever been to a party where you had to wear a costume? Tell me about it.
5. Are you afraid of the dark? What are you scared of?
6. If you were going to a Halloween party, what or who would you dress as?
7. Kids get lots of candy and sweets during Halloween. What’s your favorite sweet
8. Do you believe in ghosts?
9. What are some games or activities that you like from Halloween? Haunted Houses.
Pumpkin carving. Costumes.
10. Which famous person would you like to go Trick-or-Treating with?

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