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How does checkpoint activation affect the rate of cell cycle progression?

In this graph, the x-axis represents time, and the y-axis represents the
percentage of cells in each phase of the cell cycle (G1, S, G2, M). The blue
line represents the progression of the cell cycle without checkpoint
activation, while the red line represents the progression of the cell cycle
with checkpoint activation.

As you can see from the graph, checkpoint activation causes a delay in the
progression of the cell cycle. In this example, the checkpoint is activated
during the G2 phase, causing a pause in the cell cycle and a decrease in the
percentage of cells entering the M phase. Once the issue is resolved, the
checkpoint is deactivated, and the cell cycle resumes.

This graph is just one example of how checkpoint activation can affect the
rate of cell cycle progression. There are many other factors that can
influence the timing and duration of checkpoints, and further research is
needed to fully understand the impact of checkpoint activation on the cell

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