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Emotional and Health Benefits of Blood Donation


Blood Donation is ordinarily regarded as an unreciprocated act of charity. Nevertheless, it has

been discovered that blood donation has numerous health benefits.

Check the next slide for the following health benefits:

Emotional health

 Blood donation increases your sense of purpose

 Blood donation reduces depression

 Blood donation reduces stress and increases the state of calmness and relaxation

Physical health

 Consistent blood donation reduces blood pressure and the risk of heart attacks. According

to Robert DeSimone, MD, Director of transfusion medicine at New York

Presbyterian/Weil Cornell Medical Centre, blood donation helps to reduce cardiovascular

risk factors.

 Reduces the iron levels thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases

 Regular blood donation reduces the risk of cancer

 Blood donation improves blood flow which reduces the risk of blockages


Join TBDN today on our quest on saving lives by donating safe bloods, remember you don’t just

save a life when you donate, you also save your life.

#TBDN #GivingSafeBloodToSaveLives #WorldHealthDay #April7 #BeADonor

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