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Cynthia Oregel

VN 49
Ch 36, P.685: Put on Your Thinking Cap

Due date Friday, August 28, 2020, 9:00 AM

*Select one or two lifestyle modifications and explain how it reduces the risk of

P u t o n Y o u r T h i n k i n g C ap !
You have been asked to give a talk on hypertension to members of a senior center. The members are low
income and have minimal education. Some speak limited English.
1. How might you explain the effects of hypertension on the body?
Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. The body is constantly
in a push and pull motion that brings blood throughout the body. It is because of
our blood we get the oxygen and nutrients to those body parts. As the hear beats
it is pushing blood into our veins and arteries, the lines we see in our arms, legs,
hands, feet that are green, blue, purple. As the blood is pumped it pushed against
the walls in the veins and this is blood pressure. When the heart beats the
pressure against the walls is lower and when the heart rests between beats the
pressure is high. Our blood pressure is always changing to meet the needs of the
body, when you get up and play a sport your heart beats faster changing blood
pressure to be higher and when you sit down to read a book blood pressure is
lower. There are many things that also affect blood pressure such as diet,
medications, or feeling stressed.
With those who have high blood pressure it means their blood pressure is
normally high. Everyone is different and everyone’s body is different. It is because
of that it is important to talk to your doctor to see what is causing your blood
pressure to stay high. If left untreated it can lead to a heart attack or a stroke.
2. Select one lifestyle modification and explain how it reduces the risk of
To lower blood pressure it does not require a complete life change. Changes can
be done in baby steps to start somewhere and progress to a much healthier
beneficial lifestyle. Some things should be done is eat a healthy diet, exercise
regularly, and get regular checkups.
Exercise specifically makes the heart stronger and with a stronger heart the heart
can pump more blood with less effort. If your heart can work less then the force on
the arteries decreases and lowers the blood pressure.

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