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Level I Social Studies Final Drill – Answer Key Term 2, 2021-22


Review text and workbook concepts before you do this sheet. This is symbolic drill to help you pinpoint
main concepts in the book. It is NOT ENOUGH on its own for proper revision and tackling exam questions.

ANCIENT EGYPT ( Pages 51-67)

A) Magic, anatomy and medicine (Pages 51-52)
1) How did ancient Egyptian doctors relate to religion?
a) They prayed all the time. b) Most doctors were priests.

2) What was Egyptian medicine a mixture of? Select all that apply.
a) magical spells / b) knowledge of human anatomy
c) wearing pieces of papyrus with encantations / d) analyzing dreams
e) knowledge of human anatomy / f) using medicines
g) wearing stones with spells carved on them
h) All of the above are correct .

3) What helped Egyptians understand the human body’s anatomy?

a) studying medical term papers b) the procedures of mummification

B) Egyptian Religion (Pages 52-55)

4) Name the ‘gods’ Egyptians believed were responsible for each of the below. Use the listed names.
a) the sky Horus / b) judging the dead Anubis / c) creating all other gods Atum
d) earth and earthquakes Geb / e) god of the Nile, associated with crocodiles Sobek
f) the dead and underworld Osiris / g) chaos Seth
Atum - Horus - Sobek - Geb - Osiris - Seth - Anubis

5) Ancient Egyptians worshipped ____ (trees / animals) that were important to them.

6) Indicate the part Egyptians believed these gods were responsible for.
- Tawaret women and childbirth / - Maat justice
- Thoth writing and knowledge / - Ra the sun

7) What was special about the way Tawaret was worshipped?

a) She was the eldest goddess. b) She had no temple but was instead worshipped at home.

Date 06-02-2021| Level I | 1

C) Afterlife and Mummification (pages 54-55)
8) What did the Egyptians believe the afterlife paradise was like?
a) a model of the gods’ temples b) an ideal model of Egypt with no problems or hardships

9) The ‘Field of Reeds’ was the name of ___. a) a beautiful afterworld, like paradise
b) the backyard of the Pharaoh’s palace

10) Why did Egyptians mummify their dead? Select all that apply.
a) They had to keep the dead in control, regardless how good or bad their status was.
b) Buried bodies had to be kept from rotting and decay as to help them reach the next world.
c) It was important for Ba and Ka to recognize the dead body when they returned each night.

11) How did Egyptians preserve their dead? Choose all that apply.
a) They kept the heart. / b) Sweet smelling oils were used to rub the body.
c) Most internal organs were kept inside. / d) The body was washed and packed with natron.
e) Priests read spells to help a safe passage to the afterlife. / f) The body was tied up in cloth.
g) Scribes bathed the bodies in the Nile water.____

16) Where was the dead body kept? a) underground in a reed box
b) in a sarcophagus carved into the shape of the body
D) Egyptian Social Classes (Pages 55-56)
12) An Egyptian pharaoh was considered __. a) a half-god b) an absolute ruler

13) Choose all that apply.

Influential social groups of ancient Egypt were ___.
scribes - craftspeople - nobles - priests - slaves - nomarchs - peasants

14) Choose all that apply.

Egyptian priests____ a) had religious responsibilities
b) took over when the pharaoh died
c) controlled temples
d) advised the pharaoh on important affairs

15) What tasks did Egyptian scribes do OR were skilled at? Select all that apply.
a) supervising the running of temples / b) reading and writing
c) writing down important information on religious beliefs / d) mainly farming
e) administrating the country by applying their skills / f) painting landscapes
g) medicine and architecture / h) keeping records

Date 06-02-2021| Level I | 2

E) Egyptian Writing (Pages 56-58)
16) What combination made up the Egyptian writing system? a) numerals and symbols
b) phonograms and ideograms

17) What is an ideogram? a) a symbol that stands for a certain sound

b) a sense-sign or picture symbol that represents an idea or word

18) What 3 languages were inscribed in the Rosetta Stone?

demotic - Phoenician - Greek - hieroglyphic - French

19) What is a phonogram? a) a symbol that stands for a certain sound

b) a picture symbol that represents an idea

20) Scholars who deciphered the Rosetta Stone understood__. a) Greek – Coptic b) Arabic - English

21) Use the words listed below to match the given definitions.
a) the name given to the ancient Egyptian system/language - hieroglyphics
b) the plant from which a paper-like material was made - papyrus
c) He was the one to successfully decipher ancient Egyptian writing in 1822. Champollion
papyrus - Napoleon - Champollion - hieroglyphics

F) Farming and the Calendar (Pages 58-59)

22) What was used to irrigate Egyptian fields? Select the right statements.
a) They dug canals for irrigation. / b) They used cloud seeding.
c) They had electric pumps. / d) They stored the flood water in artificial pools or dams.
e) They used hand-operated shadufs to raise the Nile water to their fields.

23) What did Egyptians base their calendar on? a) observing the sun and the moon
b) watching the stars and the level of the Nile water

24) When did ancient Egyptians celebrate the New Year? a) mid July b) early January

25) What mostly made the pharaoh rich? a) foreign conquests

b) collecting taxes on agricultural produce

G) The Pyramids and the Old Kingdom / Kingdoms of Egypt (Pages 59-62)
26) Why did the Old Kingdom collapse? Choose all the right reasons.
a) Local rulers became powerful, weakening the pharaoh.
b) Enemies attacked and defeated the Egyptian army.
c) There was a great famine.
d) The Egyptian army mutinied.
e) There was a long period of low floods along the Nile.
f) Egypt was in chaos as different groups competed for power.
Date 06-02-2021| Level I | 3
27) Which 3 groups were significantly involved in building the pyramids?
a) craftspeople, slaves, peasants b) scribes, craftspeople, nobles

28) Who were the Hyksos? Where did they come from? a) Assyrians from the Tigris Valley / northeast
b) nomadic conquerors from Palestine / north

29) The Hyksos were able to defeat Egyptians because they__. a) were armed with bronze weapons
b) allied with native Egyptians
c) had horse-drawn chariots
d) b, a e) a, c

30) Why were Middle Kingdom rulers interested in the Nubian Kingdom of Kush ?
a) It had a huge water supply. b) The Nubian gold attracted them.

31) Where did the native Egyptian rulers of the Middle kingdom have their capital?
a) Giza, north b) Thebes, south

32) How did the Middle Kingdom end? a) The Hyksos invaded Egypt.
b) The Phoenicians took over.

H) The New Kingdom (Pages 62-64)

33) Why did Egypt have no professional army before the Hyksos invasion? Select all that apply.
a) They raised armies from nobles’ men only when they needed.
b) Egypt was protected by deserts insulating it in the east and west.
c) There were not enough men to fight.
d) b and a are correct.

34) The New Kingdom began when__.

a) the Nile stopped flooding b) the Theban ruler defeated the Hyksos and reunited the country

35) The New Kingdom army used __. a) fighting techniques they learned from the Hyksos
b) sailing skills copied from the Phoenicians

I) The Power of Pharaohs / New Religion (Pages 64-65)

36) Who discovered Tutankhamen’s tomb? When? Howard Carter, 1922

37) What did Amenhotep IV change his name to? What does the name mean?
a) Anubis / Son of the sun b) Akhnaten / Pleasing to Aten

Date 06-02-2021| Level I | 4

38) Which are TRUE about Akhnaten’s rule? Select all that apply.
a) Akhnaten’s reforms threatened priests’ income and power.
b) People turned against him when he made radical religious changes, closing old gods’ temples.
c) He imprisoned most of the high priests.
d) He moved the capital to El Amarna.
e) He hacked the plural of gods from religious inscriptions.

39) What happened after Akhnaten’s death? Select all that apply.
a) His capital el Amarna expanded into a magnificent city.
b) The capital was returned to Memphis
c) El Amarna was left to crumble
d) b and c are correct.

J) Egypt in Decline (Pages 66-67)

40) The New Kingdom only ruled _____. a) the highlands b) the Nile Delta

41) What happened under the Twenty First Dynasty?

a) The Hyksos returned. b) The New Kingdom ended.

42) The Kushite rulers reunited Egypt, and set up their capital at ___. a) Memphis b) Thebes


1) The Phoenicians are best remembered for ________.
a) developing new technologies b) finding a way west round America
c) finding new trading routes d) being influential travelers

2) Which of the below were Phoenician cities? Select all that apply.
a) Batrus / b) Tyrus / c) Aleppo / d) Tripolis
e) Byblos / f) Alexandria / g) Sidon / h) Byrot

3) The Phoenicians were skilled sailors able to sail around the continent of Africa.

4) “The Phoenicians were the middlemen of the east.” What does this mean?
a) They were middle skilled at some crafts.
b) They helped link the Mediterranean Sea routes with Arab trade routes in Asia.

5) What was a ‘bireme’? a) a ship with 2 rows of oars b) a ship with 2 sailors
Date 06-02-2021| Level I | 5
6) Describe a ‘trireme’. a ship with 3 rows of oars

7) What types of ships did the Phoenicians use?

a) fishing canoes and old sailing craft b) trading and fighting ships

8) What tactics did the Phoenicians use in sea battles? Select all that apply.
a) gliding past the enemy’s ship
b) ramming the enemy’s ship to make it helpless
c) turning the enemy’s oars into propellers to use on their own ships

9) What was Tyrian purple?

a) a dye made by boiling sea snails’ glands b) a type of paint used for Phoenician ships

10) Pick the important Phoenician products. pinewood - purple (Tyrian) dye - metal tools -
fine cedar wood - transparent glass - e-books - ships

11) What were the Phoenicians skilled at? Select all that apply.
a) making glass / b) smelting iron / c) building ships
d) trading / e) creating an alphabet / f) making a special dye

12) What caused Phoenician records on papyrus rolls to rot away?

a) the damp coastal air b) unknown parasites

13) What is the importance of the Phoenician alphabet?

a) It was the first to use symbols to represent individual sounds.
b) It was a modified version of Egyptian ideograms.

14) What is a colony? a) a coastal fortress to defend the mainland

b) a settlement built by people who originally come from another country

15) What was Phoenicia’s most important colony? -Where was it set up?
a) Cadiz / - Spain b) Sicily / - near Italy c) Carthage / -North Africa

16) What happened in 146 BCE? a) The Phoenicians conquered part of Spain.
b) Carthage was destroyed by the Romans.

17) Who were most influenced by Phoenicians? a) Romans b) Greeks

Date 06-02-2021| Level I | 6

18) What Phoenician achievements mostly influenced other nations? Select all that apply.
a) speaking Greek____
b) the alphabet they created_____
c) Others copied Phoenician ship designs and naval techniques. ____
d) the sophisticated process of mummifying their dead_____

Date 06-02-2021| Level I | 7

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