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2 Interpretive Questions and 1 Evaluative Question

#1 – How does the lifestyle of Julian affect his thoughts?

The reason I chose this question is because Julian has a unique lifestyle and situation and I feel
like that has a reason to do with his decisions and thoughts in the story. Also because in the story we
never heard about a father and that most likely had an effect on Julian and his mother. A possible answer
to this question would be that his lifestyle does affect his thoughts because he has had a unique lifestyle
and the time period there was no way to think for your self so he tries to act like he has different ideas
than his mother but in reality he has the same thoughts as his mother.

#2 – What did Julians mothers hat represent?

I thought about this question because throughout the entirety of the book the hat is always
brought up as a symbol. The hat was brought up because Julians mom bought the hat and thought that
no one else would have the same hat but then on the bus she saw someone else wearing the exact same
hat as her which made Julian laugh. The hat in the book was a symbol of better than like because Julians
mom thought that she was better than everyone else but then when she saw someone else with the
same hat it made her realize and have flashbacks of some things.

EV #3 – Does Julian have love for his mother, if so how?

The reason I wrote this question is because in the story we hear about how and can see Julians
feelings towards his mother and they change multiple times but does Julians actually care about his
mother. Because he rode the bus with her to where she needed to go and at the end of the story he
starts to feel great sorrow. My answers to this question would be that Julian does have feelings for his
mother, but he just doesn’t show them out. But in his mind he does deeply care for his mother he just
doesn’t show it because of everything she constantly talks about like her ancestors and beliefs towards
what’s happening in the time period.

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