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Unit 0 Review and Scavenger Hunt

1) Define the following thematical terms as they relate to “history”:

a. Social
b. Political
c. Interaction with the Environment
d. Culture
e. Economic
f. Technology
2) What countries make up “East Asia”?
3) What is the “Mandate of Heaven”?
a. Build a socio-political connection for the term (as in how is this concept social AND political
4) List a few economic “greatest hits” for East Asia…pre 1200 CE.
5) If you had to discuss social issue in East Asia pre-1200…what would you discuss?
6) Describe the 5-6 most important elements of Confucianism and Buddhism.
7) When I say “South Asia” you say _______________.
8) Refer to the main (2-3 minimum) socio-cultural legacies of pre-1200 South Asia that are still influential
9) How does South Asia connect economically to Afro-Eurasia?
10) Europe…pre-1200…write me 2 paragraphs of summary of the “story of Europe”. Start with Alexander
the Great. P.S. this “story” should include 5-6 themes in it.
11) America…what is stopping America from being more of a “thing” pre-1200?
12) What is going “well” for the Americas pre 1200…as in explain the important review type of items.
13) In Africa, why is North more “advanced” than the South pre-1200?
14) Why is 13 not true and demonstrate that through some details.
15) Time to define:
a. Diaspora
b. Filial Piety
c. Dharma
d. Nirvana
e. Moksha
f. 5 Pillars
g. Animism
h. Patriarchal
i. Trans-Saharan
16) Reflect and connect
a. Discuss 3 causes for the “Classical Civilizations” to collapse pre-1200
b. In what ways are the 3 monotheistic religions alike?
c. Describe how trade networks cause religions/belief systems like Islam or Buddhism to spread.
17) Pre-essay set up:
a. Define the term contextualization
b. Define the term thesis
c. Define the term complexity
d. Define the term sourcing
e. Define the term analysis
f. Define the term point of view
g. Define the term purpose
h. Define the term grouping

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