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Cardinez, Idvon Krism B.


Research Methodology
Research Design
Mathematics problem solving
difficulties of Grade V pupils of Research Instrument
Sto. Domingo Elementary School
S.Y. 2013-2014 Data Gathering Procedure
Frequency Error
(Pre-test post-test Control group
Source :

Findings Conclusion

The most important details are that the The most common difficulty faced by
correct answer of a problem ranked Grade V pupils of Sto. Domingo
number 1, the hidden question ranked elementary school was identifying the
number 2, the formulating or translating correct answer to a problem.
the problem into a mathematical Identifying what is/are given facts is the
sentence ranked number 3, the inability least difficult from among the six tested
of pupils to understand the problem skills, but it is important for pupils to
ranked number 4, and the inability to know the needed information in a given
identify the operation/s to use ranked problem to identify what step to take
number 5. and the operation to use to solve the

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