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1)Define Operating system.

State its any two objectives…

Ans- 1)An operating system is an integrated set of programs that is used to manage varieus
resource and overall opration of a computer.
2)An operating system is a system software that manage computer heardware and software
resource and provid coman securies for computer program.
Objectives-1)convenience 2)Efficiecy 3)ability to envolve

2)What is meant by CPU bound processes and IO bound processes.


3) State any four advantages of iOS.

Ans- a)Easy to use with simple interface even after version upgrade

b) Easy to use with simple interface even after version upgrade

c)  Multitasking like listening to music & typing docs possible

d) Efficient Battery use with less heat generation

4)State any four differences between program and process.

6)Differentiate between CLI and GUI

Define system call.Expalin two information maitainance related to it

Definition : A system call is the programmatic way in which a computer program requests a
service from the kernel of the operating system it is executed on.
• This may include hardware-related services (for accessing hard disk drive), Creation and
execution of new processes, and communication with integral kernel services such as
process scheduling.
• System call provides interface between running program and operating system. These
calls are generally available as routines written in C/C++ or assembly language.
Information maintaince
1)many system call exits for the purpose of transferring intobetwwen user program and the OS.
2)other system calls may return informayion about system such as number of current user
versions number of OS,amount of free memory,

Q Responsibilitys of main memory management

The OS is responsible for following activitiesw.r.t maim memory management
1)keeping track of which parts of memory are currently being used and by whom
2)Deciding which processor are to be loaded into memory when space becomes avalible.
3)Allocating and deallocating memory spaced as needed

11.Enlist components of OS
-The main components of an OS mainly are:
1] kernel
2]API or application program interface
3]user interface & file system
4]hardware devices and device drivers.

12.give any four process control system calls

- Process control is the system call that is used to direct the processes. Some process control
examples include creating, load, abort, end, execute, process, terminate the process, etc.
Process control system calls are: 1]Load

13.Enlist any four activities of I/O system management. in operating system

-1]It offers a buffer caching system.
2]It provides general device driver code.
3]It provides drivers for particular hardware devices.
4]I/O helps you to know the individualities of a specific device.

System call implementation:

Definition : A system call is the programmatic way in which a computer program requests a
service from the kernel of the operating system it is executed on.
• This may include hardware-related services (for accessing hard disk drive), Creation and
execution of new processes, and communication with integral kernel services such as
process scheduling.
Three general methods exists for parameters to the OS
1. Parameters can be passed in registers
2. When there are more parameters in registers, parameters can be stored in a block and the
block address can be passed as a parameter to a register
3. Parameters can also be pushed on or popped off the stack by the operating system

Q List services provided by OS

1 program execution
2 I/O operation
3 Error detection
4 protection
5 communication
6 resource allocation
7 accounting
8 user interface

Q Activties involved in Secondary storage management :

Main memory is too small to accommodate all data and programs and its data are lost when
power is lost, so that the computer system must provide secondary storage to backup.
Secondary storage consists of tapes, disks and other media designed to hold data and program .
This data and program can be accessed in primary storage when required.
The operating system is responsible for the following activities w.r.t. secondary storage
a) Managing the free space available on the secondary storage.
b) Allocation of storage space when new files have to be written
c) Scheduling the requests for memory access

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