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In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the
Degree of Master of Management Studies (Human Resource)
Navkonkan Education Society’s

Myself Miss. AMRUTA ARVIND JOSHI, student of MMS second year (3rd semester) at
CHIPLUN hereby declare that I have completed my Summer Internship Project entitled
“Stress Management of the Employees working in ICICI bank”, as partial fulfilment of the
requirement of the course curriculum for the academic year 2019-2020. The data collected
and the work done by me is truly authentic and is not borrowed or copied from any
dissertation report. The project contains true and complete Information.

Name: Amruta Arvind Joshi


“Acknowledgement is an art, one can write glib stanzas without meaning a word, and
on the other hand one can make a simple expression of gratitude.”

I take opportunity to express my gratitude to all of them who in some or other way helped me
to accomplish this challenging project in ICICI BANK, KHED BRANCH. No amount of
written expression is sufficient to show my deepest sense of gratitude to them.

I am extremely thankful and pay my gratitude to our Dr. Anagha Gokhale who is my faculty
STUDIES, CHIPLUN, for her valuable support and guidance on completion of this project. I
am very thankful for her everlasting support and guidance on the ground of which I have
acquired a new field of knowledge.

Now, A special appreciative ‘Thank You’ in accorded all staff of ICICI BANK, KHED
BRANCH for their positive and constant support. Last but not the least I am also thanking to
my parents, other family members and my friends who have supported me morally as well as
economically in this journey, my gratitude always towards them who direct or indirectly
helped me out to complete this project report.



Meaning of stress
Causes of stress
Effects of stress
Meaning of stress management
Need for stress management
Remedies for stress management for employees working





Today in every organisation personnel planning as an activity in necessary. It is an important

part of organisation. Human Resource Planning is a vital ingredient for the success of the
organization in the long run. There are certain ways that are to be followed by every
organization, which ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at right time, at right
place without having any pressure of work, who are having willingness of doing work for
organization, who owns inner motivation towards success of organization. If organization is
having this type of employees then it can surely achieve the stairs of success.
This project can surely give an idea to an individual what type of stress private sector bank
employees are carrying and how they try to solve their stress problems and pressure. In this I
have also tried to explain meaning of stress, detailed information of stress and types of stress
as well. It also includes Introduction of Human Resources, introduction to Stress, meaning
and definition of stress, co-operating with stress at workplace and remedies for stress
removal, stress management at workplace.
The word STRESS is derived from Latin word “stringi”, which
means to be drawn tight.
Stress is the feeling of physiological and psychological imbalance i.e. it’s a
feeling of physical and emotional pressure or tension. It can be come from any event
or instance which makes you depressed, sad, frustrated or nervous. In simple words
we can call it as a phase of tension experienced by an individuals facing extraordinary
demands and constraints
It has a negative impact on the productivity of a person who is suffering from
this phase. People generally stay occupied or busy in their own thoughts and it is difficult for
them to get out of it. Stress can destroy the mental health and stability of any individual, it
may be a kid, corporate man, social worker or housewife. All of us are dealing with stress.
But sometimes we are unaware about stress can bring major diseases like blood pressure,
diabetes and lack of sleep as well. However while attempting to get relief from stress people
try to apply their own solution whereas they miss main root cause of reducing or treating the
stress. It can be treated by many ways, which includes meditation, exercise, yoga, playing a
sport or keeping ourselves busy with our hobbies. Still it depends on the person how to
reduce stress. There is no any method is wrong or right when it comes reducing stress.

“Stress” is an adaptive response to an external situation that
results in physical, psychological and/or behavioural deviations for organizational
“Stress can be defined as an overload/demand state, where
individuals are being presented with more information, stimuli, intensity, and immediacy than
they can take in or process.”
“Stress may be viewed as the body’s response to any real or
imagined event perceived as requiring some adaptive response and/or producing strain.”
-Eliot in 1988
“Stress is the term for certain types of experiences as well as
body’s responses to such experiences. The term generally refers to challenges, real or
implied, to the homeostatic regulatory process of the organism.”
-McEwen and Mendelson in 1993
Skinner in 1985 defined stress as “a reaction of a particular
individual to a stimulus event”.
In 1990, Steinberg and Ritzmann considered that “stress can be
defined as an under load or overload of matter, energy or information input to, or output
from, a living system”.
When we talk about stress it is actually normal part our life,
sometimes it serves a useful purpose but when intensity of the stress increases then it could
be a matter of problem. When it goes beyond your control then it can seriously affect your
normal life, work life, family and health as well.
While discussing about causes of it, everyone faces experiences different triggers of stress.
Job stress or work stress always tops the list, says survey.
Work stress can be divided into following types,
➢ Experiencing harassment or facing discrimination at workplace, it happens generally
when your company or organisation is not supportive.
➢ Being too busy with your work all the time. After attending hectic day at work, you
are not able to complete your assignments then you have to work at home as well.
Being too busy with your work can give you major reason for stress.
➢ Low confidence about your work can give stress, such as if you are afraid of talking
in front of crowd and you have to give advice or speech in front of your colleagues
then it can be stressful.
➢ Having heavy work load and too much responsibility can give a stress. Not
completing given targets and not achieving desired goals and facing pressure for the
same from the seniors can also give stress.
➢ We can say this can be major reason for facing work stress, being unhappy at your job
can give a lot stress. Doing job for need and not enjoying while doing it is the task.

Life stress can also have big impact, let’s have a look,

➢ A major stress can come with death of your loved one from your family or may be
one of your dearest friend. The sadness, emptiness can be experienced by the affected
➢ Divorce is also a reason for having major stress in life.
➢ Major injury, accident, illness can give a stress. Not being able to complete own
duties can be stressful.
➢ Getting married is a good thing for someone but it also brings more responsibilities
hence it gives stress. Especially when you are not stable with your job and you are
getting married then it gives stress of instability.
➢ Change. Any major life change can be stressful -- even a happy event like a wedding or a
job promotion. More unpleasant events, such as a divorce, major financial setback, or
death in the family can be significant sources of stress.
➢ Financial problems such as not being able to earn satisfactory and not completing needs
of the family members can give a stress.
➢ Handling more than one major life event at the same time, for instance, dealing with a
family illness while changing jobs.
➢ Juggling many roles and responsibilities, such as spouse or life partner, parent, friend,
employee, and caregiver for aging parents. Worrying about your finances and the

Your body launches a physical responses when you are facing

stress. Such as of you are going through stress your hands sweats, heartbeats become
faster and breathing speeds up. This is call it as temporary stress or short term stress and
body recovers quickly from it. But if your stress system stays activated for a longer time
then it can lead towards serious health problems. Effects of stress can be Physical,
Mental, Behavioural and Emotional as well.

• Physical stress includes frequent colds and flu, headache, trouble with sleep,
muscle tension, back pains, skin problems and trouble with digestion.

• Mental stress includes Poor concentration, forgetfulness, learning problems,

frequent negative thoughts, speech problems.

• Emotional stress includes Anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, feelings of

helplessness, lack of purpose, relationship troubles.

• Behavioural stress includes eating poorly, driving recklessly, abusing alcohol

or drugs, being accident prone, showing aggression.

These are some effects of the stress which affects ones day to day life. Poor concentration
can be problem at your workplace and at your home as well. A patient may face problem
because of less concentration. Negative thoughts are also dangerous to your mental health
which can lead to depression. Negative thoughts stops person from doing things
enthusiastically. Person starts doing everything as a duty only.

Other than this there are some serious health problems also occurs because of stress
which are, Depression, high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat, various heart diseases,
upset stomach, sudden weight gain or weight loss.

Someone may feel sudden changes in emotions because of stress. If he is happy right now
he may starts crying to next minute, basically this is called as mood swings which are
derived from stress. Depression is also next step of major stress which lasts for longer
time. Many a times stress survivor faces unnecessary aggression and irritation all the
time. Because of this he tends to ruin the relation with his co-workers, friends and
sometimes with family as well. Emotional imbalance is the main reason behind this.

Behavioural stress is one of main type of stress because of which person starts eating
poorly. And mainly he becomes careless. Many a times he goes with the addiction of
alcohol and drugs.
Managing stress is all about taking charge:
taking charge of your lifestyle, your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your inner
environment and the way you deal with all your problems and other things.
Stress management involves changing the stressful situation when you
can, changing your assumptions and also changing your reactions to the relevant action when you
can’t, taking extra care of yourself, giving time to yourself, taking little extra rest and keeping
relax all the surrounding things.
As we all know that change is the every constant thing in this world, stress also an
integrated part of this. Sometimes stress is good sign to achieve higher in your goals.

When the employees are stressed at work, some simple practices can help them:
➢ Sit straight at back and comfortably on your seat, keep your eyes closed for a minute and
try the breathing exercise. It will surely help you to relax your nerves and muscle.

➢ Relax, seat straight and try to count numbers backwards. (100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, ….)

➢ Keep your eyes closed and try creative visualization.


The workplace is the challenging job for
each and every individual which is always followed by competition with your colleagues, various
constructive conflicts and a wish to get succeeded and going ahead of others for this there are
various ways applied to deal with stress and ultimately this is called as a Management of Stress.
There are some famous reducing stress techniques but, stress management at workplace needs
more focused and deep tips which will be useful for employees of the organisation. Changing
corporate world and changing scenario of businesses have taken us to the multiple directions.
Where each and every one of us have to manage pressures and demands of the organization as
well as of the personal life. Hence what is happening with us both on and off the job brings the
stress in the workplace.
Some techniques used by an organisation and by an individuals for managing
the stress:

Individual strategies:
▪ Muscle relaxation

▪ Meditation and concentration

▪ Yoga

▪ Sports

▪ Physical Exercise

▪ Time management

▪ Possessing hobby

▪ Listening relaxing music

Organizational strategies:

▪ Supportive climate

▪ Co-operative staff

▪ Clear career path

▪ Clarity of role

▪ Companywide programme

▪ Stress relaxation programme

▪ Session for stress bursting

Three ways to reduce harmful stress effects of the employees are:

1. Identify and then try to modify work stressors.

2. Help employees to co-operate effectively with stress problems.

3. Help employees and make them understand and prepare them for the work stress.

▪ To meet out deadlines

▪ Excessive work pressure

▪ Your relationship with colleagues

▪ To meet out demands of your job

▪ To give best results always

▪ Promotion

▪ Sudden change of role/job

▪ Work against will

▪ Harassment

▪ Argument with boss/higher authorities

▪ Argument or heated conversations with your colleagues



▪ Co-operative environment in all the branches.

▪ Better working conditions.

▪ Employees also can share their own thoughts and ideas.

▪ Keeping positive attitude over all the things.

▪ Being assertive instead of aggressive.

▪ Physical fitness and wellness programs

▪ Team building

▪ Sessions on how to tackle with stress.

▪ Live session for how to deal with pressure.

When organization helps to employees with stress management, it
becomes easier for the employees working there to co-operate with conditions. ICICI
BANK is one of the leading private sector bank in India, always stands first when it
comes to taking care of employees working there. Above are the mentioned strategies are
used by various branches of ICICI BANK, which obviously gives more power to their
employees to work more enthusiasm.

Advantages of stress management:-

Business advantages of stress management:

• Less absenteeism due to stress related problems

• More employee retention ratio

• Less stressful environment

• More efficient workplace

• Improved attitude of employee towards work

Health advantages of stress management:

• Stress related symptoms reduced

• Improved sleep

• Anxiety reduced

• Improved meditation

• Developed habit for yoga and exercise

• Reduced pain, increased ability to bear and manage pain

• Improved self-esteem

Weiss M. (1983). -The Author investigated the sources of Job stress that is linked to Job
dissatisfaction, Job related tension and anxiety and reduced productivity and effective-
ness. He tried to reduce sources of stress so that he can pre-vent the deleterious health
consequences. Through his study he determined the potential of social support that
alleviate the deleterious consequences of stress.

Singh A. P. & Singh S.(2009) –His study emphasizes on the phenomenon of Job
Satisfaction in the organizations. Ac-cording to him, Job Satisfaction is directly related to
Stress and Work culture that an Organization provides. He identified three sectors in
which stress originate and classified stress into two main types i.e. eustress and Distress.
Further, he pointed the importance of positive stress and positive events for better
performance and satisfaction of employees.

Gladies J. J. & Kennedy V.(2011)- The author revealed a significant correlation between
Organizational Climate and Job Stress among the women working in IT companies of
India. According to him, learning how to manage stress is a very crucial issue that should
be developed in IT companies so that they can reduce or eliminate the causes of stress and
poor working environment.

Charu M. (2013)- He in his study stated that higher stress is directly proportional to
quality of work life for IT profes-sionals. He outlined few factors namely fair pay
structure, steady role demands, supervisory support, congenial job en-vironment,
capability fit of the job, role autonomy and stress that directly affect the quality of work
life. The main reason of stress amongst the associates of IT industry is the rapid change in

Srivastav A.K. (2010)– The articles focus on the nature of role that causes stress. It says
role performance encountered the problems of stress so they should be tried to reduce or
eliminated. The nature of role stress was found to be hetero-geneous which cannot be
dealt with one uniform solution or intervention as a whole. Hence, specific problem
related solution or interventions should be adapted for better organi-zational performance
and effectiveness.

Pratibha G. (2010)– The impact of distress level on the quality of life is negative that may
result to serious burnout problems in private banks. The distress level in the banks can
only be reduced by various stress management programmes or inter-ventions that would
also improve the quality of work life.
P.S. Swaminathan & Rajkumar S. (2013) - He conducted a study that focused on the
levels of stress among the age group, profession, different varieties of jobs, hours of work
and the influence of work environment on the degree of stress faced by employees . Stress
in an employee is very individual in nature. His study indicates about an optimum level in
which every individual can perform with his full capac-ity. He has identified three
conditions responsible for work stress they are a) Role overload b) Role self distance c)
Role stagnation

Kodavatiganti K & Bulusu V.(2011)- The aim of the article is to have a clear
understanding of the phenomenon that causes stress among the academicians . According
to the article women educators face comparatively higher level of stress than men
counterparts. The stress amongst the academicians are caused because of lengthy working
hours, inadequate resources and long working hours, classrooms that are over filled.
A bank is a financial institution that accepts various types of deposits from the public
and creates credit. Banks also provides financial services like safe deposit boxes, currency
exchange and wealth management as well. Banks are regulated by national
government/central bank. Reserve Bank of India, commonly known as the RBI is the central
and apex bank of the India.

There are various types of banks are present in India. We can
divide this as, Scheduled Banks and Non-Scheduled Banks. Scheduled banks includes co-
operative banks and commercial banks. Commercial banks includes public sector banks,
private sector banks, regional rural banks, small finance banks and foreign banks. Whereas
co-operative banks include rural and urban banks.

Scheduled banks are the banks that are included underneath the
second one time table of the reserve bank of india act, 1934. To qualify for being a scheduled
financial institution, no less than 5 lakh paid-up capital is needed at the financial institution’s
behalf. The rbi lends mortgage to those banks at bank price as and while required.

Commercial banks are regulated and controlled underneath the

banking law act, 1949. These are profit making banks based totally on their enterprise model.
Granting loans to the authorities, trendy public, and company and accepting deposits counts
because the number one function


These banks for more than 75% of the total banking enterprise
in the country. They are called nationalized banks. The government holds most of the people
stakes at those banks. Post-merger, SBI is the biggest public zone banks by extent. It
additionally ranks amongst the pinnacle 50 banks in the international. Following are the
major public sector banks in India.

▪ State Bank of India

▪ Bank of India

▪ Bank of Maharashtra

▪ Canara Bank

▪ Indian Overseas Bank

▪ IDBI Bank

▪ Central Bank of India

▪ Oriental Bank of Commerce

▪ UCO Bank

▪ Union bank of India


Private shareholders holds majority shares of these banks with themselves.
Reserve bank of India lays down all the rules and regulations for these banks. Following are
the major private sector banks in India.

▪ ICICI Bank

▪ HDFC Bank

▪ Yes Bank

▪ Federal Bank

▪ Axis Bank

▪ Indusind Bank

▪ Kotak Mahindra Bank

▪ IDFC Bank

▪ Tamilnad Mecantile Bank

▪ Catholic Syrian Bank


ICICI Bank Pvt Limited (Industrial Credit and Investment

Corporation of India) is an Indian multinational banking and financial services company
headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra with its registered office in Vadodara, Gujarat. As of
2018, ICICI Bank is the second largest bank in India in terms of assets and market
capitalization. It offers a wide range of banking products and financial services for corporate
and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and specialized subsidiaries in the
areas of investment banking, life, non-life insurance, venture capital and asset management.

(ICICI Bank Headquarter in Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai)

ICICI bank confined (the financial institution, the Bank), incorporated

on January 5, 1994, is a banking business enterprise. The bank is engaged in providing
various banking and monetary services, along with commercial banking, retail banking, task
and company finance, operating capital finance, coverage, undertaking capital and personal
equity, funding banking, broking and treasury products and services.
The financial institution's commercial enterprise segments are retail
banking, wholesale banking, treasury, other banking, lifestyles coverage, general insurance
and others. The retail banking section includes exposures, which fulfil the standards of
orientation, product, granularity and occasional value of man or woman exposures for retail
exposures laid down in Basel committee on banking supervision report international
convergence of capital size and capital standards. Wholesale banking includes all advances to
trusts, partnership corporations, corporations and statutory our bodies, which are not
protected under retail banking. Treasury consists of the whole funding and spinoff portfolio
of the bank.
Other banking consists of leasing operations and other objects now not
on account of any specific commercial enterprise segment of the financial institution.
Existence coverage represents effects of icici prudential lifestyles insurance employer
limited. Others consists of icici home finance corporation limited, icici task budget control
business enterprise limited, icici worldwide limited, icici securities primary dealership
limited, icici securities limited, icici securities holdings Inc., icici securities Inc., icici
prudential asset management business enterprise limited, icici prudential trust limited, icici
investment control enterprise limited, icici trusteeship services limited and icici prudential
pension price range management agency limited.
ICICI Bank, a bank of Indian origin also stood forward in many
foreign countries. The bank is having subsidiaries in United Kingdom and Canada; having
branches in United States, Singapore, Bahrain, Srilanka, Hong-kong, Qatar, Dubai
International Finance Centre, Oman, China and South Africa. And the bank is also having its
representatives in UAE, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

(ICICI Bank, Thomas More Square, One, London E1W 1YN, United Kingdom)
The bank gives a suite of banking products and answers to small and medium
enterprises (SMES) for meeting their enterprise and growth necessities. The financial
institution also gives supply chain financing answers and small-price tag funding to the
channel partners of massive corporates. The wholesale banking group (wbg) provides custom
designed solutions to company customers by way of studying their specific commercial
enterprise and monetary needs. It provides an array of monetary answers for operating capital
finance, export finance, trade, transaction and business banking, forex and derivative
merchandise and rupee, in addition to overseas currency time period loans. The economic
banking group manages banking transactions, trade based totally necessities and cash control
desires of company customers. Its treasury operations incorporate the asset legal
responsibility control institution, markets institution and proprietary trading organization.
The asset legal responsibility control organization actively manages the
financial institution's liquidity and securities portfolio held for compliance with statutory and
regulatory necessities. The markets group gives foreign exchange and derivative solutions to
clients. The proprietary trading organization manages trading positions in the authorised
chance limits. The bank's worldwide banking is focused on imparting cease-to quit answers
for the worldwide banking requirements of its Indian corporate customers and leveraging
monetary corridors among india and the rest of the world.

To be the leading provider of financial services in India and a major
global bank.

ICICI will leverage our people, technology, speed and financial
capital to:
• Delivering high-quality, world class products to the customers, and being
banker of the first choice.

• Expanding our services and business globally.

• Maintain healthy financial profile.

• Maintain high standards of governance and ethics.

• Co-operate positively to the countries.


➢ ICICI Bank won the 'Best Retail Bank' in India award at The Asian Banker
Excellence in Retail Financial Services International Awards 2018.

➢ ICICI Bank was ranked first among the private sector banks in ET 500, The
Economic Times’ list featuring top 500 Indian companies. The list is prepared based
on aggregate revenue and profits of the companies.

➢ ICICI Bank won an award in the ‘Excellence in Innovation’ category at the Institute
of Internal Auditors (IIA) Annual Excellence Awards 2017-2018.

➢ ICICI Bank was recognised as one of the ‘Prestigious Brands of India’ in a list
published by Herald Global, a portal that features national and international news as
well as brand reviews.

➢ ICICI Bank was recognised as the ‘Best Foreign Exchange Provider’ in India as part
of ‘The World’s Best Foreign Exchange Providers 2019’ list released by Global
Finance magazine.

➢ ICICI Bank was declared winner in the ‘Most Innovative Data Analytics Project’ and
‘Most Innovative Digital Credit Project’ categories at The Asset Digital Awards 2018.
These awards are organised by The Asset, a financial publication headquartered in
Hong Kong.

1. To examine the current stress level faced by the employees working in ICICI

2. To identify situation which creates stress in work life of employees.

3. To become more knowledgeable on lowering the stress levels.

4. To understand the stress and types of stresses faced by an employee.

5. Identifying mental, emotional and physical consequences of stress.


Research technique is a way to systematically solve the problem. It can be

understood has a technological understanding of studying how research is carried out
scientifically. In it we observe the diverse steps that everyone usually adopted via a
researcher in reading his research. Problem along with the logic behind them.

In this study descriptive research procedure has been applied for describing
the present situation in the banks. And also analytical research has been used to analyse the
result by using various research tools.

It is scientifically designed sample plan for obtaining sample from given data.
It refers to the procedure which has been used by researcher in selecting the sample. Sample
design is determined before the collection of data.

A subgroup of elements selected among the class of population has been
referred to the sample size. It describes how many people are being surveyed to collect the
information. In this project sample size of 34 people has been taken, who are working at
ICICI Bank, Khed branch (415709)

Sample procedure refers to the how these people were selected for the
research. It is chosen by convenient sampling method.


Data collection means to gather data from selected sample. Data can be
collected by two methods:
1. Primary Data 2. Secondary Data

Primary data:
Primary data refers to those data which has been collected fresh, for the first
time. And thus it happened to be original at character.
In this research project primary data collection method has been used. Here, primary data
refers to the employees working at ICICI BANK.

Secondary data:
Secondary data refers to information gathered by the researcher, not for the
direct study but for some other purpose which is necessity of study.
If I talk about this project, research books, journals, articles, websites are used to collect more
information about work stress, its causes and effects and remedies.

1) Do you have a time you need to do work without interruption?

52% 48%


Almost half of the employees working in ICICI bank says they did not get a required
time to complete their work. Where rest 52% of employees says yes they definitely get time.
From this we can understand that it depends upon person to person to make a required time.
2) Do you have personal time would like to get each day?

14 17


Everyday every one of us require personal time. While at a workplace and doing job in
private sector it is difficult for employees to make time for themselves. Among 31 people, 14
employees says yes, they make their personal time, and rest says no they cannot make the
3) When you are interrupted at an activity, do you respond with anger?

55% 45%


As an employee of ICICI bank, employees many a times have to go through pressurized

situations. While suffering from this anger management is important. 55% of people respond
with anger if someone interrupts them while doing work. Rest stays positive.
4) When you give an unexpectedly large project, do you get tensed?

15 16


When we asked them about how much you get tensed when you given large project, 15 out of
31 employees said yes and rest of them said no. because of them haven’t faced this type of
5) Do you proactively respond with positive power to stressors?

15 16


When it comes to being proactive we all are trying. But the employees working there half of
them says no they cannot respond proactively to stressors.
6) Do you plan your life each day, and work out that plan?

10 21

6) Do you plan your life each day, and work out that plan?




Yes No


Managing and planning each day of yours is important. Everyone has to set their life, setting
goals and accomplish the same is important thing. As an employee of the bank 21 among 31
employees says they did not get much time to plan their life each day and even if they
managed to plan it, they cannot work out that plan. Which ultimately can give stress to them.
7) How often do you say the word “I am busy or I am having the hard time” at the work

Very often Often Rarely Very rarely Never

20 33 27 10 10

Saying I am busy or I am having hard time is one of the symptom of stress. While surveying
we got 33% employees who many a times says this type of sentences. 20% employees says
this very often and only group of 10% people said never. Only these people never use this
8) Do you think physical environment problems at the workplace cause stress?

Strongly agree Agree Cannot say Disagree Strongly

9% 26% 39% 16% 10%


Many a times improper working gives stress to the employees. Insufficient sunlight, low
light, heating and work pressure all together can give stress to the employee. While
answering this question 9% were strongly agreed to the same 26% agreed. Majority of
employees 39% could not decide what to answer. and 26% in total disagreed to term.
9) How do you co-operate with performing multiple roles?

Excellent Good Average Bad worst

17% 23% 27% 27% 6%

9) How do you co-operate with performing

multiple roles?

6% 17%




Excellent Good Average Bad Worst


Bank is a job where every banker have to be a multi-talented. A banker should always be able
to handle various jobs in bank. While answering this questions 6% employees said they are
worst at this, doing multiple jobs. 27% employees said they averagely handle this and 17%
and 23% employees said they are excellent and good at doing multiple roles at a time,
10) What is your educational qualification?

Graduated Post-graduated Phd Engineer

94% 6% 0 0


To avail the job in one of the largest private bank, what type of qualification you all have
taken, while answering to this many of them said they are graduated from various streams.
11) How much does your educational qualification mount stress on you at your workplace?

Great extent Neutral Less extent

8 8 15


Educational life and work life are two different things. Many a times two of
them have no relation amongst each other. It can be stressful thing that someone have taken
knowledge of different thing and he is doing other than that.
Answering to this question, 8 out of 31 employees said yes, our qualification
mount stress on us. 8 of them were neutral and 15 said educational qualification mounts stress
on us but less extent.
12) What is your income per annum?

>2 lakhs 2-4 lakhs <4 lakhs

71% 26% 3%

In most of the cases low income gives stress to the employees. Low income is also a reason
for Stress at workplace. In this case 71% employees get less than 2 lakhs salry per annum,
26% employees get it between 2-4lakhs and only 3% of all gets salary above 4 lakhs.
13) How is your income inhibit stress on you?

Great extent Neutral Less extent

11 14 5

As we have seen earlier that low income can give stress as a person has to fulfil all his needs,
his family needs. This gives stress to that person. 11 people said income level puts stress on
us at great extent, 14 people were neutral and only 5 people said disagree with the statement.
15) If married how is your family life being affected due to your work life?

Great extent Neutral Less extent

25% 37% 38%


As we have already discussed that many a times family life gets affected by individuals work
life. If he is having hectic schedule and a day at work, he cannot make required time for his
family which ultimately leads to the stressful situations. According to this 25% of employees
said their family life got affected due to work. While 37% remains neutral and 38% of
employees disagrees with a statement.

Stress is a condition or feeling expressed when a person perceives that

demand exceeds the personal and social resources of the individual. Stress management helps
employees to reduce pain and become healthier. The superior should be careful to bring the
workers take necessary steps to remove stress. Stress of the worker can be reduced by
cultivating a social climate, proper communication between the worker and superior.
Stress is adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as
challenging or threatening to a person’s mental position. The stress will be different among
different workers, there by the management has to identify their problems and it will help to
manage the stress. The process of stress management is named as one of the key for happy
and successful employees. Stress not only affects the physical, psychological and financial
balances of an employee but also the employers as well. Desired results cannot be expected
from employees who are burnt out, exhausted or stressed, as they lose their energy, accuracy
and innovative thinking.
In India, a major part of the population do not have access to any kind
of banking services. The main reason for this financial exclusion in India is the lack of
regular or substantial income, excessive documentation for loans & opening of accounts, lack
of proximity of the financial institutions, high transportation cost & loss of daily wage. Every
person has a working life-time period of about 35 years, normally between 25 to 60 years of
age. Given the Indian scenario of competitive market, over population and scarcity of good
jobs, runs on the theory of “Survival of the Fittest”, no profession is stress free.
To fully understand the phenomenon of work stress, the review first
documented the process that most commonly occurs for employees who experienced. In
identifying this process, a plethora of contributory and execratory factors were identified.
These factors included individual vulnerabilities, job demands, the organisational climate, the
person environment match, the appraisal and perceptions of the worker, human resource
management practices, the mediatisation and legalisation of stress.

1. There are different type of stress found among the employees like emotional stress,
physical stress etc.

2. The stress which affects physical health is blood pressure, loss of interest in work, etc.

3. Most of the employees are suffering from headache and backache.

4. The study reveals that the respondents of private sector banks are more stressful as
compared to public sector bank employees.
5. The research also disclose that respondents of private sector banks are facing more hectic
work life in comparison to public sector bank employees.

6. The study also brings out that there is difference of incentives and amenities of public and
private sector bank employees.

7. About 90 % of the respondents believe that they face high level of stress, which may be
due to both professional and personal reasons by which they are being found always in

8. With the help of direct interview one major issue is been observed that the main reason of
stress among banks employees is NPA (Non – Performing Assets).

1. The study concludes that the respondents were overburden with the work load in their

2. Work life imbalance is a big concern in Delhi and NCR. As the majority of respondents
lives in a nuclear family are struggling to maintain balance between their work and family

3. The study reveals that the respondents of both private and public sector banks claims that
they are suffering from physical problems due to working hours and seating culture of
banking industry.

4. Physical problems and health problems are increasing day by day.

5. Behavioural problems like mood swings and reduction in motivation are seen in most of
the cases.

6. The research also highlights that the respondents of private sector banks are more stressful
as compare to Public sector banks employees.

7. The analyses also reveal that majorly public sector banks have less amenities as compare to
private sector bank employees.

8. It is also seen from the study that banking sector is not playing an active role in Stress
Management programmes for the employees in both private sector as well as public sector

1. Aldwin, Corolyn M. “Stress coping and development – An Integrative
Perspective” , The Guilford Press.2007.

2. Alex, Roney and Cooper, Cary. "Professionals on work place stress", John
Wiley and Sons Ltd., 1997.

3. Armstrong, Michael. “A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice”

10th edition, Kogan Page, 2006, pg. 839-844.

4. Ashwathappa, K. “ Human Resource and Personnel Management-Text and

Cases ”, 4th Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2005.

5. Batra, Promod. “Simple ways to manage Stress”, Thompson Press, India.1995.

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