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This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the background

of the study, the statement of the problem, the significance of the study, scope and delimitation of

the study, and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

There are a lot of influences that can affect an organization’s performance, and one of its

common factors is stress. It challenges the operation of the business and the employees’

productivity. It is a dynamic state for which the conclusion is perceived to be both unclear and

essential. Hans Selye, 1936 defined stress as the force, pressure, or tension subjected upon an

individual who resists these forces and who attempts to uphold its true state.

Meanwhile, stress in everyday terms is a feeling that people have when they are

overloaded and struggling to cope with demands. These demands can be related to finances,

work, relationships, and other situations, but anything that poses a real or perceived challenge or

threat to a person's well-being can cause stress. Though, it can also be a motivator. Stress can be

essential to survival. However, if this mechanism is triggered too easily, or when there are too

many stressors at one time, it can undermine a person's mental and physical health and become

Employees working in different sectors and organizations have to deal with stress. It can

be caused by a demanding boss, annoying co-workers, angry customers, hazardous conditions,

long commutes and a never-ending workload. Work performances are also affected by stressors

such as family relationships, and a lack of sleep stemming from fears and anxieties about the


Since stress can contribute to both positive and negative effects on the employees’

performance, it can be considered and at the same time will be evaluated so that people,

especially the employees, will be aware on how stress affect their everyday performance in their

respective institutions. As this study aims to know the effects of stress to the employees’

performance in a business, employees and business organizations will gain a deeper

understanding and learn how to deal with stress more efficiently.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the study evaluated the effects of stress to the performance of employees.

Specifically, it seeked to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors causing stress of the employees?

2. What are the positive effects of stress to the employees?

3. What are the negative effects of stress to the employees?

4. What are the struggles that the employees encounter caused by stress?

5. How does stress affect the performance of employees?

Significance of the Study

This study is significant in many ways. It’s not just because people will be benefited, but

it also serves as a guide or source of information for people who are affected by stress especially

for employees, teachers, and others. It will give a lot of knowledge to people on how to handle or

manage stress.

This study provides information on the preferred stress management strategies. This

information reveals the strategies that are effective and ineffective. All of these are useful to the

Department of Health (DOH) as this material will help them plan a health promotional program,

which will spread awareness to all. It will also help us to have a deeper understanding about the

causes and effects of stress and the ways to properly manage it.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focused on the effects of stress on the performance of the employees and how

it can affect the business’s performance. The study is only limited to, the factors causing the

stress on the employees. The study was conducted within the vicinity of Laoag City. The

conducting of a survey-questionnaires took place within the third and fourth week of January

during the 2nd semester of the school year 2018-2019.

Definition of Terms

The researchers assure to specify terms, that are discussed throughout the study to give

further clarification and knowledge for everyone. The following words are used in the study:

Business. A business is an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial,

industrial, or professional activities. Businesses can be for profit entities or nonprofit

organizations that operate to fulfill a charitable mission or further a social cause.

Effect. A change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

Employee. An employee is an individual who was hired by an employer to do a specific

job. The employee is hired by the employer after an application and interview process results in

his or her selection as an employee.

Performance. The accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known

standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. In a contract, performance is deemed to be

the fulfillment of an obligation, in a manner that releases the performer from all liabilities under

the contract.

Stress. Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When

you sense danger—whether it's real or imagined—the body's defenses kick into high gear in a

rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction or the "stress response." The

stress response is the body's way of protecting you.



This chapter indicates the ideas relevant to the present study relating to the other studies,

both local and foreign, and is briefly discussed to provide the foundation of the proposed study. It

aims to provide the readers with information on the same area for better understanding of the

study and help them fit the findings into the overall picture. It is composed of related legal bases,

literature and studies, which contain facts and information on the research problem at hand. It

also includes the theoretical framework of the study.

Related Literature

How Stress Affects Your Work Performance

Your work performance is derived from many sources. It can be affected by stressors

such as family relationships, finances and a lack of sleep stemming from fears and anxieties

about the future. How you handle the effects of stress depends on whether it is easier to change

the situation or change your attitude toward it.

Poor Time Management

The positive side of stress is that it can jump-start your adrenaline and motivate you to

perform your tasks more quickly in response to impending deadlines. An overwhelming work-

load, lack of peer support and too many demands at once, however, contribute to a sense of frus-

tration and panic that there isn't enough time to complete the work. According to the authors of

"Performance Under Pressure: Managing Stress in the Workplace," if these conditions asdfhgjj
routinely result in overtime or having to take work home, the stress of being unable to manage

time efficiently can fuel employees' resentment toward the company as well as negatively influ-

ence their commitment and loyalty.

Strained Relationships

Stress is a major contributor to job burn-out and strained interactions with peers and su-

pervisors, says Bob Losvyk, author of "Get a Grip!: Overcoming Stress and Thriving in the

Workplace." The combined feelings of helplessness and hopelessness generate heightened sensi-

tivities to any and all forms of criticism, defensiveness, depression, paranoia about job security,

jealousy and resentment toward co-workers who seem to have everything under control, short-

fuse tempers, diminished self-esteem and withdrawal.

Lack of Focus

Stress affects your ability to remember things you already know, to process new informa-

tion you are learning and to apply both to analytical situations and physical tasks that require

concentration. When you are mentally exhausted from all of the worries, anxieties and tension

brought on by a stressful environment or lifestyle, you are more easily distracted and prone to

make costly, harmful or even fatal mistakes on the job.

Effect on Health

In addition to headaches, sleep disorders, vision problems, weight loss/gain and blood

pressure, stress affects cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal systems, says

Richard Weinstein, author of "The Stress Effect." If you're not feeling well, you're not going to

do your best work. Further, the amount of sick leave taken to rest and recuperate from stress-re-
lated illnesses often means that the work only accumulates during your absence and, thus, gener-

ates even more stress about how to catch up once you return.


Life As We Know It: The Impact Of Stress In The Workplace For Your Employees

When stress hurts

Uncontrolled stress in the workplace can include physical impacts such as sleep

disturbances, headaches, stomach upset, raised blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The

impact of employee burnout in the workplace continues with emotional fallout, including

anxiety, irritability, depression and emotional dysregulation.

Anyone who's ever worked themselves to the point of burnout can also recognize other

symptoms, including loss of concentration, lack of motivation, difficulty with thought

processing, loss of memory and poor decision making.

Helping employees relieve stress at work

To improve the impact of stress in the workplace will take buy-in from all levels of the

organization. Employee wellness is best shepherded with a combined talent management strategy

that seizes any available opportunity to observe employee well-being and performance. HR

Technologist suggests formalizing "engagement dipsticks" where more formal engagement

surveys are intertwined with informal check-ins and conversations.

Ongoing performance management can create an environment where employees are

comfortable sharing their experiences knowing that their organization can properly handle and
manage sensitive issues. It's no mistake when leaders create a culture of support. Real-time

feedback and coaching can help improve engagement, cope with workplace stress, improve

attendance and deal with overall health. This is a good time to get creative.

It's wise to consider even subtle nuances when looking for ways to prevent the impact of

employee burnout in the workplace. With careful planning, the impact of stress in the workplace

can be lessened for your employees, leading to healthier teams and healthier employees.


Related Studies












Occupational Stress and Work Performance of Systems Employees of Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program

“Occupational Stress and Work Performance of Systems Employees of Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program” was a study conducted by Christian Ranche of the University of

the Philippines S.Y. 2015-2016. It was determined that majority of the respondents have an

average level of stress brought by interpersonal conflict at work. They perceived and experience

disagreements or are treated poorly at work moderately. Though, majority of the respondents

rated very satisfactory in their performance.

A Study on Work Stress And Its Impacts on Employee’s Productivity With Respect To

Teacher’s (Self Financing)

Abhijeet Rawal and Sneha Mhatre’s study focused on the employees’ behavior and

attitudes towards productivity, which gets affected due to stress in an organization. It was found

that most of the teachers in self-financing institute face stress related to work in the organization.

Many of them feels they are overloaded with the work. Many a times employees scarify their

domestic function and accept the boss’s order to achieve the target of the organization.

Employees feel stress due to the family related stress. It was brought up that strategies used in

institute/colleges to reduce stress are effective. Despite of the huge stress in an organization, the

employees still manage to balance their social life.


From the related literature, the researchers were provided significant information, clear

picture, and description of what stress, it’s causes and it’s effects to an employee is all about.

Likewise, the related studies will be of great help to the researchers to further validate the

need to affirm the findings of other inquiries on the topic. The related studies both local and

foreign provided significant information on occupational stressors.

Abhijeet Rawal, Sneha Mhatre and Christian Ranche’s studies has relevance to the

present study because the researchers were all studying the effects of stress to employees.

Each related literature and study is essential for it gives the present study a detailed

background on the relationship of the occupational stress and other variables.

Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

The diagram below shows the factors affecting the employees.


Effects of Stress

 Impacts decision making

Performance of Employees of
 Affects relationship with
the Different Businesses in others
Laoag City  Makes things longer
 Initiates a feeling of dissatis-
 Others

Figure 1. Research Paradigm


This chapter describes the research design used for the study, the various procedures and

processes that was employed to collect and analyze the data. That is, the instruments used for the

study and the method of analysis of the data.

Research Design

This research used a quantitative descriptive design to assess stress and its effects on the

employees’ productivity in the different businesses in Laoag City. The study is descriptive since

it seeks to examine the effects of stress on the employees’ productivity, the causes of stress and

the procedures available for the workers to manage stress in the organization.

This research study involves the collection, description, analysis, recording and

interpretation of data focusing on the effects of stress on the employees’ performance. The study

employed the use of survey-questionnaires as the data gathering instrument.

According to Creswell (2002), a descriptive study identifies and defines the problem,

selects tools for collecting data, describes, analyzes and interprets the data. At the same time, it

provides a more accurate picture of events at a point in time. Fraenkel and Wallen (1993)

continued that one big advantage of the descriptive survey design is that it has the potential to

provide us with a lot of information obtained from quite a large sample of individuals.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers exploited survey-questionnaires in the different businesses in Laoag City

to attain information or facts about the insight of the respondents to the effects of stress to the

performance of the employees. The researchers were able to provide choices for each question in

the survey-questionnaires for the respondents to choose. The collected data were analyzed, which

generated the findings and recommendations of the study. The majority of the respondents

marked more than two answers. The data gathered are presented by the use of graphical


Data Gathering Procedure

General Procedure

After selecting the topic, the researchers discussed the possible problems to solve and the

possible questions to ponder and answer in relation to their study. Before distributing the

questionnaires, the researchers asked for the authorization of their research teacher and the

assistant principal of the school to perform the study. They also made a request letter for the

respondents to provide them information about the study they are conducting. Moreover, the

researchers also asked for the permission of the management of the different business

establishments in Laoag City to allow the researchers to borrow their employees’ time for

answering the survey-questionnaires. Upon granting, the researchers started to gather data for the

study as the respondents started answering the questions in the survey-questionnaire. The

questions printed on the survey-questionnaires were based from the statement of the problem of

the study.
Population and Sampling

This research study was conducted among the employees of the different business

establishments located within the premises of Laoag City. While there are 133 business

establishments located in Laoag City, 79 respondents were purposefully selected that served as

the respondents to the study. 24 respondents from small businesses, while 55 came from the big

businesses. Using the simple random sampling technique, three (3) to five (5) employees from

the different business establishments elicited their answers, which is a great contribution to the

data collection of the researchers for the study.

In this study, the researchers used the frequency and percentage technique to identify the

percentage of the respondents for the provided choices of the questions in the distributed survey-

questionnaires. The formula below was used by the researchers for the tallying of the answers of

the respondents:

P= × 100


P = the percentage

f = the frequency or the number of the respondents

N = the total number of the respondents

Data Analysis

The researchers were able to total the respondent’s answers and were able to discern the

troubles and the comforts that are being observed the most among the employees in the different

business establishments in Laoag City. In the analysis of data, the researchers used graphs to

identify the number of respondents who chose to answer the different choices of the different

questions provided in the distributed survey-questionnaires. The researchers were also able to

interpret the gathered data presented in the graphs.

In the first question, the researchers were able to identify the respondents who are being

affected by stress in their workplace and those who are not. In the second question, the

researchers recognized the causes of stress on the employees. In the third question, the

researchers were able to know the effects of stress to the performance of the employees in their

job. In the fourth question, the researchers were able to determine the advantages of stress to the

employees. In the fifth question, the researchers were able to discern the disadvantages of stress

to the employees. In the sixth question, the researchers were able to classify the struggles of the

employees because of stress. And, in the last question, the researchers were able to find the

coping-up activities that the employees do to let go of stress.

The data analysis provided most of the employees’ personal experiences regarding the

effects of stress to the performance of the employees. Most importantly for data analysis, the

researchers identified the connection of the employees’ responses to the questions asked in this

study’s Statement of the Problem regarding the effects of stress to the performance of the

employees of the different businesses in Laoag City.


This chapter presents the analysis, interpretations, and discussion of the gathered data by
the use of the data gathering instrument to show the validity and reliability of the study. The
gathered data are exhibited through graphical presentations.

Graph 1. Causes of Stress



Pressure from Colleagues
Family Problems
Financial Problems
20.00% Others


48.10% 30.38% 17.72% 16.46% 0.00%

According to the gathered data, 38 of the respondents, which has a percentage of 48.10%,
encounter stress due to the pressure they are receiving from their colleagues, boss, customers and
other people they meet in their workplace. While 24 of the respondents, which has a percentage
of 30.38%, encounter stress due to the workload that they have in their job. Even so, 14 of the
respondents, which has a percentage of 17.72%, encounter stress due to the problems they are
facing inside their family. Moreover, 13 of the respondents, which has a percentage of 16.46%,
encounter stress due to financial problems. Furthermore, none of the respondents encounter other
causes of stress.

Pressure at the workplace is unavoidable due to the demands of the contemporary work
environment. When that pressure becomes excessive or otherwise unmanageable it leads to
stress. Stress can damage an employees' health and the business performance. Other research
findings also show that the most stressful type of work is that which values excessive demands
and pressures that are not matched to workers’ knowledge and abilities, where there is little
opportunity to exercise any choice or control, and where there is little support from others.

Employees are less likely to experience work-related stress when the demands and
pressures of work are matched to their knowledge and abilities, control can be exercised over
their work and the way they do it, support is received from supervisors and colleagues, and
participation in decisions that concern their jobs is provided.

Hence, the most common stressor among the employees in the different business
establishments in Laoag City is the pressure caused by the employees’ colleagues, boss,
customers, and the other individuals they meet in their workstation.
Graph 2. Positive Effects of Stress to the Employees



Tests Patience/Endurance
The Work Becomes More Chal-
30.00% lenging
Sets Motivation
It Doesn't Give Any Advantages
20.00% Others


51.90% 40.51% 17.71% 2.53% 0.00%

As presented in the graph above, 41 of the respondents, which carries a percentage of

51.90%, implied that stress tests how long their patience is or how long they can survive the
challenge. However, 32 of the respondents, which carries a percentage of 40.51%, asserted that
the advantage that stress has given unto them is how the work becomes more challenging every
time stress bothers them. Apart from that, 14 of the respondents, which carries a percentage of
17.71%, believed that stress gives them motivation to work harder. Additionally, 2 of the
respondents, which carries a percentage of 2.53%, claimed that stress doesn’t give any
advantages. Furthermore, none of the respondents stated any other advantages given by stress.

Everybody has different ways of reacting to pressure, and one will undoubtedly bear the
brunt of other people’s negative reactions from time to time. While under stress, one’s patience is
being tested. Thus, creating a burning goal inside a person’s mind to fight stress and let their
patience win.
Patience creates feelings of peace and calm, as opposed to the anger and frustration that
often arises with impatience. When under pressure, people are able to see every redraft, every
unnecessary interaction, and every mistake as precious time wasted. Accordingly, the workers
are able to test how long their patience is while experiencing stress. This state allows them to
know their strengths and weaknesses not just as an employee, but as a person as well.

Therefore, apart from the other advantages, the most observed advantage of stress is that,
it tests the employees of the different business establishments in Laoag City’s patience and/or
Graph 3. Negative Effects of Stress to the Employees




Lost Self-Control
25.00% Poor Performance
Initiates Bad habits
20.00% It Doesn't Give Any Disadvan-
15.00% Others



41.77% 34.18% 17.72% 11.39% 1.27%

In relation to the graph above, 41.77% of the population, which is equal to 33

respondents, carries lost self-control as a disadvantage of stress. While on the other hand,
34.18% of the population, which is equal to 27 respondents, runs into a poor performance in their
work. Moreover, 17.72% of the population, which is equal to 14 respondents, are driven to
entertain bad habits. Even so, 11.39% of the population, which is equal to nine (9) respondents,
claimed that stress doesn’t give any disadvantages. Lastly, 1.27% of the population, which is
equal to one (1) respondent, stated that stress has already been a disadvantage for him.

It is normal to experience a range of moods, both high and low, in everyday life. People
fall into depressing feelings that persist and start interfering with their ability to complete daily
activities, hold a job, and enjoy successful interpersonal relationships.
Self-control is simply a tool to be put to some use, helpful or harmful. To live happy and
productive lives, people need to develop not only their self-control strength, but also the wisdom
to make good decisions about when and where to apply it.

The term personality is used to describe the consistent individual patterns of thoughts,
emotion, and behavior that characterize each person across time and situations. Each individual's
personality is thought to be influenced by both an inherited genetic component and by their
interactions with the environment. Some people experience personality changes in response to
stress hormones, which are part of their internal environment.

The results show that the most common disadvantage of stress is the lost self-control of
the employees that has come into contact with stress.
Graph 4. Struggles of the Employees because of Stress



Out of Focus
Time Management
30.00% Unpredictable Behavior
Lures to have Vices (alcohol
abuse, tobacco or cigarette use,
20.00% Others


51.90% 31.65% 18.99% 5.06% 1.27%

According to the results of the data gathered, 41 of the respondents, which has a
percentage of 51.90%, stated that stress affects their attentiveness in their workstation. Even so,
25 of the respondents, which has a percentage of 31.65%, claimed that stress affects how they
manage their time. Yet, 15 of the respondents, which has a percentage of 18.99%, asserted that
stress allows them to have an unpredictable behavior. Likewise, four (4) of the respondents,
which has a percentage of 5.06%, said that stress lures them to have vices such as alcohol abuse,
tobacco or cigarette use, and others. However, one (1) of the respondents, which has a percentage
of 1.27%, believed that she doesn’t face any struggles caused by stress.

Stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to life experiences. Everyone experiences
stress from time to time. Yet if one’s stress response doesn’t stop firing, and these stress levels
stay elevated far longer than is necessary for survival, it can take a toll on your health. Stress can
cause a variety of symptoms and affect your overall well-being. While suffering from stress, one
will not be able to finish the tasks as projected

Therefore, based from the results, the most mutual struggle that the employees encounter
because of stress is the difficulty of focusing on their work.

Graph 5. Effects of Stress to the Performance of the Employees





30.00% Affects Relationship with Others

Impacts Decision Making
25.00% Everything Takes Longer
Makes a Feeling of Dissatis-
20.00% faction



44.30% 29.11% 18.99% 16.46% 3.80%

Based from the results of the graph, 44.30% of the population, which is equivalent to a
total number of 35 respondents, believed that it affects their relationship with others. While on
the other hand, 29.11% of the population, which is equivalent to a total number of 23
respondents, claimed that stress has an impact on their decision-making activities. Moreover,
18.99% of the population, which is equivalent to a total number of 15 respondents, said that
stress makes everything longer for them. Even so, 16.46% of the population, which is equivalent
to a total number of 13 respondents, asserted that stress causes them to feel dissatisfied.
Furthermore, 3.80% of the population, which is equivalent to a total number of three (3)
respondents, faced other effects of stress in their work performance. Two respondents stated that
stress affects their concentration and one stated that stress doesn’t have any impact on her

Stress really can be thought of as contagious. It can be difficult to be self-aware when it

comes to a person’s response to stress. Very often, it can feel like these means of expression are
slightly outside of one’s control. Many people find themselves avoiding talking to others and
becoming withdrawn without quite realizing they’re doing it. Relationships are worse off when
people are under stress. The way a person resolves conflict in his relationship with others can
either make or break him, leaving him with a life of loneliness, or one rich with social support
and love.

Without some kind of intervention, the gap caused by this kind of situation can get wider
and wider. And the more a person feels like the people around them are sources of stress
themselves, the less likely will that person be willing to try to close that gap.

Thus, resulting from the gathered data, the most communal effect of stress is that, it
affects the employees’ relationship with their colleagues, clients/customers, friends, and others.


This chapter presents the summary, conclusions drawn from the findings and the

corresponding recommendations of the study.


The data gathered from the respondents’ answers show that stress has an impact to the

employees’ work performance and that it occurs in a wide range of work circumstances. It also

proves that the most observed stressor among the employees of the different businesses in Laoag

City is the pressure they get from their colleagues, boss, customers/clients, and other individuals

they come across in their offices. It also proves that the most communal effect of stress to the

respondents is how it affects the their relationship with others.

The data also provide the information that stress can also be advantageous to the

employees, for stress tests how long they can endure the challenge and it also tests their patience.

On the other hand, stress also allows the employees to acquire disadvantages. The data show that

the lost of self-control are the most dominant disadvantage of stress among the employees of the

different businesses in Laoag City.

Furthermore, the data sustains that the most mutual struggle that the respondents

encounter is how they cannot focus on their job soundly while under stress. Lastly, the most

common coping-up activity that the respondents use to hold stress back is by doing/following

some relaxation techniques, which includes deep breathing, meditations, yoga, and other



Based on the findings derived from this study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The performance of the employee's of the different businesses in Laoag City is being

affected by stress and the leading cause of stress on the employees is the pressure caused by their

colleagues, boss, customers, and other individuals that they meet in their workplace.

2. The most observed positive effect stress is how it tests the patience of the employees

and how long they can survive the challenge.

3. The most common negative effect of stress is the lost self-control of the employees

that has come into contact with stress.

4. The most significant struggle that the employees get from stress is how affects their at-

tentiveness in their workstation.

5. The most dominant effect of stress the employees is how it affects their relationship

with their colleagues, customers, friends, and other individuals.


In relation to the study conducted and the results obtained, the researchers are generally

humble in recommending the following:

1. To the future researchers, continue to gather different data and information that can

help expand the knowledge and to get more ideas concerning the Effects of Stress to

the Performance of the Employees of the Different Businesses in Laoag City.

2. There should be more specific target of respondents from the employees of the differ-

ent business establishments located in an extensive location.

3. Parallel studies should be conducted involving other respondents.

4. Stress management should as well be more involved in the next studies regarding the

effects of stress to the performance of the employees.



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Ranche, C. (2016, May 14). Occupational Stress and Work Performance of Systems Employees
of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Senior High School
Laoag City

January 15, 2019

Assistant Principal
Ilocos Norte National High School
Senior High School

We are one of the groups of students from Senior High School that are currently
conducting a research study for our requirement for our subject in Practical Research II.
At present, we are conducting a research study titled “EFFECTS OF STRESS TO THE
Anent to this, we hereby ask for your permission to conduct survey-questionnaires and to
distribute to the different establishments in Laoag City. The data gathered from the result of our
questionnaires will be of great help for our study.
We are hoping for your kind consideration.
Thank you!
Noted By:
Teacher, Practical Research II


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Senior High School
Laoag City

January 15, 2019

Dear Respondents,
Good day!
We are the students from Grade 12 ABM-Favila, currently conducting a research study
THE DIFFERENT BUSINESS IN LAOAG CITY” as one of our requirements in Practical
Research II.
We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen as one of the respondents to
answer the questionnaire we have prepared. In this regard, we are asking for your help by
answering the questionnaire truthfully. Rest assured that all data gathered from you will be kept
at the highest level of confidentiality.
Your positive response to this request will be of valuable contribution to the success of
the study and will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your favorable response and cooperation.
Very truly yours,
Noted By:
Teacher, Practical Research II
Approved By:
Assistant Principal



Name (Optional): ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Business Establishment: ________________________________________________________

Instructions: Please respond to the following questions by placing a checkmark (✔) in the
answer box that corresponds to your response and/or fill in the blank to specify your answer if it
is not indicated in the choices.

1) Does stress affect your work performance?

 Yes
 No

2) If yes, what are its causes?

 Family Problems
 Financial Problems
 Workload
 Pressure from colleagues, boss, customers, and others
 Others: Please specify ___________________

3) How does stress affect your performance as you do your job?

 It impacts decision making
 It affects my relationship with others
 Everything takes longer
 It’s making me feel dissatisfied
 Others: Please specify ___________________

4) As an employee, what are the advantages that stress has given you?
 The work becomes more challenging
 It tests my patience/endurance
 It sets motivation
 It doesn’t give any advantages
 Others: Please specify ___________________

5) What are the disadvantages of stress to your performance?

 Lost self-control
 Poor performance
 Initiates bad habits
 It doesn’t give any disadvantages
 Others: Please specify ___________________

6) What are the struggles you experience because of stress?

 Out of focus
 Time management
 Unpredictable behavior
 It lures me to have vices (alcohol abuse, tobacco or cigarette use, etc.)
 Others: Please specify ___________________

7) How do you cope with the effects of stress to your performance as an employee?
 Relaxation technique (deep breathing, meditation, yoga, etc.)
 Keeping a sense of humor
 Socializing with colleagues, customers, or others
 Setting aside time for hobbies
 Others: Please specify ___________________
Respondent’s Signature



Table 1. Employees Affected by Stress

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 67 84.81%

No 12 15.19%

Table 2. Causes of Stress

Responses Frequency Percentage

Pressure from Colleagues,
38 48.10%
Boss, Customers, etc.
Workload 24 30.38%
Family Problems 14 17.72%

Financial Problems 13 16.46%

Others 0 0%

Table 3. Effects of Stress to the Performance of the Employees

Responses Frequency Percentage

Affects Relationship with

35 44.30%
Impacts Decision Making 23 29.11%

Everything Takes Longer 15 18.99%

Makes a Feeling of
13 16.46%
Others 3 3.80%

Table 4. Advantages of Stress to the Employees

Responses Frequency Percentage

Tests Patience/Endurance 41 51.90%

The Work Becomes More
32 40.51%
Sets Motivation 14 17.71%
No Advantages 2 2.53%

Others 0 0%

Table 5. Disadvantages of Stress to the Employees

Responses Frequency Percentage

Lost Self-Control 33 41.77%

Poor Performance 27 34.18%

Initiates Bad Habits 14 17.72%

No Disadvantages 9 11.39%

Others 1 1.27%
Table 6. Struggles of the Employees because of Stress

Responses Frequency Percentage

Out of Focus 41 51.90%

Time Management 25 31.65%

Unpredictable Behavior 15 18.99%

Lures to have Vices 4 5.06%

Others 1 1.27%

Table 7. How the Employees Cope with Stress

Responses Frequency Percentage

Relaxation Techniques 34 43.04%

Socializing with Colleagues,
25 31.65%
Customers, and Others
Keeping a Sense of Humor 17 21.52%
Setting Aside Time for
16 20.25%
Others 1 1.27%


Figure 1. Brainstorming

The figure shows one of the moments captured where the researchers discuss on how

they can make their study better.

Figure 2. Preparation for the Survey

The figure shows the survey-questionnaires being printed. Behind the picture is the

preparation of the survey-questionnaires to be distributed to the population.

Figure 3. The Questionnaires

The figure shows the 79 survey-questionnaires the researchers distributed to the

employees of the different businesses in Laoag City, which were bundled into four for a more

organized and easier dissemination.

Figure 4. The Respondents of the Study.

The figure shows one of the respondents of the study answering the survey-questionnaire

provided by the researchers together with the approval of the business’s management regarding

the request.

Figure 5. Tallying

The figure shows one of the researchers tally the results hey have gathered after the

distribution and collection of the survey-questiomnares to and from the respondents.

Figure 6. Curriculum Vitae

The figure shows the behind-the-scenes act of the researchers in preparing for taking their

pictures for the study’s curriculum vitae.

Figure 7. Finalizing

The figure shows the study being checked and edited for the last time by one of the re-
searchers as a part of the preparation before the researchers defend the study to the panelists.

Personal Background

Name : Alejalane Soleil Z. Agbayani

Address : Brgy. 6, Sarrat, I. N.

Age : 17

Birthdate : October 14, 2001

Birthplace : Laoag City

Gender : Female

I. Family Background

Father : Michael B. Agbayani

Occupation :

Mother : Guillermina Z. Agbayani

Occupation :

Religion : Latter-Day Saints

II. Educational Attainment


Senior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Accountancy, Business and Management

2017 - 2019

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City

Junior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Special Program in the Arts

2013 - 2017

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City


School : Laoag Central Elementary School

2012 - 2013

Address : Brgy. 16, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte


Personal Background

Name :

Address :

Age :

Birthdate :

Birthplace :

Gender :

III. Family Background

Father :

Occupation :

Mother :

Occupation :

Religion :

IV. Educational Attainment


Senior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Accountancy, Business and Management

2017 - 2019

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City

Junior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Basic Education Curriculum

2013 - 2017

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City


School :

2012 - 2013

Address :

Personal Background

Name :

Address :

Age :

Birthdate :

Birthplace :

Gender :

V. Family Background

Father :

Occupation :

Mother :

Occupation :

Religion :

VI. Educational Attainment


Senior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Accountancy, Business and Management

2017 - 2019

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City

Junior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Basic Education Curriculum

2013 - 2017

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City


School :

2012 - 2013

Address :

Personal Background

Name :

Address :

Age :

Birthdate :

Birthplace :

Gender :

VII. Family Background

Father :

Occupation :

Mother :

Occupation :

Religion :

VIII. Educational Attainment


Senior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Accountancy, Business and Management

2017 - 2019

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City

Junior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Basic Education Curriculum

2013 - 2017

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City


School :

2012 - 2013

Address :

Personal Background

Name :

Address :

Age :

Birthdate :

Birthplace :

Gender :

IX. Family Background

Father :

Occupation :

Mother :

Occupation :

Religion :

X. Educational Attainment


Senior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Accountancy, Business and Management

2017 - 2019

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City

Junior High School

School : Ilocos Norte National High School

Basic Education Curriculum

2013 - 2017

Address : Brgy 4, Ablan Avenue, Laoag City


School :

2012 - 2013

Address :

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