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In my AS coursework a lot of my inspiration orientated around the artist Katy B who I used to shape my artist Eve T.

Katy B is a hip hop artist but still has the feminine touch. It was from this I created Eve T but I developed Katy Bs characteristics in order to create my artists background, personality, characteristics and music. With only being able to sell my artist through a magazine interview and photo shoot I wasnt able to specify her exact music. I based it on Katy Bs hip hop music that came across lively and bold yet still didnt cross much over to the male hip hop music which dominants that particular genre in the music industry. When choosing a song the initial path to go down was Katy Bs songs, however when looking through her songs I felt that the effect portrayed wasnt what I wanted. What I want is energetic, catchy music which had the calm element keeping it feminine. However a lot of her videos involved simple walking and the typical hip hop scenes, i.e. people in the streets. This links with hip hop however I want to use that as a starting point and then bring Eve in to add her personality and characteristics. Eve didnt have a wealthy background but I dont want to bring that in to create sympathy. Another point to consider is that currently, pop overpowers hip hop, so I want to bring in a lively effect that would reach the pop audience. With this in mind I think of a summer release because everyones happy in summer, excited etc and they want music that puts you in a positive mood and its this that creates the word of mouth. You picture songs like this being played on the radio, in the background when people are doing other things etc. When in the summer mood you dont want to see/hear depressive hip hop songs about how people made it out of their personal struggle; you save stories like that for interviews where the sympathy is emphasised as youre talking to people who are listening- I want an uplifting song. From this is where I got an idea for my first location which is by the sea. It instantly suggests summer however you wouldnt associate it so much with hip hop. With this base idea I added hip hop elements to it for example I want Eve to be walking at a quick, face forward, pace by the sea, singing. This fast paced, strong walk emphasizes the typical personality of a hip hop artist, i.e. strong, confident and almost intimidating but memorizing. Once I had this picture in my mind I had to find a song that would fit my ideas and MY artist. Katy B has the correct genre however, along with what I mentioned above; she also doesnt fit the voice of my artist which is important! As Eve is quite a petite person, you would expect more a sweet voice rather than a full on rap voice. I then went on to research solo women artists that I felt would match with Eves voice tone. This is when I came across Ellie Goulding. Her magical voice would fit Eve perfectly as its sweet and it wouldnt look bad if Eve mimed to it. The song I decided to use was animal because it didnt have the continued mystical effect portrayed and seen in Ellies songs. It has a summer feel to it but also has a dance element side to it. Dance is popular around the summer season due to it being festival season, and people go out a lot more in the summer, go on holiday etc so it fit in well with Eves genre and personality. Also in Ellies music videos everything is quite magical and different for example Lights Guns n horses which doesnt fit my genre at all, so I was quite lucky to find a song that did fit my genre. Its not one of Ellies big releases which is a benefit to me because not everyone will recognise it when they see Eve miming to it, which would enable my video to become more realistic. Whereas if youre using a Lady Gaga song, it wouldnt work at all because shes created such an image and individual image of herself.

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