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FACULTY : Education

DEPARTMENT : Childhood Education (CALT)


MODULE : SZI 3BB3 isiZulu Methodology and Practicum


EXAM :Final Examination Paper

DATE : November 2020 SESSION :

ASSESSOR(S) : Ms F. Simelane

MODERATOR : Mr X Khohliso

DURATION : Take home exam MARKS : 100



1. Fundisisa imibuzo kahle.

2. Leli phepha lina makhasi (4) nemibuzo eyi-4.
3. Phendula yonke imibuzo.
4. Landela yonke imigomo ebikiwe mayelana naleliphepha

SZI3BB3 Methodology and Practicum- 3 -

Umbuzo 1

Ukufunda ngokuqonda

1.1 Ucwaningo lubonisa ukuthi uma othisha bangafundisa ngokucacile babuye

babonise kahle amasu okufunda ngokuqonda lokhu kungakhulisa uthando
lokufunda kwezingane ngoba bangaqonda lokho abakufundayo.

Xoxa kabanzi ngamasu ongawasebenzisa ukuthuthukisa ikhono lokufunda

ngokuqonda ezinganeni ezenza ibanga lesine ukuya kwelesithupha. (25)

Umbuzo 2


2.2 Sebenzisa lesi sithombe ukuhlela isifunjwana lapho uzobe usebenzisa

indlela yokubhala ngokuzimela usebenzisa imigomo yokubhala. Ukubhala
umbiko wendaba osuselwe esahlakalweni esenzekile.

Total (25)

Umbuzo 3

Ukulalela nokukhuluma

3.1 Ukulalela nokukhuluma kuyinsika yokufunda kuzo zonke izifundo.

Ngokulalela nokukhuluma okuyimpumelelo, abafundi baqoqa ulwazi,
baluhlanganise, bazakhele imiqondo, baxazulule izinkinga, baveze imibono.
Amakhono okulalela ngokucophelela asiza abafundi ukuthola okungamagugu
nendlela yokubuka izinto eziqukethwe embhalweni. Xoxa kabanzi ngalokhu
usebenzise lamaphuzu alandelayo

a) Ukuphimiswa kwemisindo

b) Izakhi zamagama

c) Ulwazi lwamagama wolimi

d) Imisho (syntax)

e) Ukusetshenziswa kolimi ngendlela efanele (pragmatics) (25)

Umbuzo 4

4.1 Ukukhangisa kuyindlela yokuheha abantu ngento ethile ethengiswayo

ngenhloso yokuthi bagcine sebeyithengile yize bebengenanhloso yokuthenga.
Imvamisa yabosomabhizinisi basebenzisa izikhangisi ezinhlobonhlobo
ukuchukuluza imizwa yabathengi. Isikhali esikhulu sezikhangisi
ukuphindaphindwa kwemibiko kanye nokusebenzisa amazwi ayengayo.
Ngaphandle kwezikhangisi zezinto ezithengiswayo kukhona izikhangisi
zemisebenzi, zemicimbi, zabashonile, zabashadayo, kanye nokunye.

Qamba esakho isikhangisi lapho khona ozobe ukhangisa ngesikolo sakho

esikhiqiza imiphumele emihle minyaka yonke, isikole sakho sifuna izingane
ezizoqala kwamanye amabanga ngonyaka ozayo. Isikhangisi sakho kwamele
sibe nesikhuzelo, izithombe ezibonisa okukhangisayo, ngamanye amagama

injongo yezikhangisi kwamele icace, faka nokunye okudingekayo kulesikhuzelo.
Bese uyasisebenzisa futhi uhlele isifundo usebenzisa le sikhangisi
njengensizakufunda ukufundisa izingane ngalesu lokukhangisa. (25)

Student teaching Not achieved Partially Achieved Exceeded Mark awarded

evaluation rubric Expectations/Excellent

A. Lesson design 0-1 2 3

A1. Alignment of The aims, objectives, The aims, objectives, The aims, objectives,
lesson aims, assessment activities and assessment activities and assessment activities and
objectives, learning tasks are not learning tasks are learning tasks are
assessment activities aligned. Lesson aims and partially aligned. Lesson relevant and well
and learning tasks objectives are not aims and objectives are written. It provides a
as per CAPS policy conceptualized, not well relevant but lack clarity. clear indication of what
requirements written or do not relate to the lesson will achieve
the curriculum. and how it aligns with
the CAPS curriculum.
0-1 2 3
A2. Teaching and The teaching and learning The teaching and The teaching and
learning method. methods are not aligned learning methods are learning methods are
Teacher and learner and incomprehensible. partially aligned and well-written and are
actions This suggests that the slightly comprehensible. easily understood,
student does not have the innovative and
requisite subject conducive to learning. It
knowledge to teach the also suggests that the
content. student has a good
understanding of the
content being taught.

0-1 2 3
B. Lesson
B1. Invitation phase The invitation phase was The invitation phase The invitation phase was
(Introduction to the rushed and did not introduced the topic of well presented and
lesson) introduce the learners to the lesson to a partial defined the topic of the
the topic of the lesson. extent, and also lacked in lesson accurately. The
Learner interest was not defining key concepts learner’s interest and
elicited nor was their prior relevant to the topic. The reflection on prior
knowledge on the topic learners’ interest, knowledge was elicited
prompted. reflection and prior beyond expectations.
knowledge was
prompted/elicited to a
limited extent.
0-1 2 3
B2. Implementation There was no evidence of There are some aspects There are clear links
phase (Lesson lesson progression from linking the introduction from the invitation phase
progression and the invitation phase to to the main concept of to teaching the main
suitability of the teaching the main the lesson with hints to concept leading up to the
content) concept/s and conclusion. the lesson conclusion. conclusion of the lesson.

0-1 2 3
B3. Pedagogic The students lack the The student displayed The student had a
content knowledge necessary PCK to teach some knowledge of detailed understanding of
(PCK) the content of the lesson PCK, but it was evident the PCK needed to teach
effectively. that his/her the lesson effectively.

understanding lacked The level of insight was
depth and critical insight. exceptional.
0-1 2 3
B4. Suitability of the The content was not The content was The content of the lesson
content taught appropriate. appropriate, but the was relevant, innovative
student lacked the and an enriching
insight required to experience for the
structure the teaching learners.
episode effectively.
0-1 2 3
B6. Teaching level: The learners were not The learners were The learners were fully
Learner interest, engaged with the content partially engaged with engaged with the content
curriculum being taught. The student the content being taught. being taught. There was
differentiation and did not adjust the teaching The teaching level and clear evidence
language level and language usage language had been throughout the lesson
adjustment to suit the diverse needs suitably adjusted to for that the teaching level
of learners. the diverse needs of and language was
learners. adjusted to suit diverse
needs of learners
0-1 2-3 4
B7. Summary of the The conclusion of the The conclusion of the The conclusion of the
lesson (Conclusion) lesson did not involve a lesson involved a partial lesson included a
summation or reflection summation or reflection summation or reflection
on what has been learnt. on what has been on what has been
There was also no learned. There was also learned. There was
integration of what limited integration of strong integration of
learners learnt from the what learners learnt from what learners learnt from
lesson that could be of the lesson that could be the lesson that could be
value in their own lives. of value in their own of value in their own
Thus the lesson was lives. Thus, the various lives. Thus the student
conceptually inconsistent phases of the lesson were presented a cohesive
and lacked cohesion. aligned, but the lesson lesson that was
was rushed with the implemented as a
various phases seamless whole. The
needlessly and various phases are well
artificially separated. integrated and there was
no artificial separation of
one from the other
Total: 25


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