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Teguh Pratama


Unit : Tiga

MK : Intermediate Language Skill

3. Which sentence ( a – g ) do you think go with which topic?

a) Growing body parts.

b) Understanding the brain, This knowledge will help reduce suicide rates, one of the major
causes of death worldwide
c) Discovering aliens.
d) Life expectancy.
e) Our home , your fridge will ‘know when you are low on milk or any other item
f) Parallel universes.
g) Understanding animals.

4. Read the articel and put sentence a-g in the right place

1D, 2A, 3B, 4G, 5C, 6F, 7E

5. Are these statement true ()or false ()

1. Women will be able to to give birth aged 100. ()

2. It will be possible to replace all the parts of the body. ()
3. Animal parts will be use for transplatation. ()
4. Scientist thinks that computers wont ever do the work of the human brain. ()
5. Scientist believe that if we can talk tu animals, we wont to eat them.().
6. Alien life has already been found on mars.()
7. There could be an infinite number of other universe.()
8. The walls in your house will change colurs suit your mood. ()
9. Your armchair will help you do your housework. ()
10. Pills will replace food. ()

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