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a. Below are 5 questions about mysteries.

b. Prepare a short answer for every question. 말레이시아 항공 370 편 실종 사건 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
c. Teacher will ask you 2 random questions during the speaking test.
d. Memorize your answers, you will not be allowed to have a paper with you.


1. Which well-known mystery would you really like to be solved? Why?

We all get on a plane. Of course, we safely go to our destination. But Malaysia Airlines Flight
370 disappeared in 2014. All the part of the plane fragment and people in the plane are not
found until today. So I want to know the situation how they could be disappeared.

2. Do you believe time travel exists? If you could travel back or forward in time what year would you choose? Why?
I think time travel can’t exist. Because time travel needs to be faster than light. Light speed is almost
3hundred million m/s. human can’t tolerate gravity. Our face would be distorted. When I go back to
The Past, and I kill myself, then how can I alive? It can’t be truth. So in my opinion, time travel can’t be

3. Do you believe that UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) and aliens exist? Why?
I believe UFO is existing in the universe. Because 80 years ago, scientists have been listening for
signs of E.t life for radio technology. And I think there will be lots of creatures in universe.
Other planet’s creatures went to our planet with ufo to observe us.

4. What do you think of the mystery surrounding the Yeti in Tibet? Do you believe it is real or not? Explain your answer.
I think yeti is fake. Because it lives in the cold climate. so there is no food to eat and shelter.
Also scientists says the yeti has already extinct . so I don’t believe yeti.

5. Do you think people can move objects without touching them (telekinesis)? Why?
I want to move objects without touching them, but people know it’s impossible.
When it comes to reality, the law of nature breaks. and there is no relevant between human brain and
objects so I think telekinesis is impossible.

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