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Nation Building, A Way of Revealing, Good Life and Human Flourishing

Directions: On a separate sheet, answer the following questions briefly and

substantially. All ideas should be supported by your sources and references unless

otherwise it is your own concept.

1. What are the current and future programs by the government and how will these

programs be able to contribute to the nation building of the country?

2. Identify at least five (5) changes that occurred in our society due to science and

technology that affect the human condition and explain how technology aided in

revealing the truth about the human being.

3. List down at least five (5) important things in your life and categorize them

based on your priority. How does this contribute to happiness and meaning in your


4. Enumerate and explain the elements of good life. What does it mean to “Live


5. Discuss the different views of philosophers about good life.

1. What are the current and future programs by the government and how will these programs be
able to contribute to the nation building of the country?

The current and future programs by the government can play a big role in the nation-
building of the country. These programs include initiatives such as the National
Education Policy, Skill India Scheme, Digital India, Make in India, Swacch Bharat
Abhiyan, National Health Mission, and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

These programs have the potential to bring positive changes in areas such as health,
education, employment, poverty alleviation, and infrastructure development. For
instance, the National Education Policy aims to provide quality education to all, the Skill
India Scheme is aimed at developing skills among the youth, Digital India is an effort to
bridge the digital divide, Make in India encourages the manufacturing of goods in India
to make the country self-reliant, Swacch Bharat Abhiyan is an effort to make the country
open defecation free, the National Health Mission works to provide quality healthcare to
all, and Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is aimed at providing housing for all.

These programs have the potential to make a huge difference in the nation-building of the
country and can play a significant role in improving the quality of life of the people.

2. Identify at least five (5) changes that occurred in our society due to science and technology
that affect the human condition and explain how technology aided in revealing the truth about
the human being.

I. We now have a greater understanding of the intricacy of our biology and the human
genome because of advances in technology. We have been able to determine the genetic
foundation for many diseases and ailments through the use of DNA sequencing and
genome mapping, contributing to our growing understanding of the human condition.

II. Technology has improved our ability to communicate and collaborate. With the advent of
the internet, we can now connect with people from all over the world and share our ideas.
This has allowed us to make great strides in understanding the human condition.

III. Most areas on Land can still be reached by foot, but the development of trains, buses,
vehicles, airplanes, speed boats, etc. has made it possible for individuals to travel to and
from their desired location in considerably less time. Moreover, ridesharing applications
like Uber and Grab have made it exceedingly simple to go to a location swiftly and
affordably. The development of these systems has significantly contributed to shaping the
modern world since infrastructure, which includes both telecommunication and
transportation systems, is the foundation of any society.

IV. Telecommunication systems are a very crucial part of any advanced society. people may
stay connected in a globalized society by using signals, bird communications, and email
systems that are quicker, more efficient, more effective, and more global. People may
explore the world and stay connected thanks to technologies like Skype, VOIP, and
international telecom carriers. Remote workers or firms operating internationally can
even use video conferences and conference conversations over the Internet to conduct
uninterrupted business.

V. Nowadays, people may learn quicker, more effectively, and with the convenience of
mobile computer systems and applications thanks to ebooks and even online seminars
rather than needing to do it through printed paper books. Online portals and websites
have also made it possible for educational institutions to offer educational materials in a
brand-new, streamlined way, enabling students to master materials using computer
systems that they are accustomed to using while also enabling them to gather their
educational resources in one location.

3. List down at least five (5) important things in your life and categorize them based on your
priority. How does this contribute to happiness and meaning in your life?

I. Health: Health is my highest priority in life, as it is the foundation to achieving my goals

and leading a happy and meaningful life. When I am healthy, I have the physical and
mental capacity to pursue my passions and enjoy the moments with family and friends.

II. Family and Friends: My friends and family are very important to me. They bring me joy
and comfort at difficult times and help me stay motivated and inspired. Deep connections
with the individuals I care about are important to my overall happiness and sense of
purpose in life.

III. Education: Education is essential for personal growth and development. It helps me gain
knowledge and skills that are necessary for achieving my goals and becoming a better
person. Learning new things constantly keeps me engaged and excited about life.

IV. Career: I prioritize having a career that I am passionate about. I feel purpose and
happiness in my course, which inspires me to work hard. It also gives me the means to
support my family and myself.
V. Hobbies: To maintain a healthy balance between study and play, hobbies are important. I
can express my creative side through my hobbies, which enhances my sense of
fulfillment. They also assist me in developing deep relationships and discovering new
hobbies. Overall, hobbies are a great method for me to increase my sense of happiness
and purpose in life.

4. Enumerate and explain the elements of good life. What does it mean to “Live Well”?

Living well is about more than just having the basic necessities it’s about creating a life
that is full and meaningful. It’s about growing relationships with those around you,
engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, and having a sense of purpose and
direction. It’s also about taking care of your physical and mental health and learning to
appreciate and savor the little moments of life. Ultimately, living well is about finding
balance and satisfaction in all aspects of life. having a sense of purpose or meaning in
life, having healthy relationships with family and friends, having a sense of autonomy
and control, feeling connected to a community, having access to basic needs such as food
and shelter, having the ability to pursue hobbies and interests, and having enough
financial resources to live comfortably.

5. Discuss the different views of philosophers about good life.

I. The Moral Life, according to Socrates and Plato can be a complex topic to explore. Both
philosophers had a great deal to say about living a moral life, but their perspectives differed
in many ways. In general, Socrates believed that living a moral life meant living in
accordance with one's soul and following one's true nature. He also believed that living a
moral life meant acting justly and being mindful of one's duties to others. Plato, on the other
hand, argued that living a moral life was more complicated and that one's actions should be
based on knowledge and understanding of what is right and wrong. He believed that
knowledge of justice and morality was essential for living a moral life.

Socrates and Plato both had interesting views on the moral life. Socrates believed that the
path to a moral life was to seek out knowledge and wisdom, and to practice self-discipline.
He believed that by doing so, one was able to lead a life of virtue. Plato, on the other hand,
believed that to lead a moral life one must have knowledge of the Forms, or the perfect
versions of things that exist in the world. He believed that by understanding the Forms, one
could act virtuously and make moral decisions. Both Socrates and Plato had a strong focus on
the importance of knowledge and understanding in leading a moral life.

II. The life of pleasur, He founded the philosophical school of Epicureanism, which focused on
the pursuit of pleasure as the highest good. Epicurus believed that the greatest pleasure
comes from avoiding pain and seeking tranquility and freedom from fear. He argued that
pleasure is the only good and that pain is the only evil. He also argued that the pursuit of
material wealth and power is ultimately futile, as it does not lead to lasting pleasure. Epicurus
believed that the gods exist, but that they are unconcerned with human affairs. He believed
that death is the end of our existence and that the soul is mortal. Epicurus' philosophy was
highly influential in the ancient world and continues to influence modern thought.

III. The Fulfilled, by Aristotle, is a classic work that examines the concept of a meaningful and
fulfilling life. Aristotle explains how to live a life of purpose and meaning by understanding
the principles of ethics, happiness, and virtue. He also explores how to achieve a successful
life by striving for excellence, building meaningful relationships, and developing a strong
sense of justice. Aristotle's work emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's
own life and well-being, and being an active participant in the larger community. Through
his writings, Aristotle encourages readers to find their own path to a fulfilled life, and to lead
a life that is not only meaningful, but also rewarding and fulfilling.

IV. The meaningful life, Landau argues that living a meaningful life requires us to focus on our
relationships with others, and to recognize our interconnectedness with the world around us.
He suggests that meaningful living is not just about finding our own personal fulfillment and
happiness, but also about contributing to the betterment of society and the world. He
emphasizes that meaningful living requires us to be mindful of our actions and to make sure
that they are in alignment with our values and goals. Landau further argues that meaningful
living is not just about our individual happiness and success, but about finding joy and
contentment through meaningful relationships and connections with others. Ultimately,
meaningful living is about finding a sense of purpose and connection within our lives and
with the world around us.

V. The Finished life, Socrates believed that in order to live a finished life, one must practice
virtue and follow their conscience. He believed that living a life of virtue and doing one's
duty was the highest purpose and the most rewarding. Plato, on the other hand, believed that
to live a finished life, one must strive to become closer to the divine. He believed that a life
of understanding and contemplation of the divine, along with the pursuit of knowledge, was
the only path to a fulfilled life. Both philosophers therefore encouraged their followers to
pursue knowledge, virtue, and contemplation in order to live a life that was truly finished.

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